Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

This is what happens when a dishonest baby or punk loses a bet or challenge. Endless excuses and "but, but.....but.." are heard just like in this situation. Under certain situations, this behavior would warrant an ass kicking, or worse. Cheating and lying are OK with Trumpism. Immature baby behavior is OK with Trumpism.
this is what happens when a liberal can't prove what they say they're trying to prove. they just keep shouting I WIN I WIN YOU DA BABY and all the while have yet to prove what they say they're proving.
Nope, she took a DNA test and it showed native American ancestry. No caveats were made prior to the test. Those are all being made after the test.
you do realize that most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio then she does, why don’t they claim to be Indian? You silly little fucker

She apparently has something of a con-man/woman...alter ego. Check this out.

Elizabeth Warren's Pow Wow Chow 'Cherokee' recipes were word for word COPIES of famous FRENCH chef's techniques | Daily Mail Online

Does it matter?
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
I believe Trump calling her "Pocahontas" was insulting to Native Americans no matter if she is able to join a tribe or not.

I believe that what you believe is even less meaningful now than it ever has been before. And God knows, it was never meaningful before.

Just wait till he starts calling her fauxcahontas. OMG... He's going to shove that up her ass until she sprouts a headress!
She has effectively Doomed herself to hearing that all through the next campaign effort. Honestly she should have just left it alone.


Well Trump has no leg to stand on, just like the birth cert of Obama. He is such a liar.

The difference between the two is that Trump lives in the mud. Warren claims to be from outside of the mud. Trump's skin is thicker than an elephant hide rolled over rhinoceros hide. Warren is apparently somewhat sensitive to these criticisms.

This was just completely the wrong issue for her to pursue..... somebody gave her some very bad advice.

Stormy Daniels would sound more credible making that claim than Elizabeth Warren does.

This is what happens when a dishonest baby or punk loses a bet or challenge. Endless excuses and "but, but.....but.." are heard just like in this situation. Under certain situations, this behavior would warrant an ass kicking, or worse. Cheating and lying are OK with Trumpism. Immature baby behavior is OK with Trumpism.
this is what happens when a liberal can't prove what they say they're trying to prove. they just keep shouting I WIN I WIN YOU DA BABY and all the while have yet to prove what they say they're proving.
Nope, she took a DNA test and it showed native American ancestry. No caveats were made prior to the test. Those are all being made after the test.
you do realize that most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio then she does, why don’t they claim to be Indian? You silly little fucker

She apparently has something of a con-man/woman...alter ego. Check this out.

Elizabeth Warren's Pow Wow Chow 'Cherokee' recipes were word for word COPIES of famous FRENCH chef's techniques | Daily Mail Online

You mean high cheekbones had nothing to do with it?
1/1000. LOL!

Shit, every one of us are 1/1000 of something something.

Her claiming she is a fucking Indian based upon that study is like Obama claiming he was born in Hawaii based upon a fake birth certificate.
Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Oh what a fucking crock here.

You stop now or you really will become my first hit every time I roll into to this pathetic place.
What is a fucking crock? The DNA evidence shows she's got a Native American ancestor, just like she has always claimed. I don't see the issue. I certainly don't see any fucking crock.
They change the narrative because the original narrative has been proven. DNA proves she had a native American in her ancestry. Now they are claiming the narrative is about her being able to join a tribe or have a specific amount of native bloodline. Caveats to avoid paying off a bet or challenge.
I just tried Googling some of the stats, like 50 million Americans have Native American ancestry, and I can't find them. I hate stats, anyway, but what I read (Quora) does not sound like 50 million to me.
So I'm not sure, but anyway--it doesn't matter, I just like accuracy. And of course, I realize all you just said, but it is still hard to watch sometimes. Such dishonesty.
How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Oh what a fucking crock here.

You stop now or you really will become my first hit every time I roll into to this pathetic place.
What is a fucking crock? The DNA evidence shows she's got a Native American ancestor, just like she has always claimed. I don't see the issue. I certainly don't see any fucking crock.
They change the narrative because the original narrative has been proven. DNA proves she had a native American in her ancestry. Now they are claiming the narrative is about her being able to join a tribe or have a specific amount of native bloodline. Caveats to avoid paying off a bet or challenge.

She has half the American Indian DNA of the average American of European descent. Does that now make all white people in the U.S. Native Americans who can get Affirmative Action preferences?
Please link me to the place where it says the specific amount of Native blood she has, because the article I saw didn't mention a specific amount. Please LINK.
So is Trump going to pay up the one million?
She is not American Indian...

Because Trump told you? In case you haven't figured it out yet, Trump lies pretty often.
Her own test says 1/1024, Most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio then that.
You don’t see them claiming to be Indians. So yes she is not American Indian

Well, no. It said somewhere between 1/32 and 1/1024. Either way, she has Native American ancestry. Quit whining.

She claimed she is a MINORITY based on that teeny drop of Indian blood. She did make that claim a number of times, despite she is actually 99% Caucasian.

You going to defend this absurdity?

Here is a letter to bogus Cherokee Warren:

A Letter to Elizabeth Warren

"You see, Ms. Warren, some of us have independently done our own research and we know you have no documentation supporting your claim of Cherokee ancestry.* We wonder why you believe you have the right to claim Cherokee ancestry and to call yourself a Native American when you have no evidence to support your claim. While you cling to a family story and the inaccurate report that ONE document was found that supports your claim, we real Cherokees understand that those things mean nothing. You see, we Cherokees have lots and lots and lots of documentation supporting our claims of our ancestry. Our Cherokee ancestors are found on every roll of the Cherokee Nation (30+ rolls!) dating back to before the removal and in all sorts of other documentation, including but not limited to claims against the US government for lost property; the Moravian missionary records; ration lists before and after the forced removal, etc...yet your ancestors are found in NONE of those records.

But, your ancestors are found in plenty of historical records, and every time, they are found living as white people among other white people. Never are your ancestors ever found living among the Cherokees. Never, never, never, never.......yet you claim they were Cherokee."

bolding mine

So a crazy right winger sent her a letter. Big deal. What does that prove? You don't even indicate who sent the letter.
How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Oh what a fucking crock here.

You stop now or you really will become my first hit every time I roll into to this pathetic place.
What is a fucking crock? The DNA evidence shows she's got a Native American ancestor, just like she has always claimed. I don't see the issue. I certainly don't see any fucking crock.
They change the narrative because the original narrative has been proven. DNA proves she had a native American in her ancestry. Now they are claiming the narrative is about her being able to join a tribe or have a specific amount of native bloodline. Caveats to avoid paying off a bet or challenge.
I just tried Googling some of the stats, like 50 million Americans have Native American ancestry, and I can't find them. I hate stats, anyway, but what I read (Quora) does not sound like 50 million to me.
So I'm not sure, but anyway--it doesn't matter, I just like accuracy. And of course, I realize all you just said, but it is still hard to watch sometimes. Such dishonesty.
I did 23 And Me ancestry DNA testing. It came back with me being less than 1% African.

Now I can say the N word whenever I like. Yippee!!!
How in the hell did this country loop around back to the "just one drop" attitudes of Jim Crow? I feel like I just woke up in some Bizarro World 1950.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Oh what a fucking crock here.

You stop now or you really will become my first hit every time I roll into to this pathetic place.
What is a fucking crock? The DNA evidence shows she's got a Native American ancestor, just like she has always claimed. I don't see the issue. I certainly don't see any fucking crock.
They change the narrative because the original narrative has been proven. DNA proves she had a native American in her ancestry. Now they are claiming the narrative is about her being able to join a tribe or have a specific amount of native bloodline. Caveats to avoid paying off a bet or challenge.
I just tried Googling some of the stats, like 50 million Americans have Native American ancestry, and I can't find them. I hate stats, anyway, but what I read (Quora) does not sound like 50 million to me.
So I'm not sure, but anyway--it doesn't matter, I just like accuracy. And of course, I realize all you just said, but it is still hard to watch sometimes. Such dishonesty.

Accuracy is admitting that you are not part of a minority group When your blood quantum
Is 1/512 or perhaps even smaller. It is misleading....but that's OK...we all do It.

It's probably a mistake however to do it on the national stage and expect to get away with it. Having the DNA test made matters much worse for her I don't think she expected that.

The White American average genetic makeup is 98.6% European, 0.19% African, and 0.18% Native American


All she really did was show that she has even less DNA from Native American ancestry then the average American does. I was being kind with the 50 million number let's change it to 300 million.

So what she needs to do from now on is shut the f****** up. After all it was her big mouth that got her in trouble to begin with.

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This is what happens when a dishonest baby or punk loses a bet or challenge. Endless excuses and "but, but.....but.." are heard just like in this situation. Under certain situations, this behavior would warrant an ass kicking, or worse. Cheating and lying are OK with Trumpism. Immature baby behavior is OK with Trumpism.
this is what happens when a liberal can't prove what they say they're trying to prove. they just keep shouting I WIN I WIN YOU DA BABY and all the while have yet to prove what they say they're proving.
What better evidence than DNA? What would it take to "prove it" to you?
the tests show she has 1/2 the native north american than the average european. you are in effect saying anyone with ANY DNA AT ALL can claim to be native north american. this would make the average european now native north american. if the tests came back saying 1/32 or better i'd say hell, she's an indian, trump shut the fuck up. but the tests didn't say that and to be honest, they can't as the AMERICAN indians do not allow this form of testing cause for some reason they don't trust white people. (for good reason)

now, do you even LOOK at the numbers? i may as well give you a dollar and you run around saying you're now a millionaire. this is in effect what you are doing.
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I do understand that many have a romantic notion of having some First Nations lineage and but when one uses a falsehood to receive a grant or a position thereby denying those to a true First Nations person, in my mind that is theft.

Can you point out when that happened?

She claimed A

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
then we can all do it cause most people have twice the DNA she posted so we're all native american indians.

by YOUR OWN logic here.

I don't think it is statistically possible for most people to have twice the Native American DNA as she does, but if they do, they are certainly entitled to claim that. Sorry if another one of your favorite RWNJ lies crashed in flames, but you'll get over it if you have the integrity needed. It doesn't look good for you though.
this has fuck-nothing to do with right or left just right and wrong.

the numbers themselves from sources listed LONG BEFORE HER TESTING RECENTLY show that the average european has 1.8% native north american dna.

you and your insults cause i don't agree with you is just stupid.

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
then we can all do it cause most people have twice the DNA she posted so we're all native american indians.

by YOUR OWN logic here.

I don't think it is statistically possible for most people to have twice the Native American DNA as she does, but if they do, they are certainly entitled to claim that. Sorry if another one of your favorite RWNJ lies crashed in flames, but you'll get over it if you have the integrity needed. It doesn't look good for you though.
this has fuck-nothing to do with right or left just right and wrong.

the numbers themselves from sources listed LONG BEFORE HER TESTING RECENTLY show that the average european has 1.8% native north american dna.

you and your insults cause i don't agree with you is just stupid.

The average European has Native American Ancestry? Really? You got a credible link for that?
She is not American Indian...

Because Trump told you? In case you haven't figured it out yet, Trump lies pretty often.
Her own test says 1/1024, Most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio then that.
You don’t see them claiming to be Indians. So yes she is not American Indian

Well, no. It said somewhere between 1/32 and 1/1024. Either way, she has Native American ancestry. Quit whining.

She claimed she is a MINORITY based on that teeny drop of Indian blood. She did make that claim a number of times, despite she is actually 99% Caucasian.

You going to defend this absurdity?

Here is a letter to bogus Cherokee Warren:

A Letter to Elizabeth Warren

"You see, Ms. Warren, some of us have independently done our own research and we know you have no documentation supporting your claim of Cherokee ancestry.* We wonder why you believe you have the right to claim Cherokee ancestry and to call yourself a Native American when you have no evidence to support your claim. While you cling to a family story and the inaccurate report that ONE document was found that supports your claim, we real Cherokees understand that those things mean nothing. You see, we Cherokees have lots and lots and lots of documentation supporting our claims of our ancestry. Our Cherokee ancestors are found on every roll of the Cherokee Nation (30+ rolls!) dating back to before the removal and in all sorts of other documentation, including but not limited to claims against the US government for lost property; the Moravian missionary records; ration lists before and after the forced removal, etc...yet your ancestors are found in NONE of those records.

But, your ancestors are found in plenty of historical records, and every time, they are found living as white people among other white people. Never are your ancestors ever found living among the Cherokees. Never, never, never, never.......yet you claim they were Cherokee."

bolding mine

So a crazy right winger sent her a letter. Big deal. What does that prove? You don't even indicate who sent the letter.

If you bothered to look in the link I posted, you would have discovered that the woman who wrote the letter is a CHEROKEE woman who didn't say anything political in the letter.

You didn't even looked in the link!

She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
then we can all do it cause most people have twice the DNA she posted so we're all native american indians.

by YOUR OWN logic here.

I don't think it is statistically possible for most people to have twice the Native American DNA as she does, but if they do, they are certainly entitled to claim that. Sorry if another one of your favorite RWNJ lies crashed in flames, but you'll get over it if you have the integrity needed. It doesn't look good for you though.
this has fuck-nothing to do with right or left just right and wrong.

the numbers themselves from sources listed LONG BEFORE HER TESTING RECENTLY show that the average european has 1.8% native north american dna.

you and your insults cause i don't agree with you is just stupid.

The average European has Native American Ancestry? Really? You got a credible link for that?
it's been in here several times. for some fucked up reason you decided to overlook it. i'd go back and show it to you but admitting you're wrong has never happened, so i'm not about to put a dime in that slot machine.

go fucking look it up.
It's not ONE DROP, and it proves Warren's assertions. Not that she is a tribal member, but that she had an ancestor that was Native American. Why is it so friggin hard for people to accept that? Is it the end of the world that a Democrat told the truth one time? LOL

Oh what a fucking crock here.

You stop now or you really will become my first hit every time I roll into to this pathetic place.
What is a fucking crock? The DNA evidence shows she's got a Native American ancestor, just like she has always claimed. I don't see the issue. I certainly don't see any fucking crock.
They change the narrative because the original narrative has been proven. DNA proves she had a native American in her ancestry. Now they are claiming the narrative is about her being able to join a tribe or have a specific amount of native bloodline. Caveats to avoid paying off a bet or challenge.

She has half the American Indian DNA of the average American of European descent. Does that now make all white people in the U.S. Native Americans who can get Affirmative Action preferences?
Please link me to the place where it says the specific amount of Native blood she has, because the article I saw didn't mention a specific amount. Please LINK.

Blood quotas per tribe are specific. They don't mess around.
The one thing this absolutely proves is that Donald Trump is a lying bag of shit!

But ut oh! They're just gonna keep on strutting!

No it absolutely does not prove jack shit.

On one end of the scale she could be 1/32nd, on the other end she may be 1/1024th.
If she's closer to the latter, then there's no reason for Trump to pay out a single dime.
She does have Native American ancestry, and had every right to indicate that. What is your problem? I suspect you are so invested in the unfounded claim that she has no Native American ancestry till you find it hard to give up the lie that you have grown to love. This is very similar to the right's inability to accept Obama's birth certificate. You don't care about facts. You still want to hang on to your lie.
then we can all do it cause most people have twice the DNA she posted so we're all native american indians.

by YOUR OWN logic here.

I don't think it is statistically possible for most people to have twice the Native American DNA as she does, but if they do, they are certainly entitled to claim that. Sorry if another one of your favorite RWNJ lies crashed in flames, but you'll get over it if you have the integrity needed. It doesn't look good for you though.
this has fuck-nothing to do with right or left just right and wrong.

the numbers themselves from sources listed LONG BEFORE HER TESTING RECENTLY show that the average european has 1.8% native north american dna.

you and your insults cause i don't agree with you is just stupid.

The average European has Native American Ancestry? Really? You got a credible link for that?
it's been in here several times. for some fucked up reason you decided to overlook it. i'd go back and show it to you but admitting you're wrong has never happened, so i'm not about to put a dime in that slot machine.

go fucking look it up.

Right. I;ll be sure to search for proof of your claim just as soon as I get around to it. For now, you got nothing though, right

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