Enslaved Back Man Assaulted Then Removed From Flight

No. Again, this is more projection. I do not think all white people are racists. I am talking specifically to you Trump loving conservatives.

Notice how the conservative brain associates all white people as conservative. Pay attention, folks.
No. I was noting how YOU associate all conservatives with white folk. Snap out of it, dummy.
Wait. I need the finer points of “woke” for a post I’m contemplating.

Maybe an expert on all things race and racist can provide some assistance. Maybe Lil’ im.2 or IzB-Rollin can help.

If a black man refers to himself as a “slave” during a period of agitation, is it considered “racist” for a white person to quote his precise words in discussing the incident surrounding the agitation?
I am SO GLAD I don't have to fly anymore. Anyone involved in starting that kind of crap on an aircraft needs to do Federal time.
They need to dump him out the door at 10,000 feet without a chute.
Conservatives use “thug” and “criminal” as their “acceptable” alternative to the n-word.
Using the word 'thug' is both appropriate and environmentally friendly. A person shaves a small amount off their carbon footprint every time they are more efficient with their bandwidth. Take you for example, typing out 'the n-word' is ten key strokes, the actual referenced word is only six. Why do you woke pansies hate Sweet Mother Earth so much?
Actually, they do. What they don't have to account for, for example, is breaking and entering and wiping out a store owner's inventory. If that story comes on the news, you don't have to look up to see who is acting that way. There is a drug bust story every night on our local news. " 4 in custody after driving here from Chicago with X amount of fentanyl, meth...".
Don't have to look at the screen to tell what color their skin is. Shots fired in downtown XXXX. Guess who...
I'm telling you, commandeer the cruise ships. There are a LOT of them. Hold up to 6000 each, some of them. Plus crew. How long does it take to get to Africa these days? Say a two-week round trip:

Less than one year, all the problem people Back To Africa, and they can live as violently as they like without any laws bothering them, and we can live at peace. And have our great cities back.
The video doesn't tell much. What was the dispute about?
Why were other people fighting? Could not comprehendm more than a few words that didn't reveal much.
Yes the man was objecting to something, but what, I can't tell.
It tells us enough. His behavior will get you serious jail time. Still wondering where his white Master is in all this
I'm telling you, commandeer the cruise ships. There are a LOT of them. Hold up to 6000 each, some of them. Plus crew. How long does it take to get to Africa these days? Say a two-week round trip:

Less than one year, all the problem people Back To Africa, and they can live as violently as they like without any laws bothering them, and we can live at peace. And have our great cities back.
Conservatives don’t know history. African Americans have been on US soil longer than most white Americans. The European immigration wave of the late 1800s-mid 1900s was to import more white people to counter the emancipation of black slaves.

You conservatives need to go back to your own country.
Conservatives refuse to denounce referring to black people as slaves. Conservatives support slavery.
Tried it. Blacks are no good at being slaves. Lazy, lying, NOT smart, sabotaging, criminal tendencies. You don't get to be slaves anymore, sorry.

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