Elizabeth Warren: Concealed Carry ‘Doesn’t Make Anyone Safer’

Warren is surrounded by armed trained security. The average American mother of 2 doesn't have that luxury.

More than likely she never had to live in a bad neighborhood in her life.

Warren: You commoners just deal with getting assaulted, raped, and killed only the elite are worthy of protection.

Just call the police, and hope you don't get killed in 20 minutes waiting for them. And you live in a Democrat controlled area, the police will arrest the guy, and the city will be forced to let him out of jail the next day like what takes place in New York city, where thugs pour buckets of water on the officers.
At least several dozen Texas churchgoers are at home tonight because of Concealed carry.....

Who said the Left have no clue about reality?

Countries with strong gun control don’t have regular church shooting and nobody dies.

Thats a nice theoretical, but again its not going to work in the real world. The United States has over 300+ million people and was not created and shaped in the same way as lets say Iceland, where they may have one murder for an entire year. You can ban all guns here tomorrow, pass strict laws and a black market will thrive because for one thing, we cant control the Drug cartels on the southern border who are just as powerful as the Mexican government itself. They will make sure to smuggle plenty of weapons in at a good price, probably weapons from communist China or the ME and they would corner the market if they were given that opportunity. Secondly, gangs and criminals would defy any regulations and not give up the guns they have now... you would have a disarmed law abiding population who would be harassed by gun weilding thugs who could have their way with you any time they choosed

You must work for the gun lobby. Of course we can do more. Our homicide rate is 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. Easy access to guns kills. Even angry children have easy access here.

What idiots like you don't understand is gun control only prevents people who wouldn't commit crimes from owning guns. Criminals don't care if the gun they are using is illegal.
Warren is surrounded by armed trained security. The average American mother of 2 doesn't have that luxury.

More than likely she never had to live in a bad neighborhood in her life.

Warren: You commoners just deal with getting assaulted, raped, and killed only the elite are worthy of protection.

Just call the police, and hope you don't get killed in 20 minutes waiting for them. And you live in a Democrat controlled area, the police will arrest the guy, and the city will be forced to let him out of jail the next day like what takes place in New York city, where thugs pour buckets of water on the officers.

Exactly, the police can't magically appear and save you from a murderer. Even if they could they are under no obligation to take a bullet for you. How about I just meet home intruders at my door with overwhelming force instead.
At least several dozen Texas churchgoers are at home tonight because of Concealed carry.....

Who said the Left have no clue about reality?

Countries with strong gun control don’t have regular church shooting and nobody dies.

Thats a nice theoretical, but again its not going to work in the real world. The United States has over 300+ million people and was not created and shaped in the same way as lets say Iceland, where they may have one murder for an entire year. You can ban all guns here tomorrow, pass strict laws and a black market will thrive because for one thing, we cant control the Drug cartels on the southern border who are just as powerful as the Mexican government itself. They will make sure to smuggle plenty of weapons in at a good price, probably weapons from communist China or the ME and they would corner the market if they were given that opportunity. Secondly, gangs and criminals would defy any regulations and not give up the guns they have now... you would have a disarmed law abiding population who would be harassed by gun weilding thugs who could have their way with you any time they choosed

You must work for the gun lobby. Of course we can do more. Our homicide rate is 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. Easy access to guns kills. Even angry children have easy access here.

Then the problem isn't with the guns, the problem are the parents.

You people on the left spent decades turning our prisons into virtual hotels. You have sanctuary cities to protect the criminals that are not supposed to be here in the first place. You've promoted single-parent homes to kiss up to the women's lib crowd. Your people want to do nothing about closing off the border, where most of our illegal heroin comes from that gets in the hands of gangs.

Guns are not the problem--liberals are the problem. If we're going to work on getting rid of anything, getting rid of them and keeping our guns would benefit the country the most.

It’s never the guns with you fools. Now it’s the parents. Or the left.

Well since it takes generations to change parents and life in the USA, you could at least TRY getting rid of the guns.

Another idiot farts^^^

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