Ending DACA will see the true beginning of Trump's downward economic spiral

Good people immigrate legally and we got along before illegals and we will after. Immigrate legally like everyone else, or blame your parents if they snuck in here and dragged you into this. They owe you a huge apology, America doesn't owe offspring of illegals a damn thing. End DACA. It's arbitrary, unnecessary and enables the worst part of human nature, it dosen't help it just kicks the can down the road.

I agree, this was stupid. Most of these kids will just go back off the grid or sneak back into the country after they are deported. You see, what you fail to get is that these folks are already part of a community.
Trespasser are trespassers no matter how they got here.

The immigration laws of this country should not be allowed to be comprised just because some Mexican bitch swims across the Rio Grande and dumps her kid on our welfare system.

It was also illegal for Obama to allow the flood of those little shitheads, many of them gang bangers. Shame on him. He only did it to get more non Whites into this country expecting them to vote Democrat in the future. Despicable!

Good for Trump for doing the right thing.

You see, I'm of hte opinion we should deport any asshole who flies a confederate flag, since they hate this country to start with.

Here's the thing. Watch for the REpbulican Congress to pass a law that makes DACA the law of the land, because even they know it will be chaos.

Fuck Obama's gang bangers that he wanted to let in and make legal in the hopes that would dilute the influence of the Whites and also vote Democrat in the future. That was a despicable thing for him to do. God bless Trump for undoing that damage that Obama inflicted on this country.
Fuck Obama's gang bangers that he wanted to let in and make legal in the hopes that would dilute the influence of the Whites and also vote Democrat in the future. That was a despicable thing for him to do. God bless Trump for undoing that damage that Obama inflicted on this country.

again, just delaying the inevitable. Eventually, Trump will be gone and these people will become citizens and they won't forget what you tried to do to them.
...You see, this is where I have to kind of conclude you are stupid...
You are free to reach whatever conclusions you like.

... It's not a zero sum game. Yes, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here, but they are also 11 million consumers! You know people who buy things that other people have to make or sell! ...
Irrelevant... our national sovereignty is not for sale any longer.

...if you are a cruel, mean-spirited person. FUck, dude, why not go all out, and waterboard these kids while their parents watch. Don't be shy, show your true colors...
Calm yourself, Princess.

...So we've established you are stupid and cruel. What else?...
Standing alongside my fellow countrymen, rather than Illegal Aliens.

...You really think they were thinking that far ahead?...

...They came here for the same reason your ancestors did- for opportunity...
Doesn't matter... out they go.

...So we can now add paranoid to cruel and stupid.
Feel free to continue to believe that, Little One... it makes no difference whatsoever.
One more point, other than listening to these bigots.

If repealing DACA is a good thing, why is Trump allowing for a 6 month delay?

"Hey, you kids who have been living off the grid your entire life, you have six months to get back off the grid before we come looking for you...
One Mississippi... two Mississippi...three Mississippi...."
In signing DACA, President Obama revealed himself to be a compassionate president concerned with the well being of young people who have lived here most of their life

In revoking DACA, Trump reveals himself to be a heartless , bigoted tyrant
Good people immigrate legally and we got along before illegals and we will after. Immigrate legally like everyone else, or blame your parents if they snuck in here and dragged you into this. They owe you a huge apology, America doesn't owe offspring of illegals a damn thing. End DACA. It's arbitrary, unnecessary and enables the worst part of human nature, it dosen't help it just kicks the can down the road.

I agree, this was stupid. Most of these kids will just go back off the grid or sneak back into the country after they are deported. You see, what you fail to get is that these folks are already part of a community.

Most of them are not kids they are productive people who were brought here because of their parents, you don't have much of choice if you're a 3 year old and your parents decide to cross the border. They went to grade school, high school and college and have respectable jobs. They're paying taxes like we are.
Most of them are not kids they are productive people who were brought here because of their parents, you don't have much of choice if you're a 3 year old and your parents decide to cross the border. They went to grade school, high school and college and have respectable jobs. They're paying taxes like we are.

And here's what the bigots don't seem to get. These folks have already been invested in. We've already paid money to educate them, train them and give them skills.
Most of them are not kids they are productive people who were brought here because of their parents, you don't have much of choice if you're a 3 year old and your parents decide to cross the border. They went to grade school, high school and college and have respectable jobs. They're paying taxes like we are.

And here's what the bigots don't seem to get. These folks have already been invested in. We've already paid money to educate them, train them and give them skills.

I bet none of them have taken away a job from anyone on this board. How many of these bigoted assholes could work in silicon valley or for that matter be a teacher at an elementary school? None of these dumb fucks.
Good people immigrate legally and we got along before illegals and we will after. Immigrate legally like everyone else, or blame your parents if they snuck in here and dragged you into this. They owe you a huge apology, America doesn't owe offspring of illegals a damn thing. End DACA. It's arbitrary, unnecessary and enables the worst part of human nature, it dosen't help it just kicks the can down the road.

I agree, this was stupid. Most of these kids will just go back off the grid or sneak back into the country after they are deported. You see, what you fail to get is that these folks are already part of a community.

Most of them are not kids they are productive people who were brought here because of their parents, you don't have much of choice if you're a 3 year old and your parents decide to cross the border. They went to grade school, high school and college and have respectable jobs. They're paying taxes like we are.
An illegal alien is, an illegal alien - they're only hurting people that are legally trying to become citizens.
Most of them are not kids they are productive people who were brought here because of their parents, you don't have much of choice if you're a 3 year old and your parents decide to cross the border. They went to grade school, high school and college and have respectable jobs. They're paying taxes like we are.

And here's what the bigots don't seem to get. These folks have already been invested in. We've already paid money to educate them, train them and give them skills.

I bet none of them have taken away a job from anyone on this board. How many of these bigoted assholes could work in silicon valley or for that matter be a teacher at an elementary school? None of these dumb fucks.
They cost the country a tremendous amount on the front and only to get a diminishing return on the backend.
I bet none of them have taken away a job from anyone on this board. How many of these bigoted assholes could work in silicon valley or for that matter be a teacher at an elementary school? None of these dumb fucks.

Probably correct.
They cost the country a tremendous amount on the front and only to get a diminishing return on the backend.

Based on what?

According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that, “about half of the hired workers employed in U.S. crop agriculture were unauthorized, with the overwhelming majority of these workers coming from Mexico.” The USDA has also warned that, “any potential immigration reform could have significant impacts on the U.S. fruit and vegetable industry.” From the perspective of National Milk Producers Federation in 2009, retail milk prices would increase by 61 percent if its immigrant labor force if its immigrant labor force were to be eliminated.

Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy
According to PEW, the majority of Republicans think college is bad for America. Getting rid of those who benefited from DACA means tossing away nurses, engineers, entrepreneurs, not to mention thousands in the military. Republicans have this fantastical idea that once they leave jobs will magically open up for those who have no education nor skills.

There are 6 million jobs available right now that can't be filled because of a lack of skills. Republicans, instead of being jealous and coveting what others have, you need to make your own. That's the only way it works.

4 Years Later: Lives Built By DACA at Risk in 2016 Elections

Once approved, she was able to work as a teaching assistant while pursuing a master's degree in engineering. After graduating in June 2014, she moved back to Arizona and now works as a project engineer.

Her husband Juan Amaya is also a DACA recipient and an engineer. The Phoenix couple recently became parents and purchased a home.


See what I mean? Like I said, Republicans don't believe in education. The majority think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Remember, in Bible, you aren't supposed to "covet" what isn't yours. Instead of 6 million unfilled jobs because of a lack of skills, it will be 7 million. And the Business community is going to love that (snicker).

Most of them are not kids they are productive people who were brought here because of their parents, you don't have much of choice if you're a 3 year old and your parents decide to cross the border. They went to grade school, high school and college and have respectable jobs. They're paying taxes like we are.

And here's what the bigots don't seem to get. These folks have already been invested in. We've already paid money to educate them, train them and give them skills.

I bet none of them have taken away a job from anyone on this board. How many of these bigoted assholes could work in silicon valley or for that matter be a teacher at an elementary school? None of these dumb fucks.
Doesn't matter... here illegally?... get the hell out !!!
If that's what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night to live with your world view, go with that. . .

'It's like you sign a contract to be raped'

If you believe their PR, Nevada's legal brothels are safe, healthy - even fun - places in which to work. So why do so many prostitutes tell such horrific tales of abuse? Julie Bindel reports

Bullshit. Most hookers are hookers because it's the only marketable skill they have. Get off your high bible thumping horse.

if there are abuses, then make the regulation tougher, just like you would in any other industry.
OMG, I can't believe how obtuse you are.

So society takes advantage of and steals the youth and innocence of young girls that are abandoned by families and social safety nets because they have no choice, and yet you in the same breath tell me that where this is legal it is because they voluntary choose to this (as if they have a choice?)

Do you even listen to yourself? You are telling me it is A) Because they have no other marketable skills, and B) because they voluntary choose to be economically and, well, quite literally raped.

They cost the country a tremendous amount on the front and only to get a diminishing return on the backend.

Based on what?

According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that, “about half of the hired workers employed in U.S. crop agriculture were unauthorized, with the overwhelming majority of these workers coming from Mexico.” The USDA has also warned that, “any potential immigration reform could have significant impacts on the U.S. fruit and vegetable industry.” From the perspective of National Milk Producers Federation in 2009, retail milk prices would increase by 61 percent if its immigrant labor force if its immigrant labor force were to be eliminated.

Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy
Their education and up bringing has to be paid for by somebody, you know up to 18+ years of it. And on the backside it's just a diminishing return because of their minority status…

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