Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

#1) Deport all illegals

#2) Build the wall

#3) Balance the Budget

#4) Do 1-3 and we can abolish the EC.
All those things are orthogonal with each other.

Vermont and RI have very similar ratios of voters per EC vote. So stop whining.
The Electoral College isn't going anywhere because the States elect the president.
Its going because only a few states actually pick the president (swing states).
And wyoming residents have 43x voting power than california resident.

Without the skewing of the process to focus on the so-called “battleground” states where the balance can be tipped in the Electoral College, candidates would be freed to make appeals to voters in every part of the country

I love how leftists discover something literally decades after their peers do, promptly misunderstand it thoroughly, and then wander around pronouncing on it as though they're experts.
Then point out my mistake.
#1) Deport all illegals

#2) Build the wall

#3) Balance the Budget

#4) Do 1-3 and we can abolish the EC.
All those things are orthogonal with each other.

Vermont and RI have very similar ratios of voters per EC vote. So stop whining.
The Electoral College isn't going anywhere because the States elect the president.
Its going because only a few states actually pick the president (swing states).
And wyoming residents have 43x voting power than california resident.

Without the skewing of the process to focus on the so-called “battleground” states where the balance can be tipped in the Electoral College, candidates would be freed to make appeals to voters in every part of the country

I love how leftists discover something literally decades after their peers do, promptly misunderstand it thoroughly, and then wander around pronouncing on it as though they're experts.

They hate "white folk" it's just that simple.
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.
Pure popular vote = mob rule

Popular vote is giving the power to the people.
The Constitution clearly intended for the President to be elected by the states and ot by the combined popular vote of all the states, so what you want is a fundamental change in the Constitution and would best be achieved by amending the Constitution.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Under the current system of state-by-state winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes, small states (the 13 states with only 3 or 4 electoral votes) are the most disadvantaged and ignored group of states in this Republic:

9.4 Myths about the Small States

  • "The small states are not ignored because of their low population, but because they are not closely divided battleground states. The 12 small non-battleground states have about the same population (12 million) as the closely divided battleground state of Ohio.

  • "The 12 small states have 40 electoral votes—more than twice Ohio’s 18 electoral votes. However, Ohio received 73 of 253 post-convention campaign events in 2012, while the 12 small non-battleground states received none."
Small states know they have electoral college votes to represent them... Because they don’t mean nothing to the popular vote.
There again that’s why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Small states know they have electoral college votes to represent them... Because they don’t mean nothing to the popular vote.
There again that’s why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
Do you see any reason why voters in a Democratic Republic should not expect POTUS candidates to campaign in all fifty states as opposed to a dozen "battleground states?"

9.4 Myths about the Small States

"New Hampshire has been the only closely divided battleground state among the 13 small states in the last seven presidential elections (1988 through 2012).[207]

"The 12 small non-battleground states (named above) have a combined population of 11.5 million.

"Coincidentally, Ohio has almost the same number of people as these 12 small states.

"Because of the bonus of two electoral votes that every state receives, the 12 small non-battleground states have 40 electoral votes, whereas Ohio has less than half as many (18 after the 2010 census).

"However, political power does not arise from the number of electoral votes that a state possesses, but instead, from whether the state is a closely divided battleground state.

"In 2008, there were 62 post-convention campaign events in the closely divided battleground state of Ohio (out of a nationwide total of 300 events), whereas the 12 small non-battleground states received only three (and all three of these events were 'exceptions that prove the rule')[208].

"In 2012, there were 73 post-convention campaign events (out of 253) in the closely divided battleground state of Ohio, whereas the 12 non-battleground small states each received none.

"In short, in 2012, the 11.5 million people in the 12 small non-battleground states received no campaign events, advertising, polling, or policy consideration by presidential candidates because the outcome of the presidential race in those states was a foregone conclusion.

"In contrast, the state-by-state winner-take-all rule makes the same number of people in Ohio the center of attention."
The Electoral College is rooted in slavery. Abolish it.

The Electoral College polarized Americans from its inception. Created by the framers of the Constitution during the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, the College was put forth as a way to give citizens the opportunity to vote in presidential elections, with the added safeguard of a group of knowledgeable electors with final say on who would ultimately lead the country, another limit on the burgeoning nation’s democratic ideals.

The story of the Electoral College is also one of slavery—an institution central to the founding of American democracy. The bulk of the new nation’s citizenry resided in cities like Philadelphia and Boston in the North, leaving the South sparsely populated by farmers, plantation owners, other landholders, and, of course, enslaved laborers. This disparity in the population distribution became a core element of the legislative branch, and in turn, the Electoral College.

More: The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Lakhota's posts are rooted in idiocy. Abolish them.
It's way past time to abolish the vestiges of the racist founders. Abolish the Electoral College!

Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

The electoral college and its racist roots

Yes, no one gives a rat's fat ass what long-ago evil you want to try to hearken back to.

Live in the now. The EC kept us from having Hillary Clinton as President. There's no amount of "But SLAVERY!" that you're going to be able to scream that will offset the relief people feel.
#1) Deport all illegals

#2) Build the wall

#3) Balance the Budget

#4) Do 1-3 and we can abolish the EC.
All those things are orthogonal with each other.

Vermont and RI have very similar ratios of voters per EC vote. So stop whining.
The Electoral College isn't going anywhere because the States elect the president.
Its going because only a few states actually pick the president (swing states).
And wyoming residents have 43x voting power than california resident.

Without the skewing of the process to focus on the so-called “battleground” states where the balance can be tipped in the Electoral College, candidates would be freed to make appeals to voters in every part of the country

I love how leftists discover something literally decades after their peers do, promptly misunderstand it thoroughly, and then wander around pronouncing on it as though they're experts.
Then point out my mistake.

Your entire post, and the premise you're operating from. I just told you that.

You're not getting any swifter on the uptake, Sparkles.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.

BS. The only reason the EC is an issue is the 2016 election. If the results were reversed Clinton winning the EC but losing the popular vote to Trump you and the demratrs would have no problem with that.
Can anyone deny that the Electoral College was originally based on racism and slavery?

I can, but I'm not going to bother, because I don't give a damn. It was a good and effective compromise that works well, whatever reason there was for making it. I'm not a simpleminded leftist, so I don't spend a lot of time kvetching about, "I have to hate this because some jackwad on the Internet said it was connected somehow to something bad two centuries ago." Don't care.

My family OWNED slaves two centuries ago. I'm not planning to consign all my currently-living relatives to the flames of perdition because of that. Life moves on. Learn to deal with the now.
Republicans don't want the presidential election decided by popular vote because their ideas aren't popular.

Suppressing what the people want is the only way Republicans can maintain power.

You don't know what the popular vote would turn out because we never had one for a Presidential election. Remember during DumBama that we had most of the Governorships across the country not to mention the lead in Congress and eventually the Senate. That in addition to the statewide positions of power that turned Republican.

The idea that Hil-Liar won the popular vote is a stupid one. It's like saying I'm a better poker player than you are even though you won because I formed some great gin rummy hands.

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