Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren: "i hated high school...i wasnt popular & didnt get invited to parties"

Sen. Warren is a damned-sight better than the white male trash who have been running this country into the ground for the past two years. So go ahead. Try to run her down. Just remember that we have experienced the orange whore, pigpence, mcconnell, graham, ryan, and everyone from cornyn to goehmert, none of whom are worth shit. Yes: race and sex. These guys sucked off their racial and gender identities, playing identity politics to the hilt, and did f*cking nothing to improve the United States of America, and, instead, have tried to tear our nation down.

I did not know Obama was still President?

Oh, he is not so why are you still living in the past when Obama did all you wrote?
You apparently cannot deal with what is happening in the present. These white-trash boys are in the here and now, playing identity politics, as usual.. As a white person, and a woman, I would say that these boys should have their heads dunked in the toilet, and then . . . flush!


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