Epstein is getting special treatment in death.

Epstein is getting special treatment in death. Many prisoners commit suicide in jail all the time.

Why does the attorney general of the US call for a special investigation of Epstein's suicide. When is the last time the attorney general called for a special investigation for a prisoner suicide?

Given that Epstein may had recently tried to commit suicide, he should have been under watch. Some reports say he was not under suicide watch, which is even stranger.

He was in a position to help feds crack down on some human traffickers and pedophile rings.

This one should be investigated because he should never have been left alone to do this. Something is very wrong here.

This is just one coincidence too many for some people. This guy could have exposed people in high places.

It makes about as much sense as Clinton's bleach bitted emails having no repercussions.

We need federal hangings back before uncovering what is beneath the swamp.
This pedophile fun by the elites rumors has been going on for a long time. These children are from the peons. They could be a neighbor's or your own. Abducted or a runaway for any reason causes pain. His death means there are people we know or heard of involved in this. And worse, this was not supposed to happen. You see the people empowered with honor, integrity and character to their fiefdom and not as individuals in their full color as government employees here. Their hands are dirty. Just like in many localities in our nation.
Many folks have been trying to figure our how Epstein obtained large amounts of money. A dude in this interview says it is Leslie Wexner!

He sold underage girls to billionaires. This is probably where some of those children that democrats want through the border end up.

Biden must feel left out.....unless he wasn't!

I think Biden is too out of the loop, believing there are "more than three genders". Probably a naive idiot, but at this point everything is possible of course.
Like many folks, this guy concludes that Epstein was part of an Israelian MOSSAD operation to blackmail politicians to insure they promote middle east policy favorable to the Israelian government. But that does not explain many of the organizations and fake companies and individuals in the flow chart he presents.

Epstein is getting special treatment in death. Many prisoners commit suicide in jail all the time.

Why does the attorney general of the US call for a special investigation of Epstein's suicide. When is the last time the attorney general called for a special investigation for a prisoner suicide?
Thinking more about it, an investigation is appropriate to expose any accomplices.
I do not think they were involved but there is a chance Bill Clinton and Trump knew more about it than they would admit

Truthfully I believe Trump and Bill like their women young but over the age of 21 and most likely around 25.

I may disagree with both and yes they are sexually active dawgs, but pedophiles?

Monica was 18, I believe.
She was 22.
Epstein is getting special treatment in death. Many prisoners commit suicide in jail all the time.

Why does the attorney general of the US call for a special investigation of Epstein's suicide. When is the last time the attorney general called for a special investigation for a prisoner suicide?

It doesn’t matter if Barr ordered an investigation or not, the left would bitch as we see today on this board. Haters gotta hate, thanks for proving it.
Epstein is getting special treatment in death. Many prisoners commit suicide in jail all the time.

Why does the attorney general of the US call for a special investigation of Epstein's suicide. When is the last time the attorney general called for a special investigation for a prisoner suicide?
Thinking more about it, an investigation is appropriate to expose any accomplices.
I do not think they were involved but there is a chance Bill Clinton and Trump knew more about it than they would admit

Truthfully I believe Trump and Bill like their women young but over the age of 21 and most likely around 25.

I may disagree with both and yes they are sexually active dawgs, but pedophiles?

I believe Trump likes full-grown women. Lots of them. I believe Billy Goat Clinton will take anything he's offered.
the FBI is investigating. Authorities believe Epstein hanged himself, one of the law enforcement sources said.

If Epstein hanged himself, why is there any question? I mean, what did he do, hang himself then climb down and lower himstlf to the floor? I call bullshit on this whole baloni story, it's a god damn lie.
Another Clinton confidant who meets a mysterious death before he can tell all about his escapades with Bubba.
the title of the thread is idiotic------it suggests that lucky Epstein is ENJOYING
Epstein is getting special treatment in death. Many prisoners commit suicide in jail all the time.

Why does the attorney general of the US call for a special investigation of Epstein's suicide. When is the last time the attorney general called for a special investigation for a prisoner suicide?
He didn’t commit suicide. He was murdered.
Epstein is getting special treatment in death. Many prisoners commit suicide in jail all the time.

Why does the attorney general of the US call for a special investigation of Epstein's suicide. When is the last time the attorney general called for a special investigation for a prisoner suicide?
He didn’t commit suicide. He was murdered.
How in the hell do you know?
the title of the thread is idiotic------it suggests that lucky Epstein is ENJOYING
He has experienced a huge advantage in his first trial and conviction and after he was let out of jail.
The focus he is now receiving is not an advantage but attention most prison suicides would receive.

After thinking more about it, I think the reason for Barr's quick reaction is to cover his butt on how a prisoner under a suicide watch was taken off suicide watch putting him in a situation he could commit suicide.
Epstein wanted to commit suicide, did DOJ feel he was better off dead because of information he could supply on people the DOJ supports?
Epstein is getting special treatment in death. Many prisoners commit suicide in jail all the time.

Why does the attorney general of the US call for a special investigation of Epstein's suicide. When is the last time the attorney general called for a special investigation for a prisoner suicide?
When’s the last time at least half the nation called homocide, on an inmate suicide who was on suicide watch? Not to mention a man whose connections could jeopardize unknown numbers of power players..?

Half the nation?

Popular sentiment vs evidence and law?
..Why does the attorney general of the US call for a special investigation of Epstein's suicide..

Because the coverup needs an official stamp of approval

Seems like there are plenty of nutty conspiracy theorists out there who doubt it was a suicide


Even sadder the loudest conspiracy theory is Trump

Hence the reason for the investigation that you are pissed about. More proof it doesn’t matter what the Trump administration does you are just going to cry and carry on like a baby.

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