Entitled white "coronabro" harasses woman in Target

It was good to see others standing up for her, but guys like this need to be shunned from polite society. He needs a good ass kicking, but these pussies always pick on women who are much smaller than they are. Pathetic.

"My wife is a doctor"

Sure she is. Please let everyone know her name so her patients can find alternative arrangements.

This guy is a creampuff. The Town Crier. The guy willing to rat on his best friend if a local cop asks him if his buddy has been smoking weed. The first guy to fold when interrogated by enemy soldiers.
It seems like he is not even shopping.

He is a Darren.

Darrens are worse than Karens. Some Karens just cant help their DNA and natural proclivity to be tattle tales….but a whiny rat human with cock is a pathetic loser who should be ostracized by polite society.

YOu know this asshole chases 10 year old kids away from fishing.
It was good to see others standing up for her, but guys like this need to be shunned from polite society. He needs a good ass kicking, but these pussies always pick on women who are much smaller than they are. Pathetic.

He's a TYPE.. and they are all the same. He's married to a lady doctor..
Shame she didnt something up and hit him in the head with it and say she felt threatened or whatever.

People like that either need to be ignored or smacked around a bit.

If everyone only worried about themselves and their immediate friends and family, and minded their own business this would be a much better world.
Why can't people just o out and buy their damn groceries without getting up in each others grill?
Yeah, like the bitter losers who start grumbling any time they are in a checkout line and someone in front of them is speaking a language other than English with a friend or family member (or on the phone). I don't know why, but more often than not these assholes turn to me and mumble some "go home" or "speak English" comment as if I were going to validate their bullshit just because I'm a white guy. Assholes.
It seems like he is not even shopping.

He is a Darren.

Darrens are worse than Karens. Some Karens just cant help their DNA and natural proclivity to be tattle tales….but a whiny rat human with cock is a pathetic loser who should be ostracized by polite society.

YOu know this asshole chases 10 year old kids away from fishing.

Yup. He's the tool who rats out the kids with a lemonade stand for not having a permit.

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