Environmentalists Stealing America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In her book, “Eco-Fascists,” Elizabeth Nickson warned about the conservation/environmentalist movement......

1. When Neo-Marxism came this nation after WWII it behaved like a drop of mercury rolling off the table, hitting the floor: it broke in a dozen tiny droplets. Most of the droplets can be quickly identified as political. Many were able to hide behind seemingly benign names….like environmentalism.

2. Private foundations have been largely captured by a subset of grim zealots seeking to remake the world. And these are joined by fervent true believers in federal and state agencies like the Department of the Interior, the Forest Service, the EPA, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and a proliferation of others.

3. Conservation biology, as a new iteration of biology, was brought into existence at the University of Southern California in the 1970’s, and has come to steer land use everywhere. The results are a disaster! Conserved ranges are desertifying, conserved forests dying, and watersheds being so badly managed that that magnificent triumph of civil engineering- the dams, waterworks, and irrigation of the American rivers system- is being overwhelmed. From the Serengeti to New Mexico’s boot heel, wherever people have been cleared from the land, biodiversity collapses. It is axiomatic.

4. The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the constinent!

And today the news includes.....

5. "Interior secretary says Obama may bypass Congress on monuments
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says she may advise Obama to act alone to create new national monuments if Congress doesn't act.

6. SAN FRANCISCO — Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says she will recommend that President Obama act alone if necessary to create new national monuments and sidestep a gridlocked Congress that has failed to address dozens of public lands bills.
Jewell said the logjam on Capitol Hill has created a conservation backlog,...

7. "The president will not hesitate," Jewell said in an interview in San Francisco last week. "I can tell you that there are places that are ripe for setting aside, with a tremendous groundswell of public support."

8. .... one of many pending federal bills that would conserve land in California. One bill would expand the boundary of Yosemite National Park, and another would create a national monument in the San Gabriel Mountains.

9. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has proposed sweeping legislation that would add thousands of acres to Joshua Tree and Death Valley national parks and the Mojave National Preserve, protect 74 miles of waterways as wild and scenic rivers, designate 248,000 acres as wilderness...

10. But use of the act in recent years has sparked strong protest. Most notabley was President Clinton's decision to designate the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in southern Utah in 1996, putting one of the nation's largest coal reserves off limits to mining.
Utah lawmakers, led by then-Gov. Michael O. Leavitt, a Republican, bitterly complained that federal authorities failed to consult with local communities before elevating protections on 1.8 million acres of rugged red-rock canyons."
Interior secretary says Obama may bypass Congress on monuments - latimes.com

Not only have the eco-fascists used government regulation to de facto take ownership from individuals, but their heart-felt hatred of the nation has been used to weaken it in very real ways.....as in "putting one of the nation's largest coal reserves off limits"....and refusing creation of the Keystone Pipeline.

Look very closely at the motivation of these eco-fascists.
There is a reason the environmental movement has been called "The Watermelon Movement"....green on the outside, red on the inside.
I think this is an inside squabble in the eco movement. I know just as many environmentalists (not with collectivist intentions of course) that DESPISE the BLM, Forest Service and Interior. They CLEARLY understand that private ORGS like the Nature Conservancy are FAR more efficient at the planning and management of land reserves. AND --- they use persuasion and reason --- rather than force.

The other half of movement cant politically stomach doing anything without dictatorial control and without a Federal Asset tag hanging from every varmint and tree.

The public needs to know of the sorry track record for stewardship within the govt. PARTICULARLY, the BLM and Dept Interior.. Given the choice --- most folks would rather see the BLM holdings revert to the Indians than to see them continually degrade under poor management.
I think this is an inside squabble in the eco movement. I know just as many environmentalists (not with collectivist intentions of course) that DESPISE the BLM, Forest Service and Interior. They CLEARLY understand that private ORGS like the Nature Conservancy are FAR more efficient at the planning and management of land reserves. AND --- they use persuasion and reason --- rather than force.

The other half of movement cant politically stomach doing anything without dictatorial control and without a Federal Asset tag hanging from every varmint and tree.

The public needs to know of the sorry track record for stewardship within the govt. PARTICULARLY, the BLM and Dept Interior.. Given the choice --- most folks would rather see the BLM holdings revert to the Indians than to see them continually degrade under poor management.

Sure isn't what Teddy Roosevelt had in mind!

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship, b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land, c) the ignorant and easily led, and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. To understand the change in the movement from its earliest days requires a look at Teddy Roosevelt’s efforts. History Professor Andrew Fisher recently lectured on same via American History TV, C-Span 3, [ ]Error | C-SPAN

3. Teddy Roosevelt, icon of conservation, along with his ideological soul-mate, Gifford Pinchot, head of the Division of Forestry (later the Forest Service), strongly believed in the preservation of forest lands. Their view of conservation saw waste as the problem…..not people. “He was a progressive who strongly believed in the efficiency movement. The most economically efficient use of natural resources was his goal; waste was his great enemy.” Gifford Pinchot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. TR and Pinchot did not intend to set aside forests for perpetual pristine preservation. Their conservation was anthropocentric, a very different concept from modern environmentalists. No, their aim was to set aside resources for future development, for profit, and for the benefit of the many: “The greatest good, for the greatest number, for the longest time” (the Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham).

a. While John Muir fought against dams in Yosemite, TR and Pinchot felt that San Francisco’s need for water took precedence.
“With the creation of the National Forest Service within the Department of Agriculture, and with Pinchot as its first director, his view prevailed in Washington: forests would be treated like a crop, not a temple. Pinchot prevailed again when he persuaded President Theodore Roosevelt to allow the construction of the Hetch Hetchy dam in Yosemite, despite Muir's vociferous objections.” The National Parks: America's Best Idea: Historical Figures | PBS
Its strange that there are dozens of degree programs at a 100 universities that teach resource management and wildlife management and forestry and the like. But the hands off crowd reject all that knowledge for sake of some loose concept of natural. So the convictions of Teddy R, have evolved into science, but the science is evil.

Your last post might contain a clue as to that move to "expand the borders of Yosemite.. Didnt make sense to me because except for the road access portals, its surrounded by National forest and BLM lands.
Until I read your comment about Muir and Hetch Hetchy (the little yosemite now under 600 ft of San Fran water supply. You dont suppose that dream of expansion is to remove the major water supply for one of the cou tries most leftist communities? That would be an entertaining struggle.
Its strange that there are dozens of degree programs at a 100 universities that teach resource management and wildlife management and forestry and the like. But the hands off crowd reject all that knowledge for sake of some loose concept of natural. So the convictions of Teddy R, have evolved into science, but the science is evil.

Your last post might contain a clue as to that move to "expand the borders of Yosemite.. Didnt make sense to me because except for the road access portals, its surrounded by National forest and BLM lands.
Until I read your comment about Muir and Hetch Hetchy (the little yosemite now under 600 ft of San Fran water supply. You dont suppose that dream of expansion is to remove the major water supply for one of the cou tries most leftist communities? That would be an entertaining struggle.

Their goal, I believe is to protect Gaia by removing all traces of the evil virus, mankind.

1. Born out of a fear that pastoral lands would be overrun by developers, the environmentalists practice ‘fortress conservation,’ the typical form of conservation everywhere. It involves locking down as much land as possible and practicing ‘natural regulation,’ which means no one touches it! Ever. Not even ‘disturbing the vegetation.’
2. Now, for most of recorded history, humans have practiced adaptive management of resources., i.e., when a problem crops up, we solve it. If we want a landscape, we create one; a working forest, ditto.
3. Rangeland, farmland, townscapes- all can be managed for bounty and health of resources and people!
4. But ‘natural regulation’ began in the 1960’s in almost all land-use agencies in the world and quickly became the preferred method by which all resources and land were to be managed. Over the past five decades, natural regulation has been adapted almost everywhere. Nature knows best.
a. Man is a virus and a despoiler and must be controlled!

Need proof that environmentalism is atavistic, and relates more to an earlier period in social evolution?

"The world must end tonight,
And Man pass out of sight,
But now and then we'll pine,
For the things that we've left behind...."
European Ballad, ca. 1,000 A.D.
Its strange that there are dozens of degree programs at a 100 universities that teach resource management and wildlife management and forestry and the like. But the hands off crowd reject all that knowledge for sake of some loose concept of natural. So the convictions of Teddy R, have evolved into science, but the science is evil.

Your last post might contain a clue as to that move to "expand the borders of Yosemite.. Didnt make sense to me because except for the road access portals, its surrounded by National forest and BLM lands.
Until I read your comment about Muir and Hetch Hetchy (the little yosemite now under 600 ft of San Fran water supply. You dont suppose that dream of expansion is to remove the major water supply for one of the cou tries most leftist communities? That would be an entertaining struggle.

Their goal, I believe is to protect Gaia by removing all traces of the evil virus, mankind.

1. Born out of a fear that pastoral lands would be overrun by developers, the environmentalists practice ‘fortress conservation,’ the typical form of conservation everywhere. It involves locking down as much land as possible and practicing ‘natural regulation,’ which means no one touches it! Ever. Not even ‘disturbing the vegetation.’
2. Now, for most of recorded history, humans have practiced adaptive management of resources., i.e., when a problem crops up, we solve it. If we want a landscape, we create one; a working forest, ditto.
3. Rangeland, farmland, townscapes- all can be managed for bounty and health of resources and people!
4. But ‘natural regulation’ began in the 1960’s in almost all land-use agencies in the world and quickly became the preferred method by which all resources and land were to be managed. Over the past five decades, natural regulation has been adapted almost everywhere. Nature knows best.
a. Man is a virus and a despoiler and must be controlled!

Need proof that environmentalism is atavistic, and relates more to an earlier period in social evolution?

"The world must end tonight,
And Man pass out of sight,
But now and then we'll pine,
For the things that we've left behind...."
European Ballad, ca. 1,000 A.D.

General agreement on your 5 point list. HOWEVER -- there is a measureable difference in the result of a man-made forest -- versus what would appear "naturally". So even tho Georgia Pacific (IMO) DOES strive to create forests that CAN serve multiple purposes and support as much as possible a "NATURAL" diversity --- It is not the same in biota inventory or esthetics.

It IS the goal of all that Gaia rejected management science to BROADEN the uses of that resource WITHOUT departing greatly from the natural scheme.. So I took issue with your statement that if............

"when a problem crops up, we solve it. If we want a landscape, we create one; a working forest, ditto."

All that science is not focused on construction or re-construction of natural ecosystems, but MOST of it designed to preserve and improve existing ones. Or to make "multi-use" concepts work with the minimum of "spoilage".

And EVEN PRESERVING AND IMPROVING these lands that are being locked away, is unacceptable to the "hands off" crowd..

The core of our general agreement is ---- That "hands off" edicts are in the long run more destructive to the resource than allowing the best management practices.. Because ----- Gaia is a bitch with a temper..

(dont you dare go politcally correct on me and neg me for using the "b word") :lol:
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I think this is an inside squabble in the eco movement. I know just as many environmentalists (not with collectivist intentions of course) that DESPISE the BLM, Forest Service and Interior. They CLEARLY understand that private ORGS like the Nature Conservancy are FAR more efficient at the planning and management of land reserves. AND --- they use persuasion and reason --- rather than force.

The other half of movement cant politically stomach doing anything without dictatorial control and without a Federal Asset tag hanging from every varmint and tree.

The public needs to know of the sorry track record for stewardship within the govt. PARTICULARLY, the BLM and Dept Interior.. Given the choice --- most folks would rather see the BLM holdings revert to the Indians than to see them continually degrade under poor management.

Sure isn't what Teddy Roosevelt had in mind!

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship, b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land, c) the ignorant and easily led, and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. To understand the change in the movement from its earliest days requires a look at Teddy Roosevelt’s efforts. History Professor Andrew Fisher recently lectured on same via American History TV, C-Span 3, [ ]Error | C-SPAN

3. Teddy Roosevelt, icon of conservation, along with his ideological soul-mate, Gifford Pinchot, head of the Division of Forestry (later the Forest Service), strongly believed in the preservation of forest lands. Their view of conservation saw waste as the problem…..not people. “He was a progressive who strongly believed in the efficiency movement. The most economically efficient use of natural resources was his goal; waste was his great enemy.” Gifford Pinchot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. TR and Pinchot did not intend to set aside forests for perpetual pristine preservation. Their conservation was anthropocentric, a very different concept from modern environmentalists. No, their aim was to set aside resources for future development, for profit, and for the benefit of the many: “The greatest good, for the greatest number, for the longest time” (the Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham).

a. While John Muir fought against dams in Yosemite, TR and Pinchot felt that San Francisco’s need for water took precedence.
“With the creation of the National Forest Service within the Department of Agriculture, and with Pinchot as its first director, his view prevailed in Washington: forests would be treated like a crop, not a temple. Pinchot prevailed again when he persuaded President Theodore Roosevelt to allow the construction of the Hetch Hetchy dam in Yosemite, despite Muir's vociferous objections.” The National Parks: America's Best Idea: Historical Figures | PBS

One thing you need to know about the addition to the Monuments which were then turned into Parks is there was a land exchange involved. Feinstein and her cronies bought up the worthless land around the Monuments and then traded that land for the Chocolate Mountain Gunnery Range.

Why you may ask? Because the gunnery range has a nice multi billion dollar gold deposit which she and her peeps got for almost nothing.

Yep, she cares all about the people of California. Well she cares about how much she can screw them....
I think this is an inside squabble in the eco movement. I know just as many environmentalists (not with collectivist intentions of course) that DESPISE the BLM, Forest Service and Interior. They CLEARLY understand that private ORGS like the Nature Conservancy are FAR more efficient at the planning and management of land reserves. AND --- they use persuasion and reason --- rather than force.

The other half of movement cant politically stomach doing anything without dictatorial control and without a Federal Asset tag hanging from every varmint and tree.

The public needs to know of the sorry track record for stewardship within the govt. PARTICULARLY, the BLM and Dept Interior.. Given the choice --- most folks would rather see the BLM holdings revert to the Indians than to see them continually degrade under poor management.

Sure isn't what Teddy Roosevelt had in mind!

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship, b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land, c) the ignorant and easily led, and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. To understand the change in the movement from its earliest days requires a look at Teddy Roosevelt’s efforts. History Professor Andrew Fisher recently lectured on same via American History TV, C-Span 3, [ ]Error | C-SPAN

3. Teddy Roosevelt, icon of conservation, along with his ideological soul-mate, Gifford Pinchot, head of the Division of Forestry (later the Forest Service), strongly believed in the preservation of forest lands. Their view of conservation saw waste as the problem…..not people. “He was a progressive who strongly believed in the efficiency movement. The most economically efficient use of natural resources was his goal; waste was his great enemy.” Gifford Pinchot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. TR and Pinchot did not intend to set aside forests for perpetual pristine preservation. Their conservation was anthropocentric, a very different concept from modern environmentalists. No, their aim was to set aside resources for future development, for profit, and for the benefit of the many: “The greatest good, for the greatest number, for the longest time” (the Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham).

a. While John Muir fought against dams in Yosemite, TR and Pinchot felt that San Francisco’s need for water took precedence.
“With the creation of the National Forest Service within the Department of Agriculture, and with Pinchot as its first director, his view prevailed in Washington: forests would be treated like a crop, not a temple. Pinchot prevailed again when he persuaded President Theodore Roosevelt to allow the construction of the Hetch Hetchy dam in Yosemite, despite Muir's vociferous objections.” The National Parks: America's Best Idea: Historical Figures | PBS

One thing you need to know about the addition to the Monuments which were then turned into Parks is there was a land exchange involved. Feinstein and her cronies bought up the worthless land around the Monuments and then traded that land for the Chocolate Mountain Gunnery Range.

Why you may ask? Because the gunnery range has a nice multi billion dollar gold deposit which she and her peeps got for almost nothing.

Yep, she cares all about the people of California. Well she cares about how much she can screw them....

Seriously man?? You've vetted this story and she STILL is a US Senator?

I trust you --- but this would be a step waaay too far.. USMB Gold is due to you if you got something for me to archive on that fleece.....
I'm sure PC wouldn't mind putting in an example of the existing gross mismanagement of Federal Lands.

If you ever had any doubt that the FEDS are drooling idiots at land use.. Check out Figure 1 of the report on Transfering Navy lands held on Chocolate Mountain...

http://www.chocolatemountainrenewal.com/documents/CMAGR Final_ScopingReport_incl Apps.pdf

To initiate this process, the DoN filed a land withdrawal application with the Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for public lands currently within the CMAGR as well as for some adjacent lands being considered to establish a more effective and identifiable range boundary. Land jurisdiction at the CMAGR resembles a checkerboard where roughly every other section (640 acres or approximately 1 square mile) falls under either DoN or DoI jurisdiction. About 232,116 acres of the checkerboard are Navy lands while the alternate sections (approximately 226,711 acres) are withdrawn DoI public lands managed by the BLM

What a bunch of mental midgets ----- AND crooks. Imagine spreading a live fire gunnery range over land CHECKERBOARDED with alternating 640 acre parcels.. That's SURE to be environmentally responsible land and nature use... Unbelievable....
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I'm sure PC wouldn't mind putting in an example of the existing gross mismanagement of Federal Lands.

If you ever had any doubt that the FEDS are drooling idiots at land use.. Check out Figure 1 of the report on Transfering Navy lands held on Chocolate Mountain...

http://www.chocolatemountainrenewal.com/documents/CMAGR Final_ScopingReport_incl Apps.pdf

To initiate this process, the DoN filed a land withdrawal application with the Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for public lands currently within the CMAGR as well as for some adjacent lands being considered to establish a more effective and identifiable range boundary. Land jurisdiction at the CMAGR resembles a checkerboard where roughly every other section (640 acres or approximately 1 square mile) falls under either DoN or DoI jurisdiction. About 232,116 acres of the checkerboard are Navy lands while the alternate sections (approximately 226,711 acres) are withdrawn DoI public lands managed by the BLM

What a bunch of mental midgets ----- AND crooks. Imagine spreading a live fire gunnery range over land CHECKERBOARDED with alternating 640 acre parcels.. That's SURE to be environmentally responsible land and nature use... Unbelievable....

"I'm sure PC wouldn't mind putting in an example of the existing gross mismanagement of Federal Lands."

1. Holly Fretwell is a Property and Environment Research Center (PERC); Senior Research Fellow, and an adjunct professor at Montana State University.

She spent a year auditing the health Forest Service’s 446 million acres under it and the Bureau of Land Management’s command. The effect of fifteen years of sequestration of public lands has been a disaster. Thinning, salvage harvesting, cleaning deadfall are expressly forbidden by environmentalists, the areas are considered by the Forrest Service itself to be in immediate danger of exploding in a once-in-a-millennium fire that would burn so hot that not only would the seeds in the soil die, but also the dirt itself would be burned to dust.
Fretwell, “Who is Minding the Federal Estate?” p. 54.

2.“From the environmentalists' perspective, the benefits of preserving the northern spotted owl and its habitat far outweigh any of the costs….society ought to preserve this species and the unique ecosystem it represents because of their aesthetic value." Ethics and the Environment: The Spotted Owl Controversy

a. The Spotted Owl campaign, as is so very many other environmental campaigns, a deceit. It is a way of advancing the real agenda, confiscating property, making land off-limit, and eliminating any human presence. No matter the cost. No matter the result.

b. "….One of the people instrumental in shutting down the forests told me that ‘if the spotted owl hadn’t existed, we would have had to invent it.’ The goal was to stop logging….It is totally questionable whether owls were endangered by logging. Was it good for the overall health of the forest? Probably not. Was it good for the spotted owl? It probably didn’t make a difference. Did it hurt the overall economies of the West? Yes.” Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” p.129.
4. The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the constinent!

Most is held as a strategic reserve.
4. The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the constinent!

Most is held as a strategic reserve.

The land that BLM holds is largely land that now one else -- INCLUDING the park or forest service WANTS. And has little to no commercial value. It's the "natural wastelands" of America.

HOWEVER --- it's not much different that the original Homelands of some American Indian Tribes.. We could do us all a favor and give MOST of it back to them...
Ah well, just keep posting your nonsense so the people in this nation can truly judge what your vision of the future of this nation is. Most Americans don't care for your plans to make this nation the new Somalia.
Sure isn't what Teddy Roosevelt had in mind!

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship, b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land, c) the ignorant and easily led, and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. To understand the change in the movement from its earliest days requires a look at Teddy Roosevelt’s efforts. History Professor Andrew Fisher recently lectured on same via American History TV, C-Span 3, [ ]Error | C-SPAN

3. Teddy Roosevelt, icon of conservation, along with his ideological soul-mate, Gifford Pinchot, head of the Division of Forestry (later the Forest Service), strongly believed in the preservation of forest lands. Their view of conservation saw waste as the problem…..not people. “He was a progressive who strongly believed in the efficiency movement. The most economically efficient use of natural resources was his goal; waste was his great enemy.” Gifford Pinchot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. TR and Pinchot did not intend to set aside forests for perpetual pristine preservation. Their conservation was anthropocentric, a very different concept from modern environmentalists. No, their aim was to set aside resources for future development, for profit, and for the benefit of the many: “The greatest good, for the greatest number, for the longest time” (the Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham).

a. While John Muir fought against dams in Yosemite, TR and Pinchot felt that San Francisco’s need for water took precedence.
“With the creation of the National Forest Service within the Department of Agriculture, and with Pinchot as its first director, his view prevailed in Washington: forests would be treated like a crop, not a temple. Pinchot prevailed again when he persuaded President Theodore Roosevelt to allow the construction of the Hetch Hetchy dam in Yosemite, despite Muir's vociferous objections.” The National Parks: America's Best Idea: Historical Figures | PBS

One thing you need to know about the addition to the Monuments which were then turned into Parks is there was a land exchange involved. Feinstein and her cronies bought up the worthless land around the Monuments and then traded that land for the Chocolate Mountain Gunnery Range.

Why you may ask? Because the gunnery range has a nice multi billion dollar gold deposit which she and her peeps got for almost nothing.

Yep, she cares all about the people of California. Well she cares about how much she can screw them....

Seriously man?? You've vetted this story and she STILL is a US Senator?

I trust you --- but this would be a step waaay too far.. USMB Gold is due to you if you got something for me to archive on that fleece.....

It's well vetted....

#1 Chocolate Mountain Military Base/Desert Wildlife Reserve

Back in 1994 California Senator Dianne Feinstein orchestrated a very controversial take over of one of the largest gold deposits in the world in the Chocolate Mountains of California.

Karen-lee Bixman (no relation:) exposes this takeover in her article "The Great Gold Heist".

Bixman Report

Donald Fife, spokesman for the National Association of Mining Districts, said of the heist "The 103rd Congress managed to accommodate more than a gang of train robbers could achieve in a lifetime when they approved the Desert Wilderness Protection Act." Fife was commenting on recent information that indicates tens of billions of dollars in gold deposits and huge real estate swindles may be the motivating factors behind the act."

"Unbeknownst to the public, inside the range is the world's richest gold rift zone. Geologists estimate that the gold contained in this zone is worth between $40 to $100 billion. These are surface gold deposits which are more profitable to mine than the one-mile deep gold deposits in South Africa."

"The Mesquite gold mine is one of the top ten mines in the United States and has some of the most profitable gold deposits of any mine in the world. To the north is the Chocolate Mountain gunnery range. The Mesquite open pit gold mine literally stops at the fence that borders the gunnery range."

"Engineers allege that in 1981 and 1982, Consolidated Goldfields, which owned the mine at the time, illegally drilled into the gunnery range area to determine the composition of the ore body. The samples proved to be of high quality. According to these same engineers, beginning in the mid-1980s, military helicopters brought high ranking military officers, Congressmen and Senators to the area to examine these large gold deposits. Congressman Bruce Vento (D-Minn.) was one of several congressmen and senators who participated in these highly secretive trips."


Chocolate Mountains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lost Gold Ledge of the Chocolate Mountains

Treasures in Warner's Ranch | Mining & Metallurgy

Desert Fever, Imperial County
Ah well, just keep posting your nonsense so the people in this nation can truly judge what your vision of the future of this nation is. Most Americans don't care for your plans to make this nation the new Somalia.

A US senator steals billions from the people of California and you think we're the assholes turning this country into a third world hell hole? You're fucking insane.
A carbon tax will acquire funds needed to respond to GHGs from their primary source. It is a two-edged sword - doubly effective.
Ah well, just keep posting your nonsense so the people in this nation can truly judge what your vision of the future of this nation is. Most Americans don't care for your plans to make this nation the new Somalia.


I have to teach you about science.....

...about liberty and freedom......

.....what's next....cooking recipes?
Ah well, just keep posting your nonsense so the people in this nation can truly judge what your vision of the future of this nation is. Most Americans don't care for your plans to make this nation the new Somalia.


I have to teach you about science.....

...about liberty and freedom......

.....what's next....cooking recipes?

What do you have to teach us in the way of science, liberty and freedom?

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