Epic Smack Down Of Megyn Kelly By Newt Gingrich

Trump is going to get 35 to 40% of the female vote. They don't think highly of themselves.

So, now you attack women who choose to vote against the corrupt lying cheating hildebeast. Typical liberal, attack anyone who disagrees with you with personal insults.

Hillary tried to destroy Bubba's victims and called them trailer trash and sluts. How is that favorable to women?
Nope, they don't think highly of themselves. I am simply point out the fact. You are a typical walking dead Alt right fascist. You attack all who disagree with you.

Yep, you are mirroring the Alinsky/Limbaugh attack on those you opposed. We are attacking about the women who are voting for Trump, not Hillary.

You cannot get away with deflections, little buddy.

You brought up race relations above then attack me for responding, you buffoon. :lol:
once again, you are saying that women who vote for Trump have no self respect. Would the same apply to men who vote for Hillary? or women who vote for Hillary since she tried to destroy her husband's victims? I said that race relations have gone backwards under obozo. that is true. Obama has divided this country by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, and location. Divide and conquer is not a new concept. You are just to ignorant to realize it. you post all this left wing bullshit and then say you are voting for some third party doofus. your credibility here is less than zero.
Show me where I said "no self respect." That is another of your lies.

Race relations have retreated only to the extent the Alt Right comes out and then gets the crap kicked out of it. Yes, that is true.

You post all this Alt Right nonsense, and it is all for giggles.
She looked like a woman who was not going to let a serial predator like Newt strike at others.

you are so FOS. In your small mind anyone who has had more than one marriage is a serial predator.

the desperation of you dems is quite obvious. you cannot run on your candidate's terrible record so you have to resort to personal lies and innuendo.

the American voters aren't buying it. Trump is going to win.
She hammered Newt into restraint, pulled him up short, and drove him off weeping.

My candidate is McMullin, your candidate, Trump, is a womanizer and a liar and a compulsive narcissist.

What is it with you strange people on the Alt right?

I don't know what the alt right is. Trump supporters are loyal patriotic americans who are tired of watching their country go into the dumper due to liberal policies from both parties. They are fed up with the establishment in both parties including the Bushes, Clintons, and all the other corrupt assholes who have created the mess we are in.

You are free to waste your vote on McMuffin. No one really cares what you think or how you vote. You have zero credibility on this board. You are a joke, a clown, a loser. Now, move on.

The "alt-right" is nothing more then a boogieman created by the career politicians in Washington to scare voters into line nothing more. Its fake.
She looked like a woman who was not going to let a serial predator like Newt strike at others.

you are so FOS. In your small mind anyone who has had more than one marriage is a serial predator.

the desperation of you dems is quite obvious. you cannot run on your candidate's terrible record so you have to resort to personal lies and innuendo.

the American voters aren't buying it. Trump is going to win.
She hammered Newt into restraint, pulled him up short, and drove him off weeping.

My candidate is McMullin, your candidate, Trump, is a womanizer and a liar and a compulsive narcissist.

What is it with you strange people on the Alt right?

I don't know what the alt right is. Trump supporters are loyal patriotic americans who are tired of watching their country go into the dumper due to liberal policies from both parties. They are fed up with the establishment in both parties including the Bushes, Clintons, and all the other corrupt assholes who have created the mess we are in.

You are free to waste your vote on McMuffin. No one really cares what you think or how you vote. You have zero credibility on this board. You are a joke, a clown, a loser. Now, move on.

The "alt-right" is nothing more then a boogieman created by the career politicians in Washington to scare voters into line nothing more. Its fake.
Breitbart says your mouth is full of crap. An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
Gingrich was 100% right about Megyn Kelly

This is FOX....you are supposed to say bad things about Clinton not Trump. Now ...Get with the program!
Megyn's use of her position to advance her personal agenda (instead of reporting the news) is costing Fox a lot of viewers and their ratings are going to suffer because of her. That, coupled with her ridiculous demand for a $20 million salary for being a liberal shill will earn her a spot with CNN, where she'll blend right in with the rest of the bitches. Newt brought her partisanship to the surface and exposed her. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
She looked like a woman who was not going to let a serial predator like Newt strike at others.

you are so FOS. In your small mind anyone who has had more than one marriage is a serial predator.

the desperation of you dems is quite obvious. you cannot run on your candidate's terrible record so you have to resort to personal lies and innuendo.

the American voters aren't buying it. Trump is going to win.
She hammered Newt into restraint, pulled him up short, and drove him off weeping.

My candidate is McMullin, your candidate, Trump, is a womanizer and a liar and a compulsive narcissist.

What is it with you strange people on the Alt right?

I don't know what the alt right is. Trump supporters are loyal patriotic americans who are tired of watching their country go into the dumper due to liberal policies from both parties. They are fed up with the establishment in both parties including the Bushes, Clintons, and all the other corrupt assholes who have created the mess we are in.

You are free to waste your vote on McMuffin. No one really cares what you think or how you vote. You have zero credibility on this board. You are a joke, a clown, a loser. Now, move on.

The "alt-right" is nothing more then a boogieman created by the career politicians in Washington to scare voters into line nothing more. Its fake.
Like the KKK is fake. Like the white supremist movement is fake. Like gamergate is fake. You run with that.
Yeah, you could see the tears in his eyes at being dissed by a woman.

Newt after Kelly smacked his fat ass

I liked the part where Gingrich started to cry because he was humiliated by a woman
Nice try, but Kelly couldn't resist taking that childish parting shot at the end, which showed she was rattled to the point of becoming unprofessional. This isn't going to help her career.
She looked like a woman who was not going to let a serial predator like Newt strike at others.

you are so FOS. In your small mind anyone who has had more than one marriage is a serial predator.

the desperation of you dems is quite obvious. you cannot run on your candidate's terrible record so you have to resort to personal lies and innuendo.

the American voters aren't buying it. Trump is going to win.
She hammered Newt into restraint, pulled him up short, and drove him off weeping.

My candidate is McMullin, your candidate, Trump, is a womanizer and a liar and a compulsive narcissist.

What is it with you strange people on the Alt right?

I don't know what the alt right is. Trump supporters are loyal patriotic americans who are tired of watching their country go into the dumper due to liberal policies from both parties. They are fed up with the establishment in both parties including the Bushes, Clintons, and all the other corrupt assholes who have created the mess we are in.

You are free to waste your vote on McMuffin. No one really cares what you think or how you vote. You have zero credibility on this board. You are a joke, a clown, a loser. Now, move on.

The "alt-right" is nothing more then a boogieman created by the career politicians in Washington to scare voters into line nothing more. Its fake.
Breitbart says your mouth is full of crap. An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Fuck you and your dead boyfriend Breitbart. There is no "Alt-Right" scary clowns. Only boogiemen created by closet liberals like McConnel, Bhoner and your self. Any "conservative guide" to anything carries about as much weight as the national enquirer. After all, all a "conservative" is is a re-branded republican which is nothing more then a democrat using a different label.
She looked like a woman who was not going to let a serial predator like Newt strike at others.

you are so FOS. In your small mind anyone who has had more than one marriage is a serial predator.

the desperation of you dems is quite obvious. you cannot run on your candidate's terrible record so you have to resort to personal lies and innuendo.

the American voters aren't buying it. Trump is going to win.
She hammered Newt into restraint, pulled him up short, and drove him off weeping.

My candidate is McMullin, your candidate, Trump, is a womanizer and a liar and a compulsive narcissist.

What is it with you strange people on the Alt right?

I don't know what the alt right is. Trump supporters are loyal patriotic americans who are tired of watching their country go into the dumper due to liberal policies from both parties. They are fed up with the establishment in both parties including the Bushes, Clintons, and all the other corrupt assholes who have created the mess we are in.

You are free to waste your vote on McMuffin. No one really cares what you think or how you vote. You have zero credibility on this board. You are a joke, a clown, a loser. Now, move on.

The "alt-right" is nothing more then a boogieman created by the career politicians in Washington to scare voters into line nothing more. Its fake.
Like the KKK is fake. Like the white supremist movement is fake. Like gamergate is fake. You run with that.

For all intents and purposes the KKK is dead. After the democrats quit showing up to beat the coloreds and burn crosses they kind of faded away. Geraldo and Jerry springer kept them in play for awhile though. "Alt-Right" is nothing but a figment of yall imagination.
I liked the part where Gingrich started to cry because he was humiliated by a woman
Nice try, but Kelly couldn't resist taking that childish parting shot at the end, which showed she was rattled to the point of becoming unprofessional. This isn't going to help her career.

Not at Foux, and I doubt she could land a job anyplace else. Likely she will get a talk show thats on at 1:30 AM or maybe the view. That or she will screw Ailes again and get a job on his new net work. Bet she would be a good secretary.
you are so FOS. In your small mind anyone who has had more than one marriage is a serial predator.

the desperation of you dems is quite obvious. you cannot run on your candidate's terrible record so you have to resort to personal lies and innuendo.

the American voters aren't buying it. Trump is going to win.
She hammered Newt into restraint, pulled him up short, and drove him off weeping.

My candidate is McMullin, your candidate, Trump, is a womanizer and a liar and a compulsive narcissist.

What is it with you strange people on the Alt right?

I don't know what the alt right is. Trump supporters are loyal patriotic americans who are tired of watching their country go into the dumper due to liberal policies from both parties. They are fed up with the establishment in both parties including the Bushes, Clintons, and all the other corrupt assholes who have created the mess we are in.

You are free to waste your vote on McMuffin. No one really cares what you think or how you vote. You have zero credibility on this board. You are a joke, a clown, a loser. Now, move on.

The "alt-right" is nothing more then a boogieman created by the career politicians in Washington to scare voters into line nothing more. Its fake.
Like the KKK is fake. Like the white supremist movement is fake. Like gamergate is fake. You run with that.

For all intents and purposes the KKK is dead. After the democrats quit showing up to beat the coloreds and burn crosses they kind of faded away. Geraldo and Jerry springer kept them in play for awhile though. "Alt-Right" is nothing but a figment of yall imagination.
The left have been holding up that corpse for many years, hoping nobody will notice it's a corpse.
She hammered Newt into restraint, pulled him up short, and drove him off weeping.

My candidate is McMullin, your candidate, Trump, is a womanizer and a liar and a compulsive narcissist.

What is it with you strange people on the Alt right?

I don't know what the alt right is. Trump supporters are loyal patriotic americans who are tired of watching their country go into the dumper due to liberal policies from both parties. They are fed up with the establishment in both parties including the Bushes, Clintons, and all the other corrupt assholes who have created the mess we are in.

You are free to waste your vote on McMuffin. No one really cares what you think or how you vote. You have zero credibility on this board. You are a joke, a clown, a loser. Now, move on.

The "alt-right" is nothing more then a boogieman created by the career politicians in Washington to scare voters into line nothing more. Its fake.
Like the KKK is fake. Like the white supremist movement is fake. Like gamergate is fake. You run with that.

For all intents and purposes the KKK is dead. After the democrats quit showing up to beat the coloreds and burn crosses they kind of faded away. Geraldo and Jerry springer kept them in play for awhile though. "Alt-Right" is nothing but a figment of yall imagination.
The left have been holding up that corpse for many years, hoping nobody will notice it's a corpse.

you are so FOS. In your small mind anyone who has had more than one marriage is a serial predator.

the desperation of you dems is quite obvious. you cannot run on your candidate's terrible record so you have to resort to personal lies and innuendo.

the American voters aren't buying it. Trump is going to win.
She hammered Newt into restraint, pulled him up short, and drove him off weeping.

My candidate is McMullin, your candidate, Trump, is a womanizer and a liar and a compulsive narcissist.

What is it with you strange people on the Alt right?

I don't know what the alt right is. Trump supporters are loyal patriotic americans who are tired of watching their country go into the dumper due to liberal policies from both parties. They are fed up with the establishment in both parties including the Bushes, Clintons, and all the other corrupt assholes who have created the mess we are in.

You are free to waste your vote on McMuffin. No one really cares what you think or how you vote. You have zero credibility on this board. You are a joke, a clown, a loser. Now, move on.

The "alt-right" is nothing more then a boogieman created by the career politicians in Washington to scare voters into line nothing more. Its fake.
Like the KKK is fake. Like the white supremist movement is fake. Like gamergate is fake. You run with that.

For all intents and purposes the KKK is dead. After the democrats quit showing up to beat the coloreds and burn crosses they kind of faded away. Geraldo and Jerry springer kept them in play for awhile though. "Alt-Right" is nothing but a figment of yall imagination.

They have discarded their silly hoods but have reformulated in various Arian Nation type groups

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