Emma Gonzalez Question

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King cited Gonzalez's Cuban heritage as a reason why she should love guns, as Castro removed all weapons from its citizenry. A lie.

Castro never confiscated all guns, and in fact, Cuba had an active citizen militia for many years, especially after the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. GunPolicy.org puts current private gun ownership there at several hundred thousand.

So, another baseless lie that the right often uses to shore up its attacks on its enemies.

Steve King Attacks Emma González With Offensive Meme
How offensive

Does he say the same thing of those who are proud of their Italian or Native American heritage?

You don’t even speak the language
She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.

That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

What? She's from Cuba. Would you bitch as much if a German student wore a German flag, or a Canadian student wore a Canadian flag?

She's an American, is she not?
Your point?
Cheap campaign poster for Second Amendment rights...


To be fair that's a photoshop, the original was a target. But yeah the intent is there

Everyone knows it’s a photoshop.

The left is upset because someone was able to create a powerful image showing what she is trying to do to the constitution.

If it was targeted at Trump they would praise it’s creativity
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?
React to my post, if you please.

I am allergic to stupid!

The rounds did not shatter the doors and walls of the classroom, dumbass!
Anyone know when Emma's family fled the Progressive Paradise of Cuba: No guns, universal healthcare, low carbon foot print?
Her father fled Castro in 1968.

You're welcome.

Then that means she's an American citizen because she was born here, and as such, has the right to free speech.

Straw man alert

No one has said she doesn’t have the right to free speech. We are simply using our free speech to counter her efforts to remove our rights
Cheap campaign poster for Second Amendment rights...


To be fair that's a photoshop, the original was a target. But yeah the intent is there

Everyone knows it’s a photoshop.

The left is upset because someone was able to create a powerful image showing what she is trying to do to the constitution.

If it was targeted at Trump they would praise it’s creativity
She is using the Constitution to nonviolently push for political change

Like our forefathers envisioned
So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

You know, I really don't get my information from memes. Why? Because they can be photoshopped just like anything else can be. I don't condemn them, nor do I promote them. If they are funny, I might snicker, but a meme doesn't really convey any useful information to me.

I more or less nothing them, because I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other.

But however..................spreading fake news, or demonizing someone with something they never did will always get a condemnation from me.

VERIFY: Did the Democratic Party Photoshop an image on Twitter?

Dunno if I would call blurring something out "photoshopping". If you blur something out, you are trying to stop people from seeing it. Some may consider it a lie of omission, but I consider it censorship. Besides, television shows blur out things on their images they show on a regular basis. Some to block nudity, some because the images are too graphic.

Deliberately altering an image to present a completely different thing is what I consider photoshopping. Changing the target to the Constitution is a deliberate lie.

This was photoshopped to distance Democrats from using a Socialist rhetoric poster. What does that have to do with "nudity." Democrats want to use the socialist rhetoric without being honest about their views.

You proved my point, when we flipped parties, you flipped sides

Photoshopped would be if they changed the sign to say something different. Blurring and not changing what the image says is censorship or editing.

Exactly, that's how leftists always justify it. It's not the same because here's another way to spin it
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?
React to my post, if you please.

I am allergic to stupid!

The rounds did not shatter the doors and walls of the classroom, dumbass!
That's your problem with my post?!? You found one point, one piece of minutiae that you find "stupid"?

What a shallow, weak mind you suffer under.
She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.

That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

You know, I really don't get my information from memes. Why? Because they can be photoshopped just like anything else can be. I don't condemn them, nor do I promote them. If they are funny, I might snicker, but a meme doesn't really convey any useful information to me.

I more or less nothing them, because I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other.

But however..................spreading fake news, or demonizing someone with something they never did will always get a condemnation from me.

VERIFY: Did the Democratic Party Photoshop an image on Twitter?

Weird link. What is the image you want to use to deflect with?

Of course. Democrats photo shopping has nothing to do with Republicans photo shopping. Different subjects. Gotcha.

Actually they aren't, it means you have no real standard against photo shopping. Just more partisan games from you idiots
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?

Quite the opposite, actually; hence my reaction.

I wonder on a daily basis who among the neocons are in a relationship, and if they run their mouths like this at home, and if so do they EVER get laid.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

You know, I really don't get my information from memes. Why? Because they can be photoshopped just like anything else can be. I don't condemn them, nor do I promote them. If they are funny, I might snicker, but a meme doesn't really convey any useful information to me.

I more or less nothing them, because I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other.

But however..................spreading fake news, or demonizing someone with something they never did will always get a condemnation from me.

VERIFY: Did the Democratic Party Photoshop an image on Twitter?

Weird link. What is the image you want to use to deflect with?

Finally a young promising student like Kyle Kashuv who shows maturity and class. I'll let that explain for you.

Now HE'S indoctrinated. Good job.

Nice hair cut, by the way.

This is what ridiculous hypocrites you idiot leftists are. You cheer on the indoctrinated children of liberal parents and suddenly for a conservative a new standard develops
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?
React to my post, if you please.

I am allergic to stupid!

The rounds did not shatter the doors and walls of the classroom, dumbass!
That's your problem with my post?!? You found one point, one piece of minutiae that you find "stupid"?

What a shallow, weak mind you suffer under.

No, I generally find everything you post to be marinated in stupid. That was just one example. I don't have time to document every one of your idiotic notions. I'd be here all night!
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?

Quite the opposite, actually; hence my reaction.

I wonder on a daily basis who among the neocons are in a relationship, and if they run their mouths like this at home, and if so do they EVER get laid.


Apparently you have no clue as to what a neocon is. I suggest you try learning.
I answered the OP's question! Why is this topic still going?
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?

Quite the opposite, actually; hence my reaction.

I wonder on a daily basis who among the neocons are in a relationship, and if they run their mouths like this at home, and if so do they EVER get laid.


Apparently you have no clue as to what a neocon is. I suggest you try learning.

Neocon - head up his ass and complementing the view.
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?

Quite the opposite, actually; hence my reaction.

I wonder on a daily basis who among the neocons are in a relationship, and if they run their mouths like this at home, and if so do they EVER get laid.


Apparently you have no clue as to what a neocon is. I suggest you try learning.

Oh, okay. I'm wrong about it being a neo-conservative, like more than half of the posters present herein?

I mean, I guess I can return to RWNJ.
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