Enough is enough

You could be like many who are finding things to do other than watch TV. Some people are having the first time off from work they have had in years, or ever, and they are making the best of it. Others are doing nothing but bitch. This will pass and perhaps we will more appreciate our country and freedoms.
1st time off work....Lazy liberal welfare pukes always stay away from work, because work to them is a 4 letter word...
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

HighTech, politics and a bumper crop of low morality but the ponderous list goes on from there...
You could be like many who are finding things to do other than watch TV. Some people are having the first time off from work they have had in years, or ever, and they are making the best of it. Others are doing nothing but bitch. This will pass and perhaps we will more appreciate our country and freedoms.
1st time off work....Lazy liberal welfare pukes always stay away from work, because work to them is a 4 letter word...
I'm busier than ever right now, kind of wish I had some time off. What are you doing besides bitching? We took a pretty hard hit from hurricane Michael a year and a half ago. Stuff was smashed and flooded out everywhere and it took 28 days to get power back. Been though this kind of thing before. Excuse me if I seem like a dick telling people sitting in perfectly sound houses eating ice cream to quit bitching and make the best of this.
You could be like many who are finding things to do other than watch TV. Some people are having the first time off from work they have had in years, or ever, and they are making the best of it. Others are doing nothing but bitch. This will pass and perhaps we will more appreciate our country and freedoms.
1st time off work....Lazy liberal welfare pukes always stay away from work, because work to them is a 4 letter word...
I'm busier than ever right now, kind of wish I had some time off. What are you doing besides bitching? We took a pretty hard hit from hurricane Michael a year and a half ago. Stuff was smashed and flooded out everywhere and it took 28 days to get power back. Been though this kind of thing before. Excuse me if I seem like a dick telling people sitting in perfectly sound houses eating ice cream to quit bitching and make the best of this.

Sorry you took a hit from Hurricane Michael. Tell me why the fuck Tyndall took a $6b hit on aircraft? Don't they fly? So out of $25b in total damage $6b was Tyndall aircraft?! Some general needs to be fired for that.

As for this thread. Enough is never enough. We haven't begun to see "enough" yet. This deadly virus is the new normal. If you're young and strong, you might be able to ignore it. But for those of us over 60, its a new much smaller world.
You could be like many who are finding things to do other than watch TV. Some people are having the first time off from work they have had in years, or ever, and they are making the best of it. Others are doing nothing but bitch. This will pass and perhaps we will more appreciate our country and freedoms.
Well I am not bitching but after raising five children and paying bills all those years I am one of those unfortunate souls that realy only feel comfortable at work. The wife and kids gone and I was learning to enjoy other things by joining groups and the such but still faking it till I make it. This virus thing kinda cut the legs off of that one for me.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?
Seems like everyone is on the same page here. Mitigate the circumstances. Limit the times you go out shopping. Keep 6 feet away.

I don't think we should have clothing stores and massage parlors open yet. But I guess at some point we have to realize we are all limiting the amount of contact we have with others. They said 2 weeks. It's been a month. People need to get haircuts.

So yesterday my "girlfriend" came over and gave me a haircut. We've even been keeping distance from each other lately but she needs the money and I needed a haircut.

On Friday I went to my brothers up north property with the dog. I took the quad and hooked up the trailer and gathered bonfire wood from 7-dark. Saturday morning my dog and I walked the property in the morning and then made a fire and I watched it burn all day. It was like 70 degrees and windy. PERFECT. We stayed outside all day. Only went in the house to get food or take a dump. On Sunday we did a long walk, packed up and drove back home 4 hour trip. This time I didn't mind the drive at all. Anywhere but in my house.

The only thing I wish my brother and his kids came up too. They were going to come but it didn't work out. His wife is sick. No not corona.
You could be like many who are finding things to do other than watch TV. Some people are having the first time off from work they have had in years, or ever, and they are making the best of it. Others are doing nothing but bitch. This will pass and perhaps we will more appreciate our country and freedoms.
1st time off work....Lazy liberal welfare pukes always stay away from work, because work to them is a 4 letter word...
I'm busier than ever right now, kind of wish I had some time off. What are you doing besides bitching? We took a pretty hard hit from hurricane Michael a year and a half ago. Stuff was smashed and flooded out everywhere and it took 28 days to get power back. Been though this kind of thing before. Excuse me if I seem like a dick telling people sitting in perfectly sound houses eating ice cream to quit bitching and make the best of this.
You just talked about Nancy Pelosi from San Fransicko, bud.....If you want time off, take it, no one is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to work.
'The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions. So Why Does Its Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?'

Because it doesnt fit the liberal propaganda of todays LSM. We have to forget our past, so we can repeat it. This is the way of Socialists/Marxists/Communists/Progressives/Liberals/Democrats.....Why else are public schools still closed when kids under 18 are the "least" effected?
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?
Doesn’t sound like the blob made America great. Time to vote him out
Bwaaaahhhhaaaaa, thanks to Joe Biden and China working together on setting a deadly Wuhan Virus upon the world, Russian Collusion couldnt hurt our economy, Stormy Daniels, couldnt hurt our economy, Brett Kavanaugh couldnt hurt our economy, Ukraine couldnt hurt our economy, what hurt our economy?

Report: Obama Admin Funded China's Coronavirus Research, Gave Millions in Taxpayer Money to Wuhan Lab
From a Washington Post editorial, again from last week: “A more troubling explanation is that the coronavirus was inadvertently spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which had carried out research on bat coronaviruses and possessed a biosafety level 4 facility, the most secure for handling highly pathogenic and infectious diseases. It is not beyond possibility that an accident or spill occurred.”
Thanks to the brown turd Oblummer and his woman abuse VP Joe the groper, we have now seen the results of how a liberal is willing to kill people just to get in power...
'The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions. So Why Does Its Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?'

Because it doesnt fit the liberal propaganda of todays LSM. We have to forget our past, so we can repeat it. This is the way of Socialists/Marxists/Communists/Progressives/Liberals/Democrats.....Why else are public schools still closed when kids under 18 are the "least" effected?

They may not get deathly sick, but they can still catch it and bring it back home to the rest of the family.

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