Environmentalism: The "Greenist Insanity"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.First and foremost.....don't mistake 'environmentalism,' or the 'Green Movement' for a science-based conservation movement. What it is is an amalgam of a bizarre pagan earth-worship religion, communism, and a governmental power grab.
At the center, it sees mankind as a virus and a despoiler which must be controlled!

The "Greenist Insanity" is a fairly new development in the world....and certainly not a good one. It is not the conservation movement of Theodore Roosevelt fame.

a. Teddy Roosevelt, icon of conservation, along with his ideological soul-mate, Gifford Pinchot, head of the Division of Forestry (later the Forest Service), strongly believed in the preservation of forest lands. Their view of conservation saw waste as the problem…..not people. “He was a progressive who strongly believed in the efficiency movement. The most economically efficient use of natural resources was his goal; waste was his great enemy.” Gifford Pinchot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. TR and Pinchot did not intend to set aside forests for perpetual pristine preservation. Their conservation was anthropocentric, a very different concept from modern environmentalists. No, their aim was to set aside resources for future development, for profit, and for the benefit of the many: “The greatest good, for the greatest number, for the longest time” (the Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham).

2. Now, to see an origin of the Insanity, there is Ernst Haeckel..." One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification. Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding.
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

3. Add a bit of red, Marxism, to the Greenists, and you have the modern environmentalist, and we have what has been called the 'Watermelon Movement'- green on the outside, red on the inside.

a. When the Soviet Union fell, many fellow travelers migrated to the environmental movement. So much so, that the movement is often referred to as the ‘Watermelon Movement”: green on the outside, red on the inside.

b. “Delingpole does an excellent job of cutting through he jargon and presenting the essentials. But where the book really shines is exposing the politics behind this manufactured crisis.”
From a review of “Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors

4. Any who dispute the central them is Marxism should consider that ending private property rights is the aim of both Marx and the Greenists.

"a.. The UN Conference on Human Settlements – Vancouver Plan of Action – 1976
This conference created the baseline for the UN’s viewpoint and future actions regarding individual property rights. See pdf page 2 [document page 28] under, Land – Preamble, for their stance on private property. This position is reflected in policies being enacted across the U.S. today. Agenda 21 American Policy Center Agenda 21 American Policy Center

b. This, from the preamble of the UN Vancouver plan: " Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. "
The Vancouver Action Plan. D. Land - A CONF.70 15 Chapter II - UN Documents Gathering a body of global agreements

Environmentalism....it's comin' after capitalism.
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You and Delingpole: both complete whack jobs.

Now..why is it that you were unable to posit a response which identified any errors in the OP?

For clarity....is it because you are woefully inept....
...or, because everything in said post is 100% true and accurate?

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You and Delingpole: both complete whack jobs.

Now..why is it that you were unable to posit a response which identified any errors in the OP?

For clarity....is it because you are woefully inept....
...or, because everything in said post is 100% true and accurate?


Do I really need to put up an argument to reject the idea that environmentalists are just left over communists? That environmentalism is evil?

You and Delingpole, both complete whack jobs.
You and Delingpole: both complete whack jobs.

Now..why is it that you were unable to posit a response which identified any errors in the OP?

For clarity....is it because you are woefully inept....
...or, because everything in said post is 100% true and accurate?


Do I really need to put up an argument to reject the idea that environmentalists are just left over communists? That environmentalism is evil?

You and Delingpole, both complete whack jobs.
You and Delingpole: both complete whack jobs.

Now..why is it that you were unable to posit a response which identified any errors in the OP?

For clarity....is it because you are woefully inept....
...or, because everything in said post is 100% true and accurate?


Do I really need to put up an argument to reject the idea that environmentalists are just left over communists? That environmentalism is evil?

You and Delingpole, both complete whack jobs.

No...you don't "need to put up an argument."

The point is that you have no such ability.

And by doing your little tap-dance, you have revealed that the OP, while annoying to one whose 'education' source is government schooling, the OP is undeniable.
As you have just shown.
The OP is fringe whack job rant. The environmental movement is filled with people that were infants when the Soviet Union fell. That Delingpole can contrive parallels between environmentalism and communism is meaningless. Given the sort of free reign of imagination of which Delingpole has made use, we could come up with parallels between communism and any group of people you'd care to identify. The core principles of environmentalism involve the protection and preservation of the environment in its natural state. They are NOT the core principles of communism: common ownership of the means of production and the elimination of social classes.

That you could be convinced that they are, indicates a hostility towards environmentalism and a certain paranoia regarding communism on your part. Thus, I believe you must be a whack job.
The OP is fringe whack job rant. The environmental movement is filled with people that were infants when the Soviet Union fell. That Delingpole can contrive parallels between environmentalism and communism is meaningless. Given the sort of free reign of imagination of which Delingpole has made use, we could come up with parallels between communism and any group of people you'd care to identify. The core principles of environmentalism involve the protection and preservation of the environment in its natural state. They are NOT the core principles of communism: common ownership of the means of production and the elimination of social classes.

That you could be convinced that they are, indicates a hostility towards environmentalism and a certain paranoia regarding communism on your part. Thus, I believe you must be a whack job.

"The OP is fringe whack job rant."

Three times you've repeated the same vapid attack.


The OP is supported by facts, notably with reference to Pinchot, Jeremy Bentham, a poignant quote from J.W. Burrow, and the actual statements of the communists at the United Nations saying exactly what Karl Mark preached about private property.

So, we are not speaking simply of my opinions.

Now, for you....
I have always felt that the art of conversation is best served when all parties involved have some vague idea of what is being discussed.....but you appear to have been left out of the loop. Out of the loop since horses pulled milk carts.

It is clear that what passes for education in your life is reading bumper-stickers and t-shirts.
5. The aim of the Greenists, is to end capitalism, lower the standard of living, abolish industry and profit-making, and, with the fervor of a religious faith, advance the worship Gaia, the Earth Mother.
Of course this requires a totalitarian government that controls everything because, after all, the bureaucrats, technocrats, academic elites know best!

a. " Greens demanded an end to economic growth and the idea that each generation can enjoy a higher standard of living than the previous one."
"Wild in Woods: The Myth of the Noble Eco-Savage," by Robert Whelan, p. 21

b. The following is the typical view of the elites:
"It should be self-evident that attempts to maintain a constant rate of economic growth for more than a very limited time in a static ecology are doomed to failure."
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, 1988

c. The Left never misses a chance to take a swing at religion, if it can combine it with the program: Greens continued to argue that the entire Western lifestyle was at fault, and that the problems could not be solved by tinkering with it at the margins. Western consumerism and industrialism were traced to the arrogance towards nature which was supposed to be the legacy of the Judeo-Christian tradition, in which man is seen as something apart from and superior to the rest of creation.
See " The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis"
The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis

As stated earlier, 'environmentalism' is an amalgam of a bizarre pagan earth-worship religion, communism, and a governmental power grab.

In short, insanity.
Crick doesn't do actual argument...he thinks character assassination and ad hominems equal rational debate.
Crick doesn't do actual argument...he thinks character assassination and ad hominems equal rational debate.

Well....I can't say that I don't take pride in same, but let's remember that his main disadvantage is that I am totally correct.

And I do take a certain enjoyment is proving the insanities of Leftism....in this case, 'environmentalism.'

They actually advance an atavistic, ignorant approach championing primitive existence to modernity.

6. Lest one miss the atavism of Gaia worship, the "Insane Greenists" insist that primitive tribes be our model:

a. 'Green thinkers admire how tribal people live in harmony with their environment, taking care not to exhaust the land or use up the natural resources upon which they depend....'
Kerven, R., "Saving Planet Earth," p.25.

and this...

b. 'Ancient people knew that they depended on the natural world for survival and had a
close relationship with the forces of sky and earth...The people of ancient societies did
not regard the human community as separate from the world of nature. The Earth was
often seen as Mother,
the giver and nourisher of life...'
Pedersen, A., "The Kids' Environment Book," pp.12-13.

and this...

c. "...all [indigenous cultures] consider the Earth like a parent and revere it
accordingly...[They have} a perception, an awareness, that all of life - mountains, rivers,
skies, animals, plants, insects, rocks, people - are inseparably connected. Material and
spiritual worlds are woven together in one complex web, all living things imbued with a
sacred meaning..."
Burger, J., "The Gaia Atlas of First Peoples," pp.21 and 23.

This passes for insight and advanced thinking in academia...and totally accepted by our environmentalist pals, who probably go around in a loincloth.

“Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell
Ah yes, PoliticalShit is posting idiocy again.

So, all members, including myself, of any Scientific Society, are communists. We must be, according to PoliticalShit, because all state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Same for all the National Academies of Science. Same for all the major Universities.

So, what must we do about all the dedicated commies running around? How about putting all the scientists in Gulags, defunding all National Academies of Science, and closing all the Universities? PoliticalShit would like that, because they still teach that evil evolution in all the science classes at the universities.

Perhaps it would just be easier to just label PoliticalShit a whack job, and ignore such idiocy.,
Most deniers, as is so obviously the case with PC and SSDD, don't care at all about the actual data, because they "feel" it's all fraudulent. And you can't argue with their precious, precious feelings.

They run on hysteria instead of rationality. Since they weren't reasoned into their conspiracy theories, they can't be reasoned out of them. We can't help them recover their sanity until they want to recover, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens. In the meantime, the rational people have to work at minimizing the damage they do.
Ah yes, PoliticalShit is posting idiocy again.

So, all members, including myself, of any Scientific Society, are communists. We must be, according to PoliticalShit, because all state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Same for all the National Academies of Science. Same for all the major Universities.

So, what must we do about all the dedicated commies running around? How about putting all the scientists in Gulags, defunding all National Academies of Science, and closing all the Universities? PoliticalShit would like that, because they still teach that evil evolution in all the science classes at the universities.

Perhaps it would just be easier to just label PoliticalShit a whack job, and ignore such idiocy.,

1. Wash you mouth out with soap and learn how to address your betters.

2. "...posting idiocy again."
You must be the idiot as you have been unable to find even a single error in my posts.

3. "...all members, including myself, of any Scientific Society, are communists."
No....you're simply a brain-dead automaton who never learned to think for yourself.
Sure....you can't find any errors in the posts, yet are enraged by same.

4. "...AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Same for all the National Academies of Science. Same for all the major Universities."
They simply know where the money is, and how to get it.

5. "...what must we do about all the dedicated commies running around? How about putting all the scientists in Gulags, defunding all National Academies of Science, and closing all the Universities?"

"On the excellent webcast Uncommon Knowledge, Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates. They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.” The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism."
The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Spring 2010

Did I just put you in your place, or what?
Most deniers, as is so obviously the case with PC and SSDD, don't care at all about the actual data, because they "feel" it's all fraudulent. And you can't argue with their precious, precious feelings.

They run on hysteria instead of rationality. Since they weren't reasoned into their conspiracy theories, they can't be reasoned out of them. We can't help them recover their sanity until they want to recover, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens. In the meantime, the rational people have to work at minimizing the damage they do.

"....don't care at all about the actual data,..."

I searched you post for the examples of errors in my posts.....

....you seem to have left out any such 'data.'


Simply stupid or..?...ah, that covers it.
PoliticalShit, you are in no way my better. You advocate idiocy and ignorance in your every post. And I will address you in any manner that you deserve.

The fact that you label anyone that would live in a cleaner and safer environment a communist demonstrates the bankruptcy of your political philosophy.
PoliticalShit, you are in no way my better. You advocate idiocy and ignorance in your every post. And I will address you in any manner that you deserve.

The fact that you label anyone that would live in a cleaner and safer environment a communist demonstrates the bankruptcy of your political philosophy.

Still haven't found a single error in any of my posts?

Let's be honest. You don't have the insight, intelligence, or education to either understand or respond to the OP. All you can do is swing wildly.
As you have.

And, still haven't learned how to address your betters.
Due to your upbringing?
Most deniers, as is so obviously the case with PC and SSDD, don't care at all about the actual data, because they "feel" it's all fraudulent. And you can't argue with their precious, precious feelings.

They run on hysteria instead of rationality. Since they weren't reasoned into their conspiracy theories, they can't be reasoned out of them. We can't help them recover their sanity until they want to recover, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens. In the meantime, the rational people have to work at minimizing the damage they do.

"We can't help them recover their sanity until they want to recover, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens. In the meantime, the rational people have to work at minimizing the damage they do."

"According to Weather Channel co-founder John Coleman, however, there is no scientific proof that supports man-made climate change.
He added that he's not alone in doubting the science behind man-made climate change: 9,000 experts with PhD's and 31 scientists have signed a petition stating that carbon dioxide is not a significant greenhouse gas and that much of the research behind climate change is "bad, bad science."

....the ice caps at both poles are at high levels, including record highs in Antarctica, according to Coleman.

"Not only is the ice not melting, more polar bears are alive and happy today than we've had in 100 years," Coleman concluded."
Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman Climate Change Is a Myth Fox News Insider

I get such a kick out of kicking you!

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