Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

Awww....Obeaner Care has come to an end and the filth will get less free shit....awww....how about this...GO BUY YOUR OWN INSURANCE YOU CRYING FUCKING LOWLIFES!
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
You are so brainwashed by the MSM.

Tax reform is has nothing to do with "tax cuts for the wealthy."

It has to do with a tax system that is more business friendly.
So less stealing from Peter to pay Paul. I don't see the issue here.

Just wait for the bodies to pile up.....

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

You people lie through your teeth so much that I don't think you can even tell the difference anymore between the truth and your delusions.

If you think that will not kill people then you even dumber than I thought & that is pretty fucking dumb.

Like I said, show us all the people who were dying before 2011.
That is giving people a choice instead of forcing them to buy a for-profit product.

What an IDIOT.........eliminate the mandate, and the money for subsidies will NOT be there....

Eliminate the subsidies and MILLIONS of people cannot purchase anything.....

Your ilk will have to live with the anger of those without HC insurance......Sure, go for it and see what happens.
These unconstitutional payments go to the insurance companies for being forced to lower costs. It will be up to the monopolies folks like you created, on how it affects individuals.
Well, if I could paste a sticker on your forehead that said do not treat unless paid in advance, then I would be for it.

But no, you would get drunk & walk in front of a bus & get treated at MY expense. So fuck you assholes.

What kind of person does not protect their family? And don't pretend you have the money.
Subsidies paid for by taxpayers arent your expense? Idiot.

He's not a taxpayer
Not to be overly repetitive

Most losing health insurance, didn't want it in the first place.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.
By their choice, nobody should be for forced to buy anything.
Wow, is there any bullshit lie you don;t believe? Oh wait, you're a Trump fan
Oh wait - you're a liar.

I'm not a Trump fan, but if that is your comeback for pointing out how the Democrats and Barry pushed their minority-supported POS socialist Agenda Legislation on Americans while lying their assess off doing it you are as pathetic as those who voted for it.

It won't cost a dime.

It will pay for itself.

It will lower the cost of premiums.

If you like your plan / doctor you can keep them.

You HAVE to buy this & if you can't the govt is going to force you to pay a monetary penalty.

There are already Americans who don't have Insurance thanks to Obama / Democrats and their POS ACA that has driven Insurance companies out of some markets while premiums have gone up as much as 100% for some.

Barry's name is still on the disaster, the Democrats still passed it, it is still theirs. Embrace the suck.

By their choice, nobody should be for forced to buy anything.
...but the whole socialist medial Ponzi scheme, much like Social Security now, depended / depends on the young healthy people being herded into the program and paying for the elderly / sick.
So less stealing from Peter to pay Paul. I don't see the issue here.

Just wait for the bodies to pile up.....

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

You people lie through your teeth so much that I don't think you can even tell the difference anymore between the truth and your delusions.

These unconstitutional payments go to the insurance companies for being forced to lower costs. It will be up to the monopolies folks like you created, on how it affects individuals.
Well, if I could paste a sticker on your forehead that said do not treat unless paid in advance, then I would be for it.

But no, you would get drunk & walk in front of a bus & get treated at MY expense. So fuck you assholes.

What kind of person does not protect their family? And don't pretend you have the money.
What kind of persons have babies they can't afford?

What kind of persons think they don't have to work to get money?

What kind of persons think I should pay for their household for everything?

I get it. What is the income level you want to make in order for people have children?

What if they have a job, have a family, then have a medical condition or lose their jobs. Are you coming to take away their kids?
what's that got to do with what I asked?
So it was not you that just bitched about poor people having children?

nope never bitched about anything, I asked you what kind of people. you haven't answered. you're afraid to answer. it's why you just deflected my post to this nonsense you made up.
So less stealing from Peter to pay Paul. I don't see the issue here.

Just wait for the bodies to pile up.....

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

You people lie through your teeth so much that I don't think you can even tell the difference anymore between the truth and your delusions.

If you think that will not kill people then you even dumber than I thought & that is pretty fucking dumb.

the fact you think it will kill people is insane.
Oooohhhh, those evil Republicans....they destroyed the existing health care system, lied their asses off, rammed a minority-supported piece of socialist agenda-driven legislation into law against the majority will of the people, rammed mandates up the other end of the American people, and exempted themselves from it....

Oh wait, that was Obama and the Democrats.

Snowflakes, like the OP, continue to bitch and moan about Obama's and Democrats' health care, still seeking to blame the continually deteriorating POS on the Republicans.

Their continuing to do so remains equivalent to the Captain who ran the Exon Valdez on the rocks and caused the massive oil spill blaming the clean up crew for the disaster / not cleaning it up fast enough.

Wow, is there any bullshit lie you don;t believe? Oh wait, you're a Trump fan.

When the Republicans change the ACA to take way aspects, then they own it.

The Democrats were driving that oil tanker & then you asswipes took over & crashed it.

This year, T-Rump ended those payments to insurance companies increasing the cost of health insurance, the Orange Asswsipe shorted the sign up time & slashed efforts to get people signed up. The Republicans effiot to repeal caused rates to rise due to uncertainty.

You own it Dumbass.
clueless on a message board.
So less stealing from Peter to pay Paul. I don't see the issue here.

Just wait for the bodies to pile up.....

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

You people lie through your teeth so much that I don't think you can even tell the difference anymore between the truth and your delusions.

If you think that will not kill people then you even dumber than I thought & that is pretty fucking dumb.

so are you saying people didn't die over the last six years under obummerfail? So every patient lives on eh? are you truly making that statement here? It certainly seems like it. hmmmmmmmmm
What still amazes me is the fact that Nancy Pelosi went all 'dictator' on the American people, publicly giving them the finger and declaring they did not have THE RIGHT to know what was in the 'EDICT' the Democrats were ramming down their throats until the 'EDICT' had been forced into law.

The fact that the American people heard that and stood for it is only proof to the extent how the American people have been conditioned to be SHHEP, to surrender the TRUE power of the government to these 'Dictator/Ruler-wanna-be's.

The ACA and their (like Pelosi's) declarations to the people were one of the biggest examples to date of how they have shed their role as 'servants of the people' and tried to assume the mantle of 'Rulers of the people'.

Of course, Un-Constitutionally exempting themselves from the laws they pass / passed was a sure sign as well.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
who exactly are the 13 million you're referring to?
It doesnt matter.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

Let's look rationally at what you are saying. You're saying that ending the mandate will throw 13 million out of health insurance. You're then intimating that those same people will be desperately trying to get insurance but won't be able to because the awful, horrible meanies won't let them.

But what's changed? We no longer force people to buy insurance they can't afford to use, but they're still able to buy it if they want it. Your position in essence boils down to people are so stupid that they won't buy insurance they desperately want unless they're forced to by law.

Isn't that kind of dumb?
A lot of the exams & testing is free.

You can choose a plan with a high deductible - say $6K. A drop in the bucket if you have a hearty attack & get $400K surgery. A surgery you would have to pay for if they did not have insurance.

Or you choose a plan with a low deductible.

You idiots really need to quit lying about the ACA.

First hand experience? Second hand? Or something you heard?

People I know have had to buy obamadon'tcare insurance and found it to cost more than it was worth.

You can go on Healthcare,gov without signing in & review the plans in your zip code. If you have not done this, I would suggest you STFU because you don't know shit.

Go on there & set up your "family" Look at an older couple say in their 50's making $60K a year.

See what your subsidy would be & look at the plans available.

You can get a bronze plan with higher deductibles or a silver or gold plan. The ones I looked at this year had a plan with $1,000 deductible. In the past, I saw plans with no deductibles to $500 to $1000 & higher.

These will be more affordable than just going out in the market.

If you get insurance through your employer, this is not meant for these people.

It wasn't for me or my family, so your screed is nonsense. But keep trying, you'll figure it out.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
who exactly are the 13 million you're referring to?
It doesnt matter.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

Let's look rationally at what you are saying. You're saying that ending the mandate will throw 13 million out of health insurance. You're then intimating that those same people will be desperately trying to get insurance but won't be able to because the awful, horrible meanies won't let them.

But what's changed? We no longer force people to buy insurance they can't afford to use, but they're still able to buy it if they want it. Your position in essence boils down to people are so stupid that they won't buy insurance they desperately want unless they're forced to by law.

Isn't that kind of dumb?
A lot of the exams & testing is free.

You can choose a plan with a high deductible - say $6K. A drop in the bucket if you have a hearty attack & get $400K surgery. A surgery you would have to pay for if they did not have insurance.

Or you choose a plan with a low deductible.

You idiots really need to quit lying about the ACA.

First hand experience? Second hand? Or something you heard?

People I know have had to buy obamadon'tcare insurance and found it to cost more than it was worth.

You can go on Healthcare,gov without signing in & review the plans in your zip code. If you have not done this, I would suggest you STFU because you don't know shit.

Go on there & set up your "family" Look at an older couple say in their 50's making $60K a year.

See what your subsidy would be & look at the plans available.

You can get a bronze plan with higher deductibles or a silver or gold plan. The ones I looked at this year had a plan with $1,000 deductible. In the past, I saw plans with no deductibles to $500 to $1000 & higher.

These will be more affordable than just going out in the market.

If you get insurance through your employer, this is not meant for these people.

It wasn't for me or my family, so your screed is nonsense. But keep trying, you'll figure it out.
You were the one crying & whining how the ACA was sooooooooooo bad based on what you had heard.

I told you how to find out the facts.

No surprise you were not interested.
So less stealing from Peter to pay Paul. I don't see the issue here.

Just wait for the bodies to pile up.....

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

You people lie through your teeth so much that I don't think you can even tell the difference anymore between the truth and your delusions.

If you think that will not kill people then you even dumber than I thought & that is pretty fucking dumb.

Here's a little life lesson for you.

When you are calling someone else dumb, don't make grammatical errors in your sentences.
What still amazes me is the fact that Nancy Pelosi went all 'dictator' on the American people, publicly giving them the finger and declaring they did not have THE RIGHT to know what was in the 'EDICT' the Democrats were ramming down their throats until the 'EDICT' had been forced into law.

The fact that the American people heard that and stood for it is only proof to the extent how the American people have been conditioned to be SHHEP, to surrender the TRUE power of the government to these 'Dictator/Ruler-wanna-be's.

The ACA and their (like Pelosi's) declarations to the people were one of the biggest examples to date of how they have shed their role as 'servants of the people' and tried to assume the mantle of 'Rulers of the people'.

Of course, Un-Constitutionally exempting themselves from the laws they pass / passed was a sure sign as well.
Jesus Christ you assholes are still lying about what Pelosie said.

The bill was ONLINE you God damn asshole.
So less stealing from Peter to pay Paul. I don't see the issue here.

Just wait for the bodies to pile up.....

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

You people lie through your teeth so much that I don't think you can even tell the difference anymore between the truth and your delusions.

If you think that will not kill people then you even dumber than I thought & that is pretty fucking dumb.

Here's a little life lesson for you.

When you are calling someone else dumb, don't make grammatical errors in your sentences.

Here is a note. I am posting to morons not writing a thesis.

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