Elizabeth Warren: Little Miss Big Liar

No, I asked her if she did. Big difference. You're going nowhere with this whine.

The only one whining here is you. You were calling her out and got exposed.

I got "exposed" asking a question?

Your desperation couldn't be more obvious.

It wasn't an actual question. It was a statement written in the form of a question (see: rhetorical question). Your attempts to play word games aren't nearly as cute as you think they are.
I'm still voting for Warren, and I've already converted 3 would be Brown voters to vote for her too. Funny thing is it wasn't very hard, all I had to do was educate them about how he's actually voting in the Senate.

If Brown wins, at least I can say that I tried.

Bragging about being a dumbazz.. Got it! wtg

VOTE FOR THE FRAUD, FAUXAHONTAS.. A woman who lies every chance she gets and won't fail to cheat and use whatever necessary to advance her OWN agenda.. :clap2:
You know............my Grandfather emigrated to this country from Norway when he was in his 20's. My Grandmother was born here, but previous generations of her family came here from Germany and Scotland. I never asked them for "proof" as to my ethnicity, because I believed what my Grandparents said to me about their origins.

Now...........with my Grandfather being full blooded Norwegian, and my Grandmother being half German and half Scottish, that makes me about 37.5 percent Nordic. If you were to look at me and guess where my roots came from, you'd probably guess something else, because most Nordic people are tall with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.

Me? I'm 5'7" on a good day, slight build (i.e. slender), dark hair and blue eyes. My skin is swarthy enough that during the summer, I look almost Native American or Hispanic, and while traveling overseas, sometimes people would mistake me for a local in either Spain or Italy. Matter of fact, once in Italy I had a nice looking woman who walked up to me, tapped me on the shoulder and started rattling off in Italian. When I told her I didn't speak Italian because I was an American sailor and asked her to use English, she got this funny look on her face and then walked away. I don't look anything like my Nordic roots.

However............if you were to look at my sister, you'd see that she's 6'2" tall, big boned, long blonde hair and blue eyes. If anyone looked like a Valkyrie, it would be her.

No.............you CAN'T TELL the ethnicity of someone just by looking at them. Scott Brown made a really bad mistake in choosing this as a campaign plank.

Besides............if you look at a picture of the leader of the Cherokee Nation and place it next to Ms. Warren, you'd probably say they were of the same ethnicity.

Scott Brown has picked a losing issue on this one, and it's gonna cost him the election.
I'm still voting for Warren, and I've already converted 3 would be Brown voters to vote for her too. Funny thing is it wasn't very hard, all I had to do was educate them about how he's actually voting in the Senate.

If Brown wins, at least I can say that I tried.

Bragging about being a dumbazz.. Got it! wtg

VOTE FOR THE FRAUD, FAUXAHONTAS.. A woman who lies every chance she gets and won't fail to cheat and use whatever necessary to advance her OWN agenda.. :clap2:

She's still less of a fraud than Brown.
I'm still voting for Warren, and I've already converted 3 would be Brown voters to vote for her too.

Sure you did. Let me guess who they voted for in the last election. Would it be . . . . ah . . . Coakley?

I knew it was.

Funny thing is it wasn't very hard, all I had to do was educate them about how he's actually voting in the Senate.

If Brown wins, at least I can say that I tried.

Which Brown votes did these Democrats object to?

And yet, it's from "Scott Brown" Indian Chiefs are asking for an apology.

Indian Chiefs ask Scott Brown for apology

Keep your clothes on Scott. It's not over yet.
Also, since you asked if the use of Native American symbols in athletics is racist, yeah, there are significant portions of Native American communities that feel that way, which is why a lot of schools have phased out their mascots.

Someone bring da race Pimp a tissue.. Lot's of people are offended every single day.. Hell, your very presence offends me.. Does that make you a racist since I am offended you dummy?????

You liberal bedwetting panty cheezers are such pansies.. Honestly.. GET the FUCK over it.
CaféAuLait;6078182 said:
Warren might be a liar who used a 'minority' label to get ahead, and I don't care for her. But I think the ad in the OP is childish.

It's not an ad the Brown campaign paid for. It's totally independent.
Also, since you asked if the use of Native American symbols in athletics is racist, yeah, there are significant portions of Native American communities that feel that way, which is why a lot of schools have phased out their mascots.

Someone bring da race Pimp a tissue.. Lot's of people are offended every single day.. Hell, your very presence offends me.. Does that make you a racist since I am offended you dummy?????

You liberal bedwetting panty cheezers are such pansies.. Honestly.. GET the FUCK over it.

Have you ever posted anything of substance, or is it all trolling, all the time?
The only one whining here is you. You were calling her out and got exposed.

I got "exposed" asking a question?

Your desperation couldn't be more obvious.

It wasn't an actual question. It was a statement written in the form of a question (see: rhetorical question). Your attempts to play word games aren't nearly as cute as you think they are.

I see. Now you're putting words in my mouth.

You are so desperate.
Enter in the forum race pimp..

Fauxohauntas was the one who lied about being part Native American.. Why is it racist to show her for the liar that she is?? IT'S NOT... You're just a race whore.. it's what you do best.. you can't win on the facts so you have to dive in to the sewage of racial divide.. it's all you have.. Conservatives don't buy in to it, AT ALL.. nor do we give a shit that you're offended.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

You can call her a liar without the headdress. Then again, I'm sure you don't think blackface is racist either.

Yes, but people laugh when you use the headdress. No politician can face an audience that laughs at him/her.

No one is stupid enough to believe that ridiculing Warren isn't having a negative effect on her campaign. That claim is a sign of libturd desperation. They are trying everything they can to get it to stop.

Obviously, Warren hasn't always considered wearing an Indian headdress to be detrimental:


  • $paleface-warren.jpg
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Also, since you asked if the use of Native American symbols in athletics is racist, yeah, there are significant portions of Native American communities that feel that way, which is why a lot of schools have phased out their mascots.

Someone bring da race Pimp a tissue.. Lot's of people are offended every single day.. Hell, your very presence offends me.. Does that make you a racist since I am offended you dummy?????

You liberal bedwetting panty cheezers are such pansies.. Honestly.. GET the FUCK over it.

Have you ever posted anything of substance, or is it all trolling, all the time?

Look in the mirror.. You're a trolling RACE WHORE.. A pimp who needs others to enable his hatred...

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