Elections Can Be Rigged

Politely, horse shit. My grand uncle was a LBJ comrade in Texas at the time, and he told me that the Dems stole the vote in Hispaniccounties on the River, like the Dems stole the votes in Chicago.

There were no irregularities, just out right ballot stuffing.

And, yes, the GOP were stuffing ballot boxes as well where they could.

I wrote "No one 'stole' the election in 1960. It was about the electoral college. And the main reason Nixon did not challenge it? There were irregularities in Republican districts in selected states too. Elections have been like this since day one."

'Stealing' the votes in a precinct or ward is one thing. Stealing or manipulating votes county wide would be very difficult. Even more difficult would be playing with the vote state wide. That kind of organized corruption in the 1960s would be difficult to organize.

On the national level?

Now in a seriously close national election where the electoral college numbers will be in play, I am sure both sides tried to play games to their advantage in a few selected states. As I have said previously, this is how it has always been.
Politely, horse shit. My grand uncle was a LBJ comrade in Texas at the time, and he told me that the Dems stole the vote in Hispaniccounties on the River, like the Dems stole the votes in Chicago.

There were no irregularities, just out right ballot stuffing.

And, yes, the GOP were stuffing ballot boxes as well where they could.

I wrote "No one 'stole' the election in 1960. It was about the electoral college. And the main reason Nixon did not challenge it? There were irregularities in Republican districts in selected states too. Elections have been like this since day one."

'Stealing' the votes in a precinct or ward is one thing. Stealing or manipulating votes county wide would be very difficult. Even more difficult would be playing with the vote state wide. That kind of organized corruption in the 1960s would be difficult to organize.

On the national level?

Now in a seriously close national election where the electoral college numbers will be in play, I am sure both sides tried to play games to their advantage in a few selected states. As I have said previously, this is how it has always been.
Whatever, sweetheart.

By the by, I will be willing to coach you in the bull ring if you want.
Trump is not adult enough to accept his impending defeat. His excuse is being preemptively released to his backward uneducated angry white male followers.

Amen! Trump is dangerous - he can even be baited with a Tweet. The only thing that is "rigged" is Trump's brain.

Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]

Anything is possible...Everything is not plausible
yea cuz people are.known to.be able to keep secrets for 5 fuggin seconds...

let alone the thousands and thousands of ppl thatd have to.keep THIS secret...

let alone ignoring the HUGE incentive EACH AND EVERY of the THOUSANDS would have in uncovering this....theyd make asssloads and assloads and assloads of money.

god damn
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
hows Paul Ryan doing today? I see you easily swallowed that pill
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
hows Paul Ryan doing today? I see you easily swallowed that pill

As I've always contended, I hope he loses.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
hows Paul Ryan doing today? I see you easily swallowed that pill

As I've always contended, I hope he loses.
I was talking about the comments you made about Trump endorsing him.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
hows Paul Ryan doing today? I see you easily swallowed that pill

As I've always contended, I hope he loses.
I was talking about the comments you made about Trump endorsing him.
and? My comments were negative and not in support. Enlighten me on this easy pill please.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
You smell that?

It's the smell of flop sweat. Trump's Chumps are already searching for an excuse for Dear Leader's upcoming loss.

Even they know he is doomed.
I've no doubt a local election can be fixed by "messing" with ballots. the vote numbers in Ohio in 2000 looked very suspect in black counties. There was a story last week about local law enforcement intimidating blacks in someplace like Kansas. Even States can be rigged - look at Fla being forced to restore thousands of blacks to the rolls after 2000, and there was another such court case just a few weeks ago. I've seen state workers drive busloads of people with mental disabilities to vote, with the understanding they'd vote dem. In a close state wide election, that could do the ticket ... and it's actually legal, as opposed to illegally purging voter rolls.

But the only way I can see to "fix" an election that would require flipping voter will in multiple states is some computer fix that occurs at one site. There's no way to hide a conspiracy involving actors in multiple states. If you had county discrpencies like Ohio had in 2000 occurring in PA, OH, Mich and Wisc it'd stand out like a sore thumb. State wide, with some central software issue, you might be able to just flip 1 in a hundred (1%) by just randomly swapping votes. Maybe you could do that in more than one state, and not have a mathematical certainty of fraud. But, even back in 64, Nixon was finagling southern ILL and Daley undoubtedly cheated in Chi for JFK, but it only worked because the election was so close.

If Hillary is up even 3% in Wisc Mich and PA ... fah-get-ah-bout-it.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]

Remember the 2012 Presidential election when entire precincts in Philadelphia had 100% voting for Obama? :lol:
Even the old Soviet Union didn't have 100% voting for Stalin.

So sure...elections can be rigged and voter fraud happens. Anyone who denies it is either lying or foolish.

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