Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

Can anyone deny that the Electoral College was originally based on racism and slavery?

I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.

Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Well ya know what they say.....shit in one hand and wish in the other see what fills up faster leftists!
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.

BS. The only reason the EC is an issue is the 2016 election. If the results were reversed Clinton winning the EC but losing the popular vote to Trump you and the demratrs would have no problem with that.

The EC has been an issue for two hundred years. The FairVote movement for example has been around for 27. years, founded by people across the political spectrum. A previous post noted as well legislation proposed fifty years ago. Your cherrypicked pissing and moaning doesn't change any of that.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...

Uh-huh....You'd be singing a different tune if Hillary had won.
Stop being a hypocrite, it's bad enough with psycho-boy in office:

Donald J. Trump

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

11:45 PM - Nov 6, 2012

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
LOL! Love making you Trumpanzees look like the idiots you are.
Actually no. I expected Cankles to win thankfully she didn't. We dealt with 8 years of Hussein Obama and didn't whine about the electoral college so you whiny ***** can do the same for the next 6 years.
Can anyone deny that the Electoral College was originally based on racism and slavery?

I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.

Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
That's because slavery isn't the basis for our electoral system.

Can you leftwing douchebags ever stop dragging racism into every policy discussion?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.

BS. The only reason the EC is an issue is the 2016 election. If the results were reversed Clinton winning the EC but losing the popular vote to Trump you and the demratrs would have no problem with that.

The EC has been an issue for two hundred years. The FairVote movement for example has been around for 27. years, founded by people across the political spectrum. A previous post noted as well legislation proposed fifty years ago. Your cherrypicked pissing and moaning doesn't change any of that.
You claimed it was an issue for 200 years, and then you posted an example that was only 27 years old.
It's way past time to abolish the vestiges of the racist founders. Abolish the Electoral College!

Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

The electoral college and its racist roots

Yes, no one gives a rat's fat ass what long-ago evil you want to try to hearken back to.

Live in the now. The EC kept us from having Hillary Clinton as President. There's no amount of "But SLAVERY!" that you're going to be able to scream that will offset the relief people feel.


You're forgetting that the end result was that we got Rump.

Want me to post all those admirably-scathing posts you made about him? You know, back when you and I were on the same side?

As I just posted ---- having it both ways: Priceless.
Can anyone deny that the Electoral College was originally based on racism and slavery?

I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.

Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
That's because slavery isn't the basis for our electoral system.

Can you leftwing douchebags ever stop dragging racism into every policy discussion?

I didn't bring it up, although I know the history.

But the fact remains, here's BOTH of you noting we don't have slavery any more, and yet clinging to the EC, a system which was, in part, contrived to perpetuate slavery.

What that means is that one of the foundational building blocks of that system went bye-bye 150 years ago. Now either we "move on" from all of that, or we don't. Seeing as how "Slave Power" no longer exists, that basis is gone.

The other bases were (a) communication --- a voter in Savannah Georgia would be unlikely to be familiar with a candidate from New Hampshire .... in the 18th century. That too is no longer the case. Television, rail/air travel and internet put that concern to rest.

And the (b) final basis was that a con artist could either snow the populace or appeal to only a specific region*. Seeing as how our sterling states slavishly dump their Electoral votes according to whoever took the plurality (not the majority) in that state, and even REQUIRE their electors to so vote, that too is in practice out the window.

What's left?

*Matter of fact Lincoln was elected just that way in 1860 when he won zero electoral votes from what would become the Confederacy --- in fact wasn't even on the ballots. So much for that idea.
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.

BS. The only reason the EC is an issue is the 2016 election. If the results were reversed Clinton winning the EC but losing the popular vote to Trump you and the demratrs would have no problem with that.

The EC has been an issue for two hundred years. The FairVote movement for example has been around for 27. years, founded by people across the political spectrum. A previous post noted as well legislation proposed fifty years ago. Your cherrypicked pissing and moaning doesn't change any of that.

You're stuck with it little boy.
Can anyone deny that the Electoral College was originally based on racism and slavery?

I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.

Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
That's because slavery isn't the basis for our electoral system.

Can you leftwing douchebags ever stop dragging racism into every policy discussion?

I didn't bring it up, although I know the history.

But the fact remains, here's BOTH of you noting we don't have slavery any more, and yet clinging to the EC, a system which was, in part, contrived to perpetuate slavery.

What that means is that one of the foundational building blocks of that system went bye-bye 150 years ago. Now either we "move on" from all of that, or we don't.
When are you going to stop lying?
Can anyone deny that the Electoral College was originally based on racism and slavery?

I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.

Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
That's because slavery isn't the basis for our electoral system.

Can you leftwing douchebags ever stop dragging racism into every policy discussion?

I didn't bring it up, although I know the history.

But the fact remains, here's BOTH of you noting we don't have slavery any more, and yet clinging to the EC, a system which was, in part, contrived to perpetuate slavery.

What that means is that one of the foundational building blocks of that system went bye-bye 150 years ago. Now either we "move on" from all of that, or we don't.

Your ignorance (despite your ego) is astounding.
Eliminate the Electoral College and disenfranchise 5/8th of the nation's voters.

Sounds like the Democrats have finally come up with a way to win back the White House.
Why should a vote in Montana be worth more than a vote in Pennsylvania?
If we went to a popular vote, the needs of Montana would be completely ignored by populist demagogues who would only campaign in urban centers.

That's why.

You're welcome.
That doesn`t justify a Montana vote being worth more than my Pennsylvania vote.

States have nothing to do with individual votes. Within a given state, ALL VOTES COUNT EQUAL. Quit trying to spin the topic! That is an argument created by your kind as an argument for mob rule. No matter how you cook it, eliminate the Electoral College as designed by the Founders and democrat states win big, will never lose again and the other 2/3rds of the country BE DAMNED.
There is simply no such thing as "democrat [sic] states". Or even "Democrat states". Nor is there such a thing as "Republican states". NO STATE ANYWHERE is a monolith. There are no "red states", no "blue states", no "battleground states". ***ALL*** of these are artificial and bullshit concepts created by the WTA-EC, without which said bullshit concepts cease to exist, along with the divisiveness that comes with them, and good fucking riddance.
Eliminate the Electoral College and disenfranchise 5/8th of the nation's voters.

Sounds like the Democrats have finally come up with a way to win back the White House.
Why should a vote in Montana be worth more than a vote in Pennsylvania?
If we went to a popular vote, the needs of Montana would be completely ignored by populist demagogues who would only campaign in urban centers.

That's why.

You're welcome.
That doesn`t justify a Montana vote being worth more than my Pennsylvania vote.

States have nothing to do with individual votes. Within a given state, ALL VOTES COUNT EQUAL. Quit trying to spin the topic! That is an argument created by your kind as an argument for mob rule. No matter how you cook it, eliminate the Electoral College as designed by the Founders and democrat states win big, will never lose again and the other 2/3rds of the country BE DAMNED.
There is simply no such thing as "democrat [sic] states". Or even "Democrat states". Nor is there such a thing as "Republican states". NO STATE ANYWHERE is a monolith. There are no "red states", no "blue states", no "battleground states". ***ALL*** of these are artificial and bullshit concepts created by the WTA-EC, without which said bullshit concepts cease to exist, along with the divisiveness that comes with them, and good fucking riddance.

Not in your life time piss ant.
Can anyone deny that the Electoral College was originally based on racism and slavery?

I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.

Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
That's because slavery isn't the basis for our electoral system.

Can you leftwing douchebags ever stop dragging racism into every policy discussion?

I didn't bring it up, although I know the history.

But the fact remains, here's BOTH of you noting we don't have slavery any more, and yet clinging to the EC, a system which was, in part, contrived to perpetuate slavery.

What that means is that one of the foundational building blocks of that system went bye-bye 150 years ago. Now either we "move on" from all of that, or we don't.
When are you going to stop lying?

I rounded it off. 154 years ago for the pissant pedants.
Can anyone deny that the Electoral College was originally based on racism and slavery?

I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.

Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
That's because slavery isn't the basis for our electoral system.

Can you leftwing douchebags ever stop dragging racism into every policy discussion?

I didn't bring it up, although I know the history.

But the fact remains, here's BOTH of you noting we don't have slavery any more, and yet clinging to the EC, a system which was, in part, contrived to perpetuate slavery.

What that means is that one of the foundational building blocks of that system went bye-bye 150 years ago. Now either we "move on" from all of that, or we don't.

Your ignorance (despite your ego) is astounding.

And yet ---- you can't think of a counterargument. :itsok:
I love the way they always fall back on the Doublethinkian "mob rule" canard, while utterly unable to defend it.
Since I'm not so good at math concepts, I keep wondering if I'm missing something. I'm beginning to think maybe I'm not.

It's a bullshit term they're hoping everybody just swallows without demanding an explanation.
Explanation is the kryptonite to Doublethink.
Majority rule and mob rule are synonyms. The fact that a majority feels the same way you do doesn't give you the right to impose anything on the minority.

See what I mean? This klown wants to sell "synonyms" :rofl:

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half
  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

Doesn't look like a pair of "synonyms" to me Fingerboy. Looks like weasel wording.

ma·jor·i·ty 1.the greater number.
mob 1.a large crowd

The intentionally obtuse jackass speaks. The ultimate weasel. He has eyes but know not how to use them.

ALT-MEANING: Spin doctor.

And yet you too have no counterargument. Seems to be a pattern.

Not ONLY do you have no rebuttal, you even edited my quote to remove the inconvenient parts you have no argument against, for which I'll proceed to report you.
I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.

Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
That's because slavery isn't the basis for our electoral system.

Can you leftwing douchebags ever stop dragging racism into every policy discussion?

I didn't bring it up, although I know the history.

But the fact remains, here's BOTH of you noting we don't have slavery any more, and yet clinging to the EC, a system which was, in part, contrived to perpetuate slavery.

What that means is that one of the foundational building blocks of that system went bye-bye 150 years ago. Now either we "move on" from all of that, or we don't.

Your ignorance (despite your ego) is astounding.

And yet ---- you can't think of a counterargument. :itsok:

I know I do and I've expressed it multiple times. It's over your head because you a partisan twit. If you think the EC and the 3/5ths clause "furthered" racism you are more stupid than even I know you to be.
All those things are orthogonal with each other.

Vermont and RI have very similar ratios of voters per EC vote. So stop whining.
The Electoral College isn't going anywhere because the States elect the president.
Its going because only a few states actually pick the president (swing states).
And wyoming residents have 43x voting power than california resident.

Without the skewing of the process to focus on the so-called “battleground” states where the balance can be tipped in the Electoral College, candidates would be freed to make appeals to voters in every part of the country

I love how leftists discover something literally decades after their peers do, promptly misunderstand it thoroughly, and then wander around pronouncing on it as though they're experts.
Then point out my mistake.

Your entire post, and the premise you're operating from. I just told you that.

You're not getting any swifter on the uptake, Sparkles.
Are you familiar with the concept of swing states?
Presidential candidates only care about swing states, largely because of electoral college.
Take care of electoral college, and everybody in the USA will get to pick the president, not just those who live in swing states. This much I know is true, is it not?
Kind of bizzaro how this post says "move (ourselves) on" from the slavery thing --- yet doesn't care to move (our electoral system) on from the slavery basis. Having it both ways: Priceless.
That's because slavery isn't the basis for our electoral system.

Can you leftwing douchebags ever stop dragging racism into every policy discussion?

I didn't bring it up, although I know the history.

But the fact remains, here's BOTH of you noting we don't have slavery any more, and yet clinging to the EC, a system which was, in part, contrived to perpetuate slavery.

What that means is that one of the foundational building blocks of that system went bye-bye 150 years ago. Now either we "move on" from all of that, or we don't.

Your ignorance (despite your ego) is astounding.

And yet ---- you can't think of a counterargument. :itsok:

I know I do and I've expressed it multiple times. It's over your head because you a partisan twit. If you think the EC and the 3/5ths clause "furthered" racism you are more stupid than even I know you to be.

I didn't say it "furthered racism", asshole. Why can't you deal with what the post actually does say?

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