Enough Bickering. It's time we listen to Obama

He is our president. We elected him base on his past record and his campaign promises. We should listen to him and hold him to those promises.

Do any liberals disagree with this?

What he said is absolutely correct and I agree with him 100% THAT SAID, sometimes you are forced to make decisions contrary to what you believe. Raising the debt ceiling is one such instance. President Obama was faced with the choice between letting the US fall into default or protecting the credit rating of the US. If he had chosen not to raise the debt ceiling in the end it would have cost us far more than we would have saved. It was the right choice.
Suppose a man gets a job several miles away from where he lives and suppose the ONLY way he can get to that job is by using his automobile. Now imagine that his car breaks down. What should he do? Should he quit his job and spend his time sitting around looking at his broken car? Or should he take a loan and repair the car knowing that with the income from the job he can repay the loan? He may be dead set against taking a loan but isn't the smart thing to do is to take the loan, repair the car, and pay off the loan.

well that or using his first 5 years to reduce the deficit like he promised. remember his comment that if he hadn't reduced the deficit by half in his first term he didn't deserve to be re elected? I agree with him there too
Time to drive the Conservatives out of government.

Enough is enough.
And, the Republicans have learned over the last 4 or 5 weeks that the song is completely wrong. Suicide is NOT painless!
Hey! We managed to reopen the government by kicking the can down the road! This is brilliance in action! Agreeing to disagree at a later date is what our government currently does best. I will concede that the republican last this round. I just wish I knew who won.
Hey! We managed to reopen the government by kicking the can down the road! This is brilliance in action! Agreeing to disagree at a later date is what our government currently does best. I will concede that the republican last this round. I just wish I knew who won.

Beginning of the end for the bs Tea Party....

OP- that was a protest vote. Dems have NEVER been stupid or greedy enough to make a debt crisis to extort...that was in ''GOOD TIMES'- 80-90 percent of Obama's deficits have been to avert ANOTHER Pub great depression and to help the victims. The hater dupes inhabit another UNREAL planet. A DISGRACE.
we are at $17 trillion in debt...
Obama Care is now projected to add another $2 trillion on top of that....

Let's see that brings us up to $19 trillion...

And we have people on this board and around the country that feel government needs to spend more...

Yeah you guessed it "Infrastructure",Research,education,entitlements...



But, but, but....Obama said Obamacare wouldn't add "one thin dime to the deficit." He was telling the truth, right?
Yup- read something.

de·lu·sion (d-lzhn)
a. The act or process of deluding.
b. The state of being deluded.
2. A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.
3. Psychiatry A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution.
81 to 18 from the Senate

Let's see if the House GOP can ante 117 Republicans in favor.

I agree, lets go into further debt. lets continue to add additions on to a house we can already not afford. that's the smart thing to do. we all saw how well that worked out for banks, homeowners and corporations in 2008. I mean right now it will only cost each person about $60,000 to pay it off.

As long as that is what the majority of people are demanding (and it clearly is) that is exactly what we are going to continue to do.

The sad reality.
Time to drive the Conservatives out of government.

Enough is enough.

Yup. Fuck freedom and voting – that is for things like democracies. Let’s just make a dictatorship because we know what’s best. Drive the dissenting positions away…
Yup- read something.

de·lu·sion (d-lzhn)
a. The act or process of deluding.
b. The state of being deluded.
2. A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.
3. Psychiatry A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution.

The CBO, all neutral observers, Pomneycare, and all other modern countries say you, Rush Seanbeck, and greedy idiot Pubs are FOS...hater dupe..:eusa_whistle:.
Yup- read something.

de·lu·sion (d-lzhn)
a. The act or process of deluding.
b. The state of being deluded.
2. A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.
3. Psychiatry A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution.

The CBO, all neutral observers, Pomneycare, and all other modern countries say you, Rush Seanbeck, and greedy idiot Pubs are FOS...hater dupe..:eusa_whistle:.

Bullshit to all the above. Post links...I am definitely not taking your word for it.
He is our president. We elected him base on his past record and his campaign promises. We should listen to him and hold him to those promises.

Do any liberals disagree with this?

What he said is absolutely correct and I agree with him 100% THAT SAID, sometimes you are forced to make decisions contrary to what you believe. Raising the debt ceiling is one such instance. President Obama was faced with the choice between letting the US fall into default or protecting the credit rating of the US. If he had chosen not to raise the debt ceiling in the end it would have cost us far more than we would have saved. It was the right choice.
Suppose a man gets a job several miles away from where he lives and suppose the ONLY way he can get to that job is by using his automobile. Now imagine that his car breaks down. What should he do? Should he quit his job and spend his time sitting around looking at his broken car? Or should he take a loan and repair the car knowing that with the income from the job he can repay the loan? He may be dead set against taking a loan but isn't the smart thing to do is to take the loan, repair the car, and pay off the loan.

Called it.

It is different this time.

Magical pixie dust for everyone!!
He is our president. We elected him base on his past record and his campaign promises. We should listen to him and hold him to those promises.

Do any liberals disagree with this?

What he said is absolutely correct and I agree with him 100% THAT SAID, sometimes you are forced to make decisions contrary to what you believe. Raising the debt ceiling is one such instance. President Obama was faced with the choice between letting the US fall into default or protecting the credit rating of the US. If he had chosen not to raise the debt ceiling in the end it would have cost us far more than we would have saved. It was the right choice.
Suppose a man gets a job several miles away from where he lives and suppose the ONLY way he can get to that job is by using his automobile. Now imagine that his car breaks down. What should he do? Should he quit his job and spend his time sitting around looking at his broken car? Or should he take a loan and repair the car knowing that with the income from the job he can repay the loan? He may be dead set against taking a loan but isn't the smart thing to do is to take the loan, repair the car, and pay off the loan.

Called it.

It is different this time.

Magical pixie dust for everyone!!

give a liberal an opportunity to show their hypocriscy and they will take it
He is our president. We elected him base on his past record and his campaign promises. We should listen to him and hold him to those promises.

Do any liberals disagree with this?

What he said is absolutely correct and I agree with him 100% THAT SAID, sometimes you are forced to make decisions contrary to what you believe. Raising the debt ceiling is one such instance. President Obama was faced with the choice between letting the US fall into default or protecting the credit rating of the US. If he had chosen not to raise the debt ceiling in the end it would have cost us far more than we would have saved. It was the right choice.
Suppose a man gets a job several miles away from where he lives and suppose the ONLY way he can get to that job is by using his automobile. Now imagine that his car breaks down. What should he do? Should he quit his job and spend his time sitting around looking at his broken car? Or should he take a loan and repair the car knowing that with the income from the job he can repay the loan? He may be dead set against taking a loan but isn't the smart thing to do is to take the loan, repair the car, and pay off the loan.
Poor Obama. It's not his fault he railroaded Congress into spending 6 trillion dollars. :(
...and what we see here, gentlemen, is the manifestation of the Five Stages of Grief by the Tea Party....
Obama lied to you.

Look, you can eat all his shit you like. Just don't get pissed off when I don't believe you when you tell me it's yummy.

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