Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives

Should congress pass laws incentivising buying electric cars over gas powered cars?

  • yes, it makes environmental and economic sense, cars can charge at night balancing electric usage

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • no, keep the government out of the car business

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters
If climate concerns are very important to democrats, then we all should be driving electric cars. We need tax incentives to get car buyers into EVs. Also, raising the gas tax to fund infrastructure would be a good thing too.
Charging An Electric Vehicle Is Far Cleaner Than Driving On Gasoline, Everywhere In America
Lets take a poll.

I don't own a car, but my daughter has a Chevy Impala Hybrid, which she plugs in at night. My my brother-in-law has a Toyota hybrid. Their gas useage is about 1/4 of what they had with their gas powered cars.

Trump recently rolled back emissions guidelines for coal fired plants. His own Administration estimate this will cost 1,400 Americans their lives. And it won't do jack shit towards bringing back coal.
Without fossil fuels rural America would be a waste land... Fossil fuels are here to stay.
The largest oil/coal/gas reserves are are yet to be found...
these people have no idea how big the planet is and how much of it we actually touch. we touch about 1/10th of the planet.

Urbanization: 95% Of The World's Population Lives On 10% Of The Land
Urbanization: 95% Of The World's Population Lives On 10% Of The Land
Fact you bunch of anti human fks.
you have to consider what it takes to make a gallon of gas/fuel,,

used to be real cheap,,,now like the ethanol hoax which takes 1 1/2 gal of fossil fuels to make 1 gal of ethanol plus government subsidies,,,,stupid if you ask me

its getting close on crude that its going to take 1 gal to get 1 gal

and fracking is one of the dumber things humans have done

as for methane exactly how does that power a car???

fact is there is still a lot of research need mostly on the waste from all of the materials involved,,,


Where do you get your 'facts'? CNN??

Between Methan Clathrates and Methane Hydrates, there is more energy avaible on this Planet than ten Human Civilizations could use in 10,000 years

Methane Hydrate: The World's Largest Natural Gas Resource

Methane clathrate - Wikipedia
Actually battery-mobiles are a boon to American industry.

Especially the fire-extinguisher industry.

That was a favorite myth to smear the Volt....except it was bullshit...Did a couple catch fire? probably but it had nothing to do with the battery-pack. Supposedly state troopers were getting electrocuted by wrecked Volts...more bullshit...there's a cutout switch in the truck they all knew about. Bottom line? Americans were pissed GM got bailed out, pissed that Barry the Fairy wanted GM to go "green" before they were ready by a decade, and many were guilty about driving Jap cars when our car factories were being abandoned. Hate GM if it makes ya feel better I used to say...but if they go under, they'll drag Ford and Chrysler down with them and then you get to pay unemployment and welfare money to a million workers and satellite businesses that depended on the car plants to stay open. I was okay with the bailout....without an auto industry, we can't fight a world war by converting those factories to built half-tracks and tanks. Detroit built the war machine that whipped the Nips and the Nazis.
GM sucks. The volt is dead by the way

The problem seems to be more related to lithium-batteries vehicles rather than to one maker:

Parked Teslas Keep Catching on Fire Randomly, And There's No Recall In Sight

NIO recalls nearly 5,000 electric SUVs after battery fires in China

Audi Recalls Its First Electric Car for Battery Fire Risk
High speed rail won't work.

Americans like to drive it's in our DNA

It works in Japan, Europe and China. All of whom are FAR more congested than the USA.

Know why it will work there and not here?

We have dimocrap scum

They don't

HSR would be a GODsend on the East Coast. Have you ever been on I-95? If you haven't, avoid it all costs. ALL costs.

But since that entire coast line is run by CRIMINAL dimocrap scum..... It just ain't gonna happen. Too much corruption, Too much graft. Too many greedy gumbahs in too many thieving Unions.



Below is a Map of the High Speed Rail system in the USA --

Trains Will do no good in rural America, We don’t want them anywhere near our private property
The push for electric cars is pretty ignorant. People brought up the production, roads, power, ect of producing and running these vehicles. We will have dumps full of batteries. I'm sure that will be lovely. I'm all for environment friendly tech and incentives for such tech, but we are energy independent, with affordable energy, so maybe we could make fossil fuels cleaner and worry about the plastic in the oceans.

May I point out the source of plastics in the oceans?

“90% of plastic polluting our oceans comes from just 10 rivers

More than 8 million tons of it ends up in the ocean every year. If we continue to pollute at this rate, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050.

But where does all this plastic waste come from?

Most of it is washed into the ocean by rivers. And 90% of it comes from just 10 of them, according to a study.

Rivers of plastic

By analyzing the waste found in the rivers and surrounding landscape, researchers were able to estimate that just 10 river systems carry 90% of the plastic that ends up in the ocean.

Eight of them are in Asia: the Yangtze; Indus; Yellow; Hai He; Ganges; Pearl; Amur; Mekong; and two in Africa – the Nile and the Niger.

90% of plastic polluting our oceans comes from just 10 rivers
Guess what punks, you also cannot have Electric Cars without Petroleum Based Plastics used in things like bumpers, and Headlight and Tail lights, Gear Oil, Transmission Fluid, Rubber Tubbing, Rubber Seals, Rubber Tires, Rubber Wipers, Grease for the Wheel Bearings, Lubricants for latches, and other devices, Brake Fluid, the Plastic in The Dash, and Foam in The Seats, Even the Damn Carpet in an Electric Vehicle is made from OIL!

Fuck, there is a lot of Oil in an Electric Car let alone the amount of Petroleum used to build the thing.
I never s
thats why recycling is so important,,

You will NEVER be able to recycle enough Copper to convert 300 Million combustion vehicles to Electric.
Not only that, you need other Toxic Chemicals like Lithium, and Rare Earths etc. and other minerals.

It would be easier to send people to colonize Mars than to get rid of Hydrocarbon Fuels which btw, are Distilled in The Earth's Interior, and are Abiotic in nature, and not finite.
why are you converting old cars??? thats just stupid,,
just build new ones,,,we do that everyday

and I hate to break it to you but oil is running out and we can never grow enough corn to replace it,,,or cook enough french fries,,,

If you believe Oil is Running Out, you are Brainwashed. Let me ask you one question. There was never life on the Moon Titan. Yet, the entire planet is awash in Petroleum and Natural Gas. There are Oceans and Rivers of it.

Hydrogen and Carbon are the two most abundant elements on Earth.

Hydrocarbons can be artificially made on the surface of Earth from Garbage and are made in the interior of Earth under heat and pressure which combine Hydrogen and Carbon in to Hydrocarbons.

Americans are stupid and most fail Chemistry. How can someone not know that Hydrogen and Carbon can be combined together to make all types of Hydrocarbons?

Fossil Fuel is a joke, and a nearly 200 year old failed theory.

Guess what the "Sludge" is on the last image?




Cassini Explores a Methane Sea on Titan

you have to consider what it takes to make a gallon of gas/fuel,,

used to be real cheap,,,now like the ethanol hoax which takes 1 1/2 gal of fossil fuels to make 1 gal of ethanol plus government subsidies,,,,stupid if you ask me

its getting close on crude that its going to take 1 gal to get 1 gal

and fracking is one of the dumber things humans have done

as for methane exactly how does that power a car???

fact is there is still a lot of research need mostly on the waste from all of the materials involved,,,
How do you not know that Methane Powered Cars and Buses exist?

Geez oh Pete, dude. You can make Motor Oil from Natural Gas. Go right to Autozone and ask for it. Hydrocarbons can be distilled in to all types of molecular configurations. Vaseline, Motor Oil, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Jet Fuel....etc. etc.

Just for reference, Benzene is Gasoline. This is just a small sample of the products that can be distilled from Petroleum and Natural Gas which btw include all sorts of plastics.

It's time to educate you dumb bitches.

Try to grill on your Propane Grill without Hydrocarbons some time, or cook food in a gas oven.





I never said they did or didnt exist,,,
Isn't the internet all shitz and giggles...??
Except for the OP who continuously puts his threads in the wrong forum...

That WAS your picture.
You will deny your lifestyle three times before the rooster crows. :114:
I will deny only that you need me to be that person, for some reason, are yous gay also?

I love my electric bike it helps when your old and tired..
A power assisted bike defeats the purpose of a bike… Just get a motorcycle, or in your case a scooter.
The power grid was not designed to charge 300 million cars at night.

Funny chit.

What else goes on at night?

Past history not strong with you on black outs? Power lines down in storms, our power grid can't handle a EMP pulse? Our crumbling infrastructure?

You really are that dumb or just a propaganda mouth piece like Rderp, RW and Billy huh?

Your post was so fucking stupid that even I was surprised you posted it.

Any house with even two cars charging still would use less power at night than in the day.

You stupid fuck I said 300 million cars at night...God damn you a fucking brain dead idiot and they run on 220v not 110v

How did the Trumpsters or CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) get such a hard on for destroying the planet...

Any Economist would tell you wreaking the planet is like borrowing from the bank... Eventually you have to pay... The CINO just want there kids to pay... They are fuck the kids party...
Tree huggers like yourself have no credibility
you have to consider what it takes to make a gallon of gas/fuel,,

used to be real cheap,,,now like the ethanol hoax which takes 1 1/2 gal of fossil fuels to make 1 gal of ethanol plus government subsidies,,,,stupid if you ask me

its getting close on crude that its going to take 1 gal to get 1 gal

and fracking is one of the dumber things humans have done

as for methane exactly how does that power a car???

fact is there is still a lot of research need mostly on the waste from all of the materials involved,,,


Where do you get your 'facts'? CNN??

Between Methan Clathrates and Methane Hydrates, there is more energy avaible on this Planet than ten Human Civilizations could use in 10,000 years

Methane Hydrate: The World's Largest Natural Gas Resource

Methane clathrate - Wikipedia
Absolutely True.
you have to consider what it takes to make a gallon of gas/fuel,,

used to be real cheap,,,now like the ethanol hoax which takes 1 1/2 gal of fossil fuels to make 1 gal of ethanol plus government subsidies,,,,stupid if you ask me

its getting close on crude that its going to take 1 gal to get 1 gal

and fracking is one of the dumber things humans have done

as for methane exactly how does that power a car???

fact is there is still a lot of research need mostly on the waste from all of the materials involved,,,


Where do you get your 'facts'? CNN??

Between Methan Clathrates and Methane Hydrates, there is more energy avaible on this Planet than ten Human Civilizations could use in 10,000 years

Methane Hydrate: The World's Largest Natural Gas Resource

Methane clathrate - Wikipedia

like I said,,,

its not whether its there but what it takes to get it,,

100 yrs ago all you did was drill a hole and stand back,,,now we have to create mini earthquakes to get it,,,

when it takes more than a gallon of fossils to get a gallon of fossils the net gain becomes zero, and that will happen long before the planet runs out of fossils,,
The power grid was not designed to charge 300 million cars at night.

Funny chit.

What else goes on at night?

Past history not strong with you on black outs? Power lines down in storms, our power grid can't handle a EMP pulse? Our crumbling infrastructure?

You really are that dumb or just a propaganda mouth piece like Rderp, RW and Billy huh?

Your post was so fucking stupid that even I was surprised you posted it.

Any house with even two cars charging still would use less power at night than in the day.

You stupid fuck I said 300 million cars at night...God damn you a fucking brain dead idiot and they run on 220v not 110v

you do know that you dont have to charge them everynight???
Isn't the internet all shitz and giggles...??
Except for the OP who continuously puts his threads in the wrong forum...

That WAS your picture.
You will deny your lifestyle three times before the rooster crows. :114:
I will deny only that you need me to be that person, for some reason, are yous gay also?

I love my electric bike it helps when your old and tired..
A power assisted bike defeats the purpose of a bike… Just get a motorcycle, or in your case a scooter.

that all depends on why you have a bike,,,
I never s
You will NEVER be able to recycle enough Copper to convert 300 Million combustion vehicles to Electric.
Not only that, you need other Toxic Chemicals like Lithium, and Rare Earths etc. and other minerals.

It would be easier to send people to colonize Mars than to get rid of Hydrocarbon Fuels which btw, are Distilled in The Earth's Interior, and are Abiotic in nature, and not finite.
why are you converting old cars??? thats just stupid,,
just build new ones,,,we do that everyday

and I hate to break it to you but oil is running out and we can never grow enough corn to replace it,,,or cook enough french fries,,,

If you believe Oil is Running Out, you are Brainwashed. Let me ask you one question. There was never life on the Moon Titan. Yet, the entire planet is awash in Petroleum and Natural Gas. There are Oceans and Rivers of it.

Hydrogen and Carbon are the two most abundant elements on Earth.

Hydrocarbons can be artificially made on the surface of Earth from Garbage and are made in the interior of Earth under heat and pressure which combine Hydrogen and Carbon in to Hydrocarbons.

Americans are stupid and most fail Chemistry. How can someone not know that Hydrogen and Carbon can be combined together to make all types of Hydrocarbons?

Fossil Fuel is a joke, and a nearly 200 year old failed theory.

Guess what the "Sludge" is on the last image?




Cassini Explores a Methane Sea on Titan

you have to consider what it takes to make a gallon of gas/fuel,,

used to be real cheap,,,now like the ethanol hoax which takes 1 1/2 gal of fossil fuels to make 1 gal of ethanol plus government subsidies,,,,stupid if you ask me

its getting close on crude that its going to take 1 gal to get 1 gal

and fracking is one of the dumber things humans have done

as for methane exactly how does that power a car???

fact is there is still a lot of research need mostly on the waste from all of the materials involved,,,
How do you not know that Methane Powered Cars and Buses exist?

Geez oh Pete, dude. You can make Motor Oil from Natural Gas. Go right to Autozone and ask for it. Hydrocarbons can be distilled in to all types of molecular configurations. Vaseline, Motor Oil, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Jet Fuel....etc. etc.

Just for reference, Benzene is Gasoline. This is just a small sample of the products that can be distilled from Petroleum and Natural Gas which btw include all sorts of plastics.

It's time to educate you dumb bitches.

Try to grill on your Propane Grill without Hydrocarbons some time, or cook food in a gas oven.





I never said they did or didnt exist,,,
Was this a real question then?

"as for methane exactly how does that power a car???"

It's combustible, so you feed methane or propane in to the combustion chamber instead of gasoline.

Did you know you can convert a gasoline care to run on Woodsmoke? All you need is a 50 gallon drum and feed the smoke in to the carburetor, and control the burn rate of the wood so that it produces smoke.

Guess what comes out of the other end of the tail pipe?

Nothing. Mostly water vapor and some CO2.

Technically you can make a gasoline power car run on water.
GM makes shit, Toyota makes excellent vehicles

Sure, until your throttle/cruise contol module fails going past a high voltage line and you're suddenly doing 90mph without a clutch to disengage the engine and you couldn't shift into neutral in an automatic due to total system failure. They blamed it on "floor mats" and told us to kiss their ass...apparently you still are.
I never s
why are you converting old cars??? thats just stupid,,
just build new ones,,,we do that everyday

and I hate to break it to you but oil is running out and we can never grow enough corn to replace it,,,or cook enough french fries,,,

If you believe Oil is Running Out, you are Brainwashed. Let me ask you one question. There was never life on the Moon Titan. Yet, the entire planet is awash in Petroleum and Natural Gas. There are Oceans and Rivers of it.

Hydrogen and Carbon are the two most abundant elements on Earth.

Hydrocarbons can be artificially made on the surface of Earth from Garbage and are made in the interior of Earth under heat and pressure which combine Hydrogen and Carbon in to Hydrocarbons.

Americans are stupid and most fail Chemistry. How can someone not know that Hydrogen and Carbon can be combined together to make all types of Hydrocarbons?

Fossil Fuel is a joke, and a nearly 200 year old failed theory.

Guess what the "Sludge" is on the last image?




Cassini Explores a Methane Sea on Titan

you have to consider what it takes to make a gallon of gas/fuel,,

used to be real cheap,,,now like the ethanol hoax which takes 1 1/2 gal of fossil fuels to make 1 gal of ethanol plus government subsidies,,,,stupid if you ask me

its getting close on crude that its going to take 1 gal to get 1 gal

and fracking is one of the dumber things humans have done

as for methane exactly how does that power a car???

fact is there is still a lot of research need mostly on the waste from all of the materials involved,,,
How do you not know that Methane Powered Cars and Buses exist?

Geez oh Pete, dude. You can make Motor Oil from Natural Gas. Go right to Autozone and ask for it. Hydrocarbons can be distilled in to all types of molecular configurations. Vaseline, Motor Oil, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Jet Fuel....etc. etc.

Just for reference, Benzene is Gasoline. This is just a small sample of the products that can be distilled from Petroleum and Natural Gas which btw include all sorts of plastics.

It's time to educate you dumb bitches.

Try to grill on your Propane Grill without Hydrocarbons some time, or cook food in a gas oven.





I never said they did or didnt exist,,,
Was this a real question then?

"as for methane exactly how does that power a car???"

It's combustible, so you feed methane or propane in to the combustion chamber instead of gasoline.

Did you know you can convert a gasoline care to run on Woodsmoke? All you need is a 50 gallon drum and feed the smoke in to the carburetor, and control the burn rate of the wood so that it produces smoke.

Guess what comes out of the other end of the tail pipe?

Nothing. Mostly water vapor and some CO2.

Technically you can make a gasoline power care run on water.

cool,,,another great option,,,

and yes I know about gasification for powering cars,,,,you better have a big supply of woodchips if you plan to leave your yard
You stupid fuck I said 300 million cars at night...God damn you a fucking brain dead idiot and they run on 220v not 110v

The Volt ran on 110 or you could spend an extra hundred for a 220 charger and have an electrician install it for another hundred.....typical GM lack of common sense...they treated customers like trophies they collect. I could talk about what went wrong in Detroit for days, but things are different now...the city is coming back and the auto industry is leading the charge...BUY AMERICAN or choke on your fucking rice.
I never s
If you believe Oil is Running Out, you are Brainwashed. Let me ask you one question. There was never life on the Moon Titan. Yet, the entire planet is awash in Petroleum and Natural Gas. There are Oceans and Rivers of it.

Hydrogen and Carbon are the two most abundant elements on Earth.

Hydrocarbons can be artificially made on the surface of Earth from Garbage and are made in the interior of Earth under heat and pressure which combine Hydrogen and Carbon in to Hydrocarbons.

Americans are stupid and most fail Chemistry. How can someone not know that Hydrogen and Carbon can be combined together to make all types of Hydrocarbons?

Fossil Fuel is a joke, and a nearly 200 year old failed theory.

Guess what the "Sludge" is on the last image?




Cassini Explores a Methane Sea on Titan

you have to consider what it takes to make a gallon of gas/fuel,,

used to be real cheap,,,now like the ethanol hoax which takes 1 1/2 gal of fossil fuels to make 1 gal of ethanol plus government subsidies,,,,stupid if you ask me

its getting close on crude that its going to take 1 gal to get 1 gal

and fracking is one of the dumber things humans have done

as for methane exactly how does that power a car???

fact is there is still a lot of research need mostly on the waste from all of the materials involved,,,
How do you not know that Methane Powered Cars and Buses exist?

Geez oh Pete, dude. You can make Motor Oil from Natural Gas. Go right to Autozone and ask for it. Hydrocarbons can be distilled in to all types of molecular configurations. Vaseline, Motor Oil, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Jet Fuel....etc. etc.

Just for reference, Benzene is Gasoline. This is just a small sample of the products that can be distilled from Petroleum and Natural Gas which btw include all sorts of plastics.

It's time to educate you dumb bitches.

Try to grill on your Propane Grill without Hydrocarbons some time, or cook food in a gas oven.





I never said they did or didnt exist,,,
Was this a real question then?

"as for methane exactly how does that power a car???"

It's combustible, so you feed methane or propane in to the combustion chamber instead of gasoline.

Did you know you can convert a gasoline care to run on Woodsmoke? All you need is a 50 gallon drum and feed the smoke in to the carburetor, and control the burn rate of the wood so that it produces smoke.

Guess what comes out of the other end of the tail pipe?

Nothing. Mostly water vapor and some CO2.

Technically you can make a gasoline power care run on water.

cool,,,another great option,,,

and yes I know about gasification for powering cars,,,,you better have a big supply of woodchips if you plan to leave your yard

This is why after The Apocalypse the only people left on Earth will be good ole Country Boys!

"You can burn Cow Manure, Chicken Shit, just about anything. If you get caught in a pinch a dead cat will get you 5 or 6 miles."
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