Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
/----/ Letting people keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. Welfare is.
Adding to the debt is simple income redistribution, not welfare.
/----/ Why is it that the Gubmint can never do with one penny less but the taxpayers have a limitless supply of money? CUT SPENDING.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
How do you "pay" for tax cuts?
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, via Institutional means not Individual means.

The right wing claims it is only an Individual problem.
It should be survival of the fittest
We already have a Constitution.
Fuck the village let’s be individuals
Well regulated militia of the People are declared Necessary to the security of a free State.
The wealthy that dared outsource our fucking industry to effin China that we just had a election on. WTF is trump doing to stop this? Oh'eysss, he's sucking rich mans dick and patting them on the back. Hows that for content asshole!

Oh'eysss, he's sucking rich mans dick and patting them on the back.

Were you touching yourself while you typed that?
Liberals: Trump is taking away our free government handouts.

Trump: Get a job losers, stop mooching off other taxpayers.
I don't want a free war on drugs.
How about let’s be free of socialism
Socialism starts with a social contract like our Constitution.
Na, Our federal government is not anywhere near what it was supposed to be...
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution, providing for the general warfare is not.
How about this: The XX million people who will CHOOSE not to purchase health insurance will have billions and billions of dollars in their "checking accounts" that would not have been there had the mandate remained.

Is this not a good thing?

For those purchasing insurance now, rates will necessarily go higher, as the overall program will have fewer dollars from healthy people who would have purchased insurance that they didn't actually need. As the rates go higher, people MIGHT START TO COMPLAIN that their insurance includes mandatory coverages that they don't want or need (e.g., birth control coverage for single people and older couples), and they might demand that Congress remove those mandates.

Is this not a good thing?
How do you "pay" for tax cuts?
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, via Institutional means not Individual means.

The right wing claims it is only an Individual problem.
It should be survival of the fittest
We already have a Constitution.
Fuck the village let’s be individuals
Well regulated militia of the People are declared Necessary to the security of a free State.
Again, You like to take things out of context of the era
Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
/----/ Letting people keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. Welfare is.
Adding to the debt is simple income redistribution, not welfare.
/----/ Why is it that the Gubmint can never do with one penny less but the taxpayers have a limitless supply of money? CUT SPENDING.
Tell that to the right wing. End the drug war.
Liberals: Trump is taking away our free government handouts.

Trump: Get a job losers, stop mooching off other taxpayers.
I don't want a free war on drugs.
How about let’s be free of socialism
Socialism starts with a social contract like our Constitution.
Na, Our federal government is not anywhere near what it was supposed to be...
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution, providing for the general warfare is not.
Less government more freedom, we obviously have no real freedom in this country
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, via Institutional means not Individual means.

The right wing claims it is only an Individual problem.
It should be survival of the fittest
We already have a Constitution.
Fuck the village let’s be individuals
Well regulated militia of the People are declared Necessary to the security of a free State.
Again, You like to take things out of context of the era
We have a Second Amendment.
It should be survival of the fittest
We already have a Constitution.
Fuck the village let’s be individuals
Well regulated militia of the People are declared Necessary to the security of a free State.
Again, You like to take things out of context of the era
We have a Second Amendment.
And taken in context - it is to protect us from our own federal government.
Thank God our military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment
Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
/----/ Letting people keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. Welfare is.
Adding to the debt is simple income redistribution, not welfare.
/----/ Why is it that the Gubmint can never do with one penny less but the taxpayers have a limitless supply of money? CUT SPENDING.

How about we cut spending BEFORE we cut taxes?
Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
/----/ Letting people keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. Welfare is.
Adding to the debt is simple income redistribution, not welfare.
/----/ Why is it that the Gubmint can never do with one penny less but the taxpayers have a limitless supply of money? CUT SPENDING.

How about we cut spending BEFORE we cut taxes?
How about we do both to the extreme? The federal government has no claim to perceived future taxes
Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
Id rather reward them than reward worthless mentally ill entitlement addicts such as yourself. At least the wealthy contribute to society. And help take care of the worthless douchebags like you who refuse to support themselves OR assist others.

Hey everybody!


Lets give money to people who don't need it!
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

First of all, it's not tax cuts for the wealthy, second, it doesn't end health insurance for anyone. It gives them choice.
Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
Id rather reward them than reward worthless mentally ill entitlement addicts such as yourself. At least the wealthy contribute to society. And help take care of the worthless douchebags like you who refuse to support themselves OR assist others.

Hey everybody!


Lets give money to people who don't need it!

Go ahead. you're stupid enough.

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