Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

C'mon gives a break if Warren is a Cherokee this is an eagle for heavens sake....enough of the stupidity pleazeeeeeeee

8 out of 10
arent all of us white racists at least 1/10th native american? I know I am. I crave well done beaver sandwitches at least 3 times a week
Nor does it suggest it's "a good fit (or any kind of fit) to Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNAs of the middle Americas".

Thanks, I now have and have read the report myself. I guess you didn't see figure 2 where it indeed matches Warren's test sample spurious DNA as being as good of a match to Mexican/Central American DNA as anything else.

View attachment 223415

The Tepehuano are related to the Aztecs and the Mixe are related to the Oaxacan region of southern Mexico.

And the report indicates that Warren is at least 99.99 to 99.999% European and 0.001% something else related to the Native Americas. So she has a trace of NA in her, that doesn't make her American Indian or barely even "part" NA. She'd need sixty-four times more NA DNA in her to even be considered indigenous to actual native americans.

No,no,no can’t be. Pogo says.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

You never heard her comments about having high cheekbones.
No, what did she say about her cheekbones?

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

Maybe next time, you should try researching somewhere other than leftist blogs.


You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You contest me pointing out she didn’t say anything about her cheekbones with a video of her NOT talking about her cheekbones.

Why Many Native Americans Are Angry With Elizabeth Warren

Why Many Native Americans Are Angry With Elizabeth Warren
I know I am, I partially 10% one thing and 90% another. When Trump pledges a bazillion dollars to prove Warren's Indian heritage, she proved it. Perhaps he ought to cough it up. It isn't going to bankrupt Trump to show humility. Say I am sorry, and winky wink, because he's an Indian giver, there must be some indigenous blood in Trump somewhere.
she didnt prove shit.
She proved she’s at best, 1/32 Native American Indian.

She proved she's, at best, still not a Native American. And that she, at best, is still not qualified to describe herself as such.
Dumbfuck.... again....

Conclusion. While the vast majority of the individual’s ancestry is European, the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individual’s pedigree, likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago.
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

It has already been quoted in this thread, dumbass! That's why you are a f-ing liberal. You never learned how to read!
Now you’re simply lying. :rolleyes: No one in this thread quoted her talking about her cheekbones. The closest you can find is her talking about her mother’s cheekbones. Are you always this stupid?
this coming from someone who is willing to say 0.097% is enough to prove they're indian.

if this were trump making the claim with the same results, there's simply no way in hell you'd be defending trump saying he's indian. the ONLY reason you're doing this is because you either simply will toe the party line at any and all cost, or you're simply trolling.

either way - it's a dick move.
What I actually said is her DNA test proves there’s Indian blood in her lineage. And her percentage can be 1.6% or even higher.

Which would still amount to the trace elements EVERYONE carries, simply because we're all humans.

She's not Native American by any standard any sane person would recognize. Period.

She also DID NOT claim, "Oh, I have some very miniscule Native American heritage way, way, WAY back." Period.

There is no way you're going to make this into proof that she didn't lie. Period.
”She also DID NOT claim, "Oh, I have some very miniscule Native American heritage way, way, WAY back." Period.”

She didn’t? WTF?? YOU just posted a video attributing to her the claim that she said her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee. That’s 5 generations before her. Her DNA test revealed “Native American ancestry,” “likely 6-10 generations,” before her.

That would be Elizabeth Warren claiming some very minuscule Native American heritage; that you idiotically denied she claimed after YOU posted a video saying she did claim that.

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You never heard her comments about having high cheekbones.
No, what did she say about her cheekbones?

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

Maybe next time, you should try researching somewhere other than leftist blogs.


You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You contest me pointing out she didn’t say anything about her cheekbones with a video of her NOT talking about her cheekbones.


Here ya go, dumbass. She only said it about 1000 times.

No, what did she say about her cheekbones?

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

Maybe next time, you should try researching somewhere other than leftist blogs.


You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You contest me pointing out she didn’t say anything about her cheekbones with a video of her NOT talking about her cheekbones.


Here ya go, dumbass. She only said it about 1000 times.


Why do rightards insist on parading their rightardism?

Fucking moron, how many more idiots are going to post that video where Elizabeth Warren says nothing about her cheekbones???

She’s talking about her grandfather’s cheekbones and her mother’s; not hers.

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

Maybe next time, you should try researching somewhere other than leftist blogs.


You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You contest me pointing out she didn’t say anything about her cheekbones with a video of her NOT talking about her cheekbones.


Here ya go, dumbass. She only said it about 1000 times.


Why do rightards insist on parading their rightardism?

Fucking moron, how many more idiots are going to post that video where Elizabeth Warren says nothing about her cheekbones???

She’s talking about her grandfather’s cheekbones and her mother’s; not hers.


Spare us your hair splitting idiocy.
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

Maybe next time, you should try researching somewhere other than leftist blogs.


You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You contest me pointing out she didn’t say anything about her cheekbones with a video of her NOT talking about her cheekbones.


Here ya go, dumbass. She only said it about 1000 times.


Why do rightards insist on parading their rightardism?

Fucking moron, how many more idiots are going to post that video where Elizabeth Warren says nothing about her cheekbones???

She’s talking about her grandfather’s cheekbones and her mother’s; not hers.


Spare us your hair splitting idiocy.

They really believe that their word-parsing is going to make everything okay.

I'd assume that she'd be embarrassed. I'm guessing she's not.

Holy crap.
Nor does it suggest it's "a good fit (or any kind of fit) to Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNAs of the middle Americas".

Thanks, I now have and have read the report myself. I guess you didn't see figure 2 where it indeed matches Warren's test sample spurious DNA as being as good of a match to Mexican/Central American DNA as anything else.

View attachment 223415

The Tepehuano are related to the Aztecs and the Mixe are related to the Oaxacan region of southern Mexico.

And the report indicates that Warren is at least 99.99 to 99.999% European and 0.001% something else related to the Native Americas. So she has a trace of NA in her, that doesn't make her American Indian or barely even "part" NA. She'd need sixty-four times more NA DNA in her to even be considered indigenous to actual native americans.

You're actually the first poster I've yet seen who actually READ the report. Well done.

Yes I have the same illustrations. I also have the crucial part that reads, "Because available samples do not provide complete coverage of all Native American groups, some segments with Native American ancestry may be missed." As the same report reveals that genomes from North America are not available, as well as that a number of segments in the instant sample cannot be identified, it is impossible to eliminate the unidentified ones as NA. Obviously they used the geographically-closest samples they could acquire and even then it was close enough for a hit.
You never heard her comments about having high cheekbones.
No, what did she say about her cheekbones?

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

Maybe next time, you should try researching somewhere other than leftist blogs.


You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You contest me pointing out she didn’t say anything about her cheekbones with a video of her NOT talking about her cheekbones.


I think that one signed up for play-loosely-with-the-facts week. Her own video clearly has Warren quoting somebody else. The Illiterati can't seem to figure that out.

I'm still waiting three days later for her (Cecilie1200 ) to back up her accusation of my use of Composition Fallacies. I called her on it immediately and predictably she ran away.

This whole childish game of pretending to be too stupid to follow a quote has been employed for quite some time now. Several posters in this topic have deliberately misrepresented what Warren's mother told her as being Warren's own content, and the same dishonest game was played on Hillary with the "named after Sir Edmund Hillary" mythology and the "southern accent" malarkey where she was quoting a gospel song lyric. It tells us much about these wankers' values that they're willing to traffic in that level of dishonesty and more bizzarely, continue to do so even after being called on it.
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Yep, The test proves that she is even less of the ratio that most Caucasians in this country are...
But she has high cheekbones
Proves her original story as written in her book about having a distant Grandmother who was native American is credible due to scienrific evidence.
Most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio then she has, the Loopy kunt has no credibility
You are a liar and sore loser. Stop whining and crying on a public forum. You lost, be a man and accept it.

Unfortunately for you, victory is not defined by your ability to say you won. Elizabeth Warren is not entitled to call herself "Native American" by any calculation used in this country.

Since her first race for Senate in 2012, Republicans have attacked Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) over her Native American heritage. After Warren said publicly that her family told her she was of Cherokee decent and she was identified by previous employers as such — though a Boston Globe investigation last month found it played no role in her professional success — Trump belittled her as “Pocahontas.” On Monday, Warren released DNA evidence that her family was right — but the Trump administration quickly rejected the science.

Meanwhile, then-Republican Sen. Scott Brown (then of Massachusetts, later of New Hampshire, and now Donald Trump’s ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa) ran an ad attacking the claim and later demanded Warren take a DNA test. She defeated him 53 percent to 46 as Bay State voters largely shrugged off the controversy.

But after Warren emerged as a prominent critic of Donald Trump, he revived the issue. He attacked Warren at political rallies and slurred her as “Pocahontas” at least 26 times between 2014 and 2017. He even went on a diatribe against her at a November 2017 White House event honoring Navajo code-breakers.

This July, Trump again returned to the attack, offering a $1 millionpersonal donation to Warren’s favorite charity if she took a DNA test and it confirmed her Cherokee ancestry. “I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian [sic],” he announced.

On Monday, Warren called Trump’s bluff and released a genetic analysis done by Stanford University geneticist Carlos Bustamante. “The facts suggest that you absolutely have a Native American ancestor in your pedigree,” the Ancestry.com and 23andMe adviser told the Massachusetts Democrat.

Still, the Trump administration responded in line with how it has approached most climate matters for the past two years: dismissing the science.
She had the test done by a friend, WOW what a trick. I would not pay her until I see a 23 test done.
Proves her original story as written in her book about having a distant Grandmother who was native American is credible due to scienrific evidence.
Most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio then she has, the Loopy kunt has no credibility
You are a liar and sore loser. Stop whining and crying on a public forum. You lost, be a man and accept it.

Unfortunately for you, victory is not defined by your ability to say you won. Elizabeth Warren is not entitled to call herself "Native American" by any calculation used in this country.

Since her first race for Senate in 2012, Republicans have attacked Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) over her Native American heritage. After Warren said publicly that her family told her she was of Cherokee decent and she was identified by previous employers as such — though a Boston Globe investigation last month found it played no role in her professional success — Trump belittled her as “Pocahontas.” On Monday, Warren released DNA evidence that her family was right — but the Trump administration quickly rejected the science.

Meanwhile, then-Republican Sen. Scott Brown (then of Massachusetts, later of New Hampshire, and now Donald Trump’s ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa) ran an ad attacking the claim and later demanded Warren take a DNA test. She defeated him 53 percent to 46 as Bay State voters largely shrugged off the controversy.

But after Warren emerged as a prominent critic of Donald Trump, he revived the issue. He attacked Warren at political rallies and slurred her as “Pocahontas” at least 26 times between 2014 and 2017. He even went on a diatribe against her at a November 2017 White House event honoring Navajo code-breakers.

This July, Trump again returned to the attack, offering a $1 millionpersonal donation to Warren’s favorite charity if she took a DNA test and it confirmed her Cherokee ancestry. “I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian [sic],” he announced.

On Monday, Warren called Trump’s bluff and released a genetic analysis done by Stanford University geneticist Carlos Bustamante. “The facts suggest that you absolutely have a Native American ancestor in your pedigree,” the Ancestry.com and 23andMe adviser told the Massachusetts Democrat.

Still, the Trump administration responded in line with how it has approached most climate matters for the past two years: dismissing the science.
She had the test done by a friend, WOW what a trick. I would not pay her until I see a 23 test done.
And this is why we didn’t trust trumps doctor when he said he was healthy, 6”3 and 239

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