Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage


Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?

Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

It seems odd that she would bring it up considering that her portion of Native American is shared by roughly 50 million other Americans. There is a distinct impression that she hoped to gain some prominence and some advantage by mentioning it. Truth be told it's all fairly harmless until you consider it in the light of her plagiarized cook book named Pow Wow Chow, and in the light of several dozen speeches given by her where she speaks of herself as being Native American when in fact she is not.

It doesn't make her a bad person but it makes her one that's very stupid if she thinks that assertion will go unchallenged by the genuine American Indian Nation should she decide to make a run for president.

Nobody really cares one way or another except perhaps her apparently.

So it best she is 1 / 512 and probably even less than that.

It would be like any one of us getting up in front of a crowd and bragging about the fact that we belong to homo sapiens and expecting people to be impressed with that Claim.

The more concentrated Native American population are a very reactionary group it is highly unlikely that they will allow this to drop peacefully. She just picked the totally wrong issue to get sentimental about.

The test says 1/1024, that will never be American Indian.
Most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio than that, Why don’t they claim to be Indians you silly little fucker

Most Caucasians have more Neanderthal DNA than that.
Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Oh what a fucking crock here.

You stop now or you really will become my first hit every time I roll into to this pathetic place.
What is a fucking crock? The DNA evidence shows she's got a Native American ancestor, just like she has always claimed. I don't see the issue. I certainly don't see any fucking crock.
They change the narrative because the original narrative has been proven. DNA proves she had a native American in her ancestry. Now they are claiming the narrative is about her being able to join a tribe or have a specific amount of native bloodline. Caveats to avoid paying off a bet or challenge.
1/1024 is not American Indian
Is it enough for her to join a tribe?
Does it matter?
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
You elected con man that was half assed.
America is doing great! I'll vote for him again and win. Lol, you will probably vote for Hillary again. Lol

WE are steak[ling children from people seeking asylum, and you think that is making Americas Great Again. Oh wait, it that he raised the deficit by 50%??? , Caused prices to rise across the country? Borrowed 1.5 trillion & gave some to himself, werathy people & well off corporations?

"Look! A distraction!"
Sorry to burst your bubble but if we go 6 to 10 Generations back nearly half of The Americans on this continent will come up with the same results.

She actually did herself more harm than good with this test.

Where did you get that "statistic" from? I don't actually believe it. I've seen lots of those results and Native American is not as common as European and Asian.


Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?

Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Her DNA result is IRRELEVANT because she is NOT legally recognized as being Cherokee. She is over 99% Caucasian!

She said several times in the past that she is a MINORITY despite her own DNA test showing she is over 99% Caucasian by blood you going to ignore that pile of crap?

How can anyone go into pretzel lengths to still support this bullcrapper?

Lets see if ANY leftists will turn on their brains in reading this article, from the Atlantic:

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

"Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

"Despite a nearly three week flap over her claim of "being Native American," the progressive consumer advocate has been unable to point to evidence of Native heritage except for an unsubstantiated thirdhand report that she might be 1/32 Cherokee. Even if it could be proven, it wouldn't qualify her to be a member of a tribe: Contrary to assertions in outlets from The New York Times to Mother Jones that having 1/32 Cherokee ancestry is "sufficient for tribal citizenship," "Indian enough" for "the Cherokee Nation," and "not a deal-breaker," Warren would not be eligible to become a member of any of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes based on the evidence so far surfaced by independent genealogists about her ancestry."


I probably have some black DNA in my blood but would never insult black people over it. You can go ahead and follow this pesudoindian all you want, but many Indians are very angry with her for the insults she gives them, the disrespect of their heritage and continued insistence that she is Cherokee.
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
I believe Trump calling her "Pocahontas" was insulting to Native Americans no matter if she is able to join a tribe or not.

I believe that what you believe is even less meaningful now than it ever has been before. And God knows, it was never meaningful before.

Just wait till he starts calling her fauxcahontas. OMG... He's going to shove that up her ass until she sprouts a headress!
She has effectively Doomed herself to hearing that all through the next campaign effort. Honestly she should have just left it alone.

She told Trump to shut up by her DNA test.

and NA's In N.D. are having their votes suppressed because they do not have addresses , just PO Boxes as they live on a reservation.
Is it enough for her to join a tribe?
Does it matter?
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
I believe Trump calling her "Pocahontas" was insulting to Native Americans no matter if she is able to join a tribe or not.

I believe that what you believe is even less meaningful now than it ever has been before. And God knows, it was never meaningful before.

Just wait till he starts calling her fauxcahontas. OMG... He's going to shove that up her ass until she sprouts a headress!
She has effectively Doomed herself to hearing that all through the next campaign effort. Honestly she should have just left it alone.


Well Trump has no leg to stand on, just like the birth cert of Obama. He is such a liar.
So is Trump going to pay up the one million?
She is not American Indian...

Because Trump told you? In case you haven't figured it out yet, Trump lies pretty often.
Her own test says 1/1024, Most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio then that.
You don’t see them claiming to be Indians. So yes she is not American Indian

Well, no. It said somewhere between 1/32 and 1/1024. Either way, she has Native American ancestry. Quit whining.
I do understand that many have a romantic notion of having some First Nations lineage and but when one uses a falsehood to receive a grant or a position thereby denying those to a true First Nations person, in my mind that is theft.

Can you point out when that happened?

She claimed A

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
Na, not really
1/1024 is not American Indian in any way

Yes it is. There is no reason to believe that her percentage is that low, but it doesn't matter anyway.
Her little test showed it be 1/1024 in no way that is American Indian.
Most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio than that... fact
Where did you get that "statistic" from? I don't actually believe it. I've seen lots of those results and Native American is not as common as European and Asian.


Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?

Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Her DNA result is IRRELEVANT because she is NOT legally recognized as being Cherokee. She is over 99% Caucasian!

She said several times in the past that she is a MINORITY despite her own DNA test showing she is over 99% Caucasian by blood you going to ignore that pile of crap?

How can anyone go into pretzel lengths to still support this bullcrapper?

Lets see if ANY leftists will turn on their brains in reading this article, from the Atlantic:

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

"Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

"Despite a nearly three week flap over her claim of "being Native American," the progressive consumer advocate has been unable to point to evidence of Native heritage except for an unsubstantiated thirdhand report that she might be 1/32 Cherokee. Even if it could be proven, it wouldn't qualify her to be a member of a tribe: Contrary to assertions in outlets from The New York Times to Mother Jones that having 1/32 Cherokee ancestry is "sufficient for tribal citizenship," "Indian enough" for "the Cherokee Nation," and "not a deal-breaker," Warren would not be eligible to become a member of any of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes based on the evidence so far surfaced by independent genealogists about her ancestry."


I probably have some black DNA in my blood but would never insult black people over it. You can go ahead and follow this pesudoindian all you want, but many Indians are very angry with her for the insults she gives them, the disrespect of their heritage and continued insistence that she is Cherokee.

I do understand that many have a romantic notion of having some First Nations lineage and but when one uses a falsehood to receive a grant or a position thereby denying those to a true First Nations person, in my mind that is theft.

Can you point out when that happened?

She claimed A

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
Na, not really
1/1024 is not American Indian in any way

Indeed, the average guy is more American Indian.

1/1024 American Indian, but 1024/1024 fraud.

Quit whining. You lose.
So is Trump going to pay up the one million?
She is not American Indian...

Because Trump told you? In case you haven't figured it out yet, Trump lies pretty often.
Her own test says 1/1024, Most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio then that.
You don’t see them claiming to be Indians. So yes she is not American Indian

Well, no. It said somewhere between 1/32 and 1/1024. Either way, she has Native American ancestry. Quit whining.
Na, not really
You don’t understand the issue

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
Na, not really
1/1024 is not American Indian in any way

Yes it is. There is no reason to believe that her percentage is that low, but it doesn't matter anyway.
Her little test showed it be 1/1024 in no way that is American Indian.
Most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio than that... fact

No it didn't. Get a grownup to explain it to you.
She never claimed membership in a tribe, only Native American Heritage When is Trump going to cough up $1 million
I agree. I have plenty of Swedish blood in me but that doesn't make me Swedish. Also, I don't recall Warren ever saying she was part of any tribe or wanted to belong to one.


She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
Na, not really
1/1024 is not American Indian in any way

Yes it is. There is no reason to believe that her percentage is that low, but it doesn't matter anyway.
Her little test showed it be 1/1024 in no way that is American Indian.
Most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio than that... fact

No it didn't. Get a grownup to explain it to you.
Look it up, most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio than what her test showed it to be...
So is Trump going to pay up the one million?
She is not American Indian...

Because Trump told you? In case you haven't figured it out yet, Trump lies pretty often.
Her own test says 1/1024, Most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio then that.
You don’t see them claiming to be Indians. So yes she is not American Indian

Well, no. It said somewhere between 1/32 and 1/1024. Either way, she has Native American ancestry. Quit whining.

She claimed she is a MINORITY based on that teeny drop of Indian blood. She did make that claim a number of times, despite she is actually 99% Caucasian.

You going to defend this absurdity?

Here is a letter to bogus Cherokee Warren:

A Letter to Elizabeth Warren

"You see, Ms. Warren, some of us have independently done our own research and we know you have no documentation supporting your claim of Cherokee ancestry.* We wonder why you believe you have the right to claim Cherokee ancestry and to call yourself a Native American when you have no evidence to support your claim. While you cling to a family story and the inaccurate report that ONE document was found that supports your claim, we real Cherokees understand that those things mean nothing. You see, we Cherokees have lots and lots and lots of documentation supporting our claims of our ancestry. Our Cherokee ancestors are found on every roll of the Cherokee Nation (30+ rolls!) dating back to before the removal and in all sorts of other documentation, including but not limited to claims against the US government for lost property; the Moravian missionary records; ration lists before and after the forced removal, etc...yet your ancestors are found in NONE of those records.

But, your ancestors are found in plenty of historical records, and every time, they are found living as white people among other white people. Never are your ancestors ever found living among the Cherokees. Never, never, never, never.......yet you claim they were Cherokee."

bolding mine
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So is Trump going to pay up the one million?
She is not American Indian...

Because Trump told you? In case you haven't figured it out yet, Trump lies pretty often.
Her own test says 1/1024, Most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio then that.
You don’t see them claiming to be Indians. So yes she is not American Indian

Well, no. It said somewhere between 1/32 and 1/1024. Either way, she has Native American ancestry. Quit whining.

She claimed she is a MINORITY based on that teeny drop of Indian blood. She did make that claim a number of times, despite she is actually 99% Caucasian.

You going to defend this absurdity?
All progressives are fucked in the head

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