Elena Kagan Is a Blithering Idiot!

And the poor, deranged souls who are afflicted with the mental illness, homosexuality, are in dire need of help, to overcome their sickness. And guys like you Bulldog, and you Paddy,, are just harming them all the more by encouraging them, thereby inhibiting their healing and restoration of normal health.

I can't think of many things more debased than this extreme harm you are inflicting on them. For this, you should be arrested and punished severely, and if the laws were what they should be, you would be. Eventually, they probably will be corrected, and then you will get your just punishment.

All liberals are dangerously stupid. The ones who know that they're deliberately destroying the country are criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths.

I don't think Kagan is in on the effort though. She's in the class most moonbats are...

blissfully ignorant.

Liberals aren't trying to destroy the entire country........Just the parts that are homophobic, racist, don't want healthcare, and extreme right wing. We're doing pretty good with that the last few days too.

Who owns the senate ?
I am sure Kagan is not an idiot.

However, it is quite clear that her views on particular topics such as this should have raised the eyebrows of many during her confirmation.

I'd say the same thing for a former John Bircher.
All liberals are dangerously stupid. The ones who know that they're deliberately destroying the country are criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths.

I don't think Kagan is in on the effort though. She's in the class most moonbats are...

blissfully ignorant.

Liberals aren't trying to destroy the entire country........Just the parts that are homophobic, racist, don't want healthcare, and extreme right wing. We're doing pretty good with that the last few days too.

Who owns the senate ?

The citizens of the United States.
They can proclaim anything they want. Nothing is changed for me. I do not, and will not, accept any 2 gay people as being married. Not ever. I don't care what papers they have, what ceremony they went through, or anything else. Millions of Americans no doubt, think exactly the same.

Nobody said you have to like it.

ROFL! 48 Hours and already, there's the "THEY HAVE A RIGHT and YOU DON'T!" attitude.

LOL! It shouldn't be long now... .
They can proclaim anything they want. Nothing is changed for me. I do not, and will not, accept any 2 gay people as being married. Not ever. I don't care what papers they have, what ceremony they went through, or anything else. Millions of Americans no doubt, think exactly the same.

Nobody said you have to like it.

ROFL! 48 Hours and already, there's the "THEY HAVE A RIGHT and YOU DON'T!" attitude.

LOL! It shouldn't be long now... .

That's pretty much what it comes down to. Get used to it.
They can proclaim anything they want. Nothing is changed for me. I do not, and will not, accept any 2 gay people as being married. Not ever. I don't care what papers they have, what ceremony they went through, or anything else. Millions of Americans no doubt, think exactly the same.

Nobody said you have to like it.

ROFL! 48 Hours and already, there's the "THEY HAVE A RIGHT and YOU DON'T!" attitude.

LOL! It shouldn't be long now... .

That's pretty much what it comes down to. Get used to it.

Oh I am used to it... and, Will... I want you to know that I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level.

You know... the level where Reality isn't optional and the Left does a head count and asks the Eternal question:
"Whoa... Where is everyone. MSNBC said we had well over 150 million supporters and I only see like 6... and that weirdo that kept sniffing my hair. WTF?" (You Homos are the weird guy...).
And the poor, deranged souls who are afflicted with the mental illness, homosexuality, are in dire need of help, to overcome their sickness. And guys like you Bulldog, and you Paddy,, are just harming them all the more by encouraging them, thereby inhibiting their healing and restoration of normal health.

I can't think of many things more debased than this extreme harm you are inflicting on them. For this, you should be arrested and punished severely, and if the laws were what they should be, you would be. Eventually, they probably will be corrected, and then you will get your just punishment.


I don't think the degradation of our morality will slow down or stop anytime soon or pretty much ever. At least not until social order breaks down and civilization collapses.

After all the Godless libtards starve to death a society may rise up and function as it should, until people start defying the law of natural selection again and start breeding generations of sniveling bed wetters who will be similar to the hordes of moonbats that walk among us now.

It's a cyclical thing. All great empires collapse under the weight of their oxygen thieves.

Let's see, married so we can have abnormal sex and create a family by unnatural means and force people to accept us as normal. The only natural part is being in love, but you can love an animal, property or a fence post, so...

Funny that you don't seem to mind straight couples having abnormal sex or creating a family by unnatural means.

And no one says you have to accept anything. You are not required to treat everyone equally. But the gov't is.
Let's see, married so we can have abnormal sex and create a family by unnatural means and force people to accept us as normal. The only natural part is being in love, but you can love an animal, property or a fence post, so...

Funny that you don't seem to mind straight couples having abnormal sex or creating a family by unnatural means.

And no one says you have to accept anything. You are not required to treat everyone equally. But the gov't is.

Nice uninformed opinion jackass.
Let's see, married so we can have abnormal sex and create a family by unnatural means and force people to accept us as normal. The only natural part is being in love, but you can love an animal, property or a fence post, so...

Funny that you don't seem to mind straight couples having abnormal sex or creating a family by unnatural means.

And no one says you have to accept anything. You are not required to treat everyone equally. But the gov't is.

Nice uninformed opinion jackass.

Oh, so you DO object to straight couples having abnormal sex and creating families by unnatural means?

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