Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.
That is wrong.
Our "woes" began with the recession under Bush and worsened since Democrats took over. For most of Bush's presidency we had low unemployment, rising wages,and steady but not great growth.
Democrats have made the economy stagnant with a tax and regulatory regime like France's. The result is high unemployment, low wage growth and lack of opportunity.

Your full of shit. Our economic woes began with the passage of Prop 13 in CA and later when your messiah Reagan attacked government and changed avarice from a deadly sin into a virtue.

"The 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s were prosperous times for top U.S. executives, especially relative to other wage earners and even relative to other very high wage earners (those earning more than 99.9 percent of all wage earners). Executives constitute a larger group of workers than is commonly recognized, and the extraordinary pay increases received by chief executive officers of large firms had spillover effects in pulling up the pay of other executives and managers.1 Consequently, the growth of CEO and executive compensation overall was a major factor driving the doubling of the income shares of the top 1.0 percent and top 0.1 percent of U.S. households from 1979 to 2007 (Bivens and Mishel 2013). Income growth since 2007 has also been very unbalanced as profits have reached record highs and, correspondingly, the stock market has boomed while the wages of most workers (and their families’ incomes) have declined over the recovery (Mishel et al. 2012; Mishel 2013). It is useful to track CEO compensation to assess how well this group is doing in the recovery, especially since this is an early indication of how well other top earners and high-income households are faring through 2013. This paper presents CEO compensation trends through 2013 and finds:

Trends in CEO compensation last year:

See: CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less Economic Policy Institute

Rich people have it figured out so instead of learning from them and teaching that to our children, Progressives Kill the Rich

Then you wonder how Dems turned Newark and Detroit into such shitholes

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Which supposedly means something other than forced government redistribution

uh huh

Redistribution affects wealth that has already been realized

Changing Government policies about future wealth is not redistribution


What is it then?

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy?

I agree. Sealing the border and booting 10 million illegals would help the working class.
Democrats are channeling their Inner Mao.

Kill the Rich

Kill the Rich

Kill the Rich

While they keep their "riches" stashed in the banks or in their Freezers. I'm amazed people still fall for this crap

Most of the Dem base is isolated from the US economy, they depend upon government for their survival. When their Bosses Yell, "You didn't built that! or Kill the Rich!" it just doesn't resonate with them. They can't understand how there's something other than the government at work in their lives

Most of the Republican base are dumb, CrusderFrank and Stephanie being the most obvious. I once compared CrusaderFrank to being dumb as a box of rocks. Later I needed to apologize to all rocks, as they at least understood it is better to remain silent than to prove how dumb they really are.

Both the dim duo noted above and others in the Crazy Right Wing parrot the propaganda feed them by those whose earnings are based on how much pother they can create - Limbaugh, Hannity, et al.

Sen. Warren is framing the problem in economic terms, the dim duo and others like them cannot fathom the fact that the ideology of extremism they support is always short lived, and collapses as its foundation is built on hot air.
There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Which supposedly means something other than forced government redistribution

uh huh

Redistribution affects wealth that has already been realized

Changing Government policies about future wealth is not redistribution


What is it then?

What it is, is a new playing field with different rules

Guess who was making up the rules before Frankie?

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy?

I agree. Sealing the border and booting 10 million illegals would help the working class.

I'd rather throw those people who are hiring illegal labor in jail. Why should we ignore the wealthy who are profitting from illegal labor?

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy?

I agree. Sealing the border and booting 10 million illegals would help the working class.

How would it? What might be the consequences of all of those small businesses failing all at once? How much will it cost to detain and provide due process to ten million people? How much to feed and provide health care?
Upward economic mobility has all but stalled for the working/middle class, it would be in conservatives best interests to address this instead of ignoring it and calling people commies.

So, if we pulled IRS records, we would find exactly the same people in the top 5% income bracket today as 10 years ago?

The first thing to address is the outright lies of the left in your lust for power.

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy?

I agree. Sealing the border and booting 10 million illegals would help the working class.

I'd rather throw those people who are hiring illegal labor in jail. Why should we ignore the wealthy who are profitting from illegal labor?

Too expensive to jail them. Fine them and make them pay every dime into SS and Medicare they AND their employees should have.
They continue to bring up bankrupt Detroit, I'll bring up corrupt and Republican run Louisiana.
Elizabeth Warren is worth millions!!!!!


Senator Elizabeth Warren fights for middle- and working-class Americans. But she's part of the Top 1%. Warren, the Harvard bankruptcy law professor, and phony Indian, elected to the Senate in 2012, is worth between $3.7 million and $10 million.

The net worth of the progressive democrats in congress is over 3 times that of the Republicans.
Elizabeth Warren is worth millions!!!!!


Senator Elizabeth Warren fights for middle- and working-class Americans. But she's part of the Top 1%. Warren, the Harvard bankruptcy law professor, and phony Indian, elected to the Senate in 2012, is worth between $3.7 million and $10 million.

I guess the only thing you have in your tool box is character assassination. Did her earnings pollute are air, water or soil? Or should she be poor, would that impact her message?

She may be worth millions, but your opinions are worthless.

There's a lot hiding in that <more>. Like "tax the rich more".

Warren didn't spell out how she'd achieve these goals.

So just another whiner with no answers.

First define the problem, next look at all possible solutions, no matter how silly or how unlikely they might be in solving the problem.

Sen. Warren is in the process of defining the problem.

Clearly, our economic woes commenced before the passage of the PPACA and the Obama Administration. Just as clearly the stubborn insistence by the extreme conservatives in Congress has created a paralysis, one which serves no one but the ambition of public servents who put their career first. In doing so they have slowed the economy and allowed our nations infrastructure to further 'rest'.

Sen Warren is asking a simple question:

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy? Why can't government policies stand up for working Americans for once?

Why are we continuing economic policies that are only helping the wealthy?

I agree. Sealing the border and booting 10 million illegals would help the working class.

I'd rather throw those people who are hiring illegal labor in jail. Why should we ignore the wealthy who are profitting from illegal labor?

Excellent! Make E-Verify mandatory.

Why should we ignore the wealthy who are profitting from illegal labor?

Stick it to them. Big fines for hiring illegals. Bigger fines for 2nd violations.
Use the money for bus tickets to Mexico.

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