Elon Musk: "We need a red wave or America is toast".

The problem is that where the RINO's get elected, the voters are not Conservative.
The prob;em is the voters.
Over the years what was slowly forced on them. And we looked at whether the person had an R next to their name or a D. States purposely infected and voting rules changed for the globalist direction. Giving gracious salaries, pensions and benefits for those really privileged. The costs taking from real infrastructure leaving communities treading water with real slight gains in their physical look at best. Then the employee moves away if he/she has not purchased a second home already.
I live in a state with this>


along with a veto proof, 99% Dem control

You would not believe what these folks have voted for

They have literally destroyed our way of life

and are proud of it.....

So i've joined the GOP, which were non existent in the last decade, few if any reps, zero delegates , zero ~R~ at all.....recently reforming

In my town i'm one of 6, that's it..... ~SIX~ if there's anything to our political construct , it's having a choice

wish us luck, we need it

You do not think a sense of fairness can bridge an economic gap? With all due respect, I think you are wrong.
The Uber wealthy andvthe rest of us live by different rules and ideals. Again it's not a bad thing, just the way it works. It's the best system going. Just font expect me to ever support a wealthy person politically. Never going yo happen.
I live in a state with this>

View attachment 922303

along with a veto proof, 99% Dem control

You would not believe what these folks have voted for

They have literally destroyed our way of life

and are proud of it.....

So i've joined the GOP, which were non existent in the last decade, few if any reps, zero delegates , zero ~R~ at all.....recently reforming

In my town i'm one of 6, that's it..... ~SIX~ if there's anything to our political construct , it's having a choice

wish us luck, we need it

Is that the Kremlin in the background, this guy looks like a Ruskie.

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