Employer healthcare plans should be abolished. Privatize it all the way.

Let's say one person is 40 years old and has a perfect driving record and pays 100 a month in car insurance. Another person is 23 years old, has been convicted of 6 DWIs and had 12 accidents in the last 5 years. He might pay 1200 a month even if he is the same age and drives the same model of car. I believe this is fair.

Let's say one person is 20 years old, single and in perfect health. He might pay 500 dollars a month with a non-regulated private insurer. Another person is 55 years old, morbidly obese, is married with 15 kids, and has a very expensive pre-existing condition. He goes to a non-regulated private insurer and they say they want 6,000 a month to insure him. How is this unfair?

Let's put them on the same plan and charge them both 3,250 a month. Heck, even 3,150 a month. How is this fair?
Um...those plans are already privatized. And you will get lower rates in a plan with more people,in general.

Let's try this again. The kid pays 500 a month on a private plane. The unhealthy guy pays 6,000 a month on a private plan. Instead of it being private, let's pool them together. An insurance company says it will insure them both and charge them 3,250 a month each. How is the kid not losing out here?

I worked in a law firm with 800 employees. Our firm "self-insured". They paid an amount equal to their employee group insurance premiums into a trust account at the beginning of the year, and they paid their employees' health insurance claims under their health care plan, out of that trust account. The firm purchased only "catastrophic" coverage for the staff. That is, if an employee had a stroke or a heart attack and required long term health care. All routine claims were handled through the "self-insurance" plan, Even paying for the administration of the insurance fund, the firm saved hundreds of thousands of dollars each year using this method.

Stop paying insurance company administration and profits, and go for single payer. Cheaper, easier, better. Everyone gets a swipe card, no copays, just walk in, hand them your card, and get treated. Just like every other first world nation.

Remind me when it was that your country was ever the gold standard that the rest of the world, let alone the United States, aspired to imitate? Because I don't recall that being the case. What I recall is your country tagging around on our coat-tails, leeching off of us and then preening itself about how "wonderful" it is because the US subsidizes it.
"No paperwork" in what sense, exactly? Which paperwork are you objecting to?

Insurance reimbursement forms.

Yeah, uh, that's not your doctor's thing to control and decide. That's up to your insurance company.

I want to pay the doctor a reasonable fee for an office visit with cash, no insurance.
Bingo! The problem with pools is the providers can charge whatever they want because they’ll just take it out of the pool. If you put in competition along with The fact people only going to pay so much... Prices are going to remain reasonable.

Bullshit. For profit medicine will all ways charge whatever the traffic will bear, and if Americans won't pay it the rich in the rest of the world will. Only in America do you pay twice as much for access to health care, and get half as much and COPAYS, because paying $12,000 a year in premiums doesn't give YOU enough "skin in the game".

Good luck with your first major illness Rustic. You'll be broke in a week.

Call me when your country can manage the "wonders" you brag about without the US underwriting it.
Let's say one person is 40 years old and has a perfect driving record and pays 100 a month in car insurance. Another person is 23 years old, has been convicted of 6 DWIs and had 12 accidents in the last 5 years. He might pay 1200 a month even if he is the same age and drives the same model of car. I believe this is fair.

Let's say one person is 20 years old, single and in perfect health. He might pay 500 dollars a month with a non-regulated private insurer. Another person is 55 years old, morbidly obese, is married with 15 kids, and has a very expensive pre-existing condition. He goes to a non-regulated private insurer and they say they want 6,000 a month to insure him. How is this unfair?

Let's put them on the same plan and charge them both 3,250 a month. Heck, even 3,150 a month. How is this fair?

You do know that the law says that you can only charge 3 times the amount you charge the youngster right?

Pretty sure what he's complaining about is that as things stand now, if they work for the same employer, they probably have the same health plan and the same premium because the kid doesn't have a choice. It's the employer who decides what the plan will be, not the person being insured.

I can think of a few things I would like about a system where we purchase our healthcare and our health insurance the way we shop for and purchase other things. I would like insurance companies and health providers to have to compete for the business of the actual patients. I think we would be seeing an explosion of innovative new options, pricing, payment plans, etc. in no time.

People do not and have never haggled over medical expenses. The medical industrial complex just charges whatever the traffic will bear.
Where do you come up with that? Both of my daughters births were a fraction of what insurance would’ve had to pay because I had\have cash in hand...

It is a fact that a lot of providers have discount programs for self-pay patients.

But don't think for a second that the insurance would have paid whatever total you think they would have. One reason listed fees (assuming you can even see them listed) are so damned high is because the providers know that third-party payers are only going to pay a percentage of it.
There's a reason why every practice and facility has highly-trained and highly-paid people who handle billing, and it's not because they're just generating invoices and receipts like an auto parts store.

Back in the day, insurance companies didn't work directly with doctors regarding billing. The doctor billed the patient and the patient, if they were insured, filed a claim. I'd very much prefer going back to that model. I'm fed up with "pre-auth", and insurance companies injecting artificial limits to the services a doctor will provide. I'd rather deal with my doctor with no input from the insurance company. We can haggle over what they'll cover after the fact.

The insurance company doesn't limit what the doctor will provide; it just limits what it will pay for. Too many people in this country are conditioned to believe that "I can't get someone else to buy it for me" = "therefore, I can't get it".

My dentist prefers to use a laser treatment to eliminate bacteria after a deep cleaning, rather than prescribing a round of antibiotics, because overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. My dental insurance, while excellent in other regards, has not yet adjusted its coverage standards to include paying for the laser treatments. My doctor and I discussed both options, and I chose the laser treatment, even though I had to pay for it out-of-pocket, because it was ultimately better for my long-term health (tastes awful, though).
By far the most important element of cost containment is motivated consumers. As long as people aren't paying for their own health care, they have exactly no incentive to look for bargains.

Do you think our politicians will?

Most people who have insurance have coverage by their employer. I guarantee you that your employer is looking for better deals all the time.
If socialized medicine/healthcare is so great why not make it 100%voluntary instead of mandatory?
If you are ignorant enough to ask that question, you clearly know less than nothing about any of this.
We don’t need socialized medicine/healthcare in this country...

But then again socialized medicine/healthcare is all about control
By far the most important element of cost containment is motivated consumers. As long as people aren't paying for their own health care, they have exactly no incentive to look for bargains.

Do you think our politicians will?

Most people who have insurance have coverage by their employer. I guarantee you that your employer is looking for better deals all the time.

And better for HIM, not necessarily for YOU.
If socialized medicine/healthcare is so great why not make it 100%voluntary instead of mandatory?
If you are ignorant enough to ask that question, you clearly know less than nothing about any of this.
We don’t need socialized medicine/healthcare in this country...

But then again socialized medicine/healthcare is all about control
Ah yes, change lanes after saying something stupid. I feel like you're about to try to sell me a used car.
Better health outcomes? Such as what and by who's measure?
Such as every measurable health outcome, and by the measure of the authority on the topic,the WHO.

Go waate aomeone else's time. I am interested in honest discussion of the topic, not in wasting time with equivocating quacks trying to undermine the baseline facts of the issue.

And if you are not aware of these simple facts, you are not equipped to have a discussion on this topic and should not even be commenting.
Better health outcomes? Such as what and by who's measure?
Such as every measurable health outcome, and by the measure of the authority on the topic,the WHO.

Go waate aomeone else's time. I am interested in honest discussion of the topic, not in wasting time with equivocating quacks trying to undermine the baseline facts of the issue.

And if you are not aware of these simple facts, you are not equipped to have a discussion on this topic and should not even be commenting.

"The measure of authority" = "The people leftists like because they have the same goals"
As I mentioned earlier, the tax exemption for employer sponsored health insurance should be abolished.

I am saying YOU should be able to buy YOUR OWN health insurance the same way you buy YOUR OWN auto, home, and life insurance.

Your employer does not sponsor your auto, home, or life insurance.

Perhaps to a very small degree, your employer offers a small life insurance policy, but you get my meaning now?

Your employer should not even be in the loop when it comes to buying health insurance. That came about because of labor unions, and it is a total boondoggle. And Obama made it worse.

Your auto, home or life insurance is affordable. Healthcare insurance is not. What I spend for a year of auto coverage is what Commie Care wanted for a little over a month of healthcare coverage.

What Trump should have done is reverse the damage Hussein did. He should have only given tax breaks to companies that do provide coverage for their employees.
Health care costs have been rising faster than inflation and GDP for over 60 years. Blaming Obamacare, which temporarily SLOWED that rise, is just what your propagandists want you to do.

Employer sponsored health insurance needs to go. It is one of the reasons health care costs keep rising. Any plan which preserves ESHI is a plan which will not solve the problem, and will actually perpetuate the problem.

Politically the dems need to say "everyone will get decent healthcare but we haven't quite killed cost containment yet so medicare all has to just remain our goal."

If the majority want government healthcare, I'm okay with that provided it's funded fairly.

When Democrats come up with some hair brain idea, it's usually at a disadvantage of their political foes. Everybody pays if that's the way we're going to have healthcare in this country, and nothing is more fair than a consumption tax.

I don't think most people have any clue how complicated government intervention has made the healthcare industry, or how much that has affected the prices. They still think it's a simple transaction of "This service costs this much, you pay that amount or your insurance pays it, and that's it." That is so very much not how it works. There's a reason why every practice and facility has highly-trained and highly-paid people who handle billing, and it's not because they're just generating invoices and receipts like an auto parts store.

Agreed. I spent ten years in the medical equipment field, and our office girls had to have a meeting once a month to learn new government and private insurance guidelines. This was years ago, but Medicare let Prudential Insurance handle many of their claims because government workers were not skilled enough to do it. Private insurance has people who detect fraud whereas government does not. Whenever they get a bill, they just pay it no questions asked.
Better health outcomes? Such as what and by who's measure?
Such as every measurable health outcome, and by the measure of the authority on the topic,the WHO.

Go waate aomeone else's time. I am interested in honest discussion of the topic, not in wasting time with equivocating quacks trying to undermine the baseline facts of the issue.

And if you are not aware of these simple facts, you are not equipped to have a discussion on this topic and should not even be commenting.

Fair enough. Let's go one better: I won't respond to any of your posts no matter what the topic.
Your auto, home or life insurance is affordable. Healthcare insurance is not. What I spend for a year of auto coverage is what Commie Care wanted for a little over a month of healthcare coverage.

What Trump should have done is reverse the damage Hussein did. He should have only given tax breaks to companies that do provide coverage for their employees.
Health care costs have been rising faster than inflation and GDP for over 60 years. Blaming Obamacare, which temporarily SLOWED that rise, is just what your propagandists want you to do.

Employer sponsored health insurance needs to go. It is one of the reasons health care costs keep rising. Any plan which preserves ESHI is a plan which will not solve the problem, and will actually perpetuate the problem.

Politically the dems need to say "everyone will get decent healthcare but we haven't quite killed cost containment yet so medicare all has to just remain our goal."

If the majority want government healthcare, I'm okay with that provided it's funded fairly.

When Democrats come up with some hair brain idea, it's usually at a disadvantage of their political foes. Everybody pays if that's the way we're going to have healthcare in this country, and nothing is more fair than a consumption tax.

I don't think most people have any clue how complicated government intervention has made the healthcare industry, or how much that has affected the prices. They still think it's a simple transaction of "This service costs this much, you pay that amount or your insurance pays it, and that's it." That is so very much not how it works. There's a reason why every practice and facility has highly-trained and highly-paid people who handle billing, and it's not because they're just generating invoices and receipts like an auto parts store.

Agreed. I spent ten years in the medical equipment field, and our office girls had to have a meeting once a month to learn new government and private insurance guidelines. This was years ago, but Medicare let Prudential Insurance handle many of their claims because government workers were not skilled enough to do it. Private insurance has people who detect fraud whereas government does not. Whenever they get a bill, they just pay it no questions asked.

Oh, now they have computer algorithms all over the place that detect it.

I've been studying to get my certification in medical coding. If people really knew what a complicated freaking labyrinth it is to bill and get paid for even the simplest medical procedure, and WHY it's like that, they wouldn't be in such a rush to put the government in control of their healthcare.
Health care costs have been rising faster than inflation and GDP for over 60 years. Blaming Obamacare, which temporarily SLOWED that rise, is just what your propagandists want you to do.

Employer sponsored health insurance needs to go. It is one of the reasons health care costs keep rising. Any plan which preserves ESHI is a plan which will not solve the problem, and will actually perpetuate the problem.

Politically the dems need to say "everyone will get decent healthcare but we haven't quite killed cost containment yet so medicare all has to just remain our goal."

If the majority want government healthcare, I'm okay with that provided it's funded fairly.

When Democrats come up with some hair brain idea, it's usually at a disadvantage of their political foes. Everybody pays if that's the way we're going to have healthcare in this country, and nothing is more fair than a consumption tax.

I don't think most people have any clue how complicated government intervention has made the healthcare industry, or how much that has affected the prices. They still think it's a simple transaction of "This service costs this much, you pay that amount or your insurance pays it, and that's it." That is so very much not how it works. There's a reason why every practice and facility has highly-trained and highly-paid people who handle billing, and it's not because they're just generating invoices and receipts like an auto parts store.

Agreed. I spent ten years in the medical equipment field, and our office girls had to have a meeting once a month to learn new government and private insurance guidelines. This was years ago, but Medicare let Prudential Insurance handle many of their claims because government workers were not skilled enough to do it. Private insurance has people who detect fraud whereas government does not. Whenever they get a bill, they just pay it no questions asked.

Oh, now they have computer algorithms all over the place that detect it.

I've been studying to get my certification in medical coding. If people really knew what a complicated freaking labyrinth it is to bill and get paid for even the simplest medical procedure, and WHY it's like that, they wouldn't be in such a rush to put the government in control of their healthcare.

I did some reading on that by insurance company executives. It is one of their major complaints and one of the reasons it increases insurance costs. They get these nickel and dime bills and the paperwork costs more to process than the bill itself.

That's why I think we need a mandatory health savings account. It's deducted out of your paycheck like any other tax. If you become ill and need to see a doctor or go to the ER, you just swipe your card and the bill is deducted from your MSA and it leaves the insurance companies out of it.
Politically the dems need to say "everyone will get decent healthcare but we haven't quite killed cost containment yet so medicare all has to just remain our goal."

If the majority want government healthcare, I'm okay with that provided it's funded fairly.

When Democrats come up with some hair brain idea, it's usually at a disadvantage of their political foes. Everybody pays if that's the way we're going to have healthcare in this country, and nothing is more fair than a consumption tax.

I don't think most people have any clue how complicated government intervention has made the healthcare industry, or how much that has affected the prices. They still think it's a simple transaction of "This service costs this much, you pay that amount or your insurance pays it, and that's it." That is so very much not how it works. There's a reason why every practice and facility has highly-trained and highly-paid people who handle billing, and it's not because they're just generating invoices and receipts like an auto parts store.

Agreed. I spent ten years in the medical equipment field, and our office girls had to have a meeting once a month to learn new government and private insurance guidelines. This was years ago, but Medicare let Prudential Insurance handle many of their claims because government workers were not skilled enough to do it. Private insurance has people who detect fraud whereas government does not. Whenever they get a bill, they just pay it no questions asked.

Oh, now they have computer algorithms all over the place that detect it.

I've been studying to get my certification in medical coding. If people really knew what a complicated freaking labyrinth it is to bill and get paid for even the simplest medical procedure, and WHY it's like that, they wouldn't be in such a rush to put the government in control of their healthcare.

I did some reading on that by insurance company executives. It is one of their major complaints and one of the reasons it increases insurance costs. They get these nickel and dime bills and the paperwork costs more to process than the bill itself.

That's why I think we need a mandatory health savings account. It's deducted out of your paycheck like any other tax. If you become ill and need to see a doctor or go to the ER, you just swipe your card and the bill is deducted from your MSA and it leaves the insurance companies out of it.

Not a bad plan for most things. In fact, I have an HSA and catastrophic health coverage, and handle most of my healthcare that way. I might want to do it differently if I had major health problems, but it works pretty well given my general good health.
If socialized medicine/healthcare is so great why not make it 100%voluntary instead of mandatory?
If you are ignorant enough to ask that question, you clearly know less than nothing about any of this.
We don’t need socialized medicine/healthcare in this country...

But then again socialized medicine/healthcare is all about control
Ah yes, change lanes after saying something stupid. I feel like you're about to try to sell me a used car.
Socialized medicine/healthcare = ....
By far the most important element of cost containment is motivated consumers. As long as people aren't paying for their own health care, they have exactly no incentive to look for bargains.
And youre solution appears to be to point at them and say, "do better". Thats the opposite of a solution.

I wonder what you presume my solution to be?

And you're nuts anyway. You dont have the opportunity nor the motivation to price care when you need emergency care, for one.
Most medical care isn't an emergency.
Second, when you make use of medical equipment that has already been purchased, you arent going to find large proce variances in this care between providers. There's not a discount company making generic MRI machines.
So what?
Third, there are no discount insirance companies for doctors to insire themselves. They have a baseline cost that must be met.
Not sure what that's supposed to mean.

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