Elena Kagan Is a Blithering Idiot!

I made a comment about the fact that apparently you don't mind straight couples having abnormal sex & unnatural families.

You called my statement uninformed. So the obvious alternative is that you do object to straights having abnormal sex and creating families by unnatural means.

Do you not understand basic logic?

I understand you made an uninformed opinion which is not logical, then made a compound statement without information as well. Two debate faults. Then you appeal to logic after not applying it in the first instance or second. You also are attacking the debater instead of the subject at hand, also a debate flaw. You are not even amusing at this point. nor worthy of a response to your personal attacks. Like I said before, you are a jackass.

No, my comments were quite logical.

If you are going to claim that abnormal sexual practices are an issue for gays, then the abnormal sexual practices for straights should be an issue as well. But there seems to be no problem with abnormal sexual practices for straights, just like there seems to be no issue with straight couples using unnatural means for creating families.

All of that goes to the point of inequality.
Masturbation is most certainly sex.

OHHhh...! How sad for you, That you believe this... it breaks the heart buddy.

However, there is bad news... Actual sex is something that happens between one man and one woman.

You see scamp, when a Man and a Woman love one another, very much ... Sex. And THAT is where Babies come from.

I hope that helps, even in some small way. Even though I know that it likely will not.
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I understand you made an uninformed opinion which is not logical, then made a compound statement without information as well. Two debate faults. Then you appeal to logic after not applying it in the first instance or second. You also are attacking the debater instead of the subject at hand, also a debate flaw. You are not even amusing at this point. nor worthy of a response to your personal attacks. Like I said before, you are a jackass.


No, my comments were quite logical.

LOL... Sadly; for you I mean... your comments are delusional; wholly detached from reality.

Here, let me let you, show YOU, again...

If you are going to claim that abnormal sexual practices are an issue for gays, then the abnormal sexual practices for straights ....

See there?

"Men having sex with other men: ABNORMAL. Homosexual Kissing: ABNORMAL. The Reach Around: ABNORMAL, tussling hair, while pondering his perfection... ABNORMAL. Contracting the HIV: EVIDENCE of ABNORMALITY.

Anything gettin' through here?
Masturbation is most certainly sex.

OHHhh...! How sad for you, That you believe this... it breaks the heart buddy.

However, there is bad news... Actual sex is something that happens between one man and one woman.

You see scamp, when a Man and a Woman love one another, very much ... Sex. And THAT is where Babies come from.

I hope that helps, even in some small way. Even though I know that it likely will not.

Oh, so sex is what happens between a man and a woman??

So gays are not only not having abnormal sex. They are not even having sex at all?? Good to know!
I understand you made an uninformed opinion which is not logical, then made a compound statement without information as well. Two debate faults. Then you appeal to logic after not applying it in the first instance or second. You also are attacking the debater instead of the subject at hand, also a debate flaw. You are not even amusing at this point. nor worthy of a response to your personal attacks. Like I said before, you are a jackass.


No, my comments were quite logical.

LOL... Sadly; for you I mean... your comments are delusional; wholly detached from reality.

Here, let me let you, show YOU, again...

If you are going to claim that abnormal sexual practices are an issue for gays, then the abnormal sexual practices for straights ....

See there?

"Men having sex with other men: ABNORMAL. Homosexual Kissing: ABNORMAL. The Reach Around: ABNORMAL, tussling hair, while pondering his perfection... ABNORMAL. Contracting the HIV: EVIDENCE of ABNORMALITY.

Anything gettin' through here?

Oh it got thru quite some time ago. You believe that anything that straight couples do is normal, and anything that gay couples do (even tussling hair) is abnormal. I find this most amusing. But it does explain a lot.
No, my comments were quite logical.

If you are going to claim that abnormal sexual practices are an issue for gays, then the abnormal sexual practices for straights should be an issue as well. But there seems to be no problem with abnormal sexual practices for straights, just like there seems to be no issue with straight couples using unnatural means for creating families.

All of that goes to the point of inequality.

So, if I take your statement to its logical conclusion, sex of any type between humans or even other beings must be accepted, because inequality is always the preferred route.
No, my comments were quite logical.

If you are going to claim that abnormal sexual practices are an issue for gays, then the abnormal sexual practices for straights should be an issue as well. But there seems to be no problem with abnormal sexual practices for straights, just like there seems to be no issue with straight couples using unnatural means for creating families.

All of that goes to the point of inequality.

So, if I take your statement to its logical conclusion, sex of any type between humans or even other beings must be accepted, because inequality is always the preferred route.

Equality is the preferred route, as far as I am concerned.

And sex of any type between consenting adults (that does not kill anyone) should be accepted.

And I never mentioned "other beings", so spare me that nonsense. The entire "consenting adults" takes care of that.
No, my comments were quite logical.

If you are going to claim that abnormal sexual practices are an issue for gays, then the abnormal sexual practices for straights should be an issue as well. But there seems to be no problem with abnormal sexual practices for straights, just like there seems to be no issue with straight couples using unnatural means for creating families.

All of that goes to the point of inequality.

So, if I take your statement to its logical conclusion, sex of any type between humans or even other beings must be accepted, because inequality is always the preferred route.

Equality is the preferred route, as far as I am concerned.

And sex of any type between consenting adults (that does not kill anyone) should be accepted.

And I never mentioned "other beings", so spare me that nonsense. The entire "consenting adults" takes care of that.

You stop at consenting adults, why do you deny consenting people?
Masturbation is most certainly sex.

OHHhh...! How sad for you, That you believe this... it breaks the heart buddy.

However, there is bad news... Actual sex is something that happens between one man and one woman.

You see scamp, when a Man and a Woman love one another, very much ... Sex. And THAT is where Babies come from.

I hope that helps, even in some small way. Even though I know that it likely will not.

Oh, so sex is what happens between a man and a woman??

So gays are not only not having abnormal sex.[sic]

Setting the semantic train-wreck aside, there's sex (normality)... and there's that which is like sex but is not (Adnormality).

Sex occurs between the male and the female.

Let's review:

You see scamp, when a Man and a Woman love one another, very much ... Sex. And THAT is where Babies come from.
I made a comment about the fact that apparently you don't mind straight couples having abnormal sex & unnatural families.

You called my statement uninformed. So the obvious alternative is that you do object to straights having abnormal sex and creating families by unnatural means.

Do you not understand basic logic?

I understand you made an uninformed opinion which is not logical, then made a compound statement without information as well. Two debate faults. Then you appeal to logic after not applying it in the first instance or second. You also are attacking the debater instead of the subject at hand, also a debate flaw. You are not even amusing at this point. nor worthy of a response to your personal attacks. Like I said before, you are a jackass.

No, my comments were quite logical.

If you are going to claim that abnormal sexual practices are an issue for gays, then the abnormal sexual practices for straights should be an issue as well. But there seems to be no problem with abnormal sexual practices for straights, just like there seems to be no issue with straight couples using unnatural means for creating families.

All of that goes to the point of inequality.
Sad to say, but, there are plenty of people out there who object to both "abnormal sexual practices" as well as creating families by "unnatural means". This is the world we live in.
Thankfully, no one is patrolling the streets at night with X-ray vision, peering into his neighbors' bedrooms, and IVF is still legal. :thup:
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a very expensive, very life-like doll. :D
No, my comments were quite logical.

If you are going to claim that abnormal sexual practices are an issue for gays, then the abnormal sexual practices for straights should be an issue as well. But there seems to be no problem with abnormal sexual practices for straights, just like there seems to be no issue with straight couples using unnatural means for creating families.

All of that goes to the point of inequality.

So, if I take your statement to its logical conclusion, sex of any type between humans or even other beings must be accepted, because inequality is always the preferred route.

Equality is the preferred route, as far as I am concerned.

And sex of any type between consenting adults (that does not kill anyone) should be accepted.

And I never mentioned "other beings", so spare me that nonsense. The entire "consenting adults" takes care of that.

You stop at consenting adults, why do you deny consenting people?

Because it is important that they be old enough to make that decision.
You stop at consenting adults, why do you deny consenting people?

Clearly it does not believe in equal protection under the law for EVERYONE.

Yep, so it comes down to whose ruler do we use for the inequality line. Some group of deviants is always going to want to push it further.

Consenting adults is a pretty stable line. It covers everyone who would be capable of voluntarily joining in the sex act.
You stop at consenting adults, why do you deny consenting people?

Clearly it does not believe in equal protection under the law for EVERYONE.

Yep, so it comes down to whose ruler do we use for the inequality line. Some group of deviants is always going to want to push it further.

Consenting adults is a pretty stable line. It covers everyone who would be capable of voluntarily joining in the sex act.

Not all have the same adult mental capacities.
You stop at consenting adults, why do you deny consenting people?

Clearly it does not believe in equal protection under the law for EVERYONE.

Yep, so it comes down to whose ruler do we use for the inequality line. Some group of deviants is always going to want to push it further.

Consenting adults is a pretty stable line. It covers everyone who would be capable of voluntarily joining in the sex act.

Not all have the same adult mental capacities.

Which is why we, as a society, set an age at which a person can be assumed to be mature enough to make that decision, barring documentable mental disabilities. And that is why having sex with children or the mentally retarded is illegal, but having sex with someone of the same gender is not.
You stop at consenting adults, why do you deny consenting people?

Clearly it does not believe in equal protection under the law for EVERYONE.

Yep, so it comes down to whose ruler do we use for the inequality line. Some group of deviants is always going to want to push it further.

The one thing that you can depend upon from the deviant, is their consistent inability to respect BOUNDARIES.

As a result, we can rest assured that now that simply sucking cock is no longer anywhere NEAR 'ghey enough' to be 'edgy'... they'll need to go find the edge. And let's be honest here, there's only one edge left... , at least where all of the respective players, remain HUMAN.

SO LOCK UP THOSE KIDDIES Folks... Your presumptive Democrat Nominee for President is a LONG TIME proponent of freeing children from the bondage set upon them by their 'rents... giving children the Equal Protection under the Law that the 14th Amendment requires.. (Oh yes, it's in there. Look over next to the World Class Chili Recipe and The Secret to a Odor Free Litter Box. Everything is in the 14th Amendment... IF you know the right judge!) and that most definitely includes "The Right to Sexual Consent".

And THAT will complete the exercise, wherein the entirety of "The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality" is purposed... and that is to legalize the means of adults (Homosexuals) to pursue children for sexual gratification.

So, there will be no "PEDOPHILES HAVE RIGHTS!"... because the SCOTUS just codified THAT, having now FULLY LICENSED DEGENERACY... claiming that the 14th amendment provides that such as a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT! Which those who disagree were 'given' the right to bitch about it, but shut out of any actual means to contest it or otherwise prohibit such from being part and parcel of public policy, with degeneracy receiving the FULL PROTECTION OF A PROTECTED CLASS. Therefore, according to the 5 Leftists on the SCOTUS, Pedophiles not only have rights, they have SPECIAL... FULLY PROTECTED RIGHTS TO PROMOTE PERVERSION ANY WAY THEY NEED TO PROMOTE IT...

So that ship has sailed... THAT horse is out of the barn... THAT water is under the bridge.

All that remains now, is for The Left to assure that Children are Equally Protected under the Law... and PRESTO... It is LEGAL for homosexuals to pursue children for Sexual Gratification.

And if you poll the Advocates for Normalizing Sexual Abnormality, as I have polled them... you'll find that the ONLY objection that they have to Homosexuals pursuing children for Sexual Gratification is that such is ILLEGAL.




So... there it is. Now all there is to do, is to sit and wait for them to roll out the plan and get a case before the SCOTUS. And ... it's GAME OVER!

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Consenting adults is a pretty stable line. It covers everyone who would be capable of voluntarily joining in the sex act.

Well... there ya go.

Now... that IS a long list right there.

I mean, after all who wouldn't voluntarily join in the sex with a loving, caring person that they trust?

LOL! I say it here and it comes out THERE!
Which is why we, as a society, set an age at which a person can be assumed to be mature enough to make that decision, barring documentable mental disabilities. And that is why having sex with children or the mentally retarded is illegal, but having sex with someone of the same gender is not.

So you're speaking of laws which establish boundaries?

Of course, we, as a society set laws which established boundaries in which genders could join in sex... then changed those laws.

And we changed those laws because a small group of people, many of whom were homosexuals and all of whom who had been influenced by homosexuals, voted to remove homosexuality from the list of Mental Disorders.

And they took this vote, absent a scintilla of science which in any way or on any level established that the delusion that is the craving for sexual gratification through interaction with people of the same gender, was anything BUT DELUSION.

Thus, given that the same cult has already 'advised' us that 'some children may actually benefit from a loving sexual relationship with a caring adult ... ', we can be certain that THAT is the opinion of "SCIENCE!". At least the "SCIENCE!" which lacks sufficient objectivity to know that reality is not effected by a vote.

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