Elections Can Be Rigged

The first step in stealing an election is convincing the electorate that the candidate the Deep State wants in power is ahead in the polls.

Wow. Do I have to do all your thinking for you?
That is such a dumb statement, I don't where to go with it
The first step in convincing a group of people that an obviously implausible global conspiracy exists is to convince the group that what is obviously implausible is actually plausible.

A Jewish conspiracy to control all money, for example. To really get the job done, you need a group that can identify as victims and an villain
The first step in stealing an election is convincing the electorate that the candidate the Deep State wants in power is ahead in the polls.

Wow. Do I have to do all your thinking for you?
That is such a dumb statement, I don't where to go with it

That's because you believe everything you see on TV and read in the CFR news publications and websites.

You also probably believed without question everything they taught you in government schools, and foundation supported colleges and universities, w/o even questioning what you were being taught.

A free and enlightened mind questions everything.

If you don't question anything, naturally, anything you hear or read that runs counter to what you have been indoctrinated to believe will sound. . . well, dumb.

Still, with the US being the world's sole super power for the last quarter century, there really should have been no reason for having continuous war for the past 16 years, and the nation is STILL in a STATE OF EMERGENCY. The most powerful nation on earth in a state of emergency, seriously? Whose agenda does that serve?

Maybe it IS time for you to start questioning some of your assumptions.
It serve's Trump's agenda.
Apparently you don't listen to Trump's supporters.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
Never too early to prepare the lame excuses.
as usual you miss the spirit of the post.
The first step in convincing a group of people that an obviously implausible global conspiracy exists is to convince the group that what is obviously implausible is actually plausible.

A Jewish conspiracy to control all money, for example. To really get the job done, you need a group that can identify as victims and an villain
One rule of thumb I use is this, when a few questions answered and it keeps leading to more questions? Conspiracy theory not worth debating seriously
Yes, Mr. Beale's, and soon to be Trump's, consipiracy theory rests on several dubious planks. Donald Trump would be ahead in the polls if they weren't fixed.

A majority of Americans will vote for a guy who says....

a Federal Judge with a bipartisan record of support and decisions will not be fair to him because he wants a fence.

an opposing candidate, who happens to be a US senator, has a father who helped assassinate JFK.

a US senator who was tortured in part because his father led the US Navy shouldn't be respected because only losers get captured.

a gold star mother of an Army Captain was not allowed to speak because of her religion. I doubt Trump has a clue as to what one has to do to become an army captain.

women who are sexually harassed at work should just find new jobs

and most recently is trying to weasel out of debates his campaign already agreed to.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

A conspiracy theory requires a group of people who are predisposed to believe something the maj know not to be true. TO BE FAIR THERE ARE REAL CONSPIRACIES. The govt certainly didn't tell us the extent of domestic spying. But real conspiracies fall apart when subjected to real examination. For example, there are something like 9000 different means we cast ballots in the US. To actually fix an election in multiple states, you'd need more than just a few people. There would be evidence. There would be leaks. It ain't gonna happen.

But like the conspiracy theory of Obama the non-American Muslim, the notion on Donald Trump being way ahead in 270plus EVs is patently absurd. But, there's still a group of people, 70% of the gop or something on the Obama for born, who will suspend reality to believe it.
I can't decide. Is Trump as paranoid as he sounds? He reminds me of posters like Dale smith.
I think it's more that he needs people to clap for him, so he says the crazy shite the Trumpbots want to hear. The problem is the Trumpbots were never even a maj of the gop. If it weren't for the fact that the gop congress needs the Trumpbot voters to retain congress, they'd ditch this loser faster than Hillary does emails.
I can't decide. Is Trump as paranoid as he sounds? He reminds me of posters like Dale smith.
I think it's more that he needs people to clap for him, so he says the crazy shite the Trumpbots want to hear. The problem is the Trumpbots were never even a maj of the gop. If it weren't for the fact that the gop congress needs the Trumpbot voters to retain congress, they'd ditch this loser faster than Hillary does emails.
They are really in a hard place but they should do the right thing and withdraw support.
Yes, Mr. Beale's, and soon to be Trump's, consipiracy theory rests on several dubious planks. Donald Trump would be ahead in the polls if they weren't fixed.

A majority of Americans will vote for a guy who says....

a Federal Judge with a bipartisan record of support and decisions will not be fair to him because he wants a fence.

an opposing candidate, who happens to be a US senator, has a father who helped assassinate JFK.

a US senator who was tortured in part because his father led the US Navy shouldn't be respected because only losers get captured.

a gold star mother of an Army Captain was not allowed to speak because of her religion. I doubt Trump has a clue as to what one has to do to become an army captain.

women who are sexually harassed at work should just find new jobs

and most recently is trying to weasel out of debates his campaign already agreed to.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

A conspiracy theory requires a group of people who are predisposed to believe something the maj know not to be true. TO BE FAIR THERE ARE REAL CONSPIRACIES. The govt certainly didn't tell us the extent of domestic spying. But real conspiracies fall apart when subjected to real examination. For example, there are something like 9000 different means we cast ballots in the US. To actually fix an election in multiple states, you'd need more than just a few people. There would be evidence. There would be leaks. It ain't gonna happen.

But like the conspiracy theory of Obama the non-American Muslim, the notion on Donald Trump being way ahead in 270plus EVs is patently absurd. But, there's still a group of people, 70% of the gop or something on the Obama for born, who will suspend reality to believe it.
Thank you bendog . It is posts like this that make it worth while to stop by here at usmb


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