Emma-Jo Morris slams Biden, congressional Democrats for 'elaborate censorship conspiracy' over Hunter Biden laptop story


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Emma-Jo Morris slams Biden, congressional Democrats for 'elaborate censorship conspiracy' over Hunter Biden laptop story

"What was more scandalous than the reporting itself though, is the fact that it exposed the unholy alliance between the intelligence community, social media platforms, and legacy media outlets."
20 Jul 2023 ~~ By Hannah Nightingale

Speaking before during the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s hearing on Thursday morning, Breitbart politics editor Emma-Jo Morris spoke on the censorship she experienced in 2020 after publishing the initial story on the now-infamous Hunter Biden laptop at the New York Post.
Morris said the laptop was "some of the most scandalous reporting of the last decade," but added that "what was more scandalous than the reporting itself though, is the fact that it exposed the unholy alliance between the intelligence community, social media platforms, and legacy media outlets."

"At the time, I was deputy politics editor at the New York Post and my reporting showed that depsite then-candidate Joe Biden’s repeated and furious denials, he was apparently involved in the foreign business deals of his family," said Morris.

Morris said that in a series of stories published just weeks before the 2020 election, she revealed authentic emails from Hunter Biden’s hard drive showing "Ukrainian business partners receiving leaks from the Obama White House," "an off the books meeting" between then-Vice President Biden and a Ukrainian energy executive, "and introduced the world to the big guy."
She noted that the New York Post published details on how the outlet obtained the materials they then reported on, identified sources, and a federal subpoena showing that the FBI was in possession of the laptop.
"But when the stories appeared on social media that morning, the venue where millions of Americans go to find their news and editors to get their angles, within hours, the reporting was censored on all major platforms on the basis of being called hacked, were Russian disinformation," she said, noting that Twitter refused to allow users to share the story even in private messages, and Facebook said it would curb distribution and reach of the story’s links.
"It is also now known that ahead of my reporting, federal agencies were priming social media companies to execute an operation to discredit it," Morris said, noting information was revealed when Elon Musk took over Twitter showing that during 2020, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies primed Twitter executives to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop reporting as Russian disinformation.
Morris noted that two years later, most major news outlets have confirmed the reporting, and that "no one denies that the laptop is real, that the origin story is exactly what I told you it was in the first place." This after those same outlets, The New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CBS and others reported on why they would not report on the laptop. Later, they all had to backtrack and report that it was verified and factual.
During the questioning period, Rep. Dan Bishop centered his question around Morris stating that "no one denies that the laptop is real," noting that Twitter executives asked whether the laptop was real, and the FBI confirmed that it was, "it was before another participant jumped in and said no further comment."
Yeah," Morris responded. "We know that the FBI knew that it was real" not since December 2019 when the subpoena was from, but "they had already confirmed though which we would learn later. They had already confirmed that the laptop was real and 'not manipulated in any way,' in November of 2019."

Where`s the impeachment hearing for Garland, Wray and Biden? Those are the important hearings and should’ve taken place as soon as the new Republicans were sworn in.
Rep M.T. Greene should’ve walked across the hall with pens in her hand and given one to every member that cast votes to impeach the three…Ala demon witch Pelosi.


Here`s a Flashback you may not remember:


Of course the Maoist Democrat Left have told us that those were mostly peaceful riots.
In the end, Maoist Democrats don't care how they accomplish their evil goals as long as the objective is accomplished for 'the party'. In Marxist language `the party` is their `Rodina`


Emma-Jo Morris slams Biden, congressional Democrats for 'elaborate censorship conspiracy' over Hunter Biden laptop story

"What was more scandalous than the reporting itself though, is the fact that it exposed the unholy alliance between the intelligence community, social media platforms, and legacy media outlets."
20 Jul 2023 ~~ By Hannah Nightingale

Speaking before during the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s hearing on Thursday morning, Breitbart politics editor Emma-Jo Morris spoke on the censorship she experienced in 2020 after publishing the initial story on the now-infamous Hunter Biden laptop at the New York Post.
Morris said the laptop was "some of the most scandalous reporting of the last decade," but added that "what was more scandalous than the reporting itself though, is the fact that it exposed the unholy alliance between the intelligence community, social media platforms, and legacy media outlets."

"At the time, I was deputy politics editor at the New York Post and my reporting showed that depsite then-candidate Joe Biden’s repeated and furious denials, he was apparently involved in the foreign business deals of his family," said Morris.

Morris said that in a series of stories published just weeks before the 2020 election, she revealed authentic emails from Hunter Biden’s hard drive showing "Ukrainian business partners receiving leaks from the Obama White House," "an off the books meeting" between then-Vice President Biden and a Ukrainian energy executive, "and introduced the world to the big guy."
She noted that the New York Post published details on how the outlet obtained the materials they then reported on, identified sources, and a federal subpoena showing that the FBI was in possession of the laptop.
"But when the stories appeared on social media that morning, the venue where millions of Americans go to find their news and editors to get their angles, within hours, the reporting was censored on all major platforms on the basis of being called hacked, were Russian disinformation," she said, noting that Twitter refused to allow users to share the story even in private messages, and Facebook said it would curb distribution and reach of the story’s links.
"It is also now known that ahead of my reporting, federal agencies were priming social media companies to execute an operation to discredit it," Morris said, noting information was revealed when Elon Musk took over Twitter showing that during 2020, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies primed Twitter executives to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop reporting as Russian disinformation.
Morris noted that two years later, most major news outlets have confirmed the reporting, and that "no one denies that the laptop is real, that the origin story is exactly what I told you it was in the first place." This after those same outlets, The New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CBS and others reported on why they would not report on the laptop. Later, they all had to backtrack and report that it was verified and factual.
During the questioning period, Rep. Dan Bishop centered his question around Morris stating that "no one denies that the laptop is real," noting that Twitter executives asked whether the laptop was real, and the FBI confirmed that it was, "it was before another participant jumped in and said no further comment."
Yeah," Morris responded. "We know that the FBI knew that it was real" not since December 2019 when the subpoena was from, but "they had already confirmed though which we would learn later. They had already confirmed that the laptop was real and 'not manipulated in any way,' in November of 2019."

Where`s the impeachment hearing for Garland, Wray and Biden? Those are the important hearings and should’ve taken place as soon as the new Republicans were sworn in.
Rep M.T. Greene should’ve walked across the hall with pens in her hand and given one to every member that cast votes to impeach the three…Ala demon witch Pelosi.


Here`s a Flashback you may not remember:


Of course the Maoist Democrat Left have told us that those were mostly peaceful riots.
In the end, Maoist Democrats don't care how they accomplish their evil goals as long as the objective is accomplished for 'the party'. In Marxist language `the party` is their `Rodina`


That is so much proof. Prison for the apparently evidence.

FBI Knew About Joe Biden’s Shady Ukraine Business Dealing Before “Laptop from Hell” Report

21 Jul 2023 ~~ By Jason Walsh

The FBI knew about Joe Biden’s Ukraine business dealings before the “Laptop from Hell” reporting, according to an FBI informant document released by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
The FD-1023 form is dated June 20, 2020, but the source reporting was from June 26, 2020.
The form alleges that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden both received $5 million from the founder of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochev after Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until President Petro Poroshenko fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma.
As Brietbart reported:
The FBI’s informant document said that Hunter and Joe Biden allegedly “coerced” the Burisma executive into paying them $10 million in bribes, along with Grassley’s claim that the FBI informant said Zlochevsky kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with Hunter and Joe Biden as an “insurance policy.”
The dates on the form predate the New York Post’s initial reporting about the “big guy” from “Laptop from Hell” in mid-October 2020.
Suspicious activity reports obtained by Comer show Hunter Biden’s business partner, Rob Walker, received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC in 2017.
In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Indeed, the FBI/Stasi have been aware of the Biden corruption for years.
Its their job to know everything that affects “the realm,” especially its top leaders and influencers.
But if you think they are about “enforcing the law,” or “justice” you are living in a fool’s paradise.
Just another example of the FBI/Stasi lead by Wray, giving aid and comfort to the foreign and domestic enemies of the United States.
So to whom, do these Suspicious Banking Activity Reports go?

FBI Knew About Joe Biden’s Shady Ukraine Business Dealing Before “Laptop from Hell” Report

21 Jul 2023 ~~ By Jason Walsh

The FBI knew about Joe Biden’s Ukraine business dealings before the “Laptop from Hell” reporting, according to an FBI informant document released by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
The FD-1023 form is dated June 20, 2020, but the source reporting was from June 26, 2020.
The form alleges that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden both received $5 million from the founder of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochev after Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until President Petro Poroshenko fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma.
As Brietbart reported:
The FBI’s informant document said that Hunter and Joe Biden allegedly “coerced” the Burisma executive into paying them $10 million in bribes, along with Grassley’s claim that the FBI informant said Zlochevsky kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with Hunter and Joe Biden as an “insurance policy.”
The dates on the form predate the New York Post’s initial reporting about the “big guy” from “Laptop from Hell” in mid-October 2020.
Suspicious activity reports obtained by Comer show Hunter Biden’s business partner, Rob Walker, received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC in 2017.
In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Indeed, the FBI/Stasi have been aware of the Biden corruption for years.
Its their job to know everything that affects “the realm,” especially its top leaders and influencers.
But if you think they are about “enforcing the law,” or “justice” you are living in a fool’s paradise.
Just another example of the FBI/Stasi lead by Wray, giving aid and comfort to the foreign and domestic enemies of the United States.
So to whom, do these Suspicious Banking Activity Reports go?
This is just another case of what the left has been getting away with since the mid 90's with in the democRat crime family.

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