Elena Kagan Is a Blithering Idiot!

Says the authoritarian sociopath who demands that the government tell others how to live their lives.
Did you think only one party is being told that ? In almost all court decisions regarding discrimination, including this one, no matter who the victor or loser, one party is being told how to live their lives.

When it was decided in Florida that apartment complexes must rent to families with children, liberals proclaimed this was a victory for "liberty". But in reality, it was only a victory for the families with kids. Simultaneously, it was a defeat, and LOSS OF LIBERTY, for those who wish to live in a child-free environment.
They can proclaim anything they want. Nothing is changed for me. I do not, and will not, accept any 2 gay people as being married. Not ever. I don't care what papers they have, what ceremony they went through, or anything else. Millions of Americans no doubt, think exactly the same.
Sorry, but you're saddled with it. You have to subsidize it and allow it to deprive children of at least one of their parents and you can do nothing to stop it. We are being held hostage be neo-nazis.

Stop it please- this Neo-Con melt down is making me laugh so hard I am starting to get odd looks.......
Speak for yourself.
The neocons are the homofascist and pro-homo ilk, stuck in the past.
She may be a Supreme Court justice, but Elena Kagan is a blithering idiot. In the discourse over Same Sex Marriage, she told the attorney representing SSM bans, John Bursch, you can't decide who is going to get equal treatment by law, and who isn't.

EARTH TO ELENA: We do exactly that EVERY DAY when we lock up criminals and put them in jails. Is their treatment equal ? Of course not. It's not supposed to be. Every time we put someone in a mental institution we do that. Every time we quarantine someone with Ebola we do that., Every time we hire someone to a job because they are qualified to do it, and don't hire someone else (who isn't qualified) we do that.

Elena isn't making any profound statement about equal treatment. All she is did is be an Activist judge, molding the discussion into how she wanted it to result. This is not even a smart ploy, since it is so obviously ridiculous, no matter the outcome.

This is a pure example of the absurdity of putting people on a supreme court for life. They should be able to be recalled by a public vote.

And what the other 4 justices who voted to allow SSM, said is probably just as stupid, I just happened to tune in and hear the response from Kagan.

Both Kagan and Ginsburg's votes on this Decision could be overturned by the rule formed in the 2009 Massey Coal case where no judge may exhibit obvious prejudice against or for a certain party. Both Kagan and Ginsburg performed gay marriages as federal entities while the question was pending before the court.

For more, read here: A Shortcut to Nixing The Gay Marriage Decision Subtract Two Votes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
They can proclaim anything they want. Nothing is changed for me. I do not, and will not, accept any 2 gay people as being married. Not ever. I don't care what papers they have, what ceremony they went through, or anything else. Millions of Americans no doubt, think exactly the same.

Nobody said you have to like it.
God doesn't like it, but satan loves it. Retard.
She may be a Supreme Court justice, but Elena Kagan is a blithering idiot. In the discourse over Same Sex Marriage, she told the attorney representing SSM bans, John Bursch, you can't decide who is going to get equal treatment by law, and who isn't.

EARTH TO ELENA: We do exactly that EVERY DAY when we lock up criminals and put them in jails. Is their treatment equal ? Of course not. It's not supposed to be. Every time we put someone in a mental institution we do that. Every time we quarantine someone with Ebola we do that., Every time we hire someone to a job because they are qualified to do it, and don't hire someone else (who isn't qualified) we do that.

Elena isn't making any profound statement about equal treatment. All she is did is be an Activist judge, molding the discussion into how she wanted it to result. This is not even a smart ploy, since it is so obviously ridiculous, no matter the outcome.

This is a pure example of the absurdity of putting people on a supreme court for life. They should be able to be recalled by a public vote.

And what the other 4 justices who voted to allow SSM, said is probably just as stupid, I just happened to tune in and hear the response from Kagan.

Both Kagan and Ginsburg's votes on this Decision could be overturned by the rule formed in the 2009 Massey Coal case where no judge may exhibit obvious prejudice against or for a certain party. Both Kagan and Ginsburg performed gay marriages as federal entities while the question was pending before the court.

For more, read here: A Shortcut to Nixing The Gay Marriage Decision Subtract Two Votes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Overturned by who, you moron? What higher court can there be an appeal to?
:lol: the butthurt is UNPRECEDENTED for this site today...wow

Dont ever forget which 'side' gets more butthurt when they lose.

Today is a great day to reference for the future. This is hysterical!!!!!
You should have been here for the Hobby Lobby ruling. The fucked-in-the-head progressives blew a gasket for 10 straight days.
Sure you did. First, you would have to understand basic legal terms. You don't. You have no fucking clue what legal principles apply.
You just changed the subject.
Again, I heard her her say it on CSPAN2, which provides an audiotape of the court proceedings. And you slobbering all over our computer, and babbling about legal terms, doesn't change anything. All you're doing is displaying your inability to post intelligently. :biggrin:
Overturned by who, you moron? What higher court can there be an appeal to?
YOU are the "moron" apparently. The "appeal" is to the American people through the people's house. Back to the 7th grade for you. :laugh: A Supreme Court Justice may be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office if convicted in a Senate trial.
Hey, who am I ? Your tutor ?
Overturned by who, you moron? What higher court can there be an appeal to?
YOU are the "moron" apparently. The "appeal" is to the American people through the people's house. Back to the 7th grade for you. :laugh: A Supreme Court Justice may be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office if convicted in a Senate trial.
Hey, who am I ? Your tutor ?

Right. I guess they will impeach the Supremes right after they impeach Obama. When do you expect that to happen?
Right. I guess they will impeach the Supremes right after they impeach Obama. When do you expect that to happen?
JUST THE BEGINNING. Lots of house cleaning to do.. Planning starts now. Implementation starts January 2017, and it's going to be HARSH. Oh yeah.

As Hillary Clinton goes into her expected nose-dive which will get worse exponentially to the end of this year, with no real viable candidates to replace her, Republicans should be planning for the cleanup of all this mess created by Obama and his running dogs. Jail terms will be in order for a lot of Democrats who have consistently been violating US laws, starting with Obama, Sharpton, Kagan and Sotomayer.
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Overturned by who, you moron? What higher court can there be an appeal to?
YOU are the "moron" apparently. The "appeal" is to the American people through the people's house. Back to the 7th grade for you. :laugh: A Supreme Court Justice may be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office if convicted in a Senate trial.
Hey, who am I ? Your tutor ?

Right. I guess they will impeach the Supremes right after they impeach Obama. When do you expect that to happen?
JUST THE BEGINNING. Lots of house cleaning to do.. Planning starts now. Implementation starts January 2017, and it's going to be HARSH. Oh yeah.

How you gonna do that with a Democratic President, Senate, and quite possibly, house?
Overturned by who, you moron? What higher court can there be an appeal to?
YOU are the "moron" apparently. The "appeal" is to the American people through the people's house. Back to the 7th grade for you. :laugh: A Supreme Court Justice may be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office if convicted in a Senate trial.
Hey, who am I ? Your tutor ?

Right. I guess they will impeach the Supremes right after they impeach Obama. When do you expect that to happen?
JUST THE BEGINNING. Lots of house cleaning to do.. Planning starts now. Implementation starts January 2017, and it's going to be HARSH. Oh yeah.

How you gonna do that with a Democratic President, Senate, and quite possibly, house?
Right. I guess they will impeach the Supremes right after they impeach Obama. When do you expect that to happen?
JUST THE BEGINNING. Lots of house cleaning to do.. Planning starts now. Implementation starts January 2017, and it's going to be HARSH. Oh yeah.

As Hillary Clinton goes into her expected nose-dive which will get worse exponentially to the end of this year, with no real viable candidates to replace her, Republicans should be planning for the cleanup of all this mess created by Obama and his running dogs. Jail terms will be in order for a lot of Democrats who have consistently been violating US laws, starting with Obama, Sharpton, Kagan and Sotomayer.
It is so comforting to know what a bunch of fucking morons you and your ilk are. I think you are stupid enough to actually believe what you posted.
Sure you did. First, you would have to understand basic legal terms. You don't. You have no fucking clue what legal principles apply.
You just changed the subject.
Again, I heard her her say it on CSPAN2, which provides an audiotape of the court proceedings. And you slobbering all over our computer, and babbling about legal terms, doesn't change anything. All you're doing is displaying your inability to post intelligently. :biggrin:
No, you didn't. You may have thought you did, but you are to stupid to know what she said.
It is so comforting to know what a bunch of fucking morons you and your ilk are. I think you are stupid enough to actually believe what you posted.
Run out of things to say ? Of course, because you never had any to begin with.
No, you didn't. You may have thought you did, but you are to stupid to know what she said.
Sure I did. And why would you doubt ? This is what all 5 of the ass clowns have been saying. And if you have to walk around in DENIAL of it, that;s YOUR PROBLEM, not mine.

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