Enough with the whining from the bottom 90%

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Incomes of bottom 90 percent grew $59 in 40 years - Salon.com

“Incomes for the bottom 90 percent of Americans only grew by $59 on average between 1966 and 2011 (when you adjust those incomes for inflation)… During the same period, the average income for the top 10 percent of Americans rose by $116,071.”


The vast majority averaged a mere $59 more in 2011 than in 1966. For the top 10 percent, by the same measures, average income rose by $116,071 to $254,864, an increase of 84 percent over 1966.

Plot those numbers on a chart, with one inch for $59, and the top 10 percent’s line would extend more than 163 feet.

Now compare the vast majority’s $59 with the top 1 percent, and that line extends for 884 feet. The top 1 percent of the top 1 percent, whose 2011 average income of $23.7 million was $18.4 million more per taxpayer than in 1966, would require a line nearly five miles long.

So what if you're working for pretty much the same wage as your father and grand father. What's important is that your hard work put more money in the pockets of the top 10%.

So, just shut up and get busy earning more money for the wealthy.
Sad but true.

I took a 15K hit over the last 2 years in terms of income.

That's the sort of thing conservatives like.
And, the gullible rw's can't think for themselves. All they know is that they should work for the ultra wealthy. That's why they vote against the best interest of their own children.

They're literally throwing away their own children's futures but then, the poor dumb fools whine that the progressives/liberals are to blame.
Incomes of bottom 90 percent grew $59 in 40 years - Salon.com

“Incomes for the bottom 90 percent of Americans only grew by $59 on average between 1966 and 2011 (when you adjust those incomes for inflation)… During the same period, the average income for the top 10 percent of Americans rose by $116,071.”


The vast majority averaged a mere $59 more in 2011 than in 1966. For the top 10 percent, by the same measures, average income rose by $116,071 to $254,864, an increase of 84 percent over 1966.

Plot those numbers on a chart, with one inch for $59, and the top 10 percent’s line would extend more than 163 feet.

Now compare the vast majority’s $59 with the top 1 percent, and that line extends for 884 feet. The top 1 percent of the top 1 percent, whose 2011 average income of $23.7 million was $18.4 million more per taxpayer than in 1966, would require a line nearly five miles long.

So what if you're working for pretty much the same wage as your father and grand father. What's important is that your hard work put more money in the pockets of the top 10%.

So, just shut up and get busy earning more money for the wealthy.

Americans have no god given right to earn more than people from other countries just because we're Americans. We have students who don't take school seriously and then get their ass kicked on standardized tests compared to other countries. We have schools more worried about teaching worthless PC crap like Women's Studies and black studies rather than Engineering or IT studies.. We have become spoiled and arrogant and have Marxist professors who are more interested in indoctrinating students to the evils of capitalism than they are in teaching how capitalism really works.

So given our substandard skill sets and our entitlement mentality, no wonder people's wages aren't going up. Get rid of the liberal teachers who have led to underachievement of our students. If half the work force are women, then women need to stop getting 85% of the Art History Degrees while men get 85% of the engineering degrees. If a good sized percentage of the work force are minorities, then the minorities need to stop screwing around in the class room and think its cool to be anti-intellectual and make fun of their peers who do well by calling them Uncle Tom's or would be gringos. Note that Asian students study hard do well in school and make good salaries. I bet their salary has grown a lot more than 40 dollars in the last 40 years.

This whole thread summarizes the problem America faces. Liberals whine about salaries not going up when they are the frickin cause of salary stagnation. How hideously stupid can some people be...
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Everyone should get forty dollars an hour because Liberals think it's fair, and that people who stagnate in dead end jobs should be allowed to make a career out of it with guarantees of a living wage. No matter that a cup of coffee will cost sixteen dollars... Everyone will feel good about paying their fair share.
Incomes of bottom 90 percent grew $59 in 40 years - Salon.com

“Incomes for the bottom 90 percent of Americans only grew by $59 on average between 1966 and 2011 (when you adjust those incomes for inflation)… During the same period, the average income for the top 10 percent of Americans rose by $116,071.”


The vast majority averaged a mere $59 more in 2011 than in 1966. For the top 10 percent, by the same measures, average income rose by $116,071 to $254,864, an increase of 84 percent over 1966.

Plot those numbers on a chart, with one inch for $59, and the top 10 percent’s line would extend more than 163 feet.

Now compare the vast majority’s $59 with the top 1 percent, and that line extends for 884 feet. The top 1 percent of the top 1 percent, whose 2011 average income of $23.7 million was $18.4 million more per taxpayer than in 1966, would require a line nearly five miles long.

So what if you're working for pretty much the same wage as your father and grand father. What's important is that your hard work put more money in the pockets of the top 10%.

So, just shut up and get busy earning more money for the wealthy.

I started working full time in 1969 and made $150.00 a week...
I make so much more then that now....
Have gotten an increase of more then $59.00 a week since then...
Incomes of bottom 90 percent grew $59 in 40 years - Salon.com

“Incomes for the bottom 90 percent of Americans only grew by $59 on average between 1966 and 2011 (when you adjust those incomes for inflation)… During the same period, the average income for the top 10 percent of Americans rose by $116,071.”


The vast majority averaged a mere $59 more in 2011 than in 1966. For the top 10 percent, by the same measures, average income rose by $116,071 to $254,864, an increase of 84 percent over 1966.

Plot those numbers on a chart, with one inch for $59, and the top 10 percent’s line would extend more than 163 feet.

Now compare the vast majority’s $59 with the top 1 percent, and that line extends for 884 feet. The top 1 percent of the top 1 percent, whose 2011 average income of $23.7 million was $18.4 million more per taxpayer than in 1966, would require a line nearly five miles long.

So what if you're working for pretty much the same wage as your father and grand father. What's important is that your hard work put more money in the pockets of the top 10%.

So, just shut up and get busy earning more money for the wealthy.

I started working full time in 1969 and made $150.00 a week...
I make so much more then that now....
Have gotten an increase of more then $59.00 a week since then...
The OP is talking about adjusted for inflation.
In 1969 a one income family could own a home and put kids through college.
Was I supposed to be in the bottom 90%? Nobody told me!

Who told you you were supported to be in life?
How do you like being called from the "bottom" by Salon..

But you can bet they are in the 1%..
they have been brainwashed to think they owe everything to the wealthy.

they are their gods and their chosen masters.

if they grovel at their feet enough they may get tossed the crumbs and get in the favor of the master.

the master might make them one of the wealthy.

They forget the history of this countries success when we crushed the industrial age would be masters.

They jsut dont know history.

Low information voters
Incomes of bottom 90 percent grew $59 in 40 years - Salon.com

“Incomes for the bottom 90 percent of Americans only grew by $59 on average between 1966 and 2011 (when you adjust those incomes for inflation)… During the same period, the average income for the top 10 percent of Americans rose by $116,071.”


The vast majority averaged a mere $59 more in 2011 than in 1966. For the top 10 percent, by the same measures, average income rose by $116,071 to $254,864, an increase of 84 percent over 1966.

Plot those numbers on a chart, with one inch for $59, and the top 10 percent’s line would extend more than 163 feet.

Now compare the vast majority’s $59 with the top 1 percent, and that line extends for 884 feet. The top 1 percent of the top 1 percent, whose 2011 average income of $23.7 million was $18.4 million more per taxpayer than in 1966, would require a line nearly five miles long.

So what if you're working for pretty much the same wage as your father and grand father. What's important is that your hard work put more money in the pockets of the top 10%.

So, just shut up and get busy earning more money for the wealthy.

Hey we can use that $59 to pay off all those college loans that our grandparents didn't need in order to earn the same amount :eusa_shhh:
they have been brainwashed to think they owe everything to the wealthy.

they are their gods and their chosen masters.

if they grovel at their feet enough they may get tossed the crumbs and get in the favor of the master.

the master might make them one of the wealthy.

They forget the history of this countries success when we crushed the industrial age would be masters.

They jsut dont know history.

Low information voters

more low information babbling

Hey if any of you pathetic whiners want to make more money then go ahead and do it.

No one is stopping you.
American workers have been losing purchasing power for the last 40 years.

Some of that is the organic outcome of productivity gains -- those greater profits then go only to the capitalists who own the means of production.

Some of this change stems from outsourcing.

The brief period where labor (thanks to unions) has some parity with managment is over.

Either the social contract changes or this society is going to undergo some dramatic changes that are less pleasant than mere labor unrest.
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It seems this administration is making sure that happens

why are they stocking up on ammunition?

Obama continually running around the country stirring up hate
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