Epstein Pilot - Trump Flew on the Lolita Express

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Well sure, he banned a guy for the sake of liability. Doesn’t change the fact he was friends with him and flew with him. It also doesn’t change the fact that he knew this abuse was going on but did nothing about it. Oh and let’s also not forget the rape accusation against Trump by a then 13 year old girl. Talk about yikes. But I get it, you cherry pick the info you want to hear.
It means Trump had nothing to do with Epstein after that. Period. You other fairy tales and lies mean 0.

Trump did do something about it. Trump cooperated with authorities going after Epstien. Just how stupid are you? You look very stupid.
They are not delusions. If they were Killary would be in jail.
They’re delusions.

The point stands. If you didn’t trust the FBI, that’s exactly why you would go to the police.

But in the end, it seems that Trump’s associates were the ones nearest to the cover up of Epstein.
They’re delusions.

The point stands. If you didn’t trust the FBI, that’s exactly why you would go to the police.

But in the end, it seems that Trump’s associates were the ones nearest to the cover up of Epstein.
Bullshit. That is laughable.
You just can't stop lying, can't ya, Dumbfuck?

That's not one of Epstein's girls and that's not even on Epstein's plane.

It really bothers you to learn that Trump flew on Epstein's plane, huh?

Feel free to document how it isn't one of his girls and it isn't Epstein's plane.

You're deranged. I never denied someone said they saw Clinton on that island. In fact, you're so stupid, you don't even know why I pointed out there is no log of Clinton flying to that island.
If only there was another way to get to an island other than Epstein's plane..........
You lie since there was never more than one person to say she saw Clinton on Epstein's island.

Sadly, all you have are lies to divert this thread away from the realization that Trump flew on Epstein's jet.
2 people made the claim, Dumbass.

Your ignorance is astounding.
Sure, I have. But if you mean molest women as you degenerates? Nope.

How many times are you going to ask me this question? Let me make it crystal clear. Not everyone is a degenerate douchebag like you or your orange loser. Get it now? Now fuck off you turd bucket.
who said molesting? where's the tape? You enjoy lying huh?
Pilot says it was more than one. Not all flights documented the occupants.
All flights are required by the FAA to list every passenger. Did the pilot admit he violated FAA regulations?

Surely you have some documentation of your claim, right?
Trump lawyer Dershowitz and Acosta

Nope. Epstein was reported by the mother of one of his victims. Not by Trump.
I said Trump helped the police. I do not care who reported Epstien Trump cooperated, unlike Clinton or Prince Andrew. You cannot make Trump the bad guy here. Give it up dummy.
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