Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Where did I ever mention trickle down?

Everyone should be able to keep as much of their own money as possible.

And how does letting a person who makes more than you keep more of his own money rob you?
A business can't survive by paying their ceos millions AND paying their employees a fair wage. There is the greed factor in trickle down. That is how the American worker is robbed.
The Progs Collective has been trained to believe that the Federal Government IS in fact the US economy. Since the vast majority of them received EBT, unemployment and live in some form of subsidized housing, it's true; the government is their lifeline.

The reality is that the private sector drives the US economy. People like Lizzy Cheekbones LOATHE the private sector, which is also why Progressive economies have a guaranteed 100% Fail rate
Upward economic mobility has all but stalled for the working/middle class, it would be in conservatives best interests to address this instead of ignoring it and calling people commies.
They do, idiot. The first step is getting rid of Democrats, who have stalled this economy for 8 years.
Wages have been flat in defiance of skyrocketing income growth of the rich since at least the mid-nineties if not longer and republicans have no interest in working class wages and haven't gave a fuck about them since before Reagan. What do you think they are going to do to reverse a trend that their rich donors have a vested interest in continuing? Trickle down on steroids?
Are you that stupid?
Democrats controlled government for most of that time. There were different tax rates, different regulatory policie, different benefits. Are you telling me that no matter what,wages have been flat for 20 years? Seriously? You know anyone making what he made under Clinton?
Don't be dense, you've attacked enough income inequality threads to know that adjusted for inflation wages have been flat for at least thirty years while upper class income has been growing at an astonishing rate therefore making supply side economics a horrible joke upon the working poor. The figures are inescapable, trickle down does not work as advertised but it does work as it's proponents intended.
Yawn. ANother statistical factoid that doesnt mean what you think it means repeated again.
This little stinker has been debunked over and over. The fact that you repeat it as though it were gospel is very telling.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics

Warrens economics are based on the argument that "we cannot afford to pay our workers more" is bullshit based on record profits

JFK once said a rising economic tide lifts all boats
That is no longer true, right now it only lifts the yachts
No one is stopping anyone from making more money.

Warren herself who grew up "on the ragged edge of the middle class" made it to the 1% she just thinks you're all to fucking stupid to do it without the government stealing money from some to give to you

When you look at 50 million workers, yes they are

The opportunities for advancement are not there, the wage pool is not there, the benefits are not there. Warren is not saying the government should steal the money and give it to the workers but that the government should stand on the side of the workers for once
Warren has a message for working Americans

You are getting screwed

Republicans can only reply with insulting Indian stereotypes
What she doesnt tell you is that it is Democrats doing the screwing.

Again, the disconnect here is breathtaking. Dems hold absolute power for 6 years, pass tons of legislation, and then blame the GOP for bad results.
How stupid is that?
She's a typical Progressive/Democrat. Recommends other pay taxes for their free stuff they want to give away (with taxpayers monies) and wails for businesses to pay higher wages while she SITS ON HER MILLIONS.

he motto:
CLASS WARFARE because that's what works on low information voters in the Democrat party base
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Look at Lizzy Cheekbones history. She was a sad, lonely housewife going nowhere in life and then she checked the "American Indian" box and TA-DA!!

She got a full scholarship and a paid teaching position as a minority!

IS this a great country or what?
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Do you even know what you are talking about? Could you reasonably define "trickle down" in a way that doesnt declare you're a raging ignoramus?
Warren has a message for working Americans

You are getting screwed

Republicans can only reply with insulting Indian stereotypes
What she doesnt tell you is that it is Democrats doing the screwing.

Again, the disconnect here is breathtaking. Dems hold absolute power for 6 years, pass tons of legislation, and then blame the GOP for bad results.
How stupid is that?
HaHa, Trickle down was Reagan's baby.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Do you even know what you are talking about? Could you reasonably define "trickle down" in a way that doesnt declare you're a raging ignoramus?
Fuck off, everyone knows you are ignorant.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics

Warrens economics are based on the argument that "we cannot afford to pay our workers more" is bullshit based on record profits

JFK once said a rising economic tide lifts all boats
That is no longer true, right now it only lifts the yachts
No one is stopping anyone from making more money.

Warren herself who grew up "on the ragged edge of the middle class" made it to the 1% she just thinks you're all to fucking stupid to do it without the government stealing money from some to give to you

When you look at 50 million workers, yes they are

The opportunities for advancement are not there, the wage pool is not there, the benefits are not there. Warren is not saying the government should steal the money and give it to the workers but that the government should stand on the side of the workers for once
By doing what, Nutsucker? Machine gunning teh management?

Here's an idea: How about quit demonizing the wealthy and successful and let them start some businesses and employ some workers, giving workers more choice and thus more leverage in wage negotiations?
Wow, radical, eh?
Of course a sad sack like you thinks he's powerless and just has to grovel for whatever crumbs he can get. And in your case that might be true.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Do you even know what you are talking about? Could you reasonably define "trickle down" in a way that doesnt declare you're a raging ignoramus?
Fuck off, everyone knows you are ignorant.
OK, so that's a No, you cannot reasonably define trickle down in a way that doesnt declare you're a raging ignoramus.
Thanks for clearing it up.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Do you even know what you are talking about? Could you reasonably define "trickle down" in a way that doesnt declare you're a raging ignoramus?
Fuck off, everyone knows you are ignorant.
OK, so that's a No, you cannot reasonably define trickle down in a way that doesnt declare you're a raging ignoramus.
Thanks for clearing it up.
It wouldn't satisfy your talking point knowledge of the program. Wingnuts only know talking points. Warren knows absolutely what she is talking about.

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rust'.
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I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Where did I ever mention trickle down?

Everyone should be able to keep as much of their own money as possible.

And how does letting a person who makes more than you keep more of his own money rob you?
Warren was talking about trickle down. Try and keep up.
You addressed me as saying I said trickle down was a good idea.

Maybe you should learn to write a little more clearly huh?

And answer the question I asked.

How does someone who makes more than you keeping his own money tantamount to robbing you?
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Do you even know what you are talking about? Could you reasonably define "trickle down" in a way that doesnt declare you're a raging ignoramus?
Fuck off, everyone knows you are ignorant.
OK, so that's a No, you cannot reasonably define trickle down in a way that doesnt declare you're a raging ignoramus.
Thanks for clearing it up.
It wouldn't satisfy your talking point knowledge of the program. Wingnuts only know talking points. Warren knows absolutely what she is talking about.
Lemme check.
Nope, that's still a no, you cannot define it without soundling like a moron.
Here's a tip: stick to topics you have actual knowledge of.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Where did I ever mention trickle down?

Everyone should be able to keep as much of their own money as possible.

And how does letting a person who makes more than you keep more of his own money rob you?
Warren was talking about trickle down. Try and keep up.
You addressed me as saying I said trickle down was a good idea.

Maybe you should learn to write a little more clearly huh?

And answer the question I asked.

How does someone who makes more than you keeping his own money tantamount to robbing you?
There was a question mark there. I was asking.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.
Where did I ever mention trickle down?

Everyone should be able to keep as much of their own money as possible.

And how does letting a person who makes more than you keep more of his own money rob you?
A business can't survive by paying their ceos millions AND paying their employees a fair wage. There is the greed factor in trickle down. That is how the American worker is robbed.
FYI most businesses don't have CEOs making millions.

And no one is stopping you or anyone else from making more money are they?

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