Employment Report

Why would they vote for the party that's all about theocrats telling you what you can and can't do, as an individual? Do you think Libertarians want government to tell people what they can put into their bodies?

Michelle "Don't Eat That" 0bama is a Republican?

Never knew that...

You certainly pulled that inanity out your ass, didn't you? Do you think Libertarians are too fucking stupid to know the difference between good diet advice and scumbag conservatives trying to control what people do in their bedrooms?
Way to spin it, Dickless...:thup: Good diet advice... Good one...lol
When the libs gloat about the unemployment coming down while over 300,000 fall off the books to attain a lower number. And, only 96,000 jobs created in the latest report, there is only one president we can blame for this so called recovery, and that would be Obama.

What I see with the democrats is that it is party over the country, because if a republican would have these kind of numbers after 3+ years in office they would have been all over the president, but they are defending Obama. go figure....

I love it, you CON$ can claim without the slightest proof that the 368,000 were all people who want to work but were removed from the books, but you require me to prove that Boomers are retiring or becoming disabled.
You create your own premise that most are retirees, the numbers provided from the conservatives ARE backed up.

The fact of the matter, Ed, you made a claim you can't back up, just embrace that part of it, okay?
You provided no backup for your claim that "300,000 fall off the books to attain a lower number." All you did was pontificate which would require a premise that no Boomers retired or became disabled, which is obviously moronic.

Look it up youself you lazy shit:

How the Government Measures Unemployment
Fuzzy math is what you're trying to use to defend Obama.

Since you brought it up, get the stats on how many out of the 368,00 fall into the categories you're trying to use to make a point.
I love it, you CON$ can claim without the slightest proof that the 368,000 were all people who want to work but were removed from the books, but you require me to prove that Boomers are retiring or becoming disabled.

By the way, the BLS reported it. Do you need to look up what those letters mean as well?

BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books to attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary
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I love it, you CON$ can claim without the slightest proof that the 368,000 were all people who want to work but were removed from the books, but you require me to prove that Boomers are retiring or becoming disabled.

By the way, the BLS reported it. Do you need to look up what those letters mean as well?

BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

You're hopeless. Before you try to use an argument pulled from you ass get a handle of what the conversation is about and what the numbers mean and represent.

Twisting what is reported doesn't count as stats.:lol:
I love it, you CON$ can claim without the slightest proof that the 368,000 were all people who want to work but were removed from the books, but you require me to prove that Boomers are retiring or becoming disabled.

By the way, the BLS reported it. Do you need to look up what those letters mean as well?

BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books to attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

"368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books attain a lower number."

Show not just me but everyone where I said those words or made such a claim.

Exact words...not your spun interpertation of them.

The only BULLSHIT here is you and you're stinking the board up with it.
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Are you for real? You're the one that attempted and failed miserably to try and say that the 368,000 number is distorted. Then when you're called out on it and merely asked for proof, you whine with your bullshit CONs nonsense.

Get the fuck out here, nimrod. You're clueless. Comeback when you have a case.
ED's distortion ends up being:

View attachment 21026

I hear you. GOD forbid a person should ask him for stats on his claim.

He won't do it because he can't Beretta. This is just the Kool-Aid talking, nothing else.
He will make excuses for his messiah at any cost, which just makes himself look like an ignorant partisan hack that has a fetish for Rush.
I love it, you CON$ can claim without the slightest proof that the 368,000 were all people who want to work but were removed from the books, but you require me to prove that Boomers are retiring or becoming disabled.

By the way, the BLS reported it. Do you need to look up what those letters mean as well?

BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books to attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

Choke on this ass wipe.........

Friday's report was discouraging throughout. Hourly pay fell, manufacturers cut the most jobs in two years and the number of people in the work force dropped to its lowest level in 31 years.

Read more: US economy adds 96K jobs, unemployment rate falls to 8.1 percent | Fox News
By the way, the BLS reported it. Do you need to look up what those letters mean as well?

BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

You're hopeless. Before you try to use an argument pulled from you ass get a handle of what the conversation is about and what the numbers mean and represent.

Twisting what is reported doesn't count as stats.:lol:
you are the one claiming that 368,000 people who want to work were removed from the workforce to attain a lower number. The burden of proof is on you. Only a moron would contend that Boomers do not retire or become disabled.
BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

You're hopeless. Before you try to use an argument pulled from you ass get a handle of what the conversation is about and what the numbers mean and represent.

Twisting what is reported doesn't count as stats.:lol:
you are the one claiming that 368,000 people who want to work were removed from the workforce to attain a lower number. The burden of proof is on you. Only a moron would contend that Boomers do not retire or become disabled.

Only a fool would believe no one of younger age filled the void........
So let us go back to the last month the GOP policies were in effect. 96,000 created beats 750,000 lost. Because that is what you gave us.

Not surprising tho that the 750,000 loss was recorded AFTER Obama had been elected. That was more than 500,000 than the 240,000 loss for October of that year. Businesses apparently knew what was coming.
And MORE than that, why don't we look at the last year that republicans were ACTUALLY in charge...2005!!!

See, congress is in charge of the purse strings in our republican form of government. Democrats were WARNED when they took control of BOTH HOUSES of Congress in 2006 with their 100 day pledge...if you raise the minimum wage to what they pledged, the result WILL be massive unemployment. They were warned by EVERY leading economist, including the CBO that it would put MILLIONS of not only school age kids out of work, but millions of young and the working poor out of work and would add MILLIONS to the welfare rolls. Democrats did NOT CARE!!!

THIS...is the result!


Democrats CLAIM to be the defenders of the young and the poor when in fact they are the OPPRESSORS of the young and poor.

The unemployment rate for those 18-28 years old....53%!

How's that hope and change workin' for all you college grads setting in the room you grew up in, spending your days eating out of momma's fridge and pounding out blurbs about what morons republicans are?

The welfare rolls have increased 45% since Obama took office alone and during democrat stewardship, 53% of ALL Americans now receive some sort of government aid.

People, the so called Bush recession officially ENDED in January 2009, the same month Obama took office. Using the gross, unadjusted, un-doctored numbers, since the recession began...thanks to policies, laws and regulations put in place by the democrat Congress in 2006 (trends supported by adjusted data chart above), 8.7 million jobs were lost. 4.3 million of those AFTER Obama was inaugurated.

Since the economy began adding jobs...and in spite of democrats best efforts to torpedo it with insane taxes, spending and regulations like Obamacare and Frank/Dodd...3.5 million jobs have been added. That is STILL a 800,000 net LOSS since Obama took office alone and a 5.2 million job gross loss from pre recession levels under Bush and the republicans.

SCREW the unemployment RATE. If there are 10 people in the work force and 3 aren't working, that's a 30% unemployment rate. If there are a 100 people in the work force and 3 aren't working...well, THAT would be called FULL EMPLOYMENT!

The figure to watch when looking at employment is something called work force participation rate. Right now, that figure is at 63%. That is the LOWEST EVER!!!

The ACTUAL unemployment rate...is CONSERVATIVELY at 14.7%. That figure is likely closer to 18-19% if you could get accurate figures from those inside government intent on hiding the truth. THOSE are depression era figures folks!

So just keep on keeping on with Obama if you are determined that America must be destroyed and remade in the image of his father.

However, if you think that he will do ANYthing in the next four years with a republican controlled House and Senate that he couldn't get done with a VETO PROOF MAJORITY in both the House and Senate his first term...YOU ARE INSANE!
BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

You're hopeless. Before you try to use an argument pulled from you ass get a handle of what the conversation is about and what the numbers mean and represent.

Twisting what is reported doesn't count as stats.:lol:
you are the one claiming that 368,000 people who want to work were removed from the workforce to attain a lower number. The burden of proof is on you. Only a moron would contend that Boomers do not retire or become disabled.

This is what was said,

"The jobless rate fell from 8.3 percent as 368,000 Americans left the labor force. "

Where does that translate to,

...."that 368,000 people who want to work were removed from the workforce to attain a lower number."
ED's distortion ends up being:

View attachment 21026

I hear you. GOD forbid a person should ask him for stats on his claim.

He won't do it because he can't Beretta. This is just the Kool-Aid talking, nothing else.
He will make excuses for his messiah at any cost, which just makes himself look like an ignorant partisan hack that has a fetish for Rush.
YOU were the one who claimed that 300,000+ people who want jobs were removed from the books to attain a lower number, so the burden of proof is on you. Everyone with a working brain knows that the Boomers are retiring or becoming disabled.

Again, you will acknowledge retiring Boomers as soon as a Republican is president and the workforce participation rate continues to decline.
FAIL! 96,000 jobs created. 125,000 expected.

Explain why American corporations have set record profit growth, and we're still being fucked. Make your argument.

No company is going to invest a lot of money in expansion so long as the community organizer is still in the White house. They have no idea what new horrors are coming down the pike.
I hear you. GOD forbid a person should ask him for stats on his claim.

He won't do it because he can't Beretta. This is just the Kool-Aid talking, nothing else.
He will make excuses for his messiah at any cost, which just makes himself look like an ignorant partisan hack that has a fetish for Rush.
YOU were the one who claimed that 300,000+ people who want jobs were removed from the books to attain a lower number, so the burden of proof is on you. Everyone with a working brain knows that the Boomers are retiring or becoming disabled.

Again, you will acknowledge retiring Boomers as soon as a Republican is president and the workforce participation rate continues to decline.

I see you couldn't come back with the reply where I said that. Why? Because I didn't say that. You can't even keep track of who you are replying to.

This is my last post to an obtuse jerk like yourself.

Look it up:

Employment Situation Summary

A little advice: Don't put made-up, twisted words in people's mouths because you just may be asked to show proof of where they said it and you'll end up looling pretty stupid.

I hear you. GOD forbid a person should ask him for stats on his claim.

He won't do it because he can't Beretta. This is just the Kool-Aid talking, nothing else.
He will make excuses for his messiah at any cost, which just makes himself look like an ignorant partisan hack that has a fetish for Rush.
YOU were the one who claimed that 300,000+ people who want jobs were removed from the books to attain a lower number, so the burden of proof is on you. Everyone with a working brain knows that the Boomers are retiring or becoming disabled.

Again, you will acknowledge retiring Boomers as soon as a Republican is president and the workforce participation rate continues to decline.

Dude, the baby boomers are retiring from unemployment? That sounds like what you're saying.
When the libs gloat about the unemployment coming down while over 300,000 fall off the books to attain a lower number. And, only 96,000 jobs created in the latest report, there is only one president we can blame for this so called recovery, and that would be Obama.

What I see with the democrats is that it is party over the country, because if a republican would have these kind of numbers after 3+ years in office they would have been all over the president, but they are defending Obama. go figure....

By the way, the BLS reported it. Do you need to look up what those letters mean as well?

BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books to attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

"368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books attain a lower number."

Show not just me but everyone where I said those words or made such a claim.

Exact words...not your spun interpertation of them.

The only BULLSHIT here is you and you're stinking the board up with it.
I posted Meister's bullshit that you have been defending several times already, so stop the dumb act.
When the libs gloat about the unemployment coming down while over 300,000 fall off the books to attain a lower number. And, only 96,000 jobs created in the latest report, there is only one president we can blame for this so called recovery, and that would be Obama.

What I see with the democrats is that it is party over the country, because if a republican would have these kind of numbers after 3+ years in office they would have been all over the president, but they are defending Obama. go figure....

BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books to attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

"368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books attain a lower number."

Show not just me but everyone where I said those words or made such a claim.

Exact words...not your spun interpertation of them.

The only BULLSHIT here is you and you're stinking the board up with it.
I posted Meister's bullshit that you have been defending several times already, so stop the dumb act.
Face it, you were punked.............

The only question remaining is why you dont get it...

When the libs gloat about the unemployment coming down while over 300,000 fall off the books to attain a lower number. And, only 96,000 jobs created in the latest report, there is only one president we can blame for this so called recovery, and that would be Obama.

What I see with the democrats is that it is party over the country, because if a republican would have these kind of numbers after 3+ years in office they would have been all over the president, but they are defending Obama. go figure....

BULLSHIT, the BLS made no such claim that 368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books to attain a lower number.

Employment Situation Summary

"368,000 people wanted to work but were taken off the books attain a lower number."

Show not just me but everyone where I said those words or made such a claim.

Exact words...not your spun interpertation of them.

The only BULLSHIT here is you and you're stinking the board up with it.
I posted Meister's bullshit that you have been defending several times already, so stop the dumb act.

Stop embarrassing yourself, Ed. Now it's just plain obvious you don't know what in hell you're talking about.
We can't compete against China and pay our workers the way they want. WE live in a global economy.

Having one of the highest corporate taxes makes it only worse.

Sadly, you can't expect people trying to get rich to not offshore or to hire American.

After deduction, US corps, and companies pay an average of 19%, many pay no taxes after deductions.

19% of what, their gross revenue? An "income tax" is supposed to tax your income. That's the money you have left over after you deduct your expenses. If you have no income after deductions, then you pay no income taxes.

All you proved is that you're a moron.

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