Eko Atlantic

You do realize what you are saying....right? That African could not sustain themsleves without Europeans or whites. Science says that human life began in Africa about 200,000 years ago. The Portuguese, or first white explorers, arrived in Africa about 700 years ago. How did Africans survive 199,300 years without whites or Chinese?
By eating bugs...?


Each other....?
I think you're racist. Would YOU accept it as true?

To me, it doesn't matter. There are such bad feelings between most blacks and whites, just go for it, while whites don't ruin things?

The terms racist and racism are worthless, over-used to the point of being meaningless.

In either case, I don't care. I'm sick of all the black riots, the BLM bullshit, the endless whining, the endless "demands", the endless finger-pointing, the crime, rape, burning of buildings, the blame game, you name it. Total segregation is the only answer.

Ok....I agree that the term RACIST has lost its meaning. So let me ask you this. Do you think whites are superior to blacks and that is why blacks ruin everything they touch?

I see you like that the term "racist" has been non standardized......so you can deflect saying that the term is meaning. However, forget racism. The real deal is supremacy beliefs.....but you will not answer that because unfortunate for you racist have not destandardized that word you in an attempt to camouflage yourselves.
I'm not deflecting shit. I don't give a fuck what you think, about anything.

I've learned enough from living around, and from hanging around with blacks, that I now prefer not to be around them at all, if I have a choice. If you think that's racist, tough shit. We all have a right to have preferences. But it does seem that blacks go out of their way to push their way into places and situations where they're not wanted. Every one should be able to live in a space he or she finds comfortable. And that includes having only the people around that you are comfortable with.

I've been in black clubs where it was made clear I was not welcome. No big deal. I left and went to other clubs. These things work both ways. Whites do not control all situations. And blacks can be just as racist and any other group. You really have to stop trying to infer that blacks are poor little angels who are treated so darned unfairly. That is definitely not the case. Blacks do have lots of problems, but many bring on the problems through their own choices.

Of course you do not care about what I think, nor should you because you don't even know me. However, I am sure you care about what you think about yourself. There is such a concept/thing called "moral injury". I am sure you do not want to see yourself as a piece of sh!t....whether its true or not. A racist is generally accepted, nowadays, as a piece of Sh!t. Therefore, people must deny or deflect or obfuscate the term so that they are not guilty of it or they must try to normalize it by making it seems like everyone is guilt of it and thus creating a distinction without a difference in calling someone a racist.

You talk about your experiences with black people. What are your experiences with black people who are not the decedents of 3 centuries of racial oppression? As far as I know, African Americans do not practice African culture, but rather, something they learned in America. They do not speak an African language, the do not practice indigenous African religions, they do not have African names, they do not have an African diet, they do not have African rights of passage, customs, etc. What African Americans are, culturally, WAS CREATED IN AMERICA!!

Culture is LEARNED. The process of acculturation is via emulation. You see the way things are and you emulate it. Black culture was shaped in America from they way whites treated and interacted with blacks, which was violent, abusive and destructive. If blacks are violent and tear things up.......its because that is how whites treated us and how being around you acculturated us. That is what being around whites taught blacks.

Here is the, thing, like I pointed out before. One generation of whites sh!t on you because your black, then the next generation of whites p!ss on you, not because you are black or because they are racist, but because they say we smell like sh!t. The next generation of whites then comes along and spits on us because we smell like piss and kind of smell like sh!t too, but not because we are black or that they are racist, etc, ect. In all your reasoning, you never account for what whites did to blacks to help create the conditions in blacks. You try to make it seem like its just natural for blacks to smell like p!ss and sh!t and trying to link those smell to what whites have done is just making excuses and having a victim mentality.

Again, the whole motive for whites today is to avoid SEEING THEMSELVES for what they are and have been. Being a racist has a prerequisite of not giving a sh!t what a black person thinks. You are not trying to fool us......you are trying to fool yourselves.
Well, as expected, your post, #32, carried almost exactly the message I thought it would: poor widdle blacks are victims; bad, bad whitey is a howwibwy mean wacist.

You should change your name to Mother Teresa. Lord, you’re so delusional, ignorant, and arrogant, that you’ve anointed yourself as being righteous and holy enough to stand, alone, in judgement over each of the individuals making up the largest part of American society.

I guess the question I consider the most important is this: If you hate America and white people so intensely, why do you stay here. Wouldn’t it be better to go to a country that you believe would treat you as the deserving saint you obviously believe yourself to be, rather than stay here among people who have treated you so incredibly unfairly? It’s obvious you think American heathens don't deserve the honor or blessing of your company.

My second question would be this: If blacks are such failures that they can’t make it in America, do you really think they could do better in, for instance, an African country? Or any other country for that matter.

Now that was a bit over the top, but the gist of it is true. You DO take youself far too seriously.

We could go round and round about these things, but that’s been done countless times on this board. And there are other black guys on USMB whose posts mirror the same worn out whines. It’s all just so fucking old and tired. If you want to hear some really expert whines, listen to some of the many BLM imbeciles. They should be good, some of them actually make their living at it. Beats working, I guess. Lol...


I did get a laugh out of your first sentence. Who said a racist can't be funny. That was funny as sh!t.....I give you that much.

Now....if you were only as smart and or honest as you were funny....you could go someplace in life. However, 1 out of 2 is not bad I guess, for a racist. You are the one who are seriously suspect of black inferiority to whites. Just consider if YOU were or are a microcosm of whites in America. Such would be proof enough as to why blacks could not get equal opportunity and hence could not be economically on par with whites. I mean, why would a white person who thinks like you invest in inner city education, programs, economic policies, social polices....ect? Why would you even give a black person a job when YOU have stated that blacks ruin things? I mean....majority rule and whites are the majority and if you are a microcosm of whites.....that is proof of why lag behind economically.....racist beliefs of the majority does not allow for equal opportunity.

Its so ironic that racist argue that racism is not impacting equal opportunity for blacks, when racist themselves would not give blacks equal opportunity by their own admission....due to their racist beliefs. I mean you can't make this sh!t up. You are your own contradiction...now that is funny....and sad.
Last edited:
You do realize what you are saying....right? That African could not sustain themsleves without Europeans or whites. Science says that human life began in Africa about 200,000 years ago. The Portuguese, or first white explorers, arrived in Africa about 700 years ago. How did Africans survive 199,300 years without whites or Chinese?
By eating bugs...?


Each other....?


This guy is is a prehistoric African?
Ok....I agree that the term RACIST has lost its meaning. So let me ask you this. Do you think whites are superior to blacks and that is why blacks ruin everything they touch?

I see you like that the term "racist" has been non standardized......so you can deflect saying that the term is meaning. However, forget racism. The real deal is supremacy beliefs.....but you will not answer that because unfortunate for you racist have not destandardized that word you in an attempt to camouflage yourselves.
I'm not deflecting shit. I don't give a fuck what you think, about anything.

I've learned enough from living around, and from hanging around with blacks, that I now prefer not to be around them at all, if I have a choice. If you think that's racist, tough shit. We all have a right to have preferences. But it does seem that blacks go out of their way to push their way into places and situations where they're not wanted. Every one should be able to live in a space he or she finds comfortable. And that includes having only the people around that you are comfortable with.

I've been in black clubs where it was made clear I was not welcome. No big deal. I left and went to other clubs. These things work both ways. Whites do not control all situations. And blacks can be just as racist and any other group. You really have to stop trying to infer that blacks are poor little angels who are treated so darned unfairly. That is definitely not the case. Blacks do have lots of problems, but many bring on the problems through their own choices.

Of course you do not care about what I think, nor should you because you don't even know me. However, I am sure you care about what you think about yourself. There is such a concept/thing called "moral injury". I am sure you do not want to see yourself as a piece of sh!t....whether its true or not. A racist is generally accepted, nowadays, as a piece of Sh!t. Therefore, people must deny or deflect or obfuscate the term so that they are not guilty of it or they must try to normalize it by making it seems like everyone is guilt of it and thus creating a distinction without a difference in calling someone a racist.

You talk about your experiences with black people. What are your experiences with black people who are not the decedents of 3 centuries of racial oppression? As far as I know, African Americans do not practice African culture, but rather, something they learned in America. They do not speak an African language, the do not practice indigenous African religions, they do not have African names, they do not have an African diet, they do not have African rights of passage, customs, etc. What African Americans are, culturally, WAS CREATED IN AMERICA!!

Culture is LEARNED. The process of acculturation is via emulation. You see the way things are and you emulate it. Black culture was shaped in America from they way whites treated and interacted with blacks, which was violent, abusive and destructive. If blacks are violent and tear things up.......its because that is how whites treated us and how being around you acculturated us. That is what being around whites taught blacks.

Here is the, thing, like I pointed out before. One generation of whites sh!t on you because your black, then the next generation of whites p!ss on you, not because you are black or because they are racist, but because they say we smell like sh!t. The next generation of whites then comes along and spits on us because we smell like piss and kind of smell like sh!t too, but not because we are black or that they are racist, etc, ect. In all your reasoning, you never account for what whites did to blacks to help create the conditions in blacks. You try to make it seem like its just natural for blacks to smell like p!ss and sh!t and trying to link those smell to what whites have done is just making excuses and having a victim mentality.

Again, the whole motive for whites today is to avoid SEEING THEMSELVES for what they are and have been. Being a racist has a prerequisite of not giving a sh!t what a black person thinks. You are not trying to fool us......you are trying to fool yourselves.
Well, as expected, your post, #32, carried almost exactly the message I thought it would: poor widdle blacks are victims; bad, bad whitey is a howwibwy mean wacist.

You should change your name to Mother Teresa. Lord, you’re so delusional, ignorant, and arrogant, that you’ve anointed yourself as being righteous and holy enough to stand, alone, in judgement over each of the individuals making up the largest part of American society.

I guess the question I consider the most important is this: If you hate America and white people so intensely, why do you stay here. Wouldn’t it be better to go to a country that you believe would treat you as the deserving saint you obviously believe yourself to be, rather than stay here among people who have treated you so incredibly unfairly? It’s obvious you think American heathens don't deserve the honor or blessing of your company.

My second question would be this: If blacks are such failures that they can’t make it in America, do you really think they could do better in, for instance, an African country? Or any other country for that matter.

Now that was a bit over the top, but the gist of it is true. You DO take youself far too seriously.

We could go round and round about these things, but that’s been done countless times on this board. And there are other black guys on USMB whose posts mirror the same worn out whines. It’s all just so fucking old and tired. If you want to hear some really expert whines, listen to some of the many BLM imbeciles. They should be good, some of them actually make their living at it. Beats working, I guess. Lol...


I did get a laugh out of your first sentence. Who said a racist can't be funny. That was funny as sh!t.....I give you that much.

Now....if you were only as smart and or honest as you were funny....you could go someplace in life. However, 1 out of 2 is not bad I guess, for a racist. You are the one who are seriously suspect of black inferiority to whites. Just consider if YOU were or are a microcosm of whites in America. Such would be proof enough as to why blacks could not get equal opportunity and hence could not be economically on par with whites. I mean, why would a white person who thinks like you invest in inner city education, programs, economic policies, social polices....ect? Why would you even give a black person a job when YOU have stated that blacks ruin things? I mean....majority rule and whites are the majority and if you are a microcosm of whites.....that is proof of why lag behind economically.....racist beliefs of the majority does not allow for equal opportunity.

Its so ironic that racist argue that racism is not impacting equal opportunity for blacks, when racist themselves would not give blacks equal opportunity by their own admission....due to their racist beliefs. I mean you can't make this sh!t up. You are your own contradiction...now that is funny....and sad.
Not bad. Just 3 paragraphs and you used the word racist or racism seven times. Soon you'll be able to just copy and paste that single meaningless word in order to fill all of your posts. Then your posts will require even less thinking than they do now.

Won't make much sense, but then your posts never did. Lol.

Whine on..

No, I mean "right on...!" Yeah, that's right... "right on...!"

I see you like that the term "racist" has been non standardized......so you can deflect saying that the term is meaning. However, forget racism. The real deal is supremacy beliefs.....but you will not answer that because unfortunate for you racist have not destandardized that word you in an attempt to camouflage yourselves.
I'm not deflecting shit. I don't give a fuck what you think, about anything.

I've learned enough from living around, and from hanging around with blacks, that I now prefer not to be around them at all, if I have a choice. If you think that's racist, tough shit. We all have a right to have preferences. But it does seem that blacks go out of their way to push their way into places and situations where they're not wanted. Every one should be able to live in a space he or she finds comfortable. And that includes having only the people around that you are comfortable with.

I've been in black clubs where it was made clear I was not welcome. No big deal. I left and went to other clubs. These things work both ways. Whites do not control all situations. And blacks can be just as racist and any other group. You really have to stop trying to infer that blacks are poor little angels who are treated so darned unfairly. That is definitely not the case. Blacks do have lots of problems, but many bring on the problems through their own choices.

Of course you do not care about what I think, nor should you because you don't even know me. However, I am sure you care about what you think about yourself. There is such a concept/thing called "moral injury". I am sure you do not want to see yourself as a piece of sh!t....whether its true or not. A racist is generally accepted, nowadays, as a piece of Sh!t. Therefore, people must deny or deflect or obfuscate the term so that they are not guilty of it or they must try to normalize it by making it seems like everyone is guilt of it and thus creating a distinction without a difference in calling someone a racist.

You talk about your experiences with black people. What are your experiences with black people who are not the decedents of 3 centuries of racial oppression? As far as I know, African Americans do not practice African culture, but rather, something they learned in America. They do not speak an African language, the do not practice indigenous African religions, they do not have African names, they do not have an African diet, they do not have African rights of passage, customs, etc. What African Americans are, culturally, WAS CREATED IN AMERICA!!

Culture is LEARNED. The process of acculturation is via emulation. You see the way things are and you emulate it. Black culture was shaped in America from they way whites treated and interacted with blacks, which was violent, abusive and destructive. If blacks are violent and tear things up.......its because that is how whites treated us and how being around you acculturated us. That is what being around whites taught blacks.

Here is the, thing, like I pointed out before. One generation of whites sh!t on you because your black, then the next generation of whites p!ss on you, not because you are black or because they are racist, but because they say we smell like sh!t. The next generation of whites then comes along and spits on us because we smell like piss and kind of smell like sh!t too, but not because we are black or that they are racist, etc, ect. In all your reasoning, you never account for what whites did to blacks to help create the conditions in blacks. You try to make it seem like its just natural for blacks to smell like p!ss and sh!t and trying to link those smell to what whites have done is just making excuses and having a victim mentality.

Again, the whole motive for whites today is to avoid SEEING THEMSELVES for what they are and have been. Being a racist has a prerequisite of not giving a sh!t what a black person thinks. You are not trying to fool us......you are trying to fool yourselves.
Well, as expected, your post, #32, carried almost exactly the message I thought it would: poor widdle blacks are victims; bad, bad whitey is a howwibwy mean wacist.

You should change your name to Mother Teresa. Lord, you’re so delusional, ignorant, and arrogant, that you’ve anointed yourself as being righteous and holy enough to stand, alone, in judgement over each of the individuals making up the largest part of American society.

I guess the question I consider the most important is this: If you hate America and white people so intensely, why do you stay here. Wouldn’t it be better to go to a country that you believe would treat you as the deserving saint you obviously believe yourself to be, rather than stay here among people who have treated you so incredibly unfairly? It’s obvious you think American heathens don't deserve the honor or blessing of your company.

My second question would be this: If blacks are such failures that they can’t make it in America, do you really think they could do better in, for instance, an African country? Or any other country for that matter.

Now that was a bit over the top, but the gist of it is true. You DO take youself far too seriously.

We could go round and round about these things, but that’s been done countless times on this board. And there are other black guys on USMB whose posts mirror the same worn out whines. It’s all just so fucking old and tired. If you want to hear some really expert whines, listen to some of the many BLM imbeciles. They should be good, some of them actually make their living at it. Beats working, I guess. Lol...


I did get a laugh out of your first sentence. Who said a racist can't be funny. That was funny as sh!t.....I give you that much.

Now....if you were only as smart and or honest as you were funny....you could go someplace in life. However, 1 out of 2 is not bad I guess, for a racist. You are the one who are seriously suspect of black inferiority to whites. Just consider if YOU were or are a microcosm of whites in America. Such would be proof enough as to why blacks could not get equal opportunity and hence could not be economically on par with whites. I mean, why would a white person who thinks like you invest in inner city education, programs, economic policies, social polices....ect? Why would you even give a black person a job when YOU have stated that blacks ruin things? I mean....majority rule and whites are the majority and if you are a microcosm of whites.....that is proof of why lag behind economically.....racist beliefs of the majority does not allow for equal opportunity.

Its so ironic that racist argue that racism is not impacting equal opportunity for blacks, when racist themselves would not give blacks equal opportunity by their own admission....due to their racist beliefs. I mean you can't make this sh!t up. You are your own contradiction...now that is funny....and sad.
Not bad. Just 3 paragraphs and you used the word racist or racism seven times. Soon you'll be able to just copy and paste that single meaningless word in order to fill all of your posts. Then your posts will require even less thinking than they do now.

Won't make much sense, but then your posts never did. Lol.

Whine on..

No, I mean "right on...!" Yeah, that's right... "right on...!"



a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
of or like racists or racism:
racist policies; racist attitudes.

the definition of racist

You can try to obfuscate, deflect, misdirect all you want. But I am surprised they did not have your picture as a pictorial example of what racist looks like.
You can try to obfuscate, deflect, misdirect all you want. But I am surprised they did not have your picture as a pictorial example of what racist looks like.
You're an imbecile. You consider everything and everyone a racist, yet never take an honest look at yourself.

You're pathetic. And a racist.

Enjoy your bliss...
Yes he does...I have been to Africa a couple of times...Ghana. My next trip I am going to Tanzania (Bongo). I have a friend who is moving back there and he really wants me to come. I love Africa.

Have a great trip. Buy a nice house. Enjoy your new life.

I am seriously considering just that. As a skilled IT professional.....I could live a good life there.
You can try to obfuscate, deflect, misdirect all you want. But I am surprised they did not have your picture as a pictorial example of what racist looks like.
You're an imbecile. You consider everything and everyone a racist, yet never take an honest look at yourself.

You're pathetic. And a racist.

Enjoy your bliss...

I am an imbecile with good pattern recognition skills.....although one does not have to be to keen to find the pattern in your post that CLEARLY demonstrate the OFFICIAL meaning of the term RACIST. Like you said though......as long as you know you are a good person....that is all that matters...lol.
These are some dumb ass white people.
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.

The question is whether or not those people living in mud huts are happy. I have been to Africa (Ghana) twice. People might not have much but they seem much happier and friendly than the people I witnessed in London when I went there.

Ultimately what we seek in life is purpose, happiness and fulfillment. Europeans are some of the most unhappy people I have ever seen, despite all the materialism and hedonism.
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.

Well all what you said is simply incorrect. Take your ass to Africa instead of googling African mud hut images. and making dumb ass comments. .
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.

The question is whether or not those people living in mud huts are happy. I have been to Africa (Ghana) twice. People might not have much but they seem much happier and friendly than the people I witnessed in London when I went there.

Ultimately what we seek in life is purpose, happiness and fulfillment. Europeans are some of the most unhappy people I have ever seen, despite all the materialism and hedonism.
Except that there aren't boatloads of Europeans risking their lives to escape Europe and go to Africa like there is in the other direction. So who is the happier society? You tell me.
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.

The question is whether or not those people living in mud huts are happy. I have been to Africa (Ghana) twice. People might not have much but they seem much happier and friendly than the people I witnessed in London when I went there.

Ultimately what we seek in life is purpose, happiness and fulfillment. Europeans are some of the most unhappy people I have ever seen, despite all the materialism and hedonism.
Except that there aren't boatloads of Europeans risking their lives to escape Europe and go to Africa like there is in the other direction. So who is the happier society? You tell me.

How and why do you think most white folks ancestors came to America from Europe? They were trying to escape that all white utopia.
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.

The question is whether or not those people living in mud huts are happy. I have been to Africa (Ghana) twice. People might not have much but they seem much happier and friendly than the people I witnessed in London when I went there.

Ultimately what we seek in life is purpose, happiness and fulfillment. Europeans are some of the most unhappy people I have ever seen, despite all the materialism and hedonism.
Except that there aren't boatloads of Europeans risking their lives to escape Europe and go to Africa like there is in the other direction. So who is the happier society? You tell me.

How and why do you think most white folks ancestors came to America from Europe? They were trying to escape that all white utopia.
But they weren't escaping to Africa, were they? They preferred to go to a place that was virtually unknown to them and homestead.
In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.

The question is whether or not those people living in mud huts are happy. I have been to Africa (Ghana) twice. People might not have much but they seem much happier and friendly than the people I witnessed in London when I went there.

Ultimately what we seek in life is purpose, happiness and fulfillment. Europeans are some of the most unhappy people I have ever seen, despite all the materialism and hedonism.
Except that there aren't boatloads of Europeans risking their lives to escape Europe and go to Africa like there is in the other direction. So who is the happier society? You tell me.

How and why do you think most white folks ancestors came to America from Europe? They were trying to escape that all white utopia.
But they weren't escaping to Africa, were they? They preferred to go to a place that was virtually unknown to them and homestead.

It was basically unknown to them but non whites already lived here. The point is, however, that life was so good in your all white world whites would not have had to flee for a better life....courtesy swapping being the oppressed to becoming the oppressor.
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.
They owe us for not getting ebola and not having to chunk spears at animals! lol
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.

The question is whether or not those people living in mud huts are happy. I have been to Africa (Ghana) twice. People might not have much but they seem much happier and friendly than the people I witnessed in London when I went there.

Ultimately what we seek in life is purpose, happiness and fulfillment. Europeans are some of the most unhappy people I have ever seen, despite all the materialism and hedonism.
Except that there aren't boatloads of Europeans risking their lives to escape Europe and go to Africa like there is in the other direction. So who is the happier society? You tell me.

How and why do you think most white folks ancestors came to America from Europe? They were trying to escape that all white utopia.
They were trying to find routes to asia and then set up people to live there to grow and gather supplies, liar. Or ignorant. Ill let you take your pick.
Which all just goes to show that the European influence was good for Africa because now there is a semblance of civilization growing there.

In europe your family were serfs.


This is what your family lived in.

You need to stop running your mouth.
That's probably not far from what my ancestors lived in, yes. But now, NOBODY in the old country lives like that anymore. Whereas in Africa, millions of people still live in mud huts and their whole societies haven't advanced past that, ever. So it was a good thing that Europeans came to Africa and colonized it, even with the nasty stuff thrown in. Like slavery in the US, is was good for you personally, otherwise you might still be living in a mud hut in Africa. So some props to the white folks would be nice.

The question is whether or not those people living in mud huts are happy. I have been to Africa (Ghana) twice. People might not have much but they seem much happier and friendly than the people I witnessed in London when I went there.

Ultimately what we seek in life is purpose, happiness and fulfillment. Europeans are some of the most unhappy people I have ever seen, despite all the materialism and hedonism.
Except that there aren't boatloads of Europeans risking their lives to escape Europe and go to Africa like there is in the other direction. So who is the happier society? You tell me.

Actually there were. That's what historians called colonization.

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