Emma Gonzalez Question

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Why aren't Progressives hopping the Inner Tube to Cuba? WTF?

Much like the Putin Vote Flip, is there any USMB deMS-13 or Progressive that will renounce the evil that us America and go fucking live in Cuba?
No, the intent is not there. Jesus fuck, people. How do you make it from the bedroom to the PC without a white cane and a German Shepherd??

Bitchy Irish Ass can tell people's intent through the internet, din't ya know?

All she needs is some photoshopped images that support her agenda, and poof, there ya are, she's got proof of her intent.

Yo shit stain, read the the thread I said it was a photoshop. You're constantly getting your teeth kicked in on here. Wise up

I'm wondering how you know what her intent is? Have you talked to her? Have you even met her? Do you know her family?

If not, then you don't know her intent.

You wonder about many things, maybe listen to her drone on about gun control and then get back to me.

She wants gun control, not to rip up the whole Constitution. But, keep viewing things through the optics of your partisan vision.

Without the people having the ultimate authority to enforce the constitution and keep a check on tyrannical government the constitution will be in shreds
She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.

That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.
Easy enough, post the original.
Maybe you should stop judging me, dumbass. Do you have any idea how much of a hypocrite you sound like?

This little twerp, who knows NOTHING about life, puts herself in the limelight and then is flabbergasted people attack her for trying to take away people's rights? Yeah she's a perfect little leftist drone

Yeah, just keep judging her harshly. That boomerang you get back is gonna hurt like a mofo.

Again....she has put her self in the situation....why can't you grasp that? Ignorance? Obtuse? Stupid? What is it?

What situation? People she will never know exist, denigrating her on an anonymous political message board? Ooh.

You're not the brightest bulb on the strand are ya? Pretty much a waste of time also.

She stepped onto the national debate on gun control....THAT situation.

Oh! THAT situation. The one where seventeen of her classmates and teachers were killed? I don't even know how many wounded.

You're right. How the hell dare she.

There are many in that class who aren’t trying to be famous by taking away the rights of others.

Being a victim doesn’t give you a free pass that allows you to say and do what you want without consequence.
LOL Nice spin but epic fail

Oops, I missed the cross in your avatar. So speaking of white on the outside and full of corruption on the inside, maybe you should stop judging Emma. By the same measure with which you judge you will be judged, and etc.

Maybe you should stop judging me, dumbass. Do you have any idea how much of a hypocrite you sound like?

This little twerp, who knows NOTHING about life, puts herself in the limelight and then is flabbergasted people attack her for trying to take away people's rights? Yeah she's a perfect little leftist drone

You are too fucking funny Bitchy Irish Ass. You are screaming about people being hypocrites because you think they are judging you, and you are judging this girl's intent simply because you THINK she wants to rip up the Constitution because she's asking for gun control.

She's not asking for the Second Amendment to be repealed, she's asking for something to be done so that kids don't get killed going to school.

Judge not, lest ye be judged. Think about it before someone calls you a hypocrite like you are calling others.

Settle down, Paper pusher. It's not my fault you get shellacked time and time again.

It's obvious you haven't listened to the snot nose, do that and then comment

I actually have listened to her, and no, I don't think she wants to rip up the Constitution.

And by the way, age doesn't necessarily point to how much life experience a person has. By the time I was 18, I had been through more than most people go through by their 40's. I became an orphan at 8, shifted around from family to family until I ran away to go back and live with my Grandparents at age 18. I understood more then than most people who were twice my age.

By the way, how many people have YOU seen shot in front of you?

You realize she hasn’t seen anyone shot in front of her, right? She wasn’t in the building
Maybe you should stop judging me, dumbass. Do you have any idea how much of a hypocrite you sound like?

This little twerp, who knows NOTHING about life, puts herself in the limelight and then is flabbergasted people attack her for trying to take away people's rights? Yeah she's a perfect little leftist drone

You are too fucking funny Bitchy Irish Ass. You are screaming about people being hypocrites because you think they are judging you, and you are judging this girl's intent simply because you THINK she wants to rip up the Constitution because she's asking for gun control.

She's not asking for the Second Amendment to be repealed, she's asking for something to be done so that kids don't get killed going to school.

Judge not, lest ye be judged. Think about it before someone calls you a hypocrite like you are calling others.

Settle down, Paper pusher. It's not my fault you get shellacked time and time again.

It's obvious you haven't listened to the snot nose, do that and then comment

I actually have listened to her, and no, I don't think she wants to rip up the Constitution.

And by the way, age doesn't necessarily point to how much life experience a person has. By the time I was 18, I had been through more than most people go through by their 40's. I became an orphan at 8, shifted around from family to family until I ran away to go back and live with my Grandparents at age 18. I understood more then than most people who were twice my age.

By the way, how many people have YOU seen shot in front of you?

I don't care about your tall tales....I also don't care what you think you know either.

She has made it clear she wants a gun ban...that goes against the Second. A small factoid to chew on and digest
As a victim of gun violence, she is free to advocate any action she wants

Really? Who shot her? Because she wasn’t shot in this attack. She wasn’t even there
Except for the haircut. Looks nothing like her

More photoshop disinformation from the right
View attachment 184892

King cited Gonzalez's Cuban heritage as a reason why she should love guns, as Castro removed all weapons from its citizenry. A lie.

Castro never confiscated all guns, and in fact, Cuba had an active citizen militia for many years, especially after the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. GunPolicy.org puts current private gun ownership there at several hundred thousand.

So, another baseless lie that the right often uses to shore up its attacks on its enemies.

Steve King Attacks Emma González With Offensive Meme

It’s offensive to point out that she is wearing the symbol of a brutal violent regime? How?
You are too fucking funny Bitchy Irish Ass. You are screaming about people being hypocrites because you think they are judging you, and you are judging this girl's intent simply because you THINK she wants to rip up the Constitution because she's asking for gun control.

She's not asking for the Second Amendment to be repealed, she's asking for something to be done so that kids don't get killed going to school.

Judge not, lest ye be judged. Think about it before someone calls you a hypocrite like you are calling others.

Settle down, Paper pusher. It's not my fault you get shellacked time and time again.

It's obvious you haven't listened to the snot nose, do that and then comment

I actually have listened to her, and no, I don't think she wants to rip up the Constitution.

And by the way, age doesn't necessarily point to how much life experience a person has. By the time I was 18, I had been through more than most people go through by their 40's. I became an orphan at 8, shifted around from family to family until I ran away to go back and live with my Grandparents at age 18. I understood more then than most people who were twice my age.

By the way, how many people have YOU seen shot in front of you?

I don't care about your tall tales....I also don't care what you think you know either.

She has made it clear she wants a gun ban...that goes against the Second. A small factoid to chew on and digest
As a victim of gun violence, she is free to advocate any action she wants

Really? Who shot her? Because she wasn’t shot in this attack. She wasn’t even there
If a child has to cower in a classroom while a maniac is killing fellow students, they are a victim
Yeah, just keep judging her harshly. That boomerang you get back is gonna hurt like a mofo.

Again....she has put her self in the situation....why can't you grasp that? Ignorance? Obtuse? Stupid? What is it?

What situation? People she will never know exist, denigrating her on an anonymous political message board? Ooh.

You're not the brightest bulb on the strand are ya? Pretty much a waste of time also.

She stepped onto the national debate on gun control....THAT situation.

Oh! THAT situation. The one where seventeen of her classmates and teachers were killed? I don't even know how many wounded.

You're right. How the hell dare she.

There are many in that class who aren’t trying to be famous by taking away the rights of others.

Being a victim doesn’t give you a free pass that allows you to say and do what you want without consequence.
What consequence do you propose?

I would love it if you guys came to reality.

But the fact is you don’t give a damn about fixing this problem. You want your agenda passed and you are willing to use whomever you can to do it.

It doesn’t matter that your agenda won’t stpp the problem. It doesn’t bother matter that innocent people will be hurt or that you are using ignorant victims.

Doesn’t matter as long as you get guns out of peoples hands.
Again....she has put her self in the situation....why can't you grasp that? Ignorance? Obtuse? Stupid? What is it?

What situation? People she will never know exist, denigrating her on an anonymous political message board? Ooh.

You're not the brightest bulb on the strand are ya? Pretty much a waste of time also.

She stepped onto the national debate on gun control....THAT situation.

Oh! THAT situation. The one where seventeen of her classmates and teachers were killed? I don't even know how many wounded.

You're right. How the hell dare she.

There are many in that class who aren’t trying to be famous by taking away the rights of others.

Being a victim doesn’t give you a free pass that allows you to say and do what you want without consequence.
What consequence do you propose?

People speaking against you
Settle down, Paper pusher. It's not my fault you get shellacked time and time again.

It's obvious you haven't listened to the snot nose, do that and then comment

I actually have listened to her, and no, I don't think she wants to rip up the Constitution.

And by the way, age doesn't necessarily point to how much life experience a person has. By the time I was 18, I had been through more than most people go through by their 40's. I became an orphan at 8, shifted around from family to family until I ran away to go back and live with my Grandparents at age 18. I understood more then than most people who were twice my age.

By the way, how many people have YOU seen shot in front of you?

I don't care about your tall tales....I also don't care what you think you know either.

She has made it clear she wants a gun ban...that goes against the Second. A small factoid to chew on and digest
As a victim of gun violence, she is free to advocate any action she wants

Really? Who shot her? Because she wasn’t shot in this attack. She wasn’t even there
If a child has to cower in a classroom while a maniac is killing fellow students, they are a victim
So you don’t think she is a victim

Finally a young promising student like Kyle Kashuv who shows maturity and class. I'll let that explain for you.

Now HE'S indoctrinated. Good job.

Nice hair cut, by the way.

This is what ridiculous hypocrites you idiot leftists are. You cheer on the indoctrinated children of liberal parents and suddenly for a conservative a new standard develops

Many if not most gun control measures are held by a majority of the country. It's not just a liberal point of view.

Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?
Cheap campaign poster for Second Amendment rights...


To be fair that's a photoshop, the original was a target. But yeah the intent is there

Everyone knows it’s a photoshop.

The left is upset because someone was able to create a powerful image showing what she is trying to do to the constitution.

If it was targeted at Trump they would praise it’s creativity
She is using the Constitution to nonviolently push for political change

Like our forefathers envisioned

While wearing a symbol of violence
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?

Quite the opposite, actually; hence my reaction.

I wonder on a daily basis who among the neocons are in a relationship, and if they run their mouths like this at home, and if so do they EVER get laid.


Why are you guys so obsessed with the sex lives of others?
The gun lovers hold these kids in such contempt it's sickening.

But, while they rant and rave, they are missing the boat. They need kids of their own to make their counterpoint.

Here's what you do. Wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then get the NRA to recruit several articulate, personable kids from that school. The kids who were fired upon. The kids who slipped in puddles of their classmate's blood and stepped over the bodies of their friends and teachers. Kids who ducked as the rounds shattered the doors and walls of their classroom. Kids who have been trained to shelter in place then run with their hands up. The kids who have attended a different funeral for a different friend every night of the week.

Then show them how to handle themselves in front of banks of cameras and microphones. Get those kids to extol the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity magazines. Have them say how more guns and guns for everyone absent of universal background checks is the only path to real school safety. Have them say that guns are benign implements of peace, safety and security.

It's just that easy! You message is getting a little thread bare and could use some rebranding. Get kids to tell about the glories of the gun and their first hand experiences.

Only the idiots among us would dare demonize those kids. Only the idiots would.

Posts like this are why I stay here, and dig through all the ugliness.

So stupidity turns you on?

Quite the opposite, actually; hence my reaction.

I wonder on a daily basis who among the neocons are in a relationship, and if they run their mouths like this at home, and if so do they EVER get laid.


Apparently you have no clue as to what a neocon is. I suggest you try learning.

Neocon - head up his ass and complementing the view.

Everyone knows neocon is code for jew
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