EPA Wants Gov't To Control How Cold Your Beer Can Be

The proper title is:

Cause being energy efficient is SO evil!

You all seem to ignore that this is an agenda driven OPINION piece?

was there any link to the EPA regulation?

Doesn't take much to drive cons into hysteria.

The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!

bunch of whiners.

why do we have to be so 'energy efficient' to the point the government is controlling our thermostats.....? and doubling our energy bills....?

just exactly why is it we can't have lots of CHEAP AVAILABLE ENERGY......?

And while we are at it....

Why can't we have free beer?
The proper title is:

Cause being energy efficient is SO evil!

You all seem to ignore that this is an agenda driven OPINION piece?

was there any link to the EPA regulation?

Doesn't take much to drive cons into hysteria.

The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!

bunch of whiners.

why do we have to be so 'energy efficient' to the point the government is controlling our thermostats.....? and doubling our energy bills....?

just exactly why is it we can't have lots of CHEAP AVAILABLE ENERGY......?

And while we are at it....

Why can't we have free beer?

at least cheaper beer......:beer:

less energy costs mean less growing, manufacturing, shipping and storage costs...
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If you had read the full article you would have seen the reference to the EPA Energy Star Program. in any case, you can go to www.EPA.gov/Energy Star Program. It's free, that should turn you on.

The typical wing nut misrepresentation of programs

Make Chicken Little proud

A voluntary program where you can save money by keeping your high energy appliances on a power control during peak hours. I have it on my central air conditioner.

Want your beer constantly cold......don't sign up

Umm, the idea is to make it mandatory.
Woman Arrested While Refusing Smart Meter Installation on Her Property Tells Us Her Story | Video | TheBlaze.com
Naperville smart meter arrest - Chicago Tribune....
Not mandatory, eh genius?

Does the right have to misrepresent everything they post or do you just blindly post what Glenn Beck tells you to
The typical wing nut misrepresentation of programs

Make Chicken Little proud

A voluntary program where you can save money by keeping your high energy appliances on a power control during peak hours. I have it on my central air conditioner.

Want your beer constantly cold......don't sign up

Umm, the idea is to make it mandatory.
Woman Arrested While Refusing Smart Meter Installation on Her Property Tells Us Her Story | Video | TheBlaze.com
Naperville smart meter arrest - Chicago Tribune....
Not mandatory, eh genius?

Does the right have to misrepresent everything they post or do you just blindly post what Glenn Beck tells you to

Explain what is misrepresented in the links....
They are the same story. I used two links. The Trib was just to keep you and other libs from pooh poohing the Beck link. So screw you.
You libs have a 4000 page book of excuses when the facts violate your template.
Lead off by "taken out of context"...And now you attempt to dismiss the facts by using 'misrepresented'.....Horse shit.
FACT....In Naperville, IL the smart meter is mandatory.
Stuff that in your sandwich and take a bite.
Go bother someone else with your nonsense.
What ignorant fear mongering right wing garbage.

Our grid is ALREADY being controlled manually (by evil human beings). A smart grid would allow the grid to make instantaneous responses to supply and demand.

When demand hits a peak, for example, the grid might start cutting power for household refrigerators, office air-conditioning systems and other non-urgent uses — just for a moment in each case, and nothing that anyone would notice, but enough to smooth out variations in the overall load.

Smart grids: The energy storage problem

Or simply improve the grid and quit the fear mongering by the left about power plants?

What fear mongering about power plants?

Coal fired plants are EVIL....Cut the crap. The Obama admin and their trainees( like you) have declared a war on coal.
Tell us genius, how will you charge your electric car batteries?
Or simply improve the grid and quit the fear mongering by the left about power plants?

What fear mongering about power plants?

Coal fired plants are EVIL....Cut the crap. The Obama admin and their trainees( like you) have declared a war on coal.
Tell us genius, how will you charge your electric car batteries?


If conservatives really want clean air, water, and unpolluted soil/food supply/environment', why are Republicans trying to scrap EPA coal plant regulations?


Burning coal is a leading cause of smog, acid rain, and toxic air pollution. Some emissions can be significantly reduced with readily available pollution controls, but most U.S. coal plants have not installed these technologies.

Burning coal creates harmful pollution

The process of burning coal releases chemicals into the atmosphere that threaten not only the air Americans breathe, but the water they drink, the soil they live on and the food they eat. EPA classifies many of these chemicals as “hazardous air pollutants” or “air toxics,” a category that means they are known or reasonably expected to harm human health or the environment or both.

Hazardous air pollutants from coal-fired power plants include:
• Acid gases, such as hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride;
• Benzene, toluene and other compounds;
• Dioxins and furans;
• Formaldehyde;
• Lead, arsenic, and other metals;
• Mercury;
• Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH); and
• Radioactive materials, like radium and uranium.2,3

Researchers have found these toxic emissions cause a dangerous array of harm to human health as shown in Table 1.3 These emissions can make breathing difficult and can worsen asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis and other lung diseases. These pollutants can cause heart attacks and strokes, lung cancer and other cancers, birth defects and premature death.

These pollutants threaten essential life systems. Acid gases are corrosive and can irritate and burn the eyes, skin, and breathing passages. Long term exposures to metals have the potential to harm the kidneys, lungs, and nervous system. Exposures to a handful of the metals and dioxins in coal-fired power plant emissions increase the risk of cancer. Specific forms of arsenic, beryllium, chromium, and nickel have been shown to cause cancer in both human and animal studies. Table 1 also identifies those pollutants that have long-term impacts on the environment because they accumulate in soil, water and fish.3

Coal-fired power plants supplying electricity to the grid are the biggest emitters of airborne mercury among all industrial sources. The pair of maps on page 4 shows the locations of coal-fired power plants and how they can lead to high mercury levels in the local and regional areas.4,5 Mercury is associated with damage to the kidneys, liver, brain, nervous system and can cause birth defects
We do.

RINOs are to blame for "compromising" with a lot of insipid leftist assholes and enacting laws that have destroyed the republic.

Bed wetters like you decry our unwillingness to relinquish our freedom for bullshit causes.

You call us "tea baggers, racists, bigots, homophobes and even Nazis", though history shows you moonbats are everything you're programmed to hate.

And you whiny squealy assholes would have our air and water quality worse than it was in the 70's if you had your way. You're too dumb to understand that most of these regulations actually benefit society as a whole, and that includes you despite your lack of any wisdom whatsoever.
Ahh yes. The desperation comes out and we get the 'you people want to make the planet filthy' straw man argument.
Stow it, sunshine. Nobody is listening.

I'm sure you would love to go back to the 70's when our air and water was so fucked up it required massive regulation. Businesses do not regulate themselves. If you think they do, take a closer look at China. It's funny that you think you are intelligent.
And you whiny squealy assholes would have our air and water quality worse than it was in the 70's if you had your way. You're too dumb to understand that most of these regulations actually benefit society as a whole, and that includes you despite your lack of any wisdom whatsoever.
Ahh yes. The desperation comes out and we get the 'you people want to make the planet filthy' straw man argument.
Stow it, sunshine. Nobody is listening.

I'm sure you would love to go back to the 70's when our air and water was so fucked up it required massive regulation. Businesses do not regulate themselves. If you think they do, take a closer look at China. It's funny that you think you are intelligent.

You make a really good point on that one.:eek: Let's build more renewable energy. ;)
Or simply improve the grid and quit the fear mongering by the left about power plants?

What fear mongering about power plants?

Coal fired plants are EVIL....Cut the crap. The Obama admin and their trainees( like you) have declared a war on coal.
Tell us genius, how will you charge your electric car batteries?

Nuclear, wind, solar, hydro(Oregon uses a lot of this), geo-thermal and wave. Maybe for a while natural gas. ;)

There's a lot more then just black coal!
Considering all the abuses of this administration, if it's cold beer that convinces the people that they should fight against this corruption and big government, than we seriously have our priorities in the wrong place.

Does the right have to misrepresent everything they post or do you just blindly post what Glenn Beck tells you to

Explain what is misrepresented in the links....
They are the same story. I used two links. The Trib was just to keep you and other libs from pooh poohing the Beck link. So screw you.
You libs have a 4000 page book of excuses when the facts violate your template.
Lead off by "taken out of context"...And now you attempt to dismiss the facts by using 'misrepresented'.....Horse shit.
FACT....In Naperville, IL the smart meter is mandatory.
Stuff that in your sandwich and take a bite.
Go bother someone else with your nonsense.

It is the Power Companies meter. By accepting access to the power grid you are consenting to allow the Power Company access to their meter

Fear of a "Smart Meter" does not give you a right to rescind that access. If the women don't like it, they can always create their own power
July 5, 2013 | IBD EDITORIALS

Regulation: No longer the stuff of science fiction, a little-noticed change in energy-efficiency requirements for appliances could lead to government controlling the power used in your home and how you set your thermostat. In a seemingly innocuous revision of its Energy Star efficiency requirements announced June 27, the Environmental Protection Agency included an "optional" requirement for a "smart-grid" connection for customers to electronically connect their refrigerators or freezers with a utility provider. The feature lets the utility provider regulate the appliances' power consumption, "including curtailing operations during more expensive peak-demand times." So far, manufacturers are not required to include the...


Read more:
EPA Pushes Smart-Grid Connections For Refrigerators To Control Energy - Investors.com

Will Obama's EPA take that one fatal step? Taking a man's cold beer is going too far.

Get the EPA out of Americans' kitchens!
It is pretty amazing what these right wingers are afraid of.

Our current grid is the equivalent of an out house compared to modern plumbing.

These folks are afraid to flush a toilet. Maybe we can also bring back bathroom attendants and elevator operators...
It is pretty amazing what these right wingers are afraid of.

Our current grid is the equivalent of an out house compared to modern plumbing.

These folks are afraid to flush a toilet. Maybe we can also bring back bathroom attendants and elevator operators...

Who the hell said anything remotely like this? Are you lefties just high 24/7?

It is pretty amazing what these right wingers are afraid of.

Our current grid is the equivalent of an out house compared to modern plumbing.

These folks are afraid to flush a toilet. Maybe we can also bring back bathroom attendants and elevator operators...

Who the hell said anything remotely like this? Are you lefties just high 24/7?


Have an adult read and interpret the replies on this thread. But do it before the street lights go one because we can't have you up past your bed time.

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