Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

I have a feeling if the shoe were on the other foot, Republicans would be looking at this differently.

I have a feeling you only think that because YOUR principles are selfish and subjective, and you assume everyone is like you. Don't project.
Okay, maybe I'm wrong.

More than maybe. It's not like Democrats haven't won in recent history, and I have yet to see concerted efforts among Republicans to invalidate and delegitimize those elections. Disagree with and oppose policies, sure. Delegitimize, no.
Nonsense. They tried to delegitimize the 2000 election. As I pointed out, Katherine Harris refused to accept returns filed after a week following the election, even though she didn’t have to. Then there were the mobs of GOP operatives, paid to disrupt the recounts. Hoping to at least stall the recounts if not end them entirely.

There's a difference between opposing the result you wanted, and delegitimizing the election. Katherine Harris followed the law as written, however much it wasn't how you wanted things to be. The GOP also demanded that the law be followed as written, however much it "disrupted" your attempts to make things the way you wanted them.
The mobs were organized and and paid and their goal was to be disruptive. And I agree, Harris followed the law in the sense she had a choice to make and either choice she made would have followed the law. And she chose to disenfranchise voters by not counting their votes because counties were late. I also have no doubt that she would have accepted late returns, which would have been within the guidelines set by law, had it been Bush who was trailing in votes.
Nonsense. They tried to delegitimize the 2000 election. As I pointed out, Katherine Harris refused to accept returns filed after a week following the election, even though she didn’t have to. Then there were the mobs of GOP operatives, paid to disrupt the recounts. Hoping to at least stall the recounts if not end them entirely.
The whole thing was a partisan farce. They were making it up as they went along
The FL supreme court? You betcha they did -- they did everything they could to get Gore the win.
Too bad for the rule of law, eh?
Yep, they went into the bowels of the three deep blue counties to find every vote they could. They even called Florida for Bush earlier in the evening as the central time zone heavily Republican panhandle was still voting. So thousands did not vote.
And by “earlier in the evening,” you mean 10 minutes before the polls closed.
I believed it to be longer. And those 10 minutes as you typed are a lot of vote. After all, you make sure in those bowel areas that you get court orders to keep the polls open as you hunt down every vote you can cheat on.
We'll never know if it anyone didn't vote because of it or if thousands didn't vote. We also don't know if people on line even knew. That was before smart phones, people didn't have news at their fingertips.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
So you believe we should accept the opinion of Elizabeth Warren, the woman who lied about her ancestry for decades?


Yeah Warren tells a stupid lie that no one in their right mind gives a shit about (like anyone - other then a Native American - is going to vote for her because she said she was one, small part Native...riiiiiiiiight).

Trump tells lie after lie, false claim after false claim - as President - and you don't even give a shit.

Trump Lies
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Trump Lies
Donald Trump's file
Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
All of Donald Trump's Lies
Donald Trump’s Huge Lies | National Review
President Trump Made 1,950 Untrue Claims in 2017

Talk about hypocrisy.

You just have a ridiculously-intense hatred for anyone who does not think like you do politically.

And you have - IMO - near-ZERO cred with anyone who is not a Trumpbot on such matters.

Hell, I don't even give a shit about Warren and I think she is far, too extremist (like Sanders) to be good for America as POTUS. But her one, silly lie is FUCKING NOTHING compared to the falsehoods Trump unfurls on a weekly basis.
And yet, you seem blind to them all.

You are simply pathetic....worthy of pity. You are either monumentally stupid and/or monumentally delusional about Trump.

Have a nice day.
It’s a very simple constitutional construct. Wouldn’t expect you our any other Democrat to respect it.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Those states already dominate electoral college votes. Nothing wrong with having a national discussion about this, times change. It appears to have an obvious advantage for the Left and disadvantage for the right so it is going to be a political battle for sure. But who knows how it would play out. Could have the opposite effect and bring out more Republican votes in Cali and New York.

It is a cleaner way of running an election though, every vote has equal weight no matter where you are from, something appealing about that.
With a pure popular vote rural America would have zero say in the direction of this country... mob rule
Why’s that?
The electoral college is designed to oppose democracy in the election of the president. The entire point of ending the EC is to put the entire country under the dictatorship of New York and California.
How does it do that?
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Those states already dominate electoral college votes. Nothing wrong with having a national discussion about this, times change. It appears to have an obvious advantage for the Left and disadvantage for the right so it is going to be a political battle for sure. But who knows how it would play out. Could have the opposite effect and bring out more Republican votes in Cali and New York.

It is a cleaner way of running an election though, every vote has equal weight no matter where you are from, something appealing about that.
With a pure popular vote rural America would have zero say in the direction of this country... mob rule
Why’s that?

Because what President would pay any attention to them? Their votes would be meaningless.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Those states already dominate electoral college votes. Nothing wrong with having a national discussion about this, times change. It appears to have an obvious advantage for the Left and disadvantage for the right so it is going to be a political battle for sure. But who knows how it would play out. Could have the opposite effect and bring out more Republican votes in Cali and New York.

It is a cleaner way of running an election though, every vote has equal weight no matter where you are from, something appealing about that.
With a pure popular vote rural America would have zero say in the direction of this country... mob rule
Why’s that?

Because what President would pay any attention to them? Their votes would be meaningless.
They wouldn’t be meaningless. But they probably wouldn’t mean as much as they do now, that’s a point for debate. Why should our presidential elections come down to a handleful of battle ground states when our population centers and majority of other states are pretty much predetermined. How many Rally’s did Trump do in California? Not many if any, right? That’s millions of people that were ignored with our current system. A popular vote would put those votes more in play right?
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Those states already dominate electoral college votes. Nothing wrong with having a national discussion about this, times change. It appears to have an obvious advantage for the Left and disadvantage for the right so it is going to be a political battle for sure. But who knows how it would play out. Could have the opposite effect and bring out more Republican votes in Cali and New York.

It is a cleaner way of running an election though, every vote has equal weight no matter where you are from, something appealing about that.
With a pure popular vote rural America would have zero say in the direction of this country... mob rule
Why’s that?

Because what President would pay any attention to them? Their votes would be meaningless.
They wouldn’t be meaningless. But they probably wouldn’t mean as much as they do now, that’s a point for debate. Why should our presidential elections come down to a handleful of battle ground states when our population centers are majority of other states are pretty much predetermined. How many Rally’s did Trump do in California? Not many if any, right? That’s millions of people that were ignored with our current system. A popular vote would put those votes more in play right?

Trump had no reason to campaign in a state that he had no chance at winning. Hillary didn't spend a lot of time in the swing states because the bag thought she had those states in the bag. She totally ignored flyover country.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Those states already dominate electoral college votes. Nothing wrong with having a national discussion about this, times change. It appears to have an obvious advantage for the Left and disadvantage for the right so it is going to be a political battle for sure. But who knows how it would play out. Could have the opposite effect and bring out more Republican votes in Cali and New York.

It is a cleaner way of running an election though, every vote has equal weight no matter where you are from, something appealing about that.
With a pure popular vote rural America would have zero say in the direction of this country... mob rule
Why’s that?

Because what President would pay any attention to them? Their votes would be meaningless.
They wouldn’t be meaningless. But they probably wouldn’t mean as much as they do now, that’s a point for debate. Why should our presidential elections come down to a handleful of battle ground states when our population centers and majority of other states are pretty much predetermined. How many Rally’s did Trump do in California? Not many if any, right? That’s millions of people that were ignored with our current system. A popular vote would put those votes more in play right?
If you go to a pure popular vote, five or six of the most populous states should be the only people that vote...
Those states already dominate electoral college votes. Nothing wrong with having a national discussion about this, times change. It appears to have an obvious advantage for the Left and disadvantage for the right so it is going to be a political battle for sure. But who knows how it would play out. Could have the opposite effect and bring out more Republican votes in Cali and New York.

It is a cleaner way of running an election though, every vote has equal weight no matter where you are from, something appealing about that.
With a pure popular vote rural America would have zero say in the direction of this country... mob rule
Why’s that?

Because what President would pay any attention to them? Their votes would be meaningless.
They wouldn’t be meaningless. But they probably wouldn’t mean as much as they do now, that’s a point for debate. Why should our presidential elections come down to a handleful of battle ground states when our population centers are majority of other states are pretty much predetermined. How many Rally’s did Trump do in California? Not many if any, right? That’s millions of people that were ignored with our current system. A popular vote would put those votes more in play right?

Trump had no reason to campaign in a state that he had no chance at winning. Hillary didn't spend a lot of time in the swing states because the bag thought she had those states in the bag. She totally ignored flyover country.
Exactly the point, he couldn’t win the state so he didn’t campaign there. But theres a ton of conservatives and republicans in California. Many farmers and blue collared industrial workers from rural areas. He could have pulled millions of votes. There are probability many with conservative views that don’t even bother to vote because they know which way the state is going to go. Think about it. A popular vote isn’t necessarily going to benefit the Left. If there really is a “forgotten man” then they could very well exist within these big blue states.
With a pure popular vote rural America would have zero say in the direction of this country... mob rule
Why’s that?

Because what President would pay any attention to them? Their votes would be meaningless.
They wouldn’t be meaningless. But they probably wouldn’t mean as much as they do now, that’s a point for debate. Why should our presidential elections come down to a handleful of battle ground states when our population centers are majority of other states are pretty much predetermined. How many Rally’s did Trump do in California? Not many if any, right? That’s millions of people that were ignored with our current system. A popular vote would put those votes more in play right?

Trump had no reason to campaign in a state that he had no chance at winning. Hillary didn't spend a lot of time in the swing states because the bag thought she had those states in the bag. She totally ignored flyover country.
Exactly the point, he couldn’t win the state so he didn’t campaign there. But theres a ton of conservatives and republicans in California. Many farmers and blue collared industrial workers from rural areas. He could have pulled millions of votes. There are probability many with conservative views that don’t even bother to vote because they know which way the state is going to go. Think about it. A popular vote isn’t necessarily going to benefit the Left. If there really is a “forgotten man” then they could very well exist within these big blue states.
A pure popular vote is a slam dunk for progressives, It’s not even close.
There is no reason for rural America to even vote with a pure popular vote.
With a pure popular vote it would be pointless for anyone living in the red parts of the country to show up to the poles, Because their votes would be totally offset by just A few of the blue counties...

Thank God for the electoral college
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.
Pure popular vote = mob rule

Popular vote is giving the power to the people.
The Constitution clearly intended for the President to be elected by the states and ot by the combined popular vote of all the states, so what you want is a fundamental change in the Constitution and would best be achieved by amending the Constitution.

Ok sounds good
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
It would be a declaration of war.
I don't see it happening.
The people proposing it should be shot.
We all know why they started the EC, pony express was slow and only the elites read and voted.

Why the Electoral College
The Electoral College was created for two reasons. The first purpose was to create a buffer between population and the selection of a President. The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states.
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.
Cute story.

Literally makes no sense.

Hillary won the popular vote because she had more total votes. I know this is difficult for you to understand but you should really try.

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