Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

Delicious times ahead and naturally democratically controlled government is in Full Witch Hunt mode to thwart Musk because, they feel, their feelings about what he will do is terrifying and their stake burning will be disguised as “for our own health, safety, and well being of no “misinformation”
The misinformation is especially a Nanny State darling because we shouldn’t be deciding on our own what is true or false
The FCC has zero authority to block Musk’s purchase of Twitter.

And it is particularly frivolous to ask the agency to do so in the name of protecting free speech and open debate.

— Brendan Carr (@BrendanCarrFCC) April 27, 2022


Open Markets Institute,a small liberal think tank funded by George Soros wanted the FCC, FTC & DOJ to block the Musk-Twitter deal,saying the 3 federal agency has "ample authority to block it"

FCC clapback to OMI to say they "Will not entertain these types of frivolous arguments" pic.twitter.com/XMljfd0tjB

— Mona Salama (@MonaSalama_) April 27, 2022

Game, set and match.

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It’s projection to call a conspiracy theorist a conspiracy theorist?

Neat. Ok then, Trumpster.
It's projection to call a conspiracy... 'a theory that is not about conspiracy'.

Which is what you are attempting to do, and failing miserably. This is why so many dems are being tossed. In a truthful discussion?

democrats fail miserably and out themselves as political agents... and are now being weeded from the gardens.
The FCC has zero authority to block Musk’s purchase of Twitter.

And it is particularly frivolous to ask the agency to do so in the name of protecting free speech and open debate.

— Brendan Carr (@BrendanCarrFCC) April 27, 2022


Open Markets Institute,a small liberal think tank funded by George Soros wanted the FCC, FTC & DOJ to block the Musk-Twitter deal,saying the 3 federal agency has "ample authority to block it"

FCC clapback to OMI to say they "Will not entertain these types of frivolous arguments" pic.twitter.com/XMljfd0tjB

— Mona Salama (@MonaSalama_) April 27, 2022

Game, set and match.

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Authority no longer matters. We’ve had a lot of draconian bullshit imposed upon us with no standing legal authority to do so.
50% American sheepism and 25% just following the edicts has been Very Harmful to freedom.
Authority no longer matters. We’ve had a lot of draconian bullshit imposed upon us with no standing legal authority to do so.
50% American sheepism and 25% just following the edicts has been Very Harmful to freedom.
What matters is that the garden is being weeded... and political activism from the Marxists is being tilled out like chaff from wheat.

Your use out of order capitalization just shows you are a bit of an ocd character.
What matters is that the garden is being weeded... and political activism from the Marxists is being tilled out like chaff from wheat.

Your use out of order capitalization just shows you are a bit of an ocd character.
I think we are on same team with believing FCC has no say but government has imposed things over last two years that they had no authority to do.
Musk seems to know far more about the importance of free speech than any Democrat today. I think Democrats have officially gone over to the Marxist side, and I mean ALL of them.
I've never particularly been a fan of Musk but the more dem's freak out over this the more he grows on me.
Last night on Tucker, it was revealed something like 98% of their employees were dem donors.....no wonder a con couldn't get a break......LOL
So what? Dimwitted Dotard violated their TOS over & over again.

Looks like Musk is the new Golden Boy of the MAGA herd.

I can see it now:

"EV's aren't that bad"!

Elon has fired the entire twitter board.

All democrats ... Brett Taylor onward.

Hey Elon, If you're looking for new Board Members, I'm available!


Yawn. Fake news. Musk did sign an agreement yesterday to buy Twitter but he does not own it yet. So, no. None of the board members are out. Not yet.
He a socialist. He depends on socialist activities, and he doesn't pay taxes like he shoud and you all praising him, the richest man in the USA.

He will only allow the republicans to post there.
I'm pretty sure if he wasn't paying his taxes he'd be spending much of his wealth trying to avoid prison.
Delicious times ahead and naturally democratically controlled government is in Full Witch Hunt mode to thwart Musk because, they feel, their feelings about what he will do is terrifying and their stake burning will be disguised as “for our own health, safety, and well being of no “misinformation”
The misinformation is especially a Nanny State darling because we shouldn’t be deciding on our own what is true or false
Really how? How is the Biden government or any other Dem government trying to thwart Musk? Go.

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