Erasing History


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

The point is this, the left hates anything or anybody who is opposed to, or outside, the all powerful state that they are trying to create. Under Communism, Christian holidays were outlawed, Churches were abandoned, children were encouraged to spy on their parents, any non-Communist parties were outlawed, all children were forced to join the Communist youth groups.

The left wants this to happen here, and if they can get either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton into office, it will be a victory for them. Both candidates hate and despise the United States, and everything it stands for. Both will continue Obama's policy of setting groups against each other, rich v. the middle class, white v. blacks, men v. women, gays v. straights. In other words, both candidates are counting on hate to sweep them into office, as what happened with Obama.

When you erase history, you are destroying all memory of our ancestors, and with it the knowledge of why we are here, what caused it to happen, and what will the future bring. The leftist wants us to live only in the present, with the state having all power over our bodies, our words, and our minds. And that is where we are going. The entire Democrat party is taking us there.
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

The point is this, the left hates anything or anybody who is opposed to, or outside, the all powerful state that they are trying to create. Under Communism, Christian holidays were outlawed, Churches were abandoned, children were encouraged to spy on their parents, any non-Communist parties were outlawed, all children were forced to join the Communist youth groups.

The left wants this to happen here, and if they can get either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton into office, it will be a victory for them. Both candidates hate and despise the United States, and everything it stands for. Both will continue Obama's policy of setting groups against each other, rich v. the middle class, white v. blacks, men v. women, gays v. straights. In other words, both candidates are counting on hate to sweep them into office, as what happened with Obama.

When you erase history, you are destroying all memory of our ancestors, and with it the knowledge of why we are here, what caused it to happen, and what will the future bring. The leftist wants us to live only in the present, with the state having all power over our bodies, our words, and our minds. And that is where we are going. The entire Democrat party is taking us there.

You really think the Civil War will just be forgotten? You're nuts.
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

The point is this, the left hates anything or anybody who is opposed to, or outside, the all powerful state that they are trying to create. Under Communism, Christian holidays were outlawed, Churches were abandoned, children were encouraged to spy on their parents, any non-Communist parties were outlawed, all children were forced to join the Communist youth groups.

The left wants this to happen here, and if they can get either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton into office, it will be a victory for them. Both candidates hate and despise the United States, and everything it stands for. Both will continue Obama's policy of setting groups against each other, rich v. the middle class, white v. blacks, men v. women, gays v. straights. In other words, both candidates are counting on hate to sweep them into office, as what happened with Obama.

When you erase history, you are destroying all memory of our ancestors, and with it the knowledge of why we are here, what caused it to happen, and what will the future bring. The leftist wants us to live only in the present, with the state having all power over our bodies, our words, and our minds. And that is where we are going. The entire Democrat party is taking us there.

You really think the Civil War will just be forgotten? You're nuts.

Were you at Gettysburg? At Cemetery Ridge? Where did you see action?
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

Yeah ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... removing a statue or monument has no effect on history. It just removes the statue or monument.

---- or didn't you think of that?
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

The point is this, the left hates anything or anybody who is opposed to, or outside, the all powerful state that they are trying to create. Under Communism, Christian holidays were outlawed, Churches were abandoned, children were encouraged to spy on their parents, any non-Communist parties were outlawed, all children were forced to join the Communist youth groups.

The left wants this to happen here, and if they can get either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton into office, it will be a victory for them. Both candidates hate and despise the United States, and everything it stands for. Both will continue Obama's policy of setting groups against each other, rich v. the middle class, white v. blacks, men v. women, gays v. straights. In other words, both candidates are counting on hate to sweep them into office, as what happened with Obama.

When you erase history, you are destroying all memory of our ancestors, and with it the knowledge of why we are here, what caused it to happen, and what will the future bring. The leftist wants us to live only in the present, with the state having all power over our bodies, our words, and our minds. And that is where we are going. The entire Democrat party is taking us there.
Well said. Thank you.
Pogster, the communist, is a mouthpiece for the revisionist movement also. Supporting of tearing down monuments, digging up graves, rewriting history and favoring PC with mind control.
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

The point is this, the left hates anything or anybody who is opposed to, or outside, the all powerful state that they are trying to create. Under Communism, Christian holidays were outlawed, Churches were abandoned, children were encouraged to spy on their parents, any non-Communist parties were outlawed, all children were forced to join the Communist youth groups.

The left wants this to happen here, and if they can get either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton into office, it will be a victory for them. Both candidates hate and despise the United States, and everything it stands for. Both will continue Obama's policy of setting groups against each other, rich v. the middle class, white v. blacks, men v. women, gays v. straights. In other words, both candidates are counting on hate to sweep them into office, as what happened with Obama.

When you erase history, you are destroying all memory of our ancestors, and with it the knowledge of why we are here, what caused it to happen, and what will the future bring. The leftist wants us to live only in the present, with the state having all power over our bodies, our words, and our minds. And that is where we are going. The entire Democrat party is taking us there.
Well said. Thank you.
Pogster, the communist, is a mouthpiece for the revisionist movement also. Supporting of tearing down monuments, digging up graves, rewriting history and favoring PC with mind control.

I haven't posted anything "supporting" jack shit. I simply noted that removing a monument is not the same thing as "erasing history".

Which it isn't, and you cannot make the case that it is. Do you learn history from walking around examining statues?

Perhaps you should learn to read the English language. We tend to use it around here.
I haven't posted anything "supporting" jack shit. I simply noted that removing a monument is not the same thing as "erasing history".

Which it isn't, and you cannot make the case that it is.

Perhaps you should learn to read the English language. We tend to use it around here.
U mad bro?
The civil war has already been forgotten. The battles, the men, the honor, the savagery, brother against brother, the fact that it was the bloodiest war in human history up to that point. Do a man on th street Interview and ask the young people to name any civil war generals.

All they will have is the narrow view that a war was fought that ended slavery. This is what the op is about, erase the past and erase the American identity.

And that is a bunch of crap pogo. You take away the monuments and symbols and you take away the connection to the past. What the hell you think the monuments are there for?
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

Yeah ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... removing a statue or monument has no effect on history. It just removes the statue or monument.

---- or didn't you think of that?
According to that thinking, leaving them would have no impact either.
How many statues of Benedict Arnold are left standing? Is that erasing history, of is it minimizing traitors?
Yes. You do learn history by walking around examining monuments, statues and historical places. That is how you learn history.

The average college grad has absolutely no concept of United States history. They don't even know what the 4th of July is much less the civil war.
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

The point is this, the left hates anything or anybody who is opposed to, or outside, the all powerful state that they are trying to create. Under Communism, Christian holidays were outlawed, Churches were abandoned, children were encouraged to spy on their parents, any non-Communist parties were outlawed, all children were forced to join the Communist youth groups.

The left wants this to happen here, and if they can get either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton into office, it will be a victory for them. Both candidates hate and despise the United States, and everything it stands for. Both will continue Obama's policy of setting groups against each other, rich v. the middle class, white v. blacks, men v. women, gays v. straights. In other words, both candidates are counting on hate to sweep them into office, as what happened with Obama.

When you erase history, you are destroying all memory of our ancestors, and with it the knowledge of why we are here, what caused it to happen, and what will the future bring. The leftist wants us to live only in the present, with the state having all power over our bodies, our words, and our minds. And that is where we are going. The entire Democrat party is taking us there.

You really think the Civil War will just be forgotten? You're nuts.

Were you at Gettysburg? At Cemetery Ridge? Where did you see action?

Sure I was you dumb fuck I'll be 176 years old in June.
How many statues of Benedict Arnold are left standing? Is that erasing history, of is it minimizing traitors?
Did he ever have a statue? I am not aware of it, do tell please....
Damned good question. I meant this metaphorically, but we all can find out. I looked it up, can't find one. perhaps there is a deeper meaning in that, no one let him gain cache or some kind of relevance AFTER the fact. What is it about Confederate traitors that earned such an aura of transcendence Benedict Arnold didn't? I am not seeing it.
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Ponce de Leon's life size statue is displayed in St. Augustine, FL. He was 5' tall (or short) The buildings reflect the small stature of the conquistadors. I don't like that conquistadors were butchering natives, let's remove that statue from North America's oldest city founded by the Spanish.
Another interesting thing can be found in St. Augustine supporting the idea of not to tear down monuments. See below:

"A relic of this second period of Spanish rule is the Constitution monument, an obelisk honoring the Spanish Constitution of 1812,[67] one of the most liberal of its time. In 1814 King Ferdinand VII of Spain abolished that constitution and had monuments to it torn down; the one in St. Augustine is said to be the only one to survive." (bold highlighting is mine)
St. Augustine, Florida - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take that Pogster. Your monument destroying crusade may not be justified.
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Damned good question. I meant this metaphorically, but we all can find out. I looked it up, can't find one. perhaps there is a deeper meaning in that, no one let him gain cache or some kind of relevance AFTER the fact. What is it about Confederate traitors that earned such an aura of transcendence Benedict Arnold didn't? I am not seeing it.
I am not going engage your anti-American demagoguery. Nice try, though....
The civil war has already been forgotten. The battles, the men, the honor, the savagery, brother against brother, the fact that it was the bloodiest war in human history up to that point. Do a man on th street Interview and ask the young people to name any civil war generals.

All they will have is the narrow view that a war was fought that ended slavery. This is what the op is about, erase the past and erase the American identity.

And that is a bunch of crap pogo. You take away the monuments and symbols and you take away the connection to the past. What the hell you think the monuments are there for?

For people who can't read?

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