Elections Can Be Rigged

Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
People who usually run with using correlation in place of cause and effect, will run with possibility in place of probability.

No national election is going to be rigged. Why? Because the minute one gets down to defining what one means by using the term 'rigged' we enter a rubber room. Now I believe the possibilities, and the probability of a national election being 'rigged' as we move to new technologies in how we vote, is an interesting subject worth people's attention.

I will only say I was on the periphery, in the loop of discussions, and later internecine battles between Bev at Black Box Voting, and some of her allies. Some of whom were my online 'friends.' I was 'up' on parts of this subject. I know far too many people who stayed with it are paranoids in search of a conspiracy.

Jeffrey Lord wrote the 'opinion' piece. It is not a conspiracy backed by the Spectator, and to suggest otherwise is either laziness or ignorance. Neither of which reflect well on my good friend ck. (did I forget to smile? :D)
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There are THOUSANDS of polling locations, THOUSANDS of townships, THOUSANDS of local officials, THOUSANDS of counties....and 50 states + DC.

How in the world does someone sync all those people and locations in an organized manner to pull off a nationwide fraud scheme??? It's absolutely crazy to think it's remotely feasible or even worth the risk if it is.

Even if it is somehow possible (the article only gives vague conspiracy theories about past elections in local environments) it's entirely possible for the other side to commit fraud at the same time, so how do you explain one side doing while the other doesn't?

It's just a crack-pot theory to feed to the trolls, it's not going to happen.

If someone was to rig an election they don't need to coordinate thousands of polling locations. They just need to rig a few locations to tip the balance 51-49.

Nothing would surprise me these days. I'm sure there's all kinds of shit that goes on that the average voter doesn't know about.

We just saw how the DNC was in the tank for Hillary the entire time. Bernie Sanders and those other candidates never had a shot. Just think of all the money, time and votes wasted on the DNC. If people really took the time to understand how the voting process was rigged in the DNC and why something like should never happen in America, Hillary wouldn't get any votes.

Really? Obama won by 5 million votes.

I specifically was talking about Hillary and the DNC THIS election cycle, not Obama. No where did I make an accusation about Obama.

So you deny saying this?

"If someone was to rig an election they don't need to coordinate thousands of polling locations. They just need to rig a few locations to tip the balance 51-49.

Nothing would surprise me these days. I'm sure there's all kinds of shit that goes on that the average voter doesn't know about."
There are THOUSANDS of polling locations, THOUSANDS of townships, THOUSANDS of local officials, THOUSANDS of counties....and 50 states + DC.

How in the world does someone sync all those people and locations in an organized manner to pull off a nationwide fraud scheme??? It's absolutely crazy to think it's remotely feasible or even worth the risk if it is.

Even if it is somehow possible (the article only gives vague conspiracy theories about past elections in local environments) it's entirely possible for the other side to commit fraud at the same time, so how do you explain one side doing while the other doesn't?

It's just a crack-pot theory to feed to the trolls, it's not going to happen.
Big data. Be leery fo computer and online voting people
The basic premise that elections can be rigged is true.

The premise that an American president election can be rigged in this day age is far less likely than in 1960 when the Dems probably stole Texas and Illinois and thus the election.

The article interests me but does not compel to worry about this election being rigged.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate and candidate for worst person in the world, wrote this...
fixed it.

"Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate and candidate for worst person in the world, wrote this..."

He seems to be losing to HiIlary in that race as well
Also, you have the initial problem that, humans have a tendency to not be able to think for themselves to begin with.

It is very possible the FB and twitter will do the thinking and voting for the elites. They will control who votes and who wins the election, simply by controlling the reminders to whom it wants to vote.

Elections, Social Media Engineering And The Art Of “Hacking Humans”
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]

Yes, it's not outside the possibilities when the hyper democratic DNC already just did that.
The basic premise that elections can be rigged is true.

The premise that an American president election can be rigged in this day age is far less likely than in 1960 when the Dems probably stole Texas and Illinois and thus the election.

The article interests me but does not compel to worry about this election being rigged.
No one 'stole' the election in 1960. It was about the electoral college. And the main reason Nixon did not challenge it? There were irregularities in Republican districts in selected states too.

Elections have been like this since day one.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]

Yes, it's not outside the possibilities when the hyper democratic DNC already just did that.
The primaries are run by state parties
I have a really crazy alternate idea - Election can be lost by a really bad candidate!


Are the pollsters and their responses in on the conspiracy as well?
The BEST part of Trump getting beat will be the Trumptards crying about rigged elections and every other childish conspiracy they can dream up.
The basic premise that elections can be rigged is true.

The premise that an American president election can be rigged in this day age is far less likely than in 1960 when the Dems probably stole Texas and Illinois and thus the election.

The article interests me but does not compel to worry about this election being rigged.
No one 'stole' the election in 1960. It was about the electoral college. And the main reason Nixon did not challenge it? There were irregularities in Republican districts in selected states too.

Elections have been like this since day one.
Politely, horse shit. My grand uncle was a LBJ comrade in Texas at the time, and he told me that the Dems stole the vote in Hispaniccounties on the River, like the Dems stole the votes in Chicago.

There were no irregularities, just out right ballot stuffing.

And, yes, the GOP were stuffing ballot boxes as well where they could.

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