Emma Gonzalez Question

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And now you're moving the goal posts, which I am of course used to from your side of the aisle.

You stated "The rounds did not shatter the doors and walls of the classroom, dumbass!"

That's what you said. However, it's not what he said - and that's what I proved. So now you want to change the subject? A bit dishonest, I feel.

I will put it plain English for you!

His post was stupid and you cannot read. Get help!


Why are you talking to me if you are under the mistaken impression that I can't read.

You people are weird.

Your brain is non-functional. Donate your organs.
You know, I really don't get my information from memes. Why? Because they can be photoshopped just like anything else can be. I don't condemn them, nor do I promote them. If they are funny, I might snicker, but a meme doesn't really convey any useful information to me.

I more or less nothing them, because I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other.

But however..................spreading fake news, or demonizing someone with something they never did will always get a condemnation from me.

VERIFY: Did the Democratic Party Photoshop an image on Twitter?

Weird link. What is the image you want to use to deflect with?

Finally a young promising student like Kyle Kashuv who shows maturity and class. I'll let that explain for you.

Now HE'S indoctrinated. Good job.

Nice hair cut, by the way.

This is what ridiculous hypocrites you idiot leftists are. You cheer on the indoctrinated children of liberal parents and suddenly for a conservative a new standard develops

Many if not most gun control measures are held by a majority of the country. It's not just a liberal point of view.
Anyone know when Emma's family fled the Progressive Paradise of Cuba: No guns, universal healthcare, low carbon foot print?

Why wont she hop an inner tube with Hogg and head back to Paradise

What a great idea! If Emma takes the Hogglet with her to Cuba, perhaps xyr can fulfill xyr dream of becoming Posh Hogg...and then they can live together in lesbeterian bliss.

View attachment 184921

Cool, now you can jerk off to him and not hate yourself for it.
Anyone know when Emma's family fled the Progressive Paradise of Cuba: No guns, universal healthcare, low carbon foot print?

Why wont she hop an inner tube with Hogg and head back to Paradise

Who is that Emma Gonzalez? never heard of her....

Is she of the same ilk that .... Ana Navarro and such????

If she is

I don't have any sympathy for her

in other words

I despise her :04:
Anyone know when Emma's family fled the Progressive Paradise of Cuba: No guns, universal healthcare, low carbon foot print?

Why wont she hop an inner tube with Hogg and head back to Paradise

Who is that Emma Gonzalez? never heard of her....

Is she of the same ilk that .... Ana Navarro and such????

If she is

I don't have any sympathy for her

in other words

I despise her :04:

OK, seriously, where are the real conservatives that were replaced by this clown car full of lobotomied half-witted Ann Coulter wannabe assholes?
And now you're moving the goal posts, which I am of course used to from your side of the aisle.

You stated "The rounds did not shatter the doors and walls of the classroom, dumbass!"

That's what you said. However, it's not what he said - and that's what I proved. So now you want to change the subject? A bit dishonest, I feel.

I will put it plain English for you!

His post was stupid and you cannot read. Get help!


Why are you talking to me if you are under the mistaken impression that I can't read.

You people are weird.

Your brain is non-functional. Donate your organs.

You know, there was a time I felt compassion for you because of a familial situation you're dealing with. I am hoping your pain is being relieved by attacking me.
Who is that Emma Gonzalez? never heard of her....

Is she of the same ilk that .... Ana Navarro and such????

If she is

I don't have any sympathy for her

in other words

I despise he

Like she gives a fuck what an idiot like you thinks of her......LOL
Somebody is apparently way-the-fuck out of the loop. Someone get Skye the Emma Gonzalez Handbook of Hate.
Who is that Emma Gonzalez? never heard of her....

Is she of the same ilk that .... Ana Navarro and such????

If she is

I don't have any sympathy for her

in other words

I despise he

Just know that Gonzales will soon NEUTRALIZE YOUR fucking vote for your candidates, right wing, gun nuts.................Karma.........lol
Somebody is apparently way-the-fuck out of the loop. Someone get Skye the Emma Gonzalez Handbook of Hate.

well now, Witch...

to be pink you have a very foul mouth.


^See, I mean, do you pretend that was a total burn because you almost feel sorry for them? Fuckin' hell, give me William F. Buckley, that guy could turn a phrase.

'to be pink you have a very foul mouth', that's it?
Somebody is apparently way-the-fuck out of the loop. Someone get Skye the Emma Gonzalez Handbook of Hate.

well now, Witch...

to be pink you have a very foul mouth.


Oh my. That's the second time someone has objected to my current color choice. And on the internet, of all places. Do you have some pearls to clutch on my behalf?

Know what's really ugly? The amount of hate you put out toward people you don't know and couldn't begin to understand.

Remember that verse about taking God's name in vain? I don't think it's about swearing. I think it's about using his name to hate, vilify, demonize, denigrate, and all the other ugliness you lot throw around as easily as you draw breath.
Anyone know when Emma's family fled the Progressive Paradise of Cuba: No guns, universal healthcare, low carbon foot print?

Why wont she hop an inner tube with Hogg and head back to Paradise

Who is that Emma Gonzalez? never heard of her....

Is she of the same ilk that .... Ana Navarro and such????

If she is

I don't have any sympathy for her

in other words

I despise her :04:

I guess that since you despise her you don't really know her Watch FOX News much?
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