Entire history books will be written about what an epic failure Obama is...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
In 100 years, historians will still be writing books about what an epic failure Obama was as President of the United States.

They will have to devote an entire wing of the Library of Congress to the books detailing how everything Obama did turned to shit in his hands, and how he failed to accomplish anything he set out to do.

Obama's main accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act, is probably the worst piece of dogshit that ever passed into law, and it has set records on how much it has caused misery to the American people and slowed down the American economy with its utter shittiness.

In the process, Obama has caused the Democratic Party to lose over 1000 seats at the federal and state level and now only five states out of 50 are in Democratic hands, while all three branches of the federal government are controlled by the Republicans. An entire generation of young Democrats have been wiped out, and there will be no one to replace the Democratic leadership when it finally dies out, which should be soon.

The shittiest thing about the entire situation is that the Democratic Party still controls the mainstream media, which has been lying to cover up the defeat and humiliation suffered by the Democrats as it searches for answers why Hillary lost that include everything but an acknowledgement that Hillary lost because she was such an epic failure of a candidate.

Basically, Democrats tried to win with a coalition of everyone who hates America or has a grievance against white people and that strategy failed because normal people got tired of all the shit being hurled at them by the Democrats, who failed to understand that hating on whites and Christians doesn't really stack up well against a guy who is promising to rebuild America's economy and getting American workers back to work.

What was really fucked up was that Hillary did not even meet us half way. She took extremist left-wing positions on every issue, including abortion, and even started kow-towing to cop killer groups like BLM. She seemed to think that the only people who would be voting in the election were urban white atheists who go to Starbucks for $5 coffee drinks, and cop-killing angry black rioters. And the polls backed her up, telling her she had it in the bag, no way did Trump have a "path to victory" in the Electoral College.

Apparently, the pollsters, all working for the left-wing mainstream media, forgot to talk to a lot of people, because millions of people came out to vote for Trump that the Democrats had not anticipated, including the working class voters that used to vote solidly Democrat, but left the party because they got sick of Democrats screwing them with NAFTA.

Obama spent the whole time telling people that the better vote for Hillary because he would consider it a personal insult to him if she lost. What he apparently did not realize is that he is a deeply unpopular President, hated by almost everyone who isn't a god-hating atheist, Muslim, or black. People WANTED to insult Obama, and voting for Trump was a way to send a message to Obama loud and clear: "Obama, you are the biggest fuck-up ever elected President, we do not want four more years of the same."

So now it's finally over. Trump has prevailed, despite the propaganda about "fake news", the Russia hack, the recount, the attempt to overturn the Electoral College, Trump is still going to be President.

It is time for Democrats to put on their big boy pants, wipe off their tears, and decide to work with our new President. If they continue to oppose him and obstruct him, they will only grow increasingly unpopular, and they will lose more elections in 2018 and 2020. But it is their choice. Democrats are mostly pretty stupid, so they will probably do the wrong thing.
In 100 years, historians will still be writing books about what an epic failure Obama was as President of the United States.

Actually, given he was proceeded by Bush and followed by Trump, Obama will be elevated.

Kind of like how Lincoln looks so much better because he is bookended by Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, the two worst presidents in our history.
It is time for Democrats to put on their big boy pants, wipe off their tears, and decide to work with our new President. If they continue to oppose him and obstruct him, they will only grow increasingly unpopular, and they will lose more elections in 2018 and 2020. But it is their choice.
There's really no way to know if this is the case. 2008 was clearly a "change election", the GOP obstructed as much as it possibly could, and they ended up coming out winners.

That sets a terrible precedent, and more than likely dooms us to further wild swings in our elections as this ridiculous ideological tug-of-war continues.
In 100 years, historians will still be writing books about what an epic failure Obama was as President of the United States.

Actually, given he was proceeded by Bush and followed by Trump, Obama will be elevated.

Kind of like how Lincoln looks so much better because he is bookended by Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, the two worst presidents in our history.

Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama are all Progressives to one degree or another, and all are NWO types.

Trump and the people he is bringing in are not. The coming changes will be most interesting.

And no, Obama will never look good except as comic relief.
He is leaving the US a much better place than he took it over, that is for sure.
In 100 years, historians will still be writing books about what an epic failure Obama was as President of the United States.

Actually, given he was proceeded by Bush and followed by Trump, Obama will be elevated.

Kind of like how Lincoln looks so much better because he is bookended by Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, the two worst presidents in our history.

Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama are all Progressives to one degree or another, and all are NWO types.

Trump and the people he is bringing in are not. The coming changes will be most interesting.

And no, Obama will never look good except as comic relief.
Hey, billy! Happy New Year! I'm saving this post to show it back to you in the future. Right now you think Trump and his 'brought in' people is a good thing, but I'm betting that wont last. I'll speculate that America will grow in nukes, while the rest of the world grows in edu, technology, healthcare and especially science as well as other areas of progress where we have already lost our edge. Like N Korea, our military will grow as all else stagnates. You know as well as I the coal mines wont fire up, and the rust belt wont return to the world leader it once was.
It is time for Democrats to put on their big boy pants, wipe off their tears, and decide to work with our new President. If they continue to oppose him and obstruct him, they will only grow increasingly unpopular, and they will lose more elections in 2018 and 2020. But it is their choice.
There's really no way to know if this is the case. 2008 was clearly a "change election", the GOP obstructed as much as it possibly could, and they ended up coming out winners.

That sets a terrible precedent, and more than likely dooms us to further wild swings in our elections as this ridiculous ideological tug-of-war continues.
It was the dirty little gray-man harry reid who was the king of obstruction. He had hundreds of bills from the REP sitting on his desk for YEARS and refused to bring them to the 'floor'. It was reid who created the 'nuclear option' the DEMS are going to regret for decades.
What will amaze future history buffs is the treatment Obama got from opponents and especially the haters like we see here at USMB. They will be amazed at the fact that a sitting US Senate leader declared and promised to dedicate his work towards defeating Obama in the next election instead of his job.
Obama will be viewed as the President that brought competence and sanity to the While House after the disastrous Bush Presidency. The Trump years are yet to be written or known. His success or failure will greatly impact the future views of the public towards Obama. Whatever the Trump Presidency brings, Obama will have the Jackie Robinson factor in his favor.
The OP is engagedin the classic Alinksy-Limbaugh mirror tactic of accusing the other side of what is happening or will happen to its side.

In fact, 100 years from now the history books will start be discussing the impeachment and removal of Trump from office.
In 100 years, historians will still be writing books about what an epic failure Obama was as President of the United States.

Actually, given he was proceeded by Bush and followed by Trump, Obama will be elevated.

Kind of like how Lincoln looks so much better because he is bookended by Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, the two worst presidents in our history.

Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama are all Progressives to one degree or another, and all are NWO types.

Trump and the people he is bringing in are not. The coming changes will be most interesting.

And no, Obama will never look good except as comic relief.
Hey, billy! Happy New Year! I'm saving this post to show it back to you in the future. Right now you think Trump and his 'brought in' people is a good thing, but I'm betting that wont last. I'll speculate that America will grow in nukes, while the rest of the world grows in edu, technology, healthcare and especially science as well as other areas of progress where we have already lost our edge. Like N Korea, our military will grow as all else stagnates. You know as well as I the coal mines wont fire up, and the rust belt wont return to the world leader it once was.

Happy New Year bullwinkle!

Remember Jeane Dixon? :laugh2:

What I'll speculate is that the rest of the world will continue to burn due to the idiot policies of the globalist elite until their numbers deplete by electoral attrition.

I'll speculate that America will regain its position of global authority both diplomatically and militarily. I'll also speculate that public education will undergo significant changes in terms of education/indoctrination. Waste-of-time Multiculturalism will get the boot, as will the influence of Zinn's fantastical history.

I'll speculate that Europe is about to suffer the enormous consequences of their leaders' open border and refugee policies.

I'll speculate that Islam will be forced to openly choose one direction or the other, and act to destroy opposition to that choice, whichever it may be.

I have a few others, but since conditions are in such a state of flux, I'll wait until after January 20th.
What will amaze future history buffs is the treatment Obama got from opponents and especially the haters like we see here at USMB. They will be amazed at the fact that a sitting US Senate leader declared and promised to dedicate his work towards defeating Obama in the next election instead of his job.
Obama will be viewed as the President that brought competence and sanity to the While House after the disastrous Bush Presidency. The Trump years are yet to be written or known. His success or failure will greatly impact the future views of the public towards Obama. Whatever the Trump Presidency brings, Obama will have the Jackie Robinson factor in his favor.

In 100 years, historians will still be writing books about what an epic failure Obama was as President of the United States.

They will have to devote an entire wing of the Library of Congress to the books detailing how everything Obama did turned to shit in his hands, and how he failed to accomplish anything he set out to do.

Obama's main accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act, is probably the worst piece of dogshit that ever passed into law, and it has set records on how much it has caused misery to the American people and slowed down the American economy with its utter shittiness.

In the process, Obama has caused the Democratic Party to lose over 1000 seats at the federal and state level and now only five states out of 50 are in Democratic hands, while all three branches of the federal government are controlled by the Republicans. An entire generation of young Democrats have been wiped out, and there will be no one to replace the Democratic leadership when it finally dies out, which should be soon.

The shittiest thing about the entire situation is that the Democratic Party still controls the mainstream media, which has been lying to cover up the defeat and humiliation suffered by the Democrats as it searches for answers why Hillary lost that include everything but an acknowledgement that Hillary lost because she was such an epic failure of a candidate.

Basically, Democrats tried to win with a coalition of everyone who hates America or has a grievance against white people and that strategy failed because normal people got tired of all the shit being hurled at them by the Democrats, who failed to understand that hating on whites and Christians doesn't really stack up well against a guy who is promising to rebuild America's economy and getting American workers back to work.

What was really fucked up was that Hillary did not even meet us half way. She took extremist left-wing positions on every issue, including abortion, and even started kow-towing to cop killer groups like BLM. She seemed to think that the only people who would be voting in the election were urban white atheists who go to Starbucks for $5 coffee drinks, and cop-killing angry black rioters. And the polls backed her up, telling her she had it in the bag, no way did Trump have a "path to victory" in the Electoral College.

Apparently, the pollsters, all working for the left-wing mainstream media, forgot to talk to a lot of people, because millions of people came out to vote for Trump that the Democrats had not anticipated, including the working class voters that used to vote solidly Democrat, but left the party because they got sick of Democrats screwing them with NAFTA.

Obama spent the whole time telling people that the better vote for Hillary because he would consider it a personal insult to him if she lost. What he apparently did not realize is that he is a deeply unpopular President, hated by almost everyone who isn't a god-hating atheist, Muslim, or black. People WANTED to insult Obama, and voting for Trump was a way to send a message to Obama loud and clear: "Obama, you are the biggest fuck-up ever elected President, we do not want four more years of the same."

So now it's finally over. Trump has prevailed, despite the propaganda about "fake news", the Russia hack, the recount, the attempt to overturn the Electoral College, Trump is still going to be President.

It is time for Democrats to put on their big boy pants, wipe off their tears, and decide to work with our new President. If they continue to oppose him and obstruct him, they will only grow increasingly unpopular, and they will lose more elections in 2018 and 2020. But it is their choice. Democrats are mostly pretty stupid, so they will probably do the wrong thing.

nice little rightwingnut ignorant fantasy.

but don't worry.... trumpeter sociopath will be so bad you'll be praying for president obama

normal people know this.

no one expects you to
In terms of foreign policy there's little doubt obama will not be viewed positively. Cockups all over the globe as a result of his 8 years of lack of any real policy.

"Not doing stupid stuff is not a foreign policy"- Hillary Clinton
White quilt soccer moms with BBC wet dreams and the OJ jury helped elect an incompetent Socialist 'community organizer' who has 'gamed' the system by playing the race card his whole life.
What the fuck did people expect from the ''Putter In Chief'?
Now he's acting like the classic 'bad tenant' who is attempting to destroy everything he can before he is kicked out.
And not a single book will be written about what an epic failure the OP author is.
In 100 years, historians will still be writing books about what an epic failure Obama was as President of the United States.
Only if the books are written by those who label him a failure. Sadly every person on this planet has a fan base once their choice of words and actions are brought to everyone else's attention.

God bless you always!!!

In terms of foreign policy there's little doubt obama will not be viewed positively. Cockups all over the globe as a result of his 8 years of lack of any real policy.

"Not doing stupid stuff is not a foreign policy"- Hillary Clinton
Well, if one regards treason as good foreign policy, the orange clown should make you very happy.

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