Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

Why’s that?

Because what President would pay any attention to them? Their votes would be meaningless.
They wouldn’t be meaningless. But they probably wouldn’t mean as much as they do now, that’s a point for debate. Why should our presidential elections come down to a handleful of battle ground states when our population centers are majority of other states are pretty much predetermined. How many Rally’s did Trump do in California? Not many if any, right? That’s millions of people that were ignored with our current system. A popular vote would put those votes more in play right?

Trump had no reason to campaign in a state that he had no chance at winning. Hillary didn't spend a lot of time in the swing states because the bag thought she had those states in the bag. She totally ignored flyover country.
Exactly the point, he couldn’t win the state so he didn’t campaign there. But theres a ton of conservatives and republicans in California. Many farmers and blue collared industrial workers from rural areas. He could have pulled millions of votes. There are probability many with conservative views that don’t even bother to vote because they know which way the state is going to go. Think about it. A popular vote isn’t necessarily going to benefit the Left. If there really is a “forgotten man” then they could very well exist within these big blue states.
A pure popular vote is a slam dunk for progressives, It’s not even close.
There is no reason for rural America to even vote with a pure popular vote.
Explain why... these empty proclaimations are meaningless. I just put out some points. How about trying to respond to them or make some of your own. Something more than “it’s a slam dunk for progressives”. WHY? HOW?
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.
Cute story.

Literally makes no sense.

Hillary won the popular vote because she had more total votes. I know this is difficult for you to understand but you should really try.

But the people running don’t try to win the popular vote because it’s useless? If you’re going to change the rules then the people will campaign differently and pander to the populous states. So HRC won but it’s irrelevant. It’s like saying a football team had more yards. But it’s pts not yards that ultimately count. If you change the rules to yards then the strategy becomes materially different.

Hopefully this makes sense.
With a pure popular vote it would be pointless for anyone living in the red parts of the country to show up to the poles, Because their votes would be totally offset by just A few of the blue counties...

Thank God for the electoral college
See all those red areas in California? Those would be millions of votes for republicans that aren’t currently factored. If they did count think of how many more California republicans would vote, cause it would actually matter. Did you think about that?
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.
Cute story.

Literally makes no sense.

Hillary won the popular vote because she had more total votes. I know this is difficult for you to understand but you should really try.
Fuckface, More people voted for the conservative/libertarian side, and it doesn’t matter anyways because presidents are not elected by a fucking popular vote, this is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy shut the fuck up you moron.
2016 Presidential General Election Results
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
It would be a declaration of war.
I don't see it happening.
The people proposing it should be shot.
You’re only saying that because you think it helps liberals... pathetic
With a pure popular vote it would be pointless for anyone living in the red parts of the country to show up to the poles, Because their votes would be totally offset by just A few of the blue counties...

Thank God for the electoral college
See all those red areas in California? Those would be millions of votes for republicans that aren’t currently factored. If they did count think of how many more California republicans would vote, cause it would actually matter. Did you think about that?
It would be a waste of time for them conservatives to come out to vote with a pure popular vote.
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.
Cute story.

Literally makes no sense.

Hillary won the popular vote because she had more total votes. I know this is difficult for you to understand but you should really try.

But the people running don’t try to win the popular vote because it’s useless? If you’re going to change the rules then the people will campaign differently and pander to the populous states. So HRC won but it’s irrelevant. It’s like saying a football team had more yards. But it’s pts not yards that ultimately count. If you change the rules to yards then the strategy becomes materially different.

Hopefully this makes sense.

Oh I get it. And I don't disagree that strategy will differ.

I still want the popular vote to be used for presidential elections.
Much like their political theatrics over demanding Mueller's report be released in its entirety and their demand that Trump's tax returns be released, Democrats do not have the power to do this.

Abandoning the Electoral College would take a Constitutional Amendment. If Democrats simply 'voted' to abandon it a law suit would be filed, & the USSC would rule the move as un-Constitutional.

Snowflakes continue to attempt to rally their base by claiming Hillary win the 2016 election, that the win was stolen, and continue to throw this tantrum because they refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election.

The snowflakes / Democrats completely skip over the fact that Hillary shod never have been in the election because she should have been indicted for her proven crimes instead of being protected AND the fact that Hillary was GIVEN the DNC nomination she could not win on her own ... Despite rigging primaries and cheating in debates...
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.
Cute story.

Literally makes no sense.

Hillary won the popular vote because she had more total votes. I know this is difficult for you to understand but you should really try.
2016 Presidential General Election Results
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.
Cute story.

Literally makes no sense.

Hillary won the popular vote because she had more total votes. I know this is difficult for you to understand but you should really try.
Fuckface, More people voted for the conservative/libertarian side, and it doesn’t matter anyways because presidents are not elected by a fucking popular vote, this is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy shut the fuck up you moron.
2016 Presidential General Election Results

Great then a conservative would have won.

The electoral college is past it's prime. It's time to ensure all votes are equal.
Because what President would pay any attention to them? Their votes would be meaningless.
They wouldn’t be meaningless. But they probably wouldn’t mean as much as they do now, that’s a point for debate. Why should our presidential elections come down to a handleful of battle ground states when our population centers are majority of other states are pretty much predetermined. How many Rally’s did Trump do in California? Not many if any, right? That’s millions of people that were ignored with our current system. A popular vote would put those votes more in play right?

Trump had no reason to campaign in a state that he had no chance at winning. Hillary didn't spend a lot of time in the swing states because the bag thought she had those states in the bag. She totally ignored flyover country.
Exactly the point, he couldn’t win the state so he didn’t campaign there. But theres a ton of conservatives and republicans in California. Many farmers and blue collared industrial workers from rural areas. He could have pulled millions of votes. There are probability many with conservative views that don’t even bother to vote because they know which way the state is going to go. Think about it. A popular vote isn’t necessarily going to benefit the Left. If there really is a “forgotten man” then they could very well exist within these big blue states.
A pure popular vote is a slam dunk for progressives, It’s not even close.
There is no reason for rural America to even vote with a pure popular vote.
Explain why... these empty proclaimations are meaningless. I just put out some points. How about trying to respond to them or make some of your own. Something more than “it’s a slam dunk for progressives”. WHY? HOW?
Ok, Southern California Would displace five states in the northern plains, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho.
Personally I like Maine's and Nebraska's system of allocating two electoral votes to the state's popular vote winner, and then one electoral vote to the popular vote winner in each Congressional district. Some states have passed legislation that if enough states sign on, they'll pick their electors based on the national popular vote. I don't care for that.
With a pure popular vote it would be pointless for anyone living in the red parts of the country to show up to the poles, Because their votes would be totally offset by just A few of the blue counties...

Thank God for the electoral college
See all those red areas in California? Those would be millions of votes for republicans that aren’t currently factored. If they did count think of how many more California republicans would vote, cause it would actually matter. Did you think about that?
It would be a waste of time for them conservatives to come out to vote with a pure popular vote.
Why? That's the point. All votes are equal in a popular vote.

So, these racist old misogynists thought they made a better system of government? If only they could see it now.
They would be happy to know they are still right.

JFK made the successful argument that the Electoral College is based on a system that ensures equal representation of all Americans small fly-over states just as equally as huge cities / areas like NY & LA (Ca). JFK pointed out that the US Senate is based on basically the same type system - 2 reps per state despite population...if you get rid of the Electoral College, he argued, then for the same reason we would need to eliminate the US Senate.
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.
Cute story.

Literally makes no sense.

Hillary won the popular vote because she had more total votes. I know this is difficult for you to understand but you should really try.
Fuckface, More people voted for the conservative/libertarian side, and it doesn’t matter anyways because presidents are not elected by a fucking popular vote, this is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy shut the fuck up you moron.
2016 Presidential General Election Results

Great then a conservative would have won.

The electoral college is past it's prime. It's time to ensure all votes are equal.
There is no reason for people in rural America to vote in a pure popular vote, They would lose every single presidential election.
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.
Cute story.

Literally makes no sense.

Hillary won the popular vote because she had more total votes. I know this is difficult for you to understand but you should really try.
Fuckface, More people voted for the conservative/libertarian side, and it doesn’t matter anyways because presidents are not elected by a fucking popular vote, this is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy shut the fuck up you moron.
2016 Presidential General Election Results

Great then a conservative would have won.

The electoral college is past it's prime. It's time to ensure all votes are equal.

The EC does equalize the votes.
It will never happen.

2/3's of Congress is a pipe dream

and 3/4's of the States isn't even feasible.

Dems cannot run against the Trump Economy that right now stands at 71% approval. Thus
they have to dig up all this other crap so that they can say something.

And forget this so-called pact that California started. (Having states give their electoral votes
to the candidate that wins th popular vote.) For that to go into effect, they have to have 270
Electoral votes and the instant enough states with 270 total electoral votes sign on, it will be
challenged in the courts and SCOTUS will strike it down, as being unconstitutional.

Our President is selected thru the Electoral College and only a Constitutional Amendment can change
that. 2/3's and 3/4's...Good Luck
With a pure popular vote it would be pointless for anyone living in the red parts of the country to show up to the poles, Because their votes would be totally offset by just A few of the blue counties...

Thank God for the electoral college
See all those red areas in California? Those would be millions of votes for republicans that aren’t currently factored. If they did count think of how many more California republicans would vote, cause it would actually matter. Did you think about that?
It would be a waste of time for them conservatives to come out to vote with a pure popular vote.
Why? That's the point. All votes are equal in a popular vote.
Na, not really
All of the people in the red areas would be displaced by just a few blue counties...
That is why this is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy

So, these racist old misogynists thought they made a better system of government? If only they could see it now.
They would be happy to know they are still right.

JFK made the successful argument that the Electoral College is based on a system that ensures equal representation of all Americans small fly-over states just as equally as huge cities / areas like NY & LA (Ca). JFK pointed out that the US Senate is based on basically the same type system - 2 reps per state despite population...if you get rid of the Electoral College, he argued, then for the same reason we would need to eliminate the US Senate.


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