Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Of course, all that is needed is more laws and regulations. What an empty statement, we need to have more laws and regulation to help the middle class. That isn't even possible or at least the Indian lady didn't tell us how.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.

But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.

When Reagan cut all tax brackets, that robbed the American worker? How?

Be specific.

Reagan's tax cuts eliminated middle and working class deductions, such as tool purchases and union dues.
They also eliminated interest rate deductions on everything but home mortgages

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Of course, all that is needed is more laws and regulations. What an empty statement, we need to have more laws and regulation to help the middle class. That isn't even possible or at least the Indian lady didn't tell us how.

Who writes the tax code now?

The wealthy or the working class? How many deductions are available to the wealthy vs how many are available to the working class?
She keeps making points against "Trickle Down", gotta love Elizabeth Warren.

Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the Magical Accounting of Trickle-Down Economics Mother Jones

Elizabeth Warren says "America's middle class is in deep trouble." Although general economic indicators are on the rise, the Massachusetts senator argued in a speech Wednesday morning, pay has stagnated for all but the richest Americans—and trickle-down voodoo economics and loose Wall Street regulation are to blame. And although Warren has given every indication that she's happy to remain in the Senate and pass on liberals' hopes that she'll run for president in 2016, her speech—at an AFL-CIO conference on wages—had the tone of a presidential campaign barnstormer.

Warren kicked off her address by noting that the current economic recovery, while real, hasn't helped most Americans. The stock market's up, but half the country doesn't own any stocks. Inflation is low, but that doesn't matter for millennials burdened by overwhelming student debt. Corporate profits have risen, but that hardly matters to people who work at Walmart and are paid so little that they still need food stamps, Warren said.

LOL! So Lez Warner is fighting back against the Magic Accounting of Socialism?

You know... where government confiscates the product of everyone's labor, takes most of it for the ruling class and allows a tiny fraction 'trickle down' to the masses, as a means to buy power, through the exploitation of the stupid?

Look at that Reagan's economy did following the malaise of Jimmy Carter. He turned things around something that Clinton was able to lie his way into the presidency and ruin with his free trade agreements. If you want policies that have hurt the middle class there is no better example then what Clinton did to the working man.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.

But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.

When Reagan cut all tax brackets, that robbed the American worker? How?

Be specific.

Reagan's tax cuts eliminated middle and working class deductions, such as tool purchases and union dues.
They also eliminated interest rate deductions on everything but home mortgages

It was the right thing to do.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.

But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.

When Reagan cut all tax brackets, that robbed the American worker? How?

Be specific.

Reagan's tax cuts eliminated middle and working class deductions, such as tool purchases and union dues.
They also eliminated interest rate deductions on everything but home mortgages

It was the right thing to do.
I wouldn't care if the mortgage interest deduction went away.

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Of course, all that is needed is more laws and regulations. What an empty statement, we need to have more laws and regulation to help the middle class. That isn't even possible or at least the Indian lady didn't tell us how.

Who writes the tax code now?

The wealthy or the working class?

Well isn't that interesting. What is your point? More middle class tax cuts as did Bush? Or more taking from the rich, or both? How exactly does either help the middle class? JOBS that are meaningful and pay well is the ONLY answer. Illegal immigration isn't going to help but the left wing are too big of hypocrites to admit the same.

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.
That is wrong.
Our "woes" began with the recession under Bush and worsened since Democrats took over. For most of Bush's presidency we had low unemployment, rising wages,and steady but not great growth.
Democrats have made the economy stagnant with a tax and regulatory regime like France's. The result is high unemployment, low wage growth and lack of opportunity.

Your full of shit. Our economic woes began with the passage of Prop 13 in CA and later when your messiah Reagan attacked government and changed avarice from a deadly sin into a virtue.

"The 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s were prosperous times for top U.S. executives, especially relative to other wage earners and even relative to other very high wage earners (those earning more than 99.9 percent of all wage earners). Executives constitute a larger group of workers than is commonly recognized, and the extraordinary pay increases received by chief executive officers of large firms had spillover effects in pulling up the pay of other executives and managers.1 Consequently, the growth of CEO and executive compensation overall was a major factor driving the doubling of the income shares of the top 1.0 percent and top 0.1 percent of U.S. households from 1979 to 2007 (Bivens and Mishel 2013). Income growth since 2007 has also been very unbalanced as profits have reached record highs and, correspondingly, the stock market has boomed while the wages of most workers (and their families’ incomes) have declined over the recovery (Mishel et al. 2012; Mishel 2013). It is useful to track CEO compensation to assess how well this group is doing in the recovery, especially since this is an early indication of how well other top earners and high-income households are faring through 2013. This paper presents CEO compensation trends through 2013 and finds:

Trends in CEO compensation last year:

See: CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less Economic Policy Institute
Moon Bats think that simply because they are alive they are entitled to have someone else to pay their bills for them.
Democrats are channeling their Inner Mao.

Kill the Rich

Kill the Rich

Kill the Rich

While they keep their "riches" stashed in the banks or in their Freezers. I'm amazed people still fall for this crap

Most of the Dem base is isolated from the US economy, they depend upon government for their survival. When their Bosses Yell, "You didn't built that! or Kill the Rich!" it just doesn't resonate with them. They can't understand how there's something other than the government at work in their lives

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Which supposedly means something other than forced government redistribution

uh huh

Redistribution affects wealth that has already been realized

Changing Government policies about future wealth is not redistribution
Moon Bats think that simply because they are alive they are entitled to have someone else to pay their bills for them.
You people are very ignorant, your comments aren't even worth responding to but someone has to tell you. Moon bat is a very old and tired personal attack by that idiot Asian woman on the Hot Air site. It's almost as old and boring as you.
I'll never understand people like Warren.

It's bad to let people keep what they earn and it'd better to take (steal via taxes) money from some to give free shit to others.

Robin Hood economics
But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.

But you thought trickle down was good? That was highway robbery of the American worker.

When Reagan cut all tax brackets, that robbed the American worker? How?

Be specific.

Reagan's tax cuts eliminated middle and working class deductions, such as tool purchases and union dues.
They also eliminated interest rate deductions on everything but home mortgages

It was the right thing to do.

Right thing to do if your objective is to destroy the middle class
Democrats are channeling their Inner Mao.

Kill the Rich

Kill the Rich

Kill the Rich

While they keep their "riches" stashed in the banks or in their Freezers. I'm amazed people still fall for this crap

Most of the Dem base is isolated from the US economy, they depend upon government for their survival. When their Bosses Yell, "You didn't built that! or Kill the Rich!" it just doesn't resonate with them. They can't understand how there's something other than the government at work in their lives

Yep I agree. Romney was right about that 47%...and once that goes to 51% we are DOOMED
Democrats are channeling their Inner Mao.

Kill the Rich

Kill the Rich

Kill the Rich

While they keep their "riches" stashed in the banks or in their Freezers. I'm amazed people still fall for this crap

Most of the Dem base is isolated from the US economy, they depend upon government for their survival. When their Bosses Yell, "You didn't built that! or Kill the Rich!" it just doesn't resonate with them. They can't understand how there's something other than the government at work in their lives
Talking points all you have now, Frank?

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