Epstein Pilot - Trump Flew on the Lolita Express

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Call the police. Jesus, are you guys this stupid always?

You mean the police controlled by bill and hilary? The people not only flying on the jet, but raping girls on epstein's island....

Bill and hilary taught the democrats that when you take power, take control of law enforcement...that is why bill became the Attorney General of Arkansas, not a house or senate member....he used that position to protect them from their crimes.........dittos when they were elected to the White HOuse, they fired all the U.S. attorneys in one go....and replaced them with their own people......you idiot...
You are the one claiming Trump knew about rape. Let's see your evidence.

I guess you didn’t read the Esquire piece that linked dates. Convictions. Personnel.

The prosecutor who gave Epstein the sweetheart deal? Later Trump’s Labor Secretary.

Now. Using the Vote Fraud standard. You have to disprove the allegations or they are all 100% true.
Pic of Slick on the Lolita Express with his arm around one of Epstein's underage sex slaves......

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You just can't stop lying, can't ya, Dumbfuck?

That's not one of Epstein's girls and that's not even on Epstein's plane.

It really bothers you to learn that Trump flew on Epstein's plane, huh?

You just can't stop lying, can't ya, Dumbfuck?

That's not one of Epstein's girls and that's not even on Epstein's plane.

It really bothers you to learn that Trump flew on Epstein's plane, huh?

it really bothers you to know that's all Trump did.
it really bothers you to know that's all Trump did.
Now you're lying. Had that bothered me, I would be lying about what Trump did like rightards here are lying about what Clinton did.
Already provided in this thread.
You lie since there was never more than one person to say she saw Clinton on Epstein's island.

Sadly, all you have are lies to divert this thread away from the realization that Trump flew on Epstein's jet.
I accept your admission you lied about Trump being on Epstein's plane 26 times.

Now, show me where I said Slick flew to the island?
I never said Trump was on Epstein's plane 26 times.

You just can't stop lying. How sad.
I’ve seen Wall Street people lose their careers and families over smaller things.
Your meaningless observations aside, not one family member, present with their kids, ever said Biden acted inappropriately.
Now you're lying. Had that bothered me, I would be lying about what Trump did like rightards here are lying about what Clinton did.
Yet it's OK for you to lie and assume the crap you say bothers others.

proven again you do to others what you bitch at them for.
You're deranged. I never denied someone said they saw Clinton on that island. In fact, you're so stupid, you don't even know why I pointed out there is no log of Clinton flying to that island.
if you know he's on the island, who the fuck cares about a flight log?

well other than to know they were not accurate.
Crazy lying libs----again lying about being sexually harassed for political smears--

Stupid crazy lying libs---some of their stories are just so stupid, you gotta laugh at them. Trump molested me on a public airplane years ago---then the other passengers come up and say no way in hell. Old ugly lib author--Trump didn't know me and I didn't know him but he asked me to try on clothes at a department store just because. And I did because you know I am just an idiot. Then he raped me in the ladies dressing room and no one noticed. Stupid...

Not as stupid as the morons, Faun, who keep tossing the 26 number up as though it should mean anything other than libs lie about rapes out as a means of attack.
^^^ Slobbers a trumpard.

Tell me again how sexual assault isn't sexual assault as long as the creep committing sexual assault insists the women "let him" sexually assault them...
Well sure, he banned a guy for the sake of liability. Doesn’t change the fact he was friends with him and flew with him. It also doesn’t change the fact that he knew this abuse was going on but did nothing about it. Oh and let’s also not forget the rape accusation against Trump by a then 13 year old girl. Talk about yikes. But I get it, you cherry pick the info you want to hear.
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