Elizabeth Warren: Little Miss Big Liar

<Does a rain dance in honor of Fauxohantas>... Someone get the teepee ready.. in case it starts raining that is..

Doesn't get any better than this

TeaTards bring down Scott Browns Senate chances and whine......What do you mean racist? I'm not racist
Race card.....Race card

Meanwhile Browns campaign goes down the toilet
Someone needs to remind these liberal race whores to never attend any type of game (sports) that happens to have an Indian name for their team.. They would be deeply offended.

Yes, people are offended by the Tomahawk chop and dancing around going....Woo...Woooo Wooo

Native Americans are apparently not allowed to be offended.

Everyone is allowed to be offended, and where allowed to laugh at them when they are totally ridiculous.
<Does a rain dance in honor of Fauxohantas>... Someone get the teepee ready.. in case it starts raining that is..

Doesn't get any better than this

TeaTards bring down Scott Browns Senate chances and whine......What do you mean racist? I'm not racist
Race card.....Race card

Meanwhile Browns campaign goes down the toilet

Do you think the Cherokee vote is going to swing this election?
<throws away her baklava>.. When I bought it, I didn't think anything of saying, 'tiskanis".. and "it's all greek to me." oH NOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I'm a racist against GREEKS TO.. ' <spits out the baklava>

Just so we all understand the finer points of this discussion:
Baklava - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Balaklava - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- Snowmobile Parts & Gear

What Is a Yarmulka? | eHow.com

<Curtseys> Why thank you.. :)
Too fucking bad..My mother was russian.. Should I be offended any time someone wears a Ushanka hat??? You and your Zombie comrades are fucking idiots!

^^^ made my point.

No she didn't.

Nope, she did indeed.

Native Americans aren't allowed to be offended because she's not offended. However it was perfectly ok when they were offended because Elizabeth Warren claimed to be native American. Perhaps they need to start consulting white people on what they should find offensive or not.
If she claimed she was part ape, then perhaps we might do that. It would be just as hilarious. Furthermore, George Allen never called anyone an ape.

Lying about her heritage is working out real well for Lizzie Warren in 2012.

The racial slur Allen used comes from a species of monkey (macaque).

That's the liberal spin on the matter. Allen says he just made it up on the spot. I doubt any politician would use such a term if the knew it had some racial connotation.

The experience of George Allen is a good object lesson to use in examining the Lizzie Warren case. She did something really stupid, and now she's paying the price. No amount of spin and weaseling is going to distract the voters.

Something stupid? She lied, fully cognizant of the fact that American Indians were favored under the Affirmative Action programs. She benefited from her lies, both for the funding she received for her education, and later for her acquisition of a job placement. She's a lying sack of shit who abused government programs intended to help 'oppressed' minorities to gain some advantage. Libs are so adamantly against such abuses...until their favorites are busted...
<Does a rain dance in honor of Fauxohantas>... Someone get the teepee ready.. in case it starts raining that is..

Doesn't get any better than this

TeaTards bring down Scott Browns Senate chances and whine......What do you mean racist? I'm not racist
Race card.....Race card

Meanwhile Browns campaign goes down the toilet

sniffle sniffle.. booooohooo:eusa_boohoo:

Rain dances and teepees are racist.. GOT IT.. -- The Ghetto must be racist.. Thatched roof cottages - RACIST AGAINST THE ENGLISH... Tiki huts- RACIST against Pacific islanders.. Adobes racist against mexicans..

EVERYONE: ATTN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sell your fucking houses.. you're all a bunch of racists.
^^^ made my point.

No she didn't.

Nope, she did indeed.

Native Americans aren't allowed to be offended because she's not offended. However it was perfectly ok when they were offended because Elizabeth Warren claimed to be native American. Perhaps they need to start consulting white people on what they should find offensive or not.

One thing smart people don't do is consult Democrats about when they should be offended. That's all we've heard from here today, a gang of whiny-assed Democrats with their panties in a tight little know. Hence, there's no reason for anyone to be offended.
The principal chief of the Cherokee Nation has condemned Sen. Scott Brown's campaign staff and supporters as "downright racist," demanding an apology from Brown for the behavior of his staff at a recent rally, where they attempted to shout down supporters of Elizabeth Warren with Indian "war whoops" and making "tomahawk chops."

“The conduct of these individuals goes far beyond what is appropriate and proper in political discourse,” Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Bill John Baker said in a statement. “The use of stereotypical ‘war whoop chants’ and ‘tomahawk chops’ are offensive and downright racist. It is those types of actions that perpetuate negative stereotypes and continue to minimize and degrade all native peoples.” [...]
“We need individuals in the United States Senate who respect Native Americans and have an understanding of tribal issues,” he said. “For that reason, I call upon Sen. Brown to apologize for the offensive actions of his staff and their uneducated, unenlightened and racist portrayal of native peoples.”

Daily Kos: Cherokee Nation chief condemns Scott Brown staff for 'downright racist'*actions

Where's the outrage that Warren would claim status as a Cherokee in order to gain advantage? Where's the condemnation of her lies for political advantage.
<Does a rain dance in honor of Fauxohantas>... Someone get the teepee ready.. in case it starts raining that is..

Doesn't get any better than this

TeaTards bring down Scott Browns Senate chances and whine......What do you mean racist? I'm not racist
Race card.....Race card

Meanwhile Browns campaign goes down the toilet

sniffle sniffle.. booooohooo:eusa_boohoo:

Rain dances and teepees are racist.. GOT IT.. -- The Ghetto must be racist.. Thatched roof cottages - RACIST AGAINST THE ENGLISH... Tiki huts- RACIST against Pacific islanders.. Adobes racist against mexicans..

EVERYONE: ATTN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sell your fucking houses.. you're all a bunch of racists.

Scott Brown face palms every time you post

Why me? Why me?
Someone needs to go to the store and get some pampers for the liberal pussies in this thread who are offended by : Teepee, rain dance, tomahawk, tomahawk chop, Indian, headdress..
Scott Brown face palms every time you post

Why me? Why me?

I seriously doubt that, but I imagine his staffers do a tomahawk chop and then bend over laughing their asses off.

lol!!! You're probably right.. Liberals don't get that the rest of us don't pee pee our underoos over the same IDIOCY that they do.. They can trash Christians all day long and that's ok.. BUT SAY TOMAHAWK and by god, you've done it!
Like I said further up the thread, my Grandmother was 1/2 German and 1/2 Scottish. My Grandfather was full blood Norwegian, which makes me 37.5 percent Nordic.

If you were to look at me and my sister, you'd guess rightly that she comes from Nordic descent, she's 6 foot 2, big boned, blonde hair and blue eyes. She'd look like a Valkyrie if you dressed her up right.

Me? I'm 5 foot 7 on a good day, black hair, swarthy skin, slight build and blue eyes. Nothing about how I look would clue anybody into the fact that I'm 37.5 percent Nordic.

How is it possible to tell the ethnicity of a person just by looking at them with 100 percent accuracy?
Like I said further up the thread, my Grandmother was 1/2 German and 1/2 Scottish. My Grandfather was full blood Norwegian, which makes me 37.5 percent Nordic.

If you were to look at me and my sister, you'd guess rightly that she comes from Nordic descent, she's 6 foot 2, big boned, blonde hair and blue eyes. She'd look like a Valkyrie if you dressed her up right.

Me? I'm 5 foot 7 on a good day, black hair, swarthy skin, slight build and blue eyes. Nothing about how I look would clue anybody into the fact that I'm 37.5 percent Nordic.

How is it possible to tell the ethnicity of a person just by looking at them with 100 percent accuracy?

So?? Who cares??! No one.

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