Elections Can Be Rigged

Remember the 2012 Presidential election when entire precincts in Philadelphia had 100% voting for Obama? :lol:
Even the old Soviet Union didn't have 100% voting for Stalin.

So sure...elections can be rigged and voter fraud happens. Anyone who denies it is either lying or foolish.
Voting Conspiracies

Claim: In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

It’s not mathematically impossible. The 59 districts are in areas of the city that are mainly African American, as the Philadelphia Inquirer reported. And Obama received 93 percent of the black vote nationwide.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]

Remember the 2012 Presidential election when entire precincts in Philadelphia had 100% voting for Obama? :lol:
Even the old Soviet Union didn't have 100% voting for Stalin.

So sure...elections can be rigged and voter fraud happens. Anyone who denies it is either lying or foolish.

Or, they're just crybabies who can't face up to the fact that the real world is leaving their repugnant beliefs behind.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
hows Paul Ryan doing today? I see you easily swallowed that pill

As I've always contended, I hope he loses.
I was talking about the comments you made about Trump endorsing him.
and? My comments were negative and not in support. Enlighten me on this easy pill please.
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]
hows Paul Ryan doing today? I see you easily swallowed that pill

As I've always contended, I hope he loses.
I was talking about the comments you made about Trump endorsing him.
and? My comments were negative and not in support. Enlighten me on this easy pill please.
my exact words were "Trump will be selling out his supporters by endorsing Ryan". You're thinking of someone else Ravi :dunno: but I've continually railed against that dope Ryan
hows Paul Ryan doing today? I see you easily swallowed that pill

As I've always contended, I hope he loses.
I was talking about the comments you made about Trump endorsing him.
and? My comments were negative and not in support. Enlighten me on this easy pill please.
my exact words were "Trump will be selling out his supporters by endorsing Ryan". You're thinking of someone else Ravi :dunno: but I've continually railed against that dope Ryan
I'm not thinking of someone else. trump sold you out and you are still sucking him. I find that fascinating.
Elections Can Be Rigged

Yes, elections can be rigged. Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris proved that in the 2000 Florida General Election.

Jeb Bush's Elephant in the Room: Role in ''Bush v. Gore'' Recount

Bush brother blamed for unfair election
It's important to remember, the same internationalists that control the Bush family control the Clinton family. . .

If you are aware that they can do it once, and then again in '04, they will, and can do it again if necessary.

CONFIRMED: Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump
CONFIRMED: Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump

Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll
Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll | Zero Hedge

Elections Can Be Rigged

Yes, elections can be rigged. Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris proved that in the 2000 Florida General Election.

Jeb Bush's Elephant in the Room: Role in ''Bush v. Gore'' Recount

Bush brother blamed for unfair election
It's important to remember, the same internationalists that control the Bush family control the Clinton family. . .

If you are aware that they can do it once, and then again in '04, they will, and can do it again if necessary.

CONFIRMED: Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump
CONFIRMED: Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump

Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll
Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll | Zero Hedge

Do polls vote? Confirmed? Have you lost your mind? Confirmed?
my exact words were "Trump will be selling out his supporters by endorsing Ryan". You're thinking of someone else Ravi :dunno: but I've continually railed against that dope Ryan
What? When did you become Ravi's latest obsession? I have been away for far too long. :D
I'm fucking sexy, it comes with the teritory
Ravi is okay. But I've always wondered "How much does she charge to haunt a house?

Maybe manifold can tell us?
If there had been a long line of Democratic Party victories to look back and think over, there would be some validity to this nonsense.

Don't you think it is funny how the Democrats (and Republicans) seem to have forgotten how to rig elections every other time we deal with the federal beauracracy? I mean, the GOP has something like 30 more House Seats and 4-5 more senators than the Democrats? What happened? Logic would tell one that it is much easier to rig an election when the turn-out is low since it would take fewer "phantom" votes to tip the scales... Yet the only time the GOP is convinced there is fraud is when the Presidency is at stake and there are larger turn-outs.

The goal, of course, is to cast doubt on President Hillary Clinton as being the legitimate winner. One would have assumed the GOP would have tired already of playing this game. They have tried it for 10 years with President Obama and have been reduced to the sad state they find their Party in currently... One would have thought they would have learned some sort of lesson from their repeated failures.
One gives them too much credit.
Elections Can Be Rigged

Yes, elections can be rigged. Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris proved that in the 2000 Florida General Election.

Jeb Bush's Elephant in the Room: Role in ''Bush v. Gore'' Recount

Bush brother blamed for unfair election
It's important to remember, the same internationalists that control the Bush family control the Clinton family. . .

If you are aware that they can do it once, and then again in '04, they will, and can do it again if necessary.

CONFIRMED: Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump
CONFIRMED: Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump

Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll
Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll | Zero Hedge

Do polls vote? Confirmed? Have you lost your mind? Confirmed?

The first step in stealing an election is convincing the electorate that the candidate the Deep State wants in power is ahead in the polls.

Wow. Do I have to do all your thinking for you?
The first step in stealing an election is convincing the electorate that the candidate the Deep State wants in power is ahead in the polls.

Wow. Do I have to do all your thinking for you?
That is such a dumb statement, I don't where to go with it

That's because you believe everything you see on TV and read in the CFR news publications and websites.

You also probably believed without question everything they taught you in government schools, and foundation supported colleges and universities, w/o even questioning what you were being taught.

A free and enlightened mind questions everything.

If you don't question anything, naturally, anything you hear or read that runs counter to what you have been indoctrinated to believe will sound. . . well, dumb.

Still, with the US being the world's sole super power for the last quarter century, there really should have been no reason for having continuous war for the past 16 years, and the nation is STILL in a STATE OF EMERGENCY. The most powerful nation on earth in a state of emergency, seriously? Whose agenda does that serve?

Maybe it IS time for you to start questioning some of your assumptions.
The first step in stealing an election is convincing the electorate that the candidate the Deep State wants in power is ahead in the polls.

Wow. Do I have to do all your thinking for you?
That is such a dumb statement, I don't where to go with it

That's because you believe everything you see on TV and read in the CFR news publications and websites.

You also probably believed without question everything they taught you in government schools, and foundation supported colleges and universities, w/o even questioning what you were being taught.

A free and enlightened mind questions everything.

If you don't question anything, naturally, anything you hear or read that runs counter to what you have been indoctrinated to believe will sound. . . well, dumb.

Still, with the US being the world's sole super power for the last quarter century, there really should have been no reason for having continuous war for the past 16 years, and the nation is STILL in a STATE OF EMERGENCY. The most powerful nation on earth in a state of emergency, seriously? Whose agenda does that serve?

Maybe it IS time for you to start questioning some of your assumptions.
It serve's Trump's agenda.
The first step in stealing an election is convincing the electorate that the candidate the Deep State wants in power is ahead in the polls.

Wow. Do I have to do all your thinking for you?
That is such a dumb statement, I don't where to go with it
The first step in convincing a group of people that an obviously implausible global conspiracy exists is to convince the group that what is obviously implausible is actually plausible.

A Jewish conspiracy to control all money, for example. To really get the job done, you need a group that can identify as victims and an villain
The first step in convincing a group of people that an obviously implausible global conspiracy exists is to convince the group that what is obviously implausible is actually plausible.

A Jewish conspiracy to control all money, for example. To really get the job done, you need a group that can identify as victims and an villain
One rule of thumb I use is this, when a few questions answered and it keeps leading to more questions? Conspiracy theory not worth debating seriously
Jeffrey Lord, a Trump surrogate, wrote this so I'm sure the usual comments of "BS" and dismissal will follow. For those who actually READ the entire article, you will see that it's NOT outside the envelope of possibilities that this election can be rigged.

To read the article click [HERE]

you really shouldn't be taking anything seriously that any of dumb Donald's surrogates lie about.

but thanks for yet another conspiracy theory.
The first step in stealing an election is convincing the electorate that the candidate the Deep State wants in power is ahead in the polls.

Wow. Do I have to do all your thinking for you?
That is such a dumb statement, I don't where to go with it
The first step in convincing a group of people that an obviously implausible global conspiracy exists is to convince the group that what is obviously implausible is actually plausible.

A Jewish conspiracy to control all money, for example. To really get the job done, you need a group that can identify as victims and an villain
The first step in stealing an election is convincing the electorate that the candidate the Deep State wants in power is ahead in the polls.

Wow. Do I have to do all your thinking for you?
That is such a dumb statement, I don't where to go with it

That's because you believe everything you see on TV and read in the CFR news publications and websites.

You also probably believed without question everything they taught you in government schools, and foundation supported colleges and universities, w/o even questioning what you were being taught.

A free and enlightened mind questions everything.

If you don't question anything, naturally, anything you hear or read that runs counter to what you have been indoctrinated to believe will sound. . . well, dumb.

Still, with the US being the world's sole super power for the last quarter century, there really should have been no reason for having continuous war for the past 16 years, and the nation is STILL in a STATE OF EMERGENCY. The most powerful nation on earth in a state of emergency, seriously? Whose agenda does that serve?

Maybe it IS time for you to start questioning some of your assumptions.
It serve's Trump's agenda.

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