Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.
Tell me something Iceberg....


Made anything at all out of Elizabeth Warren believing she had a Native American Grandmother as her family had told her?

WHY have republicans taken what she has said about her own heritage and made a mountain out of a molehill about it?

Why have you harassed her for years on it now?

Why does Trump make fun of her?

Why do you all deride and make fun of her for it?





What is the INFANTILE argument about?

Why did you go after her in the first place?

Why would she check a box marked "minority" ?

did the box say minority?

LOL, not that's she's "minority", she's also "woman of color"

Fordham piece called Warren Harvard Law's 'first woman of color'

But a 1997 Fordham Law Review piece described her as Harvard Law School's "first woman of color," based, according to the notes at the bottom of the story, on a "telephone interview with Michael Chmura, News Director, Harvard Law (Aug. 6, 1996)."
If Warren didn't use it to help her career, how did her employers know about it and use it in publications?
All the Dems had to do this year was play it cool. Momentum and history was on their side. But, they just can't control themselves. Warren just couldn't wait a couple weeks to release this information. They just keep piling on. The Dems are doing everything they can to lose in November. She has to be crazy to take on Trump with a 1 in 1000 test like that. She is worse off politically than before. An unknown % is better than a test result like that one.
She has been soundly rejected by the very tribe she claims have the heritage of...
She’s a lying bitch

We are to believe that her mother had to elope when she got married because she was 1/1000 Native American?

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!

And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

No, her mother never claimed anything about being Indian. WARREN claimed it for her.

Try to keep up, if you can stop frothing at the mouth over Trump long enough to engage both of your brain cells at once.
I'm talking about Elizabeth Warren, not her mother, ya dumbshit.

Dayam. :ack-1:
We are to believe that her mother had to elope when she got married because she was 1/1000 Native American?

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!

And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

No, her mother never claimed anything about being Indian. WARREN claimed it for her.

Try to keep up, if you can stop frothing at the mouth over Trump long enough to engage both of your brain cells at once.
I'm talking about Elizabeth Warren, not her mother, ya dumbshit.

Dayam. :ack-1:
You mean Pinocchio Pocahontas?
What a stupid pathetic totally unnecessary circus....this Warren's charade of DNA rubbish....

the woman is such a total liar.....so mentally perverted....

why is she still trying to become something that she is not in the eyes of America?

the world by now knows what she is up to.....

retire woman ....go away in shame.....disappear... stop making a spectacle of your poor self.
Who told you no Indian blood was used??

the person who did the test. take up your stupidity with him.

I just showed you his test samples. :eusa_doh:

So who told you no Indian blood was used?

Um, the test summary itself. It's already been cited and linked numerous times. Are you telling us you're in here running off at the mouth, making definitive statements about the test, and you didn't actually look at the results yourself?

Damn, are YOU a gullible tool.
That’s from the actual test, ya moron. Indian samples were used. :eusa_doh:

Seriously? You're seriously going to claim that YOU are correct about how the test was done, and the person who ran the test is wrong?
Imbecile, I echoed the results of the test.
She has been soundly rejected by the very tribe she claims have the heritage of...
She’s a lying bitch

We are to believe that her mother had to elope when she got married because she was 1/1000 Native American?

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!

And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

You never heard her comments about having high cheekbones.
No, what did she say about her cheekbones?
and why does this matter in the grand scheme of your life?
You might want to show where he made that claim, and you might want to explain why his claim matters in the "grand scheme of your life"...she lied and he's calling her on it, if it is left to stand then there is no need to argue it, if it is claimed she did not lie then you have the basis for disagreement, not a blue print of a life's schematic...but in the interest of fairness why not try asking those who agree with warren how it matters in the "grand scheme of their lives"?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?
Dumbfuck, where did I say the samples were from the U.S.??

In fact, the section I posted from the report even identified them as being tribes located in Canada and Mexico.

Dumbfuck, where did I say we were talking about anything YOU said?

Let's review, because I'm not interested in playing your little "I'll be obtuse and pretend we're talking about something different every fucking time I answer until people get so tired of talking to something with fewer IQ points than a chunk of granite that they walk away, at which point I'll claim 'VICTORY' on the basis of how relentlessly stupid I am" game.

Elizabeth Warren spent years claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee and sometimes Delaware, in her recent family history.

The Cherokee and the Delaware are both North American tribes originating within what is now the United States.

Elizabeth Warren recently had a DNA test done, which showed that she PROBABLY had .09% DNA that the tester attributed to Native American, which is about half of what most white Americans have.

The tester admitted, in the summary results of his test, that he had no DNA samples from US Native Americans with which to compare Warren's DNA, because Native Americans in the US rarely consent to participate in genetic studies.

The tester further explained that he reached his conclusions through comparisons with DNA samples from Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, and by his own extrapolation theories as to prehistoric human migration. That is, after all, his primary field of study.

Now then, since you are presumably finally caught up on all the facts, see if you can say something coherent and relevant to the topic. I'm sure we're all waiting on tenterhooks to see if you pull it off.
Dumbfuck, I pointed out a retard's claims that the test did not include samples from Indians -- was wrong. Along comes an imbecile like you to "correct" me by pointing out the Indian samples were not from the U.S. when all you do is look like the putz you are since you're "correcting" something I never said.

Dumbfuck, I pointed out a retard's claims that the test did not include samples from Indians -- was wrong. Along comes an imbecile like you to "correct" me by pointing out the Indian samples were not from the U.S. when all you do is look like the putz you are since you're "correcting" something I never said.

lol...I do believe he asked for "something coherent", it is hard to make heads or tails from all the jibber jabber between your coherent words "Fumbduck", "retards" "imbecile" and "putz"...you may want to try turning the page in your thesaurus occasionally.
We are to believe that her mother had to elope when she got married because she was 1/1000 Native American?

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!

And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

You never heard her comments about having high cheekbones.
No, what did she say about her cheekbones?
Warren said her high cheekbones were evidence that she's Native. I suppose if she claimed to be black she would say her big lips were evidence. She's an idiot and a racist.
Dumbfuck, I pointed out a retard's claims that the test did not include samples from Indians -- was wrong. Along comes an imbecile like you to "correct" me by pointing out the Indian samples were not from the U.S. when all you do is look like the putz you are since you're "correcting" something I never said.

lol...I do believe he asked for "something coherent", it is hard to make heads or tails from all the jibber jabber between your coherent words "Fumbduck", "retards" "imbecile" and "putz"...you may want to try turning the page in your thesaurus occasionally.
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