Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Where did you get that "statistic" from? I don't actually believe it. I've seen lots of those results and Native American is not as common as European and Asian.


Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?

Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

It seems odd that she would bring it up considering that her portion of Native American is shared by roughly 50 million other Americans. There was a distinct impression that she hope to gain some prominence and some advantage by mentioning it. Truth be told it's all fairly harmless until you consider it in the light of her plagiarized cook book named Pow Wow Chow, and in the light of several dozen speeches given by her where she speaks of herself as being Native American when in fact she is not.

It doesn't make her a bad person but it makes her one that's very stupid if she thinks that assertion will go on challenged by the genuine American Indian Nation should she decide to make a run for president.

Nobody really cares one way or another except perhaps her.

Where did you get that stat (50% of Americans have Native blood)? That is not what I heard.
The only people who care about this is all the right wingers who have been hooting and hollering and calling her a liar for years because she claimed Native American ancestry. So she proves it and now you don't believe it or think it's not enough for something or other?
his nation was supposed to strive for the ideal of caring only about what kind of person you were, not what color.

That was MLK. The QUEER-O faction basically ran MLK out of the party, celebrating his murderer (LBJ) and starting a pro violence hate group BLM....
Dimms just admit it, she lied to get preferential treatment. It’s not the end of the world.
Lying fuck. She received no preferential treatment.

Yeah, because universities never give a shit about that minority stuff, right? And her gabbling about it on the campaign trial? Totally pointless, because we all know leftist voters couldn't care less about race and minorities.
I do understand that many have a romantic notion of having some First Nations lineage and but when one uses a falsehood to receive a grant or a position thereby denying those to a true First Nations person, in my mind that is theft.

Can you point out when that happened?

She claimed A

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
Na, not really
1/1024 is not American Indian in any way
Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

She took him up on his challenge and proved a native American heritage. All this debate is merely him and his supporters being deadbeats and cheaters.

Elizabeth claimed she is 1/32 Cherokee, now her DNA says she has far less than that. She also claimed her GRANDFATHER is part Cherokee, but the Census records says he is WHITE (no mention of any Indian blood at all)

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 1

"The Grandparents

Bethania "Hannie" Crawford, the grandmother of Ms. Warren, was the child of John Houston Crawford and Plina/Paulina Ann Bowen. She was born in Laclede County, Missouri, on October 29, 1875. She was found on the 1880 US Census as Bethena, living in Johnson County, Arkansas with her parents and siblings; race listed as white. She married Harry G. Reed in Sebastian County, Arkansas, on June 2, 1893. She was found on the 1910 US Census living in Muskogee County, Oklahoma with her husband and children; race listed as white. She was found on the 1920 US census living in Hickory Ridge, Okfuskee County, Oklahoma with her husband and children; race listed as white. She was found on the 1930 US Census living in Wetumka, Hughes County, Oklahoma, with her husband and daughter, Pauline; race listed as white. She was found on the 1940 US Census living in Wetumka, Hughes County, Oklahoma, with her husband; race listed as white. She died November 11, 1969 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma."
Warren said one of her grandmothers had Native American blood.

No, Warren said that her parents had to elope because of the racism against her "Native American" mother. That's a bit different from "ten generations ago, someone may have fucked a Native American, I dunno, whatever". And that's leaving alone the fact that the test done on her DIDN'T ACTUALLY HAVE ANY SAMPLES FROM NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE US.
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

There are ZERO evidence that she has an Indian Ancestor back to the early 1800's

Her Genealogy records back to early 1800's shows ZERO evidence of an Indian Ancestor, plus she isn't recognized as a Cherokee by the Indian nations, thus NOT an Indian at all.

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 1

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 2

"Now we are seeing a very clear pattern develop. We are back to the great great grandparent generation, and Ms. Warren's ancestors are still only being found as white in the documents. On the other hand, Chief Baker's ancestors are found as Cherokee Indians. And notice that even though Sarah Harlin was born in 1834 and Indian, there are plenty of records to document both her existence and the fact she was Cherokee. We have 6 sources for her and all verify she is Cherokee even though many people wrongly assume records are harder to find if your ancestor was Indian/Cherokee.

Since the forced removal of the Cherokees was in 1838, we have gotten back to that time with both families. Preston H. Crawford was born approximately fourteen years before the forced removal and Sarah Harlin was born about four years before the removal.

The Crawford family was always listed as white in the records and remained in the east after the forced removal of the Cherokees. The Harlin family was always living among Cherokees and always listed as Indians. These two families are clearly found listed differently in the records.

In Elizabeth Warren's family, we have gotten to approximately 1824, fourteen years prior to the removal of the Cherokees from the east and there is no indication of Indian blood or association with the Cherokees through her Crawford line, the line she claims to be Cherokee through. That means we have gone back about 188 years and still not found a Cherokee. "

Honestly, Old Lady, I don't think you can be educated....and in spite of your consistent embarrassing inanities posted too often on this board, I have left you alone for that reason.....and also out of sympathy for what is very likely much advanced age accompanied by some dementia.

But, here is a light math and genetics lesson.

If this lying goofy bitch had a full blooded Indian Great-Grandparent, she would have 1/8th Indian Blood, or .125 decimal interest (the same as 1.25 per cent). That is the MINIMUM amount of Indian Blood that will get you recognized by an Indian Tribe! Most require 1/4 Indian Blood---which would mean a full blooded Indian Grandparent--two generations up the chain of heredity.

Pocahantas flunks this test by a mile. She doesn't have a even Have a Great-Great-Great-Great-Grand Parent who was a full blooded Indian---that would make her 1/64 Indian (.015625 decimal interest)---her own specialist---who was probably a liar, as most Liberals are---said she wasn't even that close--- she was possibly up to the tenth generation or 1/1024 also called .000977 decimal interest.

Now that's her man's story and he wasn't even sure---and she went all over the country to find him, so there is rightful suspicion there....and an independent analysis would be required if anybody gave enough of a Shit--which I do not.

And it is now reported that the AVERAGE AMERICAN has more Indian Blood than Pocahantas's own bogus Sanford expert says he "thinks" she might have.

Her own privately, surreptitiously hired test man, a liberal tool from Sanford, said she might have no more than .000977 Indian Blood---the Cherokees would laugh her off the Reservation, as the American People will laugh her out of any race she runs outside of LoonLand in the NorthEast.
This was never about her being a Tribal member. She told us that family tradition said she had an ancestor back along the line who was Native American, and she has taken the test and it is true. She did. I don't remember anyone talking about specific percentages in that article which reported the results. You did that, basing it on your own guesses for what percentage she might be.
It doesn't matter. She was right; the DNA tests prove it, and Trump needs to cough up the one mil.
You can try to insult me all you want, but you're the one who is being either confused or dishonest here, not me.

So you believed in her unsupported assertions (family tales around a campfire) of an Indian ancestor while her own family history shows ZERO evidence of an Indian ancestor?
Anyone who has tried to unravel a thorny geneaological problem knows that the records can't always be 100% relied upon to tell the story. Men and women both married multiple times and children were frequently raised by a relative other than parents. Ancestors with the same last name were frequently confused. Generations were confused in family recitations of begats and copied by other family historians, gelling errors for hundreds of years. Lots of interesting stuff happens. So the fact that a record (was that record entirely based on primary sources and backed up by corroborating primary sources?) does not mention a woman of mixed Cherokee ancestry marrying (did they even marry?) does not mean she wasn't there. How much do we know about most of the women in our family lines anyway? It is mostly the men whose names and deeds are recorded.
So I guess my answer to you is, yeah, based on the DNA results and the strong family tradition of a Native American ancestor back down the line, I believe it. Only a political hack would try to disprove it, because she is a Democrat. How stupid, really, can you be?

Nice try, but you posted ZERO evidence that her Census records are bad or that she has actual Indians in her family past back to 1818, which is when her family history in America begins.

She claims to be a Cherokee, but ALL three Cherokee nations says she isn't, since she has NO evidence that she is an Indian by law and by Census. All of her claims have been shown to be without merit they all come from her mouth with no supporting evidence, you understand yet?

There is evidence from those who have made the effort to trace her lineage,

She never claimed to be a member of any tribe.

All she claimed was to have Native American blood in her. That's it. She did a DNA test & she does.

Do you get it???

50 million Americans have roughly the same amount of blood quantum that she does in that regard. No one is condemning her for making the claim but it is odd considering that there's nothing special about it. She might as well get up and brag about the fact that she belongs to homo sapiens.

The one thing I will say though is that she took an issue that had pretty much gone silent and poked it right back into an irritated activity. You can expect to see American Indian protests at all of her campaign stops should she decide to run for president. Many of them have little else but time on their hands and the sole possession of Heritage that they consider to be ultra sacred.

I do understand that many have a romantic notion of having some First Nations lineage and but when one uses a falsehood to receive a grant or a position thereby denying those to a true First Nations person, in my mind that is theft.

Can you point out when that happened?

She claimed A

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
Na, not really
1/1024 is not American Indian in any way

Indeed, the average guy is more American Indian.

1/1024 American Indian, but 1024/1024 fraud.

Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?

Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Oh what a fucking crock here.

You stop now or you really will become my first hit every time I roll into to this pathetic place.
What is a fucking crock? The DNA evidence shows she's got a Native American ancestor, just like she has always claimed. I don't see the issue. I certainly don't see any fucking crock.
They change the narrative because the original narrative has been proven. DNA proves she had a native American in her ancestry. Now they are claiming the narrative is about her being able to join a tribe or have a specific amount of native bloodline. Caveats to avoid paying off a bet or challenge.
The one thing this absolutely proves is that Donald Trump is a lying bag of shit!

But ut oh! They're just gonna keep on strutting!
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
I believe Trump calling her "Pocahontas" was insulting to Native Americans no matter if she is able to join a tribe or not.

I believe that what you believe is even less meaningful now than it ever has been before. And God knows, it was never meaningful before.

Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?

Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

It seems odd that she would bring it up considering that her portion of Native American is shared by roughly 50 million other Americans. There was a distinct impression that she hope to gain some prominence and some advantage by mentioning it. Truth be told it's all fairly harmless until you consider it in the light of her plagiarized cook book named Pow Wow Chow, and in the light of several dozen speeches given by her where she speaks of herself as being Native American when in fact she is not.

It doesn't make her a bad person but it makes her one that's very stupid if she thinks that assertion will go on challenged by the genuine American Indian Nation should she decide to make a run for president.

Nobody really cares one way or another except perhaps her.

Where did you get that stat (50% of Americans have Native blood)? That is not what I heard.
The only people who care about this is all the right wingers who have been hooting and hollering and calling her a liar for years because she claimed Native American ancestry. So she proves it and now you don't believe it or think it's not enough for something or other?

Even the NYT know that most Americans have Native American DNA. Warren has half the level as the average American of European descent.

On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American...

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
Oh look, there's only ONE tribe that Warren could even REMOTELY stand a chance at joining, assuming she was 1/32nd Native... which they don't know.

Tribes that hold their Blood Quantum at 1/2

Kialegee Tribal Town
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Mississippi
St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
White Mountain Apache Tribe, of Arizona
Yomba Shoshone Tribe, of Nevada

Tribes requiring 1/4 degree blood quantum (equal to one grandparent) for membership

Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Indians, of Oklahoma
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, of Oklahoma
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, of Washington
Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin
Hopi Tribe of Arizona
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Arizona
Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes, of Montana
Navajo Nation, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico
Oneida Tribe of Indians, of Wisconsin
Pascua Yaqui Tribe, of Arizona
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, of Kansas
Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, of Wyoming
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, North and South Dakota
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, of Oklahoma
Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe, of California
Yavapai-Prescott Tribe, of Arizona
Blackfeet Tribe, of Montana

Tribes requiring 1/8 degree blood quantum (equal to one great-grandparent) for membership

Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
Comanche Nation, of Oklahoma
Delaware Nation, of Oklahoma
Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Reservation, of Oregon
Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
Hooopa Valley Tribe of California
Karuk Tribe of California
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of the Muckleshoot Reservation, of Washington
Northwestern Band of Shoshoni Nation of Utah "Washakie"
Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians, of Oklahoma
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
Ponca Nation, of Oklahoma
Sac and Fox Nation, of Oklahoma
Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska
Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation, of Washington
Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation, of Washington
Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes (Wichita, Keechi, Waco and Tawakonie)

Tribes requiring 1/16 degree blood quantum (equal to one great-great-grandparent) for membership

Caddo Nation
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon
Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of the Fort Independence Reservation, of California
Fort Sill Apache Tribe
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, of North Carolina
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians

Tribes requiring 1/32 degree blood quantum for membership

Kaw Nation

Tribes determining membership by lineal descent, Members must be direct descendants of original enrollees.

Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town
Cherokee Nation
Chickasaw Nation
Choctaw Nation
Citizen Potawatomi Nation
Delaware Tribe of Indians
Eastern Shawnee Tribe
Mashantucket Pequot Tribe of Connecticut
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
Modoc Tribe
Muscogee Creek Nation
Osage Nation
Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
Peoria Tribe of Indians
Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Michigan
Seminole Nation
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
Shawnee Tribe
Thlopthlocco Tribal Town
Tonkawa Tribe
Wyandotte Nation

SOURCE: Blood Quantum Native American Indian Tribal Enrollment
Why are you claiming that she ever said she had enough Native American blood to have a membership in a tribe, when SHE NEVER CLAIMED SUCH?


Then why did she have to prove it? And it's fucking laughable, you and I probably have the same amount of Indian blood.
She proved it because the right wing has been screaming for her to take the test and prove it for a few years now. And because Trump promised to give a million dollars to charity if she tested and was found to have Native blood.
Ha ha. Now he's trying to squirm out of the deal. He probably hasn't got a million dollars left anymore.
That is because 1/1024 is not American Indian at all. Dip shit
Most Caucasians in America have a better racial than that… How many of them are claiming to be Indian you stupid ass motherfucker
The only dip dshit is you. Shjow me where Elizatbethj Warren cl;aimned to be full blooded Nsative American, a member of any truibe, etc.

She said she had Native American hertiase. She said how she knows it.

She just proved it.
The test says different... 1/1024 is not American Indian
Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Oh what a fucking crock here.

You stop now or you really will become my first hit every time I roll into to this pathetic place.
What is a fucking crock? The DNA evidence shows she's got a Native American ancestor, just like she has always claimed. I don't see the issue. I certainly don't see any fucking crock.
They change the narrative because the original narrative has been proven. DNA proves she had a native American in her ancestry. Now they are claiming the narrative is about her being able to join a tribe or have a specific amount of native bloodline. Caveats to avoid paying off a bet or challenge.

She has half the American Indian DNA of the average American of European descent. Does that now make all white people in the U.S. Native Americans who can get Affirmative Action preferences?
I do understand that many have a romantic notion of having some First Nations lineage and but when one uses a falsehood to receive a grant or a position thereby denying those to a true First Nations person, in my mind that is theft.

Can you point out when that happened?

She claimed A

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
Na, not really
1/1024 is not American Indian in any way

Yes it is. There is no reason to believe that her percentage is that low, but it doesn't matter anyway.
Where did you get that "statistic" from? I don't actually believe it. I've seen lots of those results and Native American is not as common as European and Asian.


Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?

Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

It seems odd that she would bring it up considering that her portion of Native American is shared by roughly 50 million other Americans. There is a distinct impression that she hoped to gain some prominence and some advantage by mentioning it. Truth be told it's all fairly harmless until you consider it in the light of her plagiarized cook book named Pow Wow Chow, and in the light of several dozen speeches given by her where she speaks of herself as being Native American when in fact she is not.

It doesn't make her a bad person but it makes her one that's very stupid if she thinks that assertion will go unchallenged by the genuine American Indian Nation should she decide to make a run for president.

Nobody really cares one way or another except perhaps her apparently.

So it best she is 1 / 512 and probably even less than that.

It would be like any one of us getting up in front of a crowd and bragging about the fact that we belong to homo sapiens and expecting people to be impressed with that Claim.

The more concentrated Native American population are a very reactionary group it is highly unlikely that they will allow this to drop peacefully. She just picked the totally wrong issue to get sentimental about.

The test says 1/1024, that will never be American Indian.
Most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio than that, Why don’t they claim to be Indians you silly little fucker
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
She never claimed to be pary of a tribe, so why does it matter?
The percent of blood is not relavent to be a Cherokee. You have to trace your ancestry back to at least one of a group of people. Warren has too many holes in her ancestry so she can not show it.

No, she claimed to be "Native American" with half the Native American DNA than the average white American. THAT'S why it matters. When 99.01% of your DNA is white, you're effing white. Claiming to identify as the .09% instead is dishonest. And your pretense that she didn't do that, and didn't make shit up, and THEN your "and even if she did, it's okay because REASONS!" is just as dishonest.

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